A heads up! The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth ~ October 27, 2019

By Hare in the Moon Astrology

Sunday October 27 2019

Back in April this year I wrote:” In this next Wave sweeping the Event Horizon – the 2020-2030 Great Transformation – we are entering a time when transparency, authenticity and openness are going to be critical. This is not wishful New Age thinking but the only safe way to thrive.
If you want to live peacefully, abundantly and congruently in the years to come, you must walk your talk. Why? Because your walk will be visible. If there is any degree of hypocrisy in your life, you are in danger of exposure. But think of it as having a wound cleaned or a bone reset when people expect you to operate in a way that is consistent with the values you express. So, wherever there is a dissonance between your value system and your actions, close the gap. “

Keep this in mind in the week and months ahead….

Starting with Monday’s Scorpio New Moon, this is a week- and more-of forensic excavation of the Truth. No one will be able to avoid the clear eyed scrutiny of their integrity. This is a relentless combination of Mercury retrograde in Pluto ruled Scorpio -the private investigator of the zodiac-and the intensifying squeeze and contraction of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in power obsessed Capricorn. Mercury, Venus and Pallas are conjunct in the Master degrees of Scorpio aligned with Chiron- symbol of the weakest link in the chain or Achilles Heel. Pallas is all about law, politics and strategy so expect yet more revelations in both the impeachment process and the UK Parliamentary chaos over Brexit. The stakes are high…….

Read your free October 27- November 3rd Week Ahead + Sign Forecasts at:

My latest monthly 5D Report for creatives, empaths, solopreneurs and outliers is out now……subscribe at : www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk


The Lunar Nodes Changing Signs November 2018 ~ November 15, 2018

By Tanaaz

The first few weeks of November have been busy with the Scorpio New Moon, Jupiter’s shift into its ruling sign of Sagittarius, and the Lunar Nodes moving out of Leo and Aquarius and into Cancer and Capricorn.

The Lunar Nodes are mathematical points between the Sun and the Moon that are critical in astrology. They represent karmic lessons and how we can transcend that karma in order to evolve.

There are two Lunar Nodes- the North and the South. We look to the South Lunar Node for guidance on what lessons we have mastered in previous incarnations, and we look to the North Lunar Node for what purpose or lessons we have to work through in this particular lifetime.

The Lunar Nodes also dictate what astrological signs we will have the Eclipses in, so as the Lunar Nodes settle into their new home, we can expect the next series of Eclipses to fall in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn. (There is an exception to this rule in January 2019 where we have the final Eclipse in Leo).

The Lunar Nodes change signs every 18 months, so this new cycle is one that we will all be feeling. As Cancer is in the North Node position, and Capricorn is in the South Node position, this indicates we are here to master the lessons of Cancer, and to evolve and build upon the Capricorn lessons we have already mastered in the past.

While we ultimately want to create a balance between both Cancer and Capricorn, it seems that we are being asked to evolve by focusing more on the qualities of Cancerian energy, and to use these qualities to build upon what we already know.

Cancer energy is about mothering, nurturing, and is very connected to feeling. Cancer energy is very feminine and encourages us to think about the home and family. In a way, you could stay that Cancer energy represents the mother.

On the other hand, Capricorn energy is very ambitious and is all about working hard to achieve your goals. In a way, you could say that Capricorn energy represents the father, and encourages us to think about success and our career.

Having the Lunar Nodes in Cancer and Capricorn indicates that we are being encouraged to balance our nurturing, emotional side with our ambitious, hardworking side. We are also going to be asked to shift how we approach our work-life balance and how we choose to go after our goals.

While Capricorn energy favors hard work and making small steps to get ahead, Cancer energy is much more focused on using its intuition and going after positions that evoke passion and have family values.

While Capricorn energy has very much been about “working hard for the man” and being competitive in order to get ahead, Cancer energy is more about working as a team, and thinking about the greater good rather than just how to get ahead.

On a collective level, over the next 18 months, we may see companies beginning to shift in their structure and let go of hierarchies. We may also see this in our governments too, and there may be more of a focus on the power of the people, rather than of the leader.

We may also be challenging beliefs about working hard, or that life needs to be hard, and we may even question traditional beliefs about what constitutes a successful life.

When our grandparents and even parents were younger, they were told that if they wanted to be successful, they needed to go to college and get a degree. Then, once they had their degree, they needed to start at the bottom and work their way to the top in order to get ahead. Once they were at the top, they would have enough money to buy a white-picket home and a nice car or two. They were encouraged to work hard, with the promise if they did, that they would be able to retire and then travel the world. This was the definition of success.

While there are a few people lucky enough to have lived this dream, majority of people soon discovered that this was not really a good recipe for life. People were miserable in their jobs, and then when retirement came, they barely had enough to afford their current lifestyle, let alone travel.

In fact, a palliative care nurse wrote a book on the regrets of the dying and time and time again, the number one regret people had on their deathbeds was that they spent too much time at work and not enough time with their families.

Working long hours, climbing our way to the top, seeking prestige and material goods have all been markers of a successful life, and something that has been drilled into us as to what will make us happy and productive members of society, but these beliefs are now up for review.

It is important to acknowledge that this belief and way of living served us for some time, but now we are being asked to balance this karma, and to let go of this way of life.

We have to re-write the rules on what success means to us, and we have to favor spending time with family and doing things we feel passionate about as a way to create security, not just going after material goods or status.

Creating a healthy work-life balance is key, as is making the time for people we consider to be our family.

With the Nodes in Cancer and Capricorn, this is going to be our focus, and over the next 18 months it is likely we are going to see changes in how people approach their careers and their home and family lives.

On a personal level, the Nodes moving to Cancer and Capricorn are going to change the way we see ourselves and is going to encourage us to get more in touch with our emotions and intuition.

We are also going to be encouraged to value our emotional health and to consider that health and wellbeing is not just a physical state of affairs but a spiritual one as well.

On an energetic level, the Nodes moving to Cancer and Capricorn are also going to help balance the energy between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, and we are going to find it easier to tap into feminine energies and embrace them. We may also find it easier to connect with the cycles of the Moon and to tune into our intuition.

Ultimately, the move of the Nodes into Cancer and Capricorn will be helping to shift the belief that we need to work hard in order to be “somebody” or to be recognized. Instead, we need to find greater value in who we are as people. Self-worth, not net worth.

In order for this softer, nurturing Cancer energy to rise up, we may first have to witness this work-hard, be disciplined, Capricorn energy rising to the surface. In a way, we have to become aware of this collective karma before we can begin to make changes.

All of our souls chose to be on earth at this time for this very mission. We all chose to come to Earth with this has our collective karma, and it is up to us to re-write and re-wire these vibrations to create harmony and balance.

For so long we have been told to follow tradition, follow the rules, and do things the tried and true way. While this all has its place, this wave of Cancer energy wants us to let go of these beliefs a little and make room for a new way of thinking.

Rather than getting ahead at all costs, this Lunar node placement wants us to think about others and the greater impact our actions are having. Rather than fighting our way to the top, this node position wants us to relax, work as a team, and trust our intuition a little more.

The movement of the nodes to Cancer and Capricorn is going to help lessen the grips of the patriarchy, and help us to tune into our softer, more nurturing sides. We are going to be guided to think about family, to think about what is really important, and to focus on the sensitive, creative parts of our soul.

If we do this, we can advance and clear our collective karma in order to raise the vibration of the planet and the consciousness of all souls.


Scorpio New Moon Trust Your Instincts Sat~ November 7, 2015


Ah…the times of change, they are upon is! Never you mind whether this change is external, internal, or both…positive changes are HERE! This article, found on GalacticConnection.com, urges us to stop, take a look at out “inner selves”, and consider just what changes you would like to see in your life, “…use the spare time to take a look at what has to die in your life, and what it is that wants to be born now!!!

So…please read this article, use your mind wisely to know yourself and your desires, and…


Dear Friends,
I am sure you heard by now that we are again in a wave of rising frequencies, for the next layer of change in the human collective. The Scorpio New Moon on November 11 is an energetic gateway for even more intense divine blueprints, that will be downloaded on us that day. This is due to a complete alignment between the Sun and the Planet Sirius. Make sure you can spend some time alone this weekend!! Make space in your mind and emotional body, so the shifts can happen with ease. Scorpio is the ruler of death and rebirth, so use the spare time to take a look at what has to die in your life, and what it is that wants to be born now!!! I hope you find support and inspiration here, to make your life truthfully your!!
Love and Moon Shine! Edith

Shared with the kind permission of the wonderful Kelley Rosano:
The Scorpio New Moon on November 11 gives birth to the new you. New Moons are new beginnings. This is a good time to set your intention for what you want to create in the next thirty days. This is also the time to set your intention for what you want to create next year. You can consciously create your heart’s desire. It is time to shed the old skins. Release what is dying. Let go of what is not working for you. Move to higher ground. That is raise your vibration. This Moon will bring your deepest desires to the surface. You know what drives you. What compels you to the choices that you make? Scorpio is about death and rebirth. This is a cycle of completions and new beginnings. You want to get off to a good start.


• What are you completing?
• What doors are opening up for you?
• Where are you ready to go to the next level?
Scorpio rules emotional truth. Among many areas are joint finances and sexuality. Pluto is Scorpios ruling planet. He is in a helpful energy flow with both lights (the Sun and the Moon.) This is good news. Empowering you to regenerate your life and relationships. You can rebuild your body. You can rebuild your finances. You can create a new life. Scorpio is passion. Pluto is power. How you use power. How you get power. How you own our power. Or, how you give your power away. This Moon offers you both passion and power. You need both to get things done. Do what empowers you. Do what makes you strong. Follow your passion.
• What is your truth?
• What is your heart’s desire?
• What is your passion?
• Who or what is holding you back?
• What action steps can you take today to empower yourself?

Pluto rules transformation. The Sun and Mercury are coupled in Scorpio. This means you are to transform your thinking. Mercury symbolizes how you use your mind. He is the messenger to the Gods. He is the only planet that can travel through Heaven, Earth and the underworld. Mercury shows how your mind moves between the super-conscious, conscious and unconscious positions. How is your mind working for you? Are you proactive or reactive? Are you holding positive expectations for you? What is your truth? How you talk to yourself is how you talk to others. Are you focused on the negative? Are you replaying the same old messages? On the other hand, are you feeding your mind with positive affirmations? Are you seeing the glass half full? New insights and understandings can come to you now. Use the power of your mind to achieve great things. Such as inner peace.
There is more good news. Jupiter is empowering you to make positive changes in your life. Like Pluto, he is in a sextile with the New Moon. You can use this energy to change your life for the better. Change can be exciting and fun. Go with the flow. Be open to new opportunities. Make friends with change. Change is your friend. This includes the painful changes. Shed the old. Embrace the new in your life. Let go of your need to control. Control is fear. Replace your need to make plans. Instead, be spontaneous. Be here now. All your power is in the now. The future will take of itself. Your power is inside of you. It is your Inner Being. Reach for your real power. The surface will not give you strength. Dive deep.
There are two points on the Moon that are very important. These are the North Node and the South Node. The North Node is the direction in life you are to move forward in. The South Node is where you are to travel no more. The transiting North Node moves into Virgo on November 11. This is about your service to the world. Learning, teaching what you know. Honing in on your skills. Your purpose in life. Being humble. Serving. The South Node in Pisces is where you are not to go. Idealizing people or situations. Escaping through drugs or alcohol. Playing the role of victim. The North Node will remain in Virgo until May 2017.

• What is your promise to the universe?
• What have you come to do?
• Who have you come to be?