Emanating the Divine Codes ~ August 23, 2019

Editor’s note: Just an awesome message here! A message of the internal changes which occur as each of us learns that whatever it is we seek…comes from within us. As we balance ourselves and understand our own Divinity, our completeness, and our ability to be ALL that we need to BE, all that remains is for us to BE…



By A Gift From Gaia

Moon now on the Pleiades, go inward, address within Self the adjustments required to stabilise your new frequency through your recent realisation.

In front of the seven sisters we acknowledge self, in the purest of truth, we reflect our behaviour and take full responsibility.

We fill with gratitude for the experience and all that played their part and we focus the forgiveness within, complete validation, and vow to never enter that field again.

Only the finest of fields are to be experienced and once we have completed this work, when the unconscious has been seen the only options are ever the finest.

And at this point, is when the channels of abundance open, gushing forward magical opportunities aligned to your conscious field.

A frequency match….that’s all it ever was

And if you have grown tired of the ups and downs of the rollercoaster you call life, if you know deep in your bones that you NEED outside of yourself, that you need to be liked, need to be loved, need to receive value, need to be heard, when you need anything from the outside then the 3xperience of looping realities that show the Separation will continue.

And whilst you may find a little golden nugget, you will watch as the same old lump of carbon shows as the gold plate crumbles away. That’s the way it works when we say we are of the light, that we are spiritual, that we are ascending, we are held accountable, by Self, to become the highest version of self.

Sun in virgo, holding regulus, the lions heart, the wounded masculine plays itself out through the octaves of frequency. More light beings have reached the unity codes, which quickens how it plays out creating perceived chaos to the sleepy eye. We exist now in the Divine Union and the collective must follow.
Through my eye it looks like completion and yet through my eyes I see the lost, the confused, the avoiders and the absolutely no way’ers.

And we assist, by doing the work, realising that being present heals self, and therefore our presence heals all. Just being present is all you need do, this is how we work the grids, from within, we align, we feel into the lumps and bumps of the tones, and we smooth them out, knowing this mastery lights up our web and assists with sharing more light for more to be Seen. 
We do not get involved in the entanglement of the dramatic chains, we move into the temple, and we strike the chimes, ringing from within the tones of love, echoing through the fields.

This is how we assist, as an energy worker we use all that we are, we align the fields, the mind, the heart once in harmony ignites the fire within, the masculine and feminine flames, together as One, and the lightbody emerges, a spinning field, a tube torus, full of the Divine codes that we emanate, an output as opposed to the constant input we once were, those days we NEEDED….the reverse spin, we now SHARE from a space of purity, because we know, we already have it all.

The lesson of want and need

Go within angels, the temple is safe, secure and it’s calling you and I can promise you won’t come out the same person….I didnt
