The Age of Miracles has Dawned ~ January 21, 2019

By Judith Kusel

The Age where the Power of Love is more than any other power, and only equal to that of Wisdom – for it is Age of the sages, the philosophers, the visionaries, who will lead humanity into the New Golden Age when we finally, after many thousands of years of sleeping, wake up to our truthful cosmic heritage.

Love is a miracle and when we finally stop resisting its power and allow ourselves to be swept away with its force that miracles happen.

It is when we allow our hearts to open, our mind to synchronize with the heart, that the soul blossoms forth and genius, vision, insight, wisdom soars and flies. We step into co-creatorship, we start using our manifesting powers wisely, and love steeps our creations, our actions, our every word and deed.

2019 is a catalyst year. It is year when the new rises with full force. It is the year when visionary and wise leadership is called for. For it is the visionaries, the new world teachers and wise ones who will have to now step up and forth and lead humanity in a profound way.

The old has and is disintegrating. It serves humanity no more. It has lived its time.

The cosmic forces are sweeping in. The greatest clearing and cleansing, disintegration has begun now with full force. The cosmic gale force winds are sweeping away the old, followed by the fires which transmute and bring new life and new beginnings in all forms. It is a powerful regenerative force and it is here for the next hundred years. A total rebirth is occurring – and it is immensely powerful!

The regenerative force will sweep through our relationships with self and others and in the most intimate ones. The power of love will sweep through our illusions, our fantasies as we return to the ultimate truth. We stand naked, stripped to the core of our souls, where we cannot hide anymore. We cannot lie to ourselves and we cannot lie to others. The truth ultimately sets free – and how! The regenerative force teaches us that only Love is real and all else is illusion.

The deepening of love occurs when we finally come home to ourselves and in coming home to ourselves, we can find the ultimate deepest love the Divine Other.

To see the Divinity – the perfection, the beauty within – and we are then profoundly, sublimely touched. It is true love which ever renews itself, and ever draws closer to the Beloved for it can do and be no other. True love is the greatest gift of this time, for those who are prepared to open the heart and soul to ever greater levels of love and being loved and not shrink away from it.

The Power of Love is a regenerative force as much as it is a force of expansion, of rebirth and ever greater levels of soul growth.

The Age of Miracles brings new and higher ways of life and living. New science steeped in the metaphysical for will no longer be able to deny the soul/spirit within all, the greater Divinity/Mastermind/Universal Laws/Grand Master Design, and finally science will expand into the All-Knowing, and be reinvented to the core. One cannot take the soul of science!

New technology which works with the cosmic energy resources and needs not to strip the earth and works on inter-stellar levels. Telepathy, teleportation, and immense expansion in space. It is all there, waiting for us to wake up to our galactic heritage and finally reclaim it.

It is the age where we will learn to live and let live. To allow ourselves to return to the ultimate understanding that we create what we live. We reap what we sow. We are co-creators – yet how we use that force is what ultimately makes or breaks us.

We will return to the wisdom of balance, knowing that all balance first comes from within ourselves, before it can manifest outwards.

Allow the Power of Love bring that regenerative force into your heart, mind and soul and embrace a much higher and more profound way of life. Remember, that all of this starts within you – and then manifests outwards.

You are the creator as much as you are the creation you live in.

More than this – miracles mostly come silently, softly and almost happen upon us. Indeed, miracles are happening even now, yet most of humanity is still sleeping the sleep as the greatest transformative power is sweeping the earth, the solar system and the galactic core.

Judith Kusel


David Icke 2018 ☯ Remember Who You Are Part 1[UPDATE] ~ June 10, 2018

David Icke comes to us with a message for truth. Please watch this l-o-n-g video and understand why truth, while under serious attack by crazy governments driven by unseen dark forces, has WON.

Watch this video, learn your truth, and…


Sacred Heart Power: for the LOVE of Self ~ July 26, 217

As of today, the Planetary New Year, eclipse season AND the Lion’s Gate is officially open and we are no doubt in for the ride of several lifetimes!

In the new report I talk about the extraordinary potential of this powerful line up of cosmic events and how, ultimately…it all comes down to Self LOVE.

Here is some of what you can expect in the FULL version of the article:

  • Eclipse Season Opens- what the intense preparation was for
  • reBirth, reLearn, reCreate- new strata of human experience
  • Replacement Programming – ushering in new breakthroughs
  • The Power of LOVE- higher Heart energies called into play
  • From IN to AS ‘Service’- the unified version of spiritual success
  • Cohesion Process- time to bring ALL of ourcellves into the NOW
  • The ORIGINAL Merkabah -final activation in the series


Sacred Heart Power: for the LOVE of Self 

In the scheme of things, July has been such an important transition month between the purifying Pentecostal energies of June and the upcoming eclipse energies of August.  In some ways it may have felt as if we’ve been feeling our way forward thru a long, dark, underground corridor, one that has all but prevented us from seeing outside of our personal processing, but the tide is turning again and we are finally catching glimpses of where we’ve been, why, and what all the struggle has been for.

With both Mars and Sun in the emoceanal realm of Cancer all month long, we’ve been called to some serious deep see diving, way down to the core of ourcellves, all in preparation for the next robust celestial events of the year: a partial lunar eclipse on 8-7, the Lion’s Gate on 8-8, and the highly anticipated total solar eclipse on 8-21, all of which takes place in Heart-powered Leo.

While recently digging deep into our foundations/dealing with remaining core issues, we have also been simultaneously assimilating to the new/higher frequencies initiated via the June solstice gateway. Those DNA altering solar waves really cranked the universal vibe to stun…again, in preparation for the August events…and we’ve all been feeling the burn in ways that may have been difficult, but that are fervently challenging us to step into greater life experience.

These notably stronger/purer energies are the next, new normal and like always we must adjust, we must adapt & align with the frequencies by raising our own personal & biological frequency to meet them…which always amounts to dumping more inauthenticity, more mental, emotional and physical toxins in order to increase our vibration/rate of spin.

The extent to which we have been able to de-densify the first half of the year, will be relevant to the totality of liberation waiting for us in the remainder of the year, especially by way of this very unique eclipse season and the always empowering 8:8 gateway.

For those of you inquiring about when the energies will “let up”, remember that the evolutionary process is ongoing in that the energies don’t ever step down but force us to step up.  Aka, the only way around is through which means a constant process of personal refinement …attuning/retuning…dialing into the new bandwidth and then dropping all that is no longer in alignment with that new/higher frequency.  But once we do, once we lighten the load, integrate and acclimate, we coast again…and always in a better, purer, brighter, more creatively alive and fulfilling way.

Because the solstice bump up was a beefy one, many have been thrown into quite a powerful centrifuge of purification forcing elimination after elimination…plucking program after program in order to eradicate expired aspects.  Eliminating those parts of ourselves/patterns/behaviors that no longer serve us in order to refine our expressions of energy may seem painstaking and laborious, but is essential to achieving the ultimate balance for personal ascension…aka, the reason we are here.

The GOD frequencies are now among us and they are demanding that we release our identification with everything in order to merge with ALL things.  It has been a bit of a disorienting entrance to the summer/winter months…BUT, all the surrendering, all the letting go (even of those things that are intrinsically part of our divine plan) is/was for this exciting passage ahead which wants to put a firm close on the past so we can step fully into the NOW.

For those ready to “complete their Merkabah activation series” (more on that below) we are not permitted to take with us into the eclipses any part of the identity that we created for ourselves in duality as much of that journey was based in our own karmic work and/or service to the planetary/spiritual awakening.

Yes, it has been an extra-ordinary time of emptying-out and it can be unsettling to witness our life force, motivation, creative inspiration and resources dwindling, but our focus/purpose/desires are simply shifting to a new framework as all our circuitry is literally rerouted to a new mainframe.

If the walls seem to be closing in on you, this is likely why.  We are still dredging up the last of the past from the seabed of our lives in duality because major new (timeline) choices to align with our resonant realities were made during June/July…choices that will determine how we experience the eclipses and where they will guide us to land.  As always, the new landscape will not/cannot reveal itself until/unless we make space for it.  If you can keep faith (refuse to react/lend energy to unpleasant circumstances) doors will soon appear where once there were none.

We have quite an amazing, even if indescribable passage ahead of us…one that will provoke the lionhearted within us all to rise, guide, empower & free ourselves thru what is being called a series of “unforgettable cosmic events” by the galactic councils.

So heads off, hearts ON…and enjoy the ride!

[section protected: to read FULL report & comments see membership OPTIONS & PRICING ]  ©As LOVE, Inc. 2017 All rights reserved.

Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely.

CERN/Running at High Power/Earth’s Shields Collapsing. ~ May 29, 2017

Ut oh…BP Earthwatch keeps us informed of the latest activity of new super-colliders at  CERN. and it seems like they are up to no good! Keep in mind that this may be aimed at increasing our fear (False Evidence Appearing Real), but please understand that LOVE WINS!

This report, while valid, has been surmounted by the undeniable Power of Love. The scientists at CERN have an objective that will NOT be fulfilled. So…please watch this video, understand that Jessie of BP Earthwatch is not aware of the Truth, and…


Sophia – Love, Marriage and New Thought ~ Oct. 5, 2015


Here’s another timely article from one of my favorite spiritual authors, Sophia Love. In this article, she shares her conversation with ONE about love, how humans love, and the appropriateness of love in our lives…no matter the how love may go against the grain of society.

Even though human DNA has been tinkered with and even though controls over our propensity to love has been sought by religion and societal dictates, the human animal (you and I) have amazed those watching us by the high degree to which humans continue to love deeply from the heart.

The fact that the human soul recognises no greater degree of certainty other than to be in a state of love is priceless. The heights to which humans can love is our main source of energetic power and this is of great  interest to the Cosmos who have come here to watch us graduate as we learn the true meaning of love. If only more humans could realise the inherent power of love we carry within us! Love truly IS the answer…

Ah, well…this too will come to play when the time is right, so now…please read this article by Sophia Love, remember how you feel when you are in love, and…


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I am a telepathic empath.  In the weeks coming up, I’ll be talking to “Merfolk”, the “Poser” regarding sovereignty (from earlier this year), and a healer. Topics include Time & Distance, Expressing Oneness and others. Questions for these beings (and others to whom I have spoken) can be asked if you have them.  Send them to my inbox!
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The conversation shared below took place in July of 2015.  It came in as more of a string of words rather than a conversation.  There were no real questions asked. Words in parenthesis and italics are my own.  It is verbatim. Before conversing, the following declarations were made: “Highest and best for all concerned.  Complete and absolute truth only. Just love. Pure love.


This conversation took place on July 16

th, 2015.
It started with this, from me:
Feeling compelled and drawn to do this now…
I am feeling cold, chills and also a sensation in my head.  I am open now to the energy coming in for whatever purpose as long as it abides to my declarations as written.
Yes, well, please transmit our words, our information, as you hear it first in your head and not adjusted in any way.  This is important to your current situation, climate.  Not only you as an entity on Mother Earth, you as a people on her.
I AM as you are and we are One.  Oneness is the end result of all and every encounter you are participating in.  It is the reason for your being.
Systems have been set up on your planet to instill uniformity of thought and a common base of knowledge. These do not promote oneness but facilitate management.
The perceived need for control of life is created when there is a deprivation of truth, of the sense of life that accompanies freedom.  When freedom comes to be known as chaos, it is no longer desired and fear enters.
Fear is a fabrication and one that is perpetuated by beings who are in actuality deeply invested in it.  They attempt to then use it, creating situations on a large scare (I heard and wrote “scare”, not “scale”) that promote fear as a necessary aspect of control.
Control would not be needed over others, over life, if you understood truth.  In fact, there can only be manipulation, not control, not even slavery is possible.  Ownership of life is not a reality.  You cannot own children, dogs, home or land.  All is in form for the express purpose of experience.  Once you adopt title to people, pets or properties, you take on the responsibility for their care.  This is not ownership, this is stewardship.
Part of the learning via incarnating together and in separate vehicles includes understanding what it takes to care for something that you took on.  You did not create these things, you are merely a vehicle for these things to grow and be well.
You support them, you don’t own them.
The creator, being at once the initiator, source and bearer of all of existence – does not own you or any other life form.  Once birthed, life exists.  It is complete and sovereign unto itself.
As aspect of creation that is the most challenging for humans to get their heads around is unconditional love.
Could it not be said that all of life is unconditionally adored by itself?  If that is so, then where does jealousy fit?  Or ownership?  Or possession?  Or loyalty?  Or even marriage?
How does the chaining of one living thing to another by vow, by law, or by demand make sense in the face of freedom?
Do we, who love without bounds, love our creator less because we also love a friend, a child, a “lover”, a pet?  Is it possible that to love one takes away from the love of another?
It is, like loving your right hand more than your left, your fingers less than your toes, your left arm more than your right.
These are nonsensical ideas and for them it is not possible to play out.
Love is beyond any boundary at all.
It is the struggle for man, the love struggle, not really a struggle to love, but a struggle to possess.  This, because it is not possible to possess, to own or to control.  The many heartaches and love songs arise from an idea not of love, but of confusion.  The words “bound to” and “loyal”, “cheat” and “owe” are improbable options for a being who is in fact freedom in physical form.
The truth of your essence is that it is loves expression.  Any attempt to control the expression of creation itself is an exercise in frustration.  The force of creation cannot be controlled. (Italics mine, Sophia.)

Each broken vow and cheater and stolen moment of affection exists as evidence for love, not the weakness of man.  The difference is not in the person’s morality but in his ability to thrive in a controlled environment, in chains.  Man can only lie to himself for so long.
There is a sentiment, expressed by one amongst you with advanced thinking capabilities, the one known as Einstein.  He said “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.”
Man confines, or attempts to confine, love.  He does so with structures, systems such as religion, institutions such as marriage and laws, boundaries and lines in the sand.  This has never worked.
Man cannot be other than that which he is.  You do not have to teach a man to love, but how, according to your current society’s rules and structures and moral codes.
As your history is really a story of what has succeeded and failed, it becomes obvious that the heart cannot be contained.  What is clear is that man has always been in a process of breaking false barriers.  The story of deceit and broken vows is not one of lost love but of more love.
What becomes a challenge then is the practical side of physical existence with a heart capable of the infinite.
What is possible is beyond your experience of love in human form. (There are glimpses of it in your (personal) memory as you understood the love of more than one “other” all at once.)**
This is love that is closer to truth.
There are forms that love takes.  It is not actually that love is taking form but that love is expressing itself energetically in a variety of ways.  All of life is resonance, it is energy.  Love in its most pleasurable expression involves a physical rise of energy called an orgasm.
There is the absence of limitation when love is present, as seen in laughter, affection, passion.  Love can be witnessed in works of art, in pieces of music, in pieces of cake – love is never taken, always given.  Its absence is a refusal to see, to accept your own truth.
There are beings who exist in a state of joy – where all love is continually celebrated, expected and considered as real.  These are not things Earth’s society is capable of. This is not a dismissal of the sanctity of vows – of marriage or otherwise.  It is a correction as to their meaning.
These vows are spoken as if they declare your (empirical) undying love before the world.  They do not.  It is your actions that illustrate your love. (Bold type my own, Sophia)  Your words are powerful and perpetuate a continuation of control and ownership – the polar opposite of love.
These ideas will be a challenge to forsake, to change, as man moves into a golden age of freedom he will work out details around family, love, loyalty and ownership that closer follows his nature.  These will last – unlike his current laws and customs, which are routinely broken.
I am now complete.
I feel that, yes.
The conversation ended.
**This is reference to a time in my life that illustrated for me, the vast expanse that is our heart.
At the time I was content/extremely happy in my love life.  Without looking I sort of bumped into a very profound and familiar love.  It was a challenge to make sense of, in light of what I believed/understood about love and long term relationships; about what was real and what was possible. 
In both cases, there are past life memories with deep connections, what would be referred to as “soul mates”.
It was a shock for me that I could feel so strongly for two very different people at the same time. This didn’t happen because I was unhappy in a relationship or even looking for anything/anyone at all. (Which conventional wisdom and numerous love songs will tell you.)  This just sort of showed up, without apology or explanation.
What resulted is that I never made sense of it; both expressions of deep love were simultaneously felt. I chose to stay where I was, yet not without all of us learning what was real. Connections we make in any form are eternal.
There is no subtraction in love. Love cannot be quantified.  It exists.  More is just, well, more. I am very blessed.
PS – While posting this, I had a conversation with my 19 year old son re: the feasibility of this in society as it stands today.
He expressed that this is just not practical. That even if we realize that the vows are based on illusions, they are necessary for our security; that this fundamental change in the way we categorize & structure relationships will require a massive change in society. Yes. On that, we agree.   
This video was produced 4 years ago…
To Love Absolutely
To Love Absolutely

It is through mutual support that we’ll grow a sustain-ably conscious world.  
No one can do this but us.
We are the gods we’ve been waiting for.