In This THE GAME Of Life ~ February 16, 2020

Editor’ Note: I get it! I get it! That final step into mastery of your own life! Knowing and feeling with unrelenting focus changes everything in your world. Understanding with your heart how YOU, yourself are actually the cause of all you experience in this life which causes new doors and experiences to open wide!

How exciting when consciousness matures into the full realization of self, allowing one to exist and continually BE…



L’Aura Pleiadian 

Changes take place when no matter what people say or do or what situations arise, your thoughts and feelings are not impacted.

Your sturdiness in this way of being not attached to outcome and the whirlwind thoughts that dictate your current experience resign in their importance and take the backseat to your heart. THEN changes takes place.

At THAT level there becomes the awareness of not questioning the why, where, when and what of THINGS.

As the predominant AWARENESS IS THAT OF letting go of outcomes and existing AS THE CAUSE ~ CONSCIOUSLY of your reality EXPERIENCE.

This is taking RESPONSIBILITY for your own experience.

The external is the dream world of reality as if a VIRTUAL reality and all the situations are players in this virtual experience.

They shift as your awareness shifts.

Your perceptions COMPLETELY change as you exist within this SCOPE OF MASTERY BEING.

In order to win and master this the so called game of virtual life, you must become the master of YOU through awareness.

The FOCUS of this then becomes the paramount LAUNCHING pad for your next CONSCIOUS timeline shift/parallel world experience as you have then entered a new level in the game of life.

YOUR heart plays the predominant role in the GUIDER of this which allows the thought patterns to resolve their chaotic patterns of launching schemes and plans to battle the external. WHICH are all futile in the game of life as once one battle is complete the next new one begins disguised as new players.

The key to this mastery takes great FOCUS and attention beyond the intention.

Similar to deciding to make changes to the form, yet sitting around and doing nothing. The WILL MUST BE consciously included in this game with the awareness of developed FOCUS as this becomes a piercing through the veils INTO FORM and levels that penetrate matter and awareness so deeply it CHANGES THE GAME.

THAT IS THE true game changer in all of this THE CAUSE imparted to you now.

Wake up from the sleep of non applied awareness.

Dare to be conscious of HOW you are playing.

BE the one conscious of HOW it is you ARE Being in all moments.

When you have mastered this, changes take place through you and all around you, because it is YOU. You are the one holding that remote even if UNAWARE.

Wake up all you that sleep deeply and the moment has arrived for your maturing into taking that responsibility once and for all.

Wake up and take notice of NOW ~ How you ARE BEING.

IN love this is activated NOW. Deeply and the game continues throughout all dimensions. Maybe you will see me in your next parallel world.

Experiences and life may SHIFT dramatically now as the game has upped the anti of frequency.  The magicians and the MASTERS now are revealed.


The Pleiadians ~ What is Close to Your Heart? ~ September 16, 2019

Pleiadian Transmission By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We come to escort you into an entrance of the many mirrors of self, of the past, and of the future.  you each sit at the crossroads of your life.  What this means is that as the time tracks change in the upcoming period, it is important to view your life from a new vantage point.

For too long now you have endured what you were suppose to endure, have done what you were suppose to do.  You have come to a point now where you must either remain upon the cross of old or free yourself.  It is time to release your “suppose to’s” and your “should haves” and gain entrance into the highways and the byways of your future.

Each of you plant many thought seeds per day.  Thoughts that you know for certain will not bloom.  Thoughts that you wish would bloom, and thoughts that you sit upon to keep from blooming.  It is time as the farmer of your life, to take responsibility for the seeds you plant.

It is not a time of wishful thinking.  Wishful thinking is like throwing seeds upon a hill during a rain shower.  Hoping and wishing that the seeds would take root upon that hill, but knowing they will run as the water flows.  Many of you throw seeds in your life planting in the hills and the dales of confusion.

Between now and November 11th, it is important that you pay attention to what you plant via every thought and intention.  Many of you are settling for.  It is as sitting in an old comfy chair made of stickers and nettles, one can get use to anything.  Life has been so hard you are beginning to get comfortable with all those thorns.

Change is full frontal on the planet earth at this time. it is demanding,  pushing and  prodding everyone out of there comfort zone. As 2019 comes to an end You will come into clarity why so many circumstances and people, pushed you to make choices that you were not comfortable making.  These were life and soul choices part of the grand design.

The peoples in your life, are your teachers.  Acknowledge them as such.  Many of you are in relationships that your soul is demanding to let go of but your humanness is not comfortable in doing such as yet.   so you hold on as riding a wild horse not wanting to let go because that would hurt more, but staying on for the ride of your life.  It is either a time of accelerating to higher love or a time of letting go of what is.  You are finding much aggravation within your self, within your life, within your businesses.  Everything on Earth is upping the wattage in vibration.  There is no way that anything can stay still in this frequency.

These powerful energies come to show you that all that you have dreamt all that you have held close in your heart, and all that you have yearned for has been there all the time, under the surface of a cloudy world filled with illusion.  These words were necessary to help you understand that it is time to keep holding on.  Many of you are about to give up.   We ask you to hold on, what is dear to your heart and dear to your life,  hold on just a little bit longer.  Do not toss your life by the wayside like a paper cup.  Hold onto what you dream and what you know to be truth in your heart.

People are becoming more of themselves than they have ever have.  People are standing strong in their personalities and strong in their belief systems not swaying, as they have in the past  One that is truly strong in their spirit will not be influenced or swayed or bothered by the opinions, of another.  You are given this time as for a rest as the time of the eclipses enter.  Allow yourself to take time for self in these upcoming months.  Do for you!  Do not wait for another to be in agreement with you.  Do not wait for another’s day off. Do not wait for another’s okay to come into yourself You are opening new doorways for yourselves.  You are not waiting for others to open it for you any longer.  You see the door.  You see the handle.  And you are brave enough to walk through.  Do not be as a big oak tree and stay planted where you are and expect the rest of the world to walk by you.  Very little of the world passes by the oak tree.  So the oak must learn to walk and go forward, to merge and mingle with other trees and other energies.

The time doorways of prosperity that have been closed for a very long time, begin to awaken and reopen.  You have been trained by life to expect less, to take less, to be less.  Now it is time to be trained in wealth and abundance.  For each of you there is a secret panel in your soul.  It is an energy that has not been activated.  It is a part of you that you do not even know about.  That secret panel will be opening up inside of you, for you to see something about yourself that you never knew.  This will be of a joyous knowing.  Humans hold the contract on fear.  Most people are very afraid of many things from spiders to sharks, to alligators, to each other.  These words were groomed for your ears only. We are the Pleiadians and we go.


Emanating the Divine Codes ~ August 23, 2019

Editor’s note: Just an awesome message here! A message of the internal changes which occur as each of us learns that whatever it is we seek…comes from within us. As we balance ourselves and understand our own Divinity, our completeness, and our ability to be ALL that we need to BE, all that remains is for us to BE…



By A Gift From Gaia

Moon now on the Pleiades, go inward, address within Self the adjustments required to stabilise your new frequency through your recent realisation.

In front of the seven sisters we acknowledge self, in the purest of truth, we reflect our behaviour and take full responsibility.

We fill with gratitude for the experience and all that played their part and we focus the forgiveness within, complete validation, and vow to never enter that field again.

Only the finest of fields are to be experienced and once we have completed this work, when the unconscious has been seen the only options are ever the finest.

And at this point, is when the channels of abundance open, gushing forward magical opportunities aligned to your conscious field.

A frequency match….that’s all it ever was

And if you have grown tired of the ups and downs of the rollercoaster you call life, if you know deep in your bones that you NEED outside of yourself, that you need to be liked, need to be loved, need to receive value, need to be heard, when you need anything from the outside then the 3xperience of looping realities that show the Separation will continue.

And whilst you may find a little golden nugget, you will watch as the same old lump of carbon shows as the gold plate crumbles away. That’s the way it works when we say we are of the light, that we are spiritual, that we are ascending, we are held accountable, by Self, to become the highest version of self.

Sun in virgo, holding regulus, the lions heart, the wounded masculine plays itself out through the octaves of frequency. More light beings have reached the unity codes, which quickens how it plays out creating perceived chaos to the sleepy eye. We exist now in the Divine Union and the collective must follow.
Through my eye it looks like completion and yet through my eyes I see the lost, the confused, the avoiders and the absolutely no way’ers.

And we assist, by doing the work, realising that being present heals self, and therefore our presence heals all. Just being present is all you need do, this is how we work the grids, from within, we align, we feel into the lumps and bumps of the tones, and we smooth them out, knowing this mastery lights up our web and assists with sharing more light for more to be Seen. 
We do not get involved in the entanglement of the dramatic chains, we move into the temple, and we strike the chimes, ringing from within the tones of love, echoing through the fields.

This is how we assist, as an energy worker we use all that we are, we align the fields, the mind, the heart once in harmony ignites the fire within, the masculine and feminine flames, together as One, and the lightbody emerges, a spinning field, a tube torus, full of the Divine codes that we emanate, an output as opposed to the constant input we once were, those days we NEEDED….the reverse spin, we now SHARE from a space of purity, because we know, we already have it all.

The lesson of want and need

Go within angels, the temple is safe, secure and it’s calling you and I can promise you won’t come out the same person….I didnt


Breaking the Old Victim Chains ~ August 2, 2019

By A Gift From Gaia

An interesting energy today as Juno and Mars meet.

Juno represents the binding of the masculine and feminine, marriage and partnership however Juno is the Mother of Mars and this meeting floods our fields with empowerment, the balance of the masculine and feminine whilst highlighting exactly what is out of whack.

Emotional wounding passed from feminine to masculine, mother to son, opposite sex parent to child rises, however it can be rather tricky to see in these energies as the need to cover up the wounding, to appear strong and attractive propels many into their peacock mode, displaying the finest of feathers, and parading round for all to see the spectacle.

Attention seeking, neediness but also over supporting and the Unhealed Healer aspects come up to be viewed.

But there is a spanner in the works as Saturn is now 3xact with the fixed star Vega. This conjunction is likely to show the cracks in those rose tinted glasses and the ability to see straight through begins the work of sorting the wheat from the chaff, and holds us firm in the space of respect and responsibility.

The masculine wounding may well become loud for the collective, and whilst receiving what is balanced from these masculine and feminine forces most will feel the imbalance within, which is simply highlighting where there is imbalance and work to be done, FOR you to observe and realise where it all began.

A request to come into a state of equilibrium and yet the humanness reacts with ideas of pain.

Open your heart, fully, see all in the eyes of Saturn and Vega and allow Self to break these old victim chains.

This conjunction is bringing forward the players we require, all bring growth and expansion it just depends on your attachment and perception to the reality that will dictate how you 3xperi3nce and process this. 


KaRa Of Pleiades ~ Changes Continue ~ February 22, 2019

Channel: James McConnell

I am KaRa. It is wonderful to be back with you, and to have these opportunities to be able to share with this group, and to the many, the many beyond this group who would resonate to these words, who would hear them and be able to take these words into their very being.

Because as the changes continue on, not only outside of yourselves, but within yourselves, for many of you are certainly changing within. Your consciousness is raising on a daily basis—no, even a moment-by-moment basis. Consciousness cannot be stopped. The rising of consciousness cannot be stopped, and will not be stopped. Because as consciousness continues to raise, you continue to raise. All of life here on the planet continues to raise.

Those of us in our Pleiadean ships, those of us who are the emissaries that are coming to many across the planet through many different sources, many different channels, many different ways of bringing these messages forward, and we are bringing these messages forward.

Because disclosure as you have known it or have been expecting it to be may not come about in the way that it was expressed earlier, may not come from the government, governmental leaders. But it is coming, and it will come through the people itself. Those of you: those of you, the lightworkers, and warriors, and bearers, and sharers, and sharers of the light. Because you are the ones that can hold this light. You are the ones that are anchoring it here, holding it, and then spreading it.

And it is you, our dear family, that we are bringing this light to—the light of truth, the light of knowing, revealing all that has been held back from you. For those times are coming when the revealings are also coming.

You have heard of the Prime Directive. And yes, we have had to adhere to the prime directive, just as all of the others here that are associating with the earth now have had to do.

But I tell you now, and many are beginning to also come and share this with you: it is not only the Prime Directive now, it is moving beyond that. It is moving into a new phase of disclosure. It is moving to other areas of expression that are going to bring disclosure to you. It is showing more and more of our ships to you—not only to you, the lightworkers, though, but to all who would look up into the skies. For it will become more and more overwhelming for those that would deny this understanding, this revealing and knowing to you. It will become more overwhelming for them to be able to hold this back, as if they could hold an avalanche back. And they cannot. And they cannot hold this avalanche of disclosure back either. For it is beyond their abilities now to do so. Try though they will to continue to do it. But they can only do so much.

Because we not only have all of those of what you call the Galactics here working to bring this about, but we have the power of Prime Creator directly behind this endeavor to bring all of this forward, to bring all of this into fruition. And as I said earlier, and as many have been saying, this can no longer be stopped.

The times that are coming are going to be grand indeed. As the vibrations continue to raise across the planet. And we, those of us the Pleiadeans, the Arcturians, the Sirians, the Andromedins, and the many others that you are not even yet aware of, will be associating more and more with those of the leaders here on this planet as well as the “potential leaders” that are coming forward now. And when I say the “potential leaders,” I speak of those of you that will step forward when the times come, when the vibrations have raised enough, when it is safe for you to step forward into the many councils that will be forming.

And you, those of you, who have sat back and watched the government revolve around you, you will now be stepping forward when you are called. You will be stepping forward because you will have the memories, you will have the knowings within you of who you are. And those knowings will take you into those positions. Not of power—we do not speak of power, but we do speak of responsibility. And you will be taking your rightful places and assuming those mantles of responsibility once again.

And I say once again, because many of you have been there before. You are simply returning. Some will return to their homes. But many of you will decide to stay on here and see the various waves of ascension move through. You will assist in those waves of ascension. Those of you likely being the first wave, will assist the second wave. And those that move along in the second wave will comes back and assist those in the third wave. This is how it will continue.

This is how you are spreading the light and will continue to spread the light. Because, my dear friends, the light is all there is. Yes, there is evil in the world. Yes, you do have to be aware of this. But you also have to know that there is not enough evil that can overcome the love and the light within you. Always know that. If you find yourselves being blasted in any way by those of the dark forces, blast them back with your light and your love, and they will withdraw. They will recede back into the darkness from which they came. Although even those that reside in the darkness now were once within the light. For before there was anything else, there was the light as creation was born.

I am KaRa. I enjoy these times that I can be with you and share with you in these ways, and to help you continue to move along in your transitionary period.

All of my peace and love be with all of you. And I shall return many times yet to come.
