Archangel Gabriel ~ April 28, 2020

Editor’s Note: another message comes to us advising us to relax, and be easy with ourselves as we ascend our energies. We are advised again and again to relax, breathe, and allow ourselves to yield to the process of transformation.

Please read, allow ease and comfort into your life (and the definition for this is unique for you), and then find yourself in BEing in …

Quantum Joy!


Through Shelley Young

 April 26,

The ascension journey is a process of evolution that has its own divine intelligence. Not only does your body know what to do, you are also being supported energetically in the unfoldment of that evolution.

Just as there was no specific knowledge or action required by you in order for your physical body to grow and develop other than to provide the basic needs of food, water, air, and sleep, there is nothing you need to do beyond good self care in order to assist your body in its energetic process of ascension.

Be easy, Dear Ones. Trust the unfoldment that is occurring. If there is something you need to address in order to support you in your evolution, it will come up into your awareness.

Please be tender and loving with yourselves as you are in a corridor of profound transformation. You cannot mess it up, for even if you tried to resist the process all that would happen is you would get far too uncomfortable before long and would simply choose to surrender back into the flow of your divine unfoldment.

You are ready to birth the New You and the New Earth, in fact, this is exactly what your soul has been preparing for all along


Archangel Gabriel’s DAILY MESSAGE ~ SATURDAY AUGUST 31, 2019 ~ August 31, 2019

Editor’s Note: Very nice and reassuring message on how to let higher energies unfold within your soul. What to do once you are energetically
“charged”? Please read salient advice below, know yourself, and BE…



By Shelley Young

Many of you have wrapped up the first phase of your incarnation and are poised to step into the new.  You have done a tremendous amount of energetic shifting, both on a personal and planetary level. You have slowed down and cocooned to integrate these changes. And now you are ready to explore what is possible from this new energetic state.

Everything is undergoing a profound shift. You are moving from a doing based system to a being based system. You are evolving from navigating primarily through the mind into navigating through the heart. You are letting go of martyred service and ready for joyful, supported service. You have completed your soul’s initial to-do list and are now exploring new possibilities through co-creation and preference.

At this point it can be difficult to know what next steps profound shiftto take as you are still trying to find your energetic bearings. It can be very helpful to simply recommit to being of your highest service and allow the unfoldment from there, making your best and highest choices one Now moment at a time. If you do this, before you know it you will have moved far enough into the new energies to start to get a better feel of what they hold and how to flow with them, allowing yourself to be both the love and the beloved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Archangel Gabriel DAILY MESSAGE ~ THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14, 2019

Daily Message by Trinity Esoterics 

Love is a beautiful combination of acceptance and connection. On this day that focuses on love, we celebrate your heart connections with you.

What if you don’t have a beloved in your life? You can still celebrate that connection because your soul always knows exactly how to connect with the energy of your next great love. Simply stop, still yourself, and feel their presence energetically. Honour their existence, and feel the love that already exists between the two of you!

The same it is for the loved ones you already know who may not be in close physical proximity to you on this day. Simply close your eyes, connect with them, and feel their loving embrace. Wrap them up in your love!

Dear Ones, the energy of love transcends time, space, and physicality. It is a glorious energy that can be acknowledged and shared in many different dimensions and ways, all of which are equally valid and beautiful.

While you are at it, why not open up and feel the immense love we have for you?  This day is a day to honour and embrace the many different ways love can be felt and expressed, which, in turn, creates ripples of love across the universe.

~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Archangel Gabriel’s DAILY MESSAGE ~ SATURDAY AUGUST 18, 2018 ` August 18, 2018

By Shelley Young

The energies you have been moving through, while they may seem daunting at times, are completely transformative and what you have been wanting to experience. All the work you have done has been preparing you for the times you are in right now.

We have spoken of having two distinct phases of your incarnation, the first phase, which is wrapping up for you, and the next phase which focuses on your emerging sovereignty – stepping into your authentic power and assuming the role of pioneer and empowered co-creator.

What you have been experiencing over the past several weeks has been assisting you in the review process of the first phase, so you can truly assess the growth you have attained and the discoveries you have made. The intensity of the energies is so you can leave no stone unturned, so you can heal, release, and complete the themes you had placed at the forefront of that first phase. All of this has given you great clarity on what you would like to leave behind, and what you might like to experience more of as you move forward into the next phase of your incarnation.

What we are trying to get across here is that you are all exactly where you are meant to be. You are being assisted in all of it, right from your cells all the way through to the planets and guides and helpers of the universe. Your timing is impeccable and your ability to handle the energies is becoming more masterful every day.

It will take some time to truly comprehend how changed you are as you emerge from this transformative window of time. Some of you will discover new, unknown capabilities. Some of you will find it easier to embrace being rather than doing. All of you will start to see more and more your innate ability to create and will start to play with co-creating your life expression in completely new ways. It is the dawn of a new day, Dear Ones, and we couldn’t be more pleased for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Archangel Gabriel’s DAILY MESSAGE ~ THURSDAY MARCH 22, 2018 ~ March 22, 2018

By Shelley Young

One of the greatest things you can do to shift your satisfaction with your life experience and embrace your creator self is to re-examine the circumstances of your life with fresh eyes and start making choices based on preference.

So first we highly recommend you stop and ask yourself what you would do if you did not know one person in the world. What would you do if there was absolutely no fear of judgment? If you had no one you felt you needed to please? If you knew for sure everything would turn out fine?

Now that you have some clarity about how you are denying yourself or holding yourself back, decide which elements you wish to bring forward with you in your life expression. This is the critical part. Make sure if you are bringing something forward due to a sense of duty, responsibility, or personal integrity, that you are clear on the fact that you are now doing it because you choose to, not because you have to.

Recognizing that everything is a free will choice is how you heal resentment, Dear Ones. It is how you shift into self responsibility from victim consciousness and start to embrace your innate and authentic power as the creator of your life expression. It moves you from resistance to acceptance, which will create far more satisfaction in all your interactions with others. Choice is your empowerment in action. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
