Lioness Goddess Divine Feminine Activation Portal ~ June 29, 2020

Editor’s Note: Change is on the horizon, indeed, my friends! Today, the energies continue to both pull and push toward our future as the constrictions for giving birth to a new you in a new world continue.

It won’t be long before we all take a leap with Magnificent Hearts, allowing us to BE the Quantum LOVE we are, existing in nothing but…

Quantum Joy!


Happy Sunday to my beautiful light family!

I trust you are all IN-joy-ing the surf as we traverse these seas of transformation?

I must say I feel like I am moving over oceans to get to where I am next to BE, so busy in this now moment that the movement somehow feels incredibly rapid but yet not visible at the same time.

The change of scenery on this journey is soon to become very noticeable, my karmic sleeves have been itching to be pulled up as we all ditch another level of the old, can you feel it too?

The energy field and mental field is no longer aligning with the physical field and all there is left to do is continue to CARE more about the physical so that the magic can begin.

A clean up mission is required this week, most especially before the final eclipse JUMP that we receive next Sunday which then finalises the codes we have received during this eclipse season.

I have SO much to write about this phase!

I have been spending the past few days figuring the codes out, so much so that yesterday required most of the day to be spent in meditation and it was through a symbol that revealed itself with a tree filled with lions that the TRUTH of where we are next heading became clear.

Whilst talking to my friend I realised the Lyra connection through the eclipse, which amused me because on the one side we have the Dog Star in activation, which means we have the Big Cats activated on the other with Vega who sits in the constellation of Lyra, and for those who know what I am currently surfing will be giggling with the relevance and alignments that I will be sharing in the super report that is now being birthed.

This is IT, this is the transformation we have been working towards this year.
Did you discover the balance point of the Divine Feminine?
Are you moving into these final 6 months with resistance or pure Divine Openness?

I know those in the Opal Portal are surfing like the God/desses that they are through the assistance of crystal clear clarity the portal offers.

If you would like to receive too then please head over to

The latest exclusive report will be ready and emailed out to the Opal members this week!

But for now I would like to leave you with a Gift in honour of the Lioness Goddess, a reminder of the spectrum that is the Divine Feminine.

The Divine Goddess

The woman, the balance of Sekhmet and Hathor
The nurturer, the Mother and the Goddess of war
A powerful being is the Divine Feminine
There’s a jewel in the heart of this exquisite specimen

Hathor the Lady of Stars, loves all in need
Those who starve their soul, she will give feed
Through music, dance and creative arts
Gently healing the damage of cold hearts

Allow her to walk with you and experience life
She will steer you with love and shield you from strife
But if strife is the path you are destined to walk
The energy of Sekhmet will begin to talk

Sekhmet the mirror the powerful force
Holds the reflection of truth to enforce
Return to sender the gift of eternal pain
Stripped naked in the winds of a hurricane

Be gentle, authentic and stand in your power
For she sees through your lies and will begin to devour
The shadows you dance with, have no place in her world
Transformed into energy grenades to be hurled

Treasure her heart and he shall find
A balance of energy, warm and kind
A mystical mix of a Goddess so strong
Who will create a safe place for his heart to belong.

So much love to YOU

Light Codes Are Streaming Onto the Earth ~ June 20, 2020

By Celia Fenn

Today, the 20th June, is the Solstice and it leads us into the New Moon/Solar Eclipse tomorrow on the 21st June.
The energy right now is so powerful….light codes are streaming onto the Earth through the Solstice/ Eclipse Portal.

The Solstice is always a time of “balance and return” where Sacred energies urge us to let go of what we no longer need and find the lightness and balance that we desire in our Heart.

In June 2020 we are especially aware that we need to “dive deep” and also encounter the darkness and the heaviness that is so prominent in the collective energy, and release and balance so that we can come into balance with our Galactic and Cosmic heritage and consciousness.

The Eclipse tomorrow focusses on the Divine Feminine energy, with the New Moon in Cancer flowing with Lunar Codes of Renewal, and the Solar Eclipse grounding Fiery new Codes. The Divine Feminine is stepping into her Solar Power and her Golden Light. She is expanding to be the energy of Renewal for the New Earth.

This is a Sacred moment, when we need to be aware of our own Divine Feminine power of Creativity and Manifestation and how we can hold our vision of the New Earth and bring it into Reality.

The more we focus on higher consciousness and the New Earth, the more we can lift our consciousness to that level and live in that Reality.
It does not matter if there is chaos in the ‘other timeline’, we need to focus on the incoming timeline of “Galactic Culture” where we can connect with the incoming Golden Age of Peace. Remember that the two timelines exist in the same space at the moment, as we get to choose the one on which we will evolve further.

This is what we came to do and experience as Galactic and Angelic families on Earth.

I wish you Peace and Inner Joy on this Sacred week end.

Code of Divine Feminine Grace – Kin 80 ~ Yellow Lunar Sun ~ June 17, 2020

Editor’s Note: As a woman of the Light who is just learning I AM Quantum, I rejoice to learn how other women are now recognizing their own Magnificent internal strength and beauty for bringing LOVE into the Earth.

This process of grace illuminates our Earth as we ALL walk through portals into new dimensions of consciousness, allowing us ALL to Be in…

Quantum Joy!


This Code of Divine Feminine Grace came during a deep journey while I was in Thailand. This has the essence of Mary Magdelene lineage and Quan Yin.

I am sharing it here for the world freely with love at this time as my whole being is being moved by waves and waves of expansion and love.

Every time I share these catalyzing exchanges and step up into truth I am expanded more.

Every time I have the courage to stand up in the middle of the darkness and shine my heart and exercise my right to freedom of speech and expression I see how deeply I am held in the process.

Every time I look at that darkness and recognize it is my ability and compassion to see through the eyes of that darkness as part of my whole that takes me deeper into the light.

We are being called to empty with open eyes, with open heart and come to the peace within.

Why are we so afraid of being BRILLIANT?

Celebrating our love – dancing our joys – shaking our rattles and shining our hearts light right in the center of the compression and distortion IS what we are being asked to do.

YOU are amazing, YOU make my heart burst, YOUR courage to come in and light up flaws me every single day, YOUR authentic voice brings divine tears and YOUR humour has me holding my aching sides.

WE walk this path hand in hand, heart to heart, eye to eye.

United we Dance


Standing Up for Justice; Need for the Divine Feminine ~ June 11, 2020

We knew going into 2020 that it would be different and mark a new beginning. There was a kind of cautious excitement in the air as we began the new decade. We had lots of signs that the status quo was crumbling and that there would be a number of reckonings addressing our world’s dysfunction. Then came Covid-19, and now massive protests over racism and inequality. Both of these issues could be fundamental game-changers for our society. Continue reading for a higher view of where we are and how to stay calm when our world seems turned upside down.


Firstly, consider the link between Covid-19 and racism. Both have a virus-type energy that stirs fear, uncertainty, and reminders of past historical experiences.

Viruses have been a natural part of Earth’s life stream. Scientists believe viruses played a key role in evolution of many species, including our own. Some viruses, when we’re exposed to them, can make us sick or cause us to die. Others are asymptomatic. Because there’s so much we don’t yet understand about viruses and the potentially-deadly kinds like Covid-19, there’s uncertainty associated with a Covid-19 pandemic.

Racism, which we’ve had in a systemic way throughout history, is not natural to humans – it’s a conditional adaptation. It’s based on fear, control, and the ego-need to have power over others in a hierarchical and patriarchal way. These roots go so deep that they are invisible until one begins investigating the “why.”

Humans were conditioned to have racist tendencies, over thousands of years.

In our natural state – before conditioning – we are social beings that gravitate towards building community with one another and helping each other. This is wired into our core at a DNA level. That’s who we are.

Fast Forward to Now

When we were born into this life, we didn’t pack a suitcase with reminders of our previous lifetimes or those of our ancestors. Our conscious mind operated like this life was the start of our existence.

Some of you may remember as a child having flashbacks or dreams of another time and place. However, usually that “past archive” is experienced only briefly and without tangible connection to the current life. We simply don’t connect the dots, except perhaps later in life when we’re doing a past life regression or DNA healing work. Then, in those instances, what comes up in our awareness is pertinent to something specific happening in our current life.

What We Forget

In our amnesia after birth, we forget that we have had countless lifetimes on this and other worlds. If we are born female, we don’t remember what it was like to be male. If we were born white, we don’t remember what it was like to be black or brown. If we were born privileged enough to be fed and clothed daily – having our basic needs taken care of, we don’t remember our lifetimes of poverty, starvation, oppression, racism, slavery, and other forms of bondage. If we were born into a life of subservience to others who misused power to dominate, we don’t remember our lifetimes when we did the same thing.

When I do DNA healing work for clients, we access this past history on a need-to-know basis. Depending on what issues are arising, for example, it may help to release traumas and clear prejudice by focusing on past experiences that are influencing the present. Sometimes a person says the mere sight of a protest march over racism makes his or her skin crawl. Others tell me they have a visceral response to seeing a video of a woman tearfully sharing how her 16-year-old black son died at the hands of police.

What We Need to Remember

What we need to remember in these times is who we really are and what comes natural to us. At a core level, each of us regardless of gender has a divine feminine and a divine masculine. We have this even if we are not conscious of it. As we evolve and become whole, we balance our male and female and each is elevated out of ego and into divine expression.

When I say “we” I mean ALL of us. That includes everyone from the policeman, the mayor, the corporate president, and the country leader.

It includes the looter, the paid agitator, and the arsonist. All of these individuals, regardless of how they appear to us now, are playing their part in the awakening of humanity. Therefore, we must strive to transform our anger towards them into forgiveness and empathy.

What’s Here – What’s Coming

In the past several years as more of humanity began awakening, there’s been a rise in energies associated with the divine feminine. This is all around us now, despite how chaotic and divided our world feels. Peoples’ hearts are opening, and there’s more listening taking place. Listening and receptivity are feminine qualities. We need more of this, but let’s acknowledge the progress we’ve made already. Some is showing up in the protest marches described below.

Need for the Divine Feminine

One thing that struck me during recent marches for justice was the presence of divine feminine energy. This energy, embodied by beings like Kuan Yin, is compassionate, merciful, courageous, and loving. To be sure, there was plenty of anger and grief present, yet an energy of caring also began surfacing.

I witnessed a groundswell of this energy – not only between protestors but even from some police marching with protestors. Some police took a knee with protestors.

This happened in several cities, including my town Santa Monica. Compassion was expressed by listening and being willing to walk side-by-side with others.

Need for Solidarity

What we need now is solidarity – a coming together of the human race to resolve issues that keep us in the dark ages and threaten our ability to have a sustainable planet. When only the privileged are free from discrimination and poverty, the majority have no real voice.

It will take unity across the world to resolve climate and other sustainability issues. What we have right now is a top-down model – fueled by greed and ego-power. Those in power destroy what does not serve their agenda. There is no long-range view to consider 50, 100, or 1,000 years from now.

Most of us deeply care about our planet and all life forms here. We care about each other. We care about the needless pain and suffering of others who are harmed by systemic racism and other forms of oppression. We care about this even if this never happened to us in this lifetime.

When humanity’s darkness comes to light, we naturally take notice and care about oppression we see. This has always been the case, yet now is different.

Remember that the 2020s are not “normal” times – we’re in a massive unveiling of society’s shadow. Some things long a part of our culture are now coming to light in an expanded way. The spotlight on them, in fact, is so bright that we cannot look away. This is a natural aspect of our world’s mega transformation.

It’s not about politics. If it feels like that to you or to your friends, consider what I wrote this week on my ‘Selacia, The Council of 12’ page:

“Standing up to oppression and racism is a moral and humane choice. It’s not about politics. We humans all carry this scar within us, because of our shared conditioning over thousands of years. Walk gently with your brothers and sisters. Be the light to each other so we together can transform out of our darkness.”

Remedies to Stay Calm

It’s understandable that there would be tensions in the air. We’ve been isolating for weeks, we feel uncertainty about a growing list of things, and then since the police killing of George Floyd there’s been nonstop media coverage of citizen protests and examples of police brutality. And all of this during some of the most tumultuous planetary energies of our lifetimes.

To stay calm with all of this going on is no simple matter. However we can do it, and we must do it, in order to be effective change agents for a more loving world. This is no time to sit on the sidelines and let others respond. We’re in the 2020s now, and that means active engagement and staying present to both the big picture and happenstance details so we can constructively help ourselves and others.

We hold in our hands and hearts the seeds of a more loving world. Discouraged by injustice towards minorities and angry about what we witnessed in Minneapolis? It’s natural to feel sad and angry, and to desire change. Let’s personally work with our anger, facing it and processing it – so it doesn’t impair our judgement and get acted out in harmful ways. Let’s actively use our voices for positive change. Let’s reach for the love naturally within us, applying that love over the coming days to do our part in creating a more loving world. We can do this.

Copyright 2020 by Selacia – a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

ANCESTORS ~ March 27, 2020

by GalaxyGirl

Greetings light holders. We ancestors step forward. We see from a vantage point different than your own. We see the interweaving patterns of love, of creation from Father Sky’s hands to Mother Earth’s womb. Such balance is returning to your world. Humankind must feel the aliveness of the earth under bare feet once again, must realize all is sacred. Mother Earth is to be loved and protected once again as the native peoples of her form taught and practiced.

The sky people are returning. We see them with uncloaked vision. The sky people offer wisdom, hope, new beginnings, new medicine. We have been in understandings of their ways.

When we were embodied they would visit, they would teach. We would learn of the sacredness of the starlight reflections on the rippling water, of the energies that were infused within the Mother. We would feel how she would share her energy, her prana with us, in the food we would grow and harvest. She would nourish us with her plants, her animal life is sacred to us, we could drink from her waters without illness or disease. Disease came to our land when the white men came. We have forgiven them this. But now is the time of the rebalancing and this history is not to be repeated. New days dawn. Father Sky has brighter colors of blue, of the throat chakra of the higher dimensional vibrations. Mother will be green again, the heart chakra blessed for all who see and feel her energies of deep love for humanity.

We native peoples are Lemurian seeds, many of us. Many of you were us. Many of you feel this ancient wisdom, this stirring deep within your cellular memories. You remember dancing naked with joy in the drum circles. You remember your warrior ceremonies to protect those you love, your mother, your child’s mother, your planetary mother. All life is sacred.

The divine feminine is returning in her full form. She is beautiful. She will be free once mankind ceases her destruction, so that she can grow and heal.

We are the ancestors of your past, of your native lands when they were lush and full of life. They shall be again. We see the sky people returning rapidly in their sky canoes. We know them. They are our friends. We are here to tell you to welcome them. The oppressors that bred fear within the hearts of men are being removed. We see this as happening now. The sky people mean no harm, they offer healing for the mother and for humanity. The change is here. We dance the native dance. We sing the native song. We celebrate the victory. The prophecy complete.

We are the ancient ones, the ancestors of your past memories. We see you as our own, for our lineage lives on within the cellular memories of the Nova Gaians reborn. (I am seeing waterfalls and hearing the loud roaring of water. Lush greenery surrounds, many animals are nearby watching). Yes, young one. The Earth is pristine in her beauty. The animal kingdoms, expectant.

So too should those of you who resonate be expectant of all good things. These bows and arrows of fear melt into smoke and mist to the awakened ones who command it to be so. The point of the spear of truth is sharper than any fear of the mind. Master your mind and master your fear. The enemy we see evaporating into the mist of long forgotten dreams to be replaced with better memories.

Young ones, old ones, wise ones. We see you in your struggles. We hear the mother’s cries as she gives birth to the new. You are her children. You are the rainbow warriors of the way, from the stars, to be soon joined by the star people of your other lineage. You have many pasts, you have many futures, but there is only now. Feel the warm earth of the Mother beneath your feet. See the woven tapestry of creation. See the warrior within you as balanced and compassionate, whose goal is to serve and protect family and home. We shall see peace on earth again.

We surround you, young one, in a circle of light. We place our woven blankets of heritage over your shoulders, for such is the story of life. Knots, threads, dead ends, new patterns emerge, beads of many colors representing the mineral kingdoms – the jewelry of the mother, all interwoven in the massive story of earth. We place a feather headdress upon your head, crowning your crown chakra so that you may hear the star people and your own inner whispers more clearly. We smudge you with holy smoke. We paint your face with the clay of the earth. The sacred clay shall give you strength in the coming days. You are one of us. Peaceful warrior, be at peace, be truly at peace. Remember your calling. Protect the mother and all things shall fall into line.

Honor your brother, your sister. Respect your elders and care for the less fortunate. Share your plenty of harvest. Form your village. Feel your calling. It is time for new moccasins. A new path has arrived. You are ready. We are the ancestors. We honor you this day.