Find Your Center – Stay in Your Heart During Intensity ~ February 12, 209

A message from Selacia Monday, 11 February, 2019

We knew before 2019 started that life would intensity this year. Knowing things like this ahead is one thing – being able to sanely move through the ups-and-downs over weeks and months is another. For perspective, the intense moment we’re in right now is worthy of paying close attention to so that you can ride through it in the highest way. Continue reading to understand what might come up for you over the next few days as this energy plays out.

Tumultuous Planetary Moments

We live in tumultuous moments that necessitate regular energetic regrouping to stay centered and calm. Our outer world is in chaos. Planetary energies can feel like a roller coaster – especially with the current Mars/Uranus conjunction in Aries underway. These planetary energies are not only intense but emotionally-charged.

This particular cycle can be more potent – and challenging – than some others we’ve experienced. With understanding and foresight we can weather the emotional storm with little fallout or re-dos. If we become unconscious to these energies, it’s very possible our emotional responses could cause us to say or do something we might regret.

Door That Won’t Open

One way these energies can make us feel is like being on the other side of a door that won’t open and having something important to say to a person on the other side of the door. The problem is we can’t open the door to communicate. The more that we can’t open the door, the more urgent it can feel to open it and say what we have to say.

Here are a few things you can do to override the ego tendency of pushing and insisting something must happen in one of these moments. Applying these tips can help you a lot this week.

Coping with Intensity

We’re sitting in intense energies now – some catalyzed by planetary forces and some a natural part of humanity’s awakening. Accept what is, acknowledging that this is part of living now. Rather than fighting what you encounter, work with it as part of your spiritual path.

I suggest taking more deep breaths, more walks outside, more time-outs from focusing on issues. To create your own inner sanctum of inner peace is among your optimal resources for walking through the fire of these times.

Meditate more often than you usually do. Stop the world more often than you usually do, too – looking out the window if you’re inside or gazing into the sky if you’re outside.

Another tool is working with time in a quantum way. Yes, some things seem urgent, especially to the ego mind caught in linear time. When you are behind that door that won’t open and you are enraged about not being able to open it to communicate immediately, your ego can push you in unwise ways. Your wise self operating in quantum, however, trusts in divine orchestration. It instinctively knows that a closed door doesn’t stay closed – all things in this world are temporary.

When you feel really stuck, go to your heart and do some deep breathing. Your heart knows truth. At your core you can be at peace – regardless of Mars/Uranus and the world’s chaos. Go to this place often not just when things become choppy, but as your spiritual resource for being in this physical world. Trust that you are okay and that you will be guided to your next best steps.


Energy Update ~ Weekend Eclipse: Anticipate the New ~ January 5, 2019

By Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Our first Solar eclipse of 2019 is on Saturday at 5:41pm PT. We are unifying to assist Gaia in this *bump* in her magnetic core shift. Please meditate, engage in ceremony, spend quiet time in creative endeavors, call forth Divine Will, or visualize New Earth Now as often as possible this weekend.

The energies are already intensifying, and this phase of our embodiment will be bolstered by the organic timeline shifts. Renewal and trajectory adjustments are imminent.

Magnetic shifts in Gaia amplify the New Earth grids, node points, and your own energy fields. Focus on crystalline toroidal flow for both Gaia and yourself. Many of us are receiving adjustments to our meridians so we can handle more light. Contact is a major focus in 2019; expect a lot of visitation as we integrate organic realities. Get some rest so these frequencies integrate properly. Changes in magnetic fields affect gravity, so anticipate feeling (even more) floaty as this unfolds.

Solaris is delivering heightened levels of crystalline plasma right now. Our SUN is flashing again; tap into this activity in meditation to see and experience the reflection within. New frequencies are flowing since the Solstice, and Gaia is responding.

Our Global SUNday Unity Meditations will be very strong; invite everyone to join in.

Unifying in Mastery

The New Service site is live with classes, event tickets and private sessions.

The Gateway of Light Online Event to unify and share intel on this remarkable year is Saturday, January 12 from 10am-12noon PT. Register HERE.

Our Mastery-level Light Tribe Gathering in Sedona is April 27. Seating is limited to 144, please reserve your seat soon. We have a full day with catered lunch, and additional activities on April 28. See the new site for details.

The Eclipse Bolsters our Trajectory Shifts

We feel the Higher Self stepping forth as the primary reality.  The only thing that can block the organic embodiment process at this juncture is yourself. Release any anxiety, beliefs or stories which do not serve your highest, brightest Self.

The Trinity Returned in a purified state during Solstice. The visions of gold, diamond, crystalline, pearlescent, jewel-toned realms are consistent. Let us unify as One, step into our Mastery and call these realms forth as a palpable reality for all concerned.

Take a moment, merge with the Higher You, command those higher realities, visualize and feel these radiant outcomes of our Sacred work on this planet.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,



Sandra Walter: Crossing the Crystalline Bridges: Part One ~ March 30, 2018

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Obviously it has been an intense few weeks as this next light level flows in. This series of intel addresses the mulitidimensional levels of what is unfolding for the Ascension in this now. I AM about to travel to Sedona for High-Vibe gatherings, which feels well-timed as April provides unique interaction with the crystalline bridges to the New Earth experience. Kindwhile, this series of articles may provide clarity and support.

We are experiencing major releases of plasma light pulses. Ancient codes are stepping forth for higher timelines. Unlock what you planted here for Ascension, beloveds. The Crystalline Grid is adjusting the New Earth Grids for stability; Intend flow, ease and grace. 

Meditate to feel the bliss, expansion and soothe the clearing activity. Focus on the heart as the energy field stimulation is very strong, especially for embodiers of the Christed frequency. The whole-body vibrations and surges will continue to amplify. Shake it til you make it!

Your lightbody is changing right now, don’t let the mind distract from this sacred transformation. Deep Soul group activity also present; we are migrating realities as a collective.

Note the activated heart torus expansion – like a big balloon of light. Spin crystalline-diamond-Christed light through these fields, it truly supports balance and integration. Extra water and oxygenation; we are purging the uncomplimentary DNA patterns and imprints from the cells. Release, weep, smile, we got this. It is safe to change.

This initial thrust of the Equinox wave lasts through April 7. Keep the focus on Highest Primary timelines for all. Join the SUNday Unity Meditations for collective amplification, balance and healing.

Crossing the Crystalline Bridges: Part One

Geomagentic storms were strong during the initial blows of these Cosmic Winds. Solar wind (plasma influxes) are consistent; a stream of higher vibrational Source-light-encoded light. Alignments during this passage assist the ever-increasing influx of these plasma delivery systems. This phase is different, however. Energies always rise, get stronger, that is the shift itself. This new frequency is revealing higher trajectories for many, which in turn levels up the collective Ascension.

As the planetary magnetics shift, it opens Gateways – ancient Gateways – for activation of Gaia’s crystalline core to radiate 5D activations. It also triggers awakened DNA and lightbodies to go into Ascension mode. This is why the body, mind, and emotions are so stimulated right now. This is the new light level consistently blooming, expanding us into the next creation which is already in place. New Earth Now.

This Divine Will influx is significantly altering the magnetics and grids of Gaia. Note the consistent solar wind and geomagnetic storms all throughout the Equinox influx from March 15. This is strong energy, powerful dimensional-shifting, consciousness-raising light. On the evening of March 16th I experienced six hours of watching the lightwave come nearer, activating extremely pure planetary and star toroidal fields in nearby systems. There were also vast fields of sparkling 5D-rainbow plasma flowing with this activity. More on that in the next article.

These pure phototonic deliveries are unlocking the magnetic stronghold which held old systems in place. As above, so below, Beloveds. Old game over, both externally and internally. This is why your lifestream is demanding change on a personal level. This is why you cannot create with the old energy, or why it feels uncomfortable to do so. Our higher trajectory, Primary Christed timelines, are doing what was intended; empowering the creators and active participants of this experience to raise all willing hearts into Unity consciousness.

Deconstructing the Old Architecture, the Old Storyline.

Think Universal, act local. The collective demands change on all levels. This is a reciprocal effect; the energies coming in create change, the Divine return of a pure experience of Source. Ascension is a command from Source; our entire Universe is shifting. The collective responds to the triggering light by seeking truth.

This has been going on for decades; the revelation of that which was hidden. The intensity increases; more light provides more exposure. As distortions, time-loops, uncomplimentary timelines and holographic inserts/imprints are removed, the collective consciousness catches up to the true level of light; the Divine Truth. Revelation begins to accelerate, the energies amplify, and our body-mind-spirit complex adjusts.

Part of the Gatekeeper credo is ensuring that everyone is provided with the opportunity to explore their Ascension without boundaries or control systems interfering with their path. This is what is occurring right now with Ascension. Everything is being cleared so that the collective experience of Ascension is wide open for exploration by all.

Anxieties and Insecurities

This current energy is aimed at global, palpable awakening and transparency. Insecurities, lack of confidence, emotional deep purging may get intense right now. Yes, it is part of the process and DNA/lightbody upgrades. However you may have noticed that it feels different, almost too intense in some moments. This is happening at the same time that many of us are experiencing intense bliss. Global magnetic shifts also alter your personal magnetics, however there is more going on.

As we move into unity consciousness, we can feel the collective field. Much of the insecurity, egoic clearing, and confidence challenges are a reflection of what is occurring behind the scenes. Those who believed that money and control were the most important thing, have no heart platform to stand on as the timelines shift. They feel they are losing everything by losing their material belongings, social status, financial status, or belief systems about how this was going to unfold. They are afraid of exposure and judgment. These HUmans have a deep ties energetically to nearly everyone on the planet. The core-shaking loss that they feel as the New Light takes over the plan is palpable.

We have experienced loss, reevaluation of all that we are, and the release of egoic-level attachments through our Ascension process. That same process is available to those who have chosen lower timelines. However, when it hits the powers-that-were in such a strong way, there are collective reverberations of those emotions and constructs being released. Those who are completely enamored and entangled with control-as-power, manipulation-as-power, are suffering. We must remember this is a collective release of what was created here, on overdrive.

There is much deep soul-searching as old structures collapse. However here is the point of mentioning behind the scenes in this article: Because we are all One, because the energy is doing the exact same thing to our personal lives that it is doing to the old structures, and because those systems had energetic ties to the entire collective, we feel it removing the old foundational platforms based on control, ego, and survival. This effects us on an individual case-by-case, person by person level. Clemency, forgiveness, emotional and psychological breakdowns from those transparency operations are palpable.

The energy does the same thing to our journeys as it does to larger operating systems. The questioning, the doubts, the fears, the insecurity, the lack of confidence … You see that this is all a reflection of what is happening on a mass scale. When folks at the top feel wounded and insecure, we feel it too. It teaches us empathy and compassion. In order to fully become a Christed being, we demonstrate non-judgment and forgiveness. False confidence or a false sense of power are falling away. This allows us to re-examine everything in this new light. Constructing new realities as we de-construct old ones is a mighty task for the lower Self. Have patience, follow the flow of this new light and let it change you.

Addiction to the old reality is breaking apart. Mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual distortion is surrendered so the palpable experience of a new path may be attained.

Spiritual Maturity, Spiritual Disclosure

The challenges to our spiritual maturity, our hearts, our relationships, releases the magnetics of the past. If you feel un-glued, that is exactly what is happening in your fields (and Gaia’s). Yes, the filters for our Ascension get finer and finer as we go through this process. That has been consistent. However this year, when we’re dealing with larger numbers in the awakened collective, the experience dissolves storylines and beliefs about who we were, and how we were going to walk through this.

This is a beautiful Mastery initiation to infinite possibility. We place our hearts on the feather scale. What has been learned and did we apply it properly? Is there anything that needs to shift to accommodate the higher trajectory?

We keep refining what we are in order to merge with our Higher True Self. Those of us feeling and creating this pull to the higher level, must respect and honor it. The High-Vibe Tribe reaches out multidimensionally to create highest outcomes for all.

Relationship with Source: Apply Multidimensional Awareness to Everything

Our relationship with Source is tested. Relationship issues are a reflection of the relationship with Self, which is a relationship with Source. The Divine searches for its own reflection, amplifies the Sacred mirrors and corrects distortion.

As this pure Source light returns, we deeply honor our relationship with Source. We feel and honor our relationship with creation, everything as God, as Self. Our relationship to Source is completing and aligning relationships in form because the Higher Self relationship is purifying with Source.

We are learning during this bifurcation process how realities are separated, and how they arise into something else. We remember our ancient creation, and how to create again in alignment with Source. We are reaching for the highest truth, the highest expression. Anything which limits the full expression of your highest trajectory is exposed.

Focus on multidimensional awareness and apply it to everything that is presenting in your lifestream. All situations, interactions, emotions, behaviors, words, projects, and creations. This is the emergence of our consistent presence as one unified consciousness. Everything traverses dimensions; apply this knowledge directly to what is presenting.

The new light level can be intense in some moments; both intense bliss and intense realignment with the Christed/Crystalline/Unity timelines. Our vibrancy is tested. Authenticity is tested. Spiritual maturity is tested. Oversoul groups are raising as many as possible into the higher experience with ease and grace. The brighter we glow, the easier it is for others to see the light.

Primary Christed timelines are very high vibrational creations, and by quantum effect they raise our experiences into zero point. Remember they are a part of bridging the worlds; we use them to Ascend to 5D. As always,the vibrational pass-key is the Christed/Crystalline HUman Heart.

In Love, Light and Service,

How to Elevate Your Life in Just 4 Steps ~ March 23, 2018

By Tanaaz

Earth is a challenging place. There are wars, famines, crises, and hardships happening every moment of every day. But regardless of this, there is a way to elevate your life so you can float above the chaos.

There is a way to elevate your life so much so, that the world seems like a more magical, synchronistic, and loving place to be in.

 Of course, hardships and troubles may still come your way, but by elevating your life, you will be able to deal with them quicker and with more ease. You will be able to resolve situations faster and maintain your inner balance.

It really all comes down to your level of perception. It’s all about what you choose to focus on. The higher you vibrate, the more you focus on the good, the easier and more joyous your life becomes.

By following these steps in just a few short days, you will start to see miraculous changes and shifts in your own life. You will start to float above the chaos and find a new meaning to the world around you.

Step 1: Develop a Meditation Practice

Even though meditating every day can take a lot of discipline, it really works! Even just sitting for 10 minutes can have a profound affect on your life.

It is best to meditate first thing in the morning or last thing at night, but fitting it in whenever you can is great.

Choose to either sit in a chair with your feet on the ground, or sit on the floor with your legs crossed. If you are sitting on the floor, use a cushion to prop your hips up so they are slightly higher than your feet.

As you meditate, focus on your breathing and try to not engage with your thoughts. If it helps do some breathing exercises, here a few you can try-

  • Take 10 deep breaths, if you lose your focus start back at 1
  • Breathe in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4
  • Breathe in for 5, exhale for 7
  • Imagine a glowing ball of white light in front of you and inhale this cleansing energy

You can also try reciting a mantra on repeat in your mind. My new book Pocket Mantras has heaps of mantras to chose from.

Set a timer for just 10 minutes to begin with and aim to do this every day. You will see results!

Step 2: Focus on What is Good

Life is not meant to be picture perfect. There is always going to be some struggle, some learning and some growing to do, but by focusing on all that is good in your life, the struggle becomes much easier to manage.

Monitor your thoughts and see how much energy you are giving the things that are not working in your life versus the things that are working in your life. Often we get so caught up in the things that are not working, that we forget that we have so much that is working in our lives!

By focusing your attention on what is working, it allows you to move to a more positive mindset. From this place, it is easier to come up with solutions and change your thinking towards seeming dilemmas.

As Louise Hay says-

“I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking and then the problems fix themselves.”

While you don’t want to avoid trouble spots in your life, you also don’t want to get bogged down by them either.

 Step 3: Replace Judgement with Kindness

Most of us judge ourselves way too harshly. Remember, we are here to learn, grow, fail, succeed and everything in between. We are not expected to have everything figured out. Yes, we will make mistakes, yes we will do the wrong thing sometimes, but this is all part of life.

We are all spiritual beings here for a human experience, and the more we can be kind to ourselves, love ourselves and accept our lives, the easier things become.

In fact, when you truly love yourself, everything else falls into place. It really is that simple.

Along with not judging yourself, you should also try not to judge others. Everyone is walking their own path, everyone is here to do their own thing and grow in their own way, so try not to judge.

Instead, try to look at people for who they are- a soul that is here just like you trying to figure things out!

Step 4: Know Your Purpose is Love

What’s my purpose? This is something everyone wants to know, but your purpose is not something you find, it is simply just who you are.

Your purpose is to be yourself and live your truth, and the only truth is love. Even though this may sound a bit intangible, being true to yourself will always lead to your highest path.

Try not to get caught up in what your purpose is or try to make it this big, grand thing. Just be yourself and ask- how can I love myself and others more?


as we shift – how do you want it to end? ~ August 18, 2017