Sandy Hook: The Massacre That Never Was [video] ~ June 21, 2019


This isn’t news for all of us, but perhaps the details will push the doubters over the edge. Professor Jim Fetzer researched this event more deeply than most, wrote a book that was censored, and tells us the intricate details of one of the most famous events involving even the Connecticut State Police—and entire community—to further the globalists’ gun grab.

There’s no doubt, folks. We had at least one government official come forward and confirm ‘no one died’. One of the first things I learned after the event through a vlogger on YouTube was that the school was closed and not even in use any longer, making it the perfect place to hold a fake shooting.

They do this all the time. They hold a FEMA drill, an emergency services exercise with police and firemen and EMTs and fake blood and then they use the footage on the FAKE NEWS to tell everyone the event they were practicing to handle actually happened. They think we’re stupid.

Yes, Sandy Hook was a staged event, and no one died. The lengths they went to for this disarmament ploy was historic. An inside job—complete with gag orders for everyone in the town. You can’t make this up.

And to collect millions of dollars in donations for the victims’ families… utterly disgusting!

Fortunately, most Americans are smart enough not to surrender their guns—or you’d all be in “re-education camps” by now—or worse.

Your government and the treasonous, fake news lied to you, America. Again.

Get over it, get behind President Trump and help him drain the swamp.  ~ BP

Headlines and Updates for June 5, 2019: The Minutes are Ticking Down for the Dark [videos] ~ June 5, 2019

Editor’s Note: it’s quite amazing for me to watch The Plan” unfold. If you are newly awakened, please understand there are many, many thoughts out there in the “land of spirituality” regarding the details of how humanity’s major “shift” of consciousness will occur.

However…no one knows any exact details of how this will happen. One thing for sure however and is being repeated over and over is the fact that higher vibrations are required to “graduate” and make the shift. The highest of vibrations is that of love, joy, bliss and the best way to find and generate these vibrations is to listen to and follow your heart…headwork need not apply!

As seen below, the continued games, schemes, and “headwork” of the dark have been all too extensive on our Earth, and are in the final stages of being finished. So….please read the details of the dark’s demise below, pay attention to the final video giving one explanation of this all ends (high vibrations needed), and be…



While Trump is over in the UK workin’ the Plan, we’re watching DC—Doug Collins.

Monday? Was that a hint? What’s happening on Monday?

Chairman Nadler is again confused on the facts. He calls POTUS a liar when the central lie has been flowing from House Dems, who insisted he colluded w/ Russia despite Mueller’s conclusion to the contrary. Should we expect more revisionist history on Monday? #WeAreBetterThanThis

— Rep. Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) June 5, 2019

Here’s DC on the DC circus.

Collins reacts to Nadler’s refusal to drop contempt vote against Barr

Putting the lying left in their place. Go Vets!

Veterans Walk Out On AOC & Go On FOX To Tell The TRUTH After Spokesman DENIES What Really Happened

There are going to be a lot of regrets when all is said and done. Everyone had ample opportunity to do the right thing. It was a choice.

The GOP betrays President Trump again. Sebastian Gorka with Lou Dobbs

Illegal migrants crossing the Rio Grande.

What do you think? Is it true?

Chuck Schumer successfully baits Trump into committing to Mexico tariffs

Dr. Steve Pieczenik spoke out about Trump’s tariff action. He thinks it’s a bad idea.

It’s interesting, though. Despite what some might consider heavy-handed dealings in negotiations with other nations, the President usually gets what he wants: a fair deal for all, and positive action.

It’s obvious Mexico has done little to nothing to staunch the flow of illegal migrants through their country. Perhaps someone greased the palms of the current administration there.

What comes to mind is Sun Tsu’s Art of War and appearing weak when one is strong. That’s what works for Trump. Besides. Their ploys always backfire and work in OUR favour. Let them gloat.

Before libtards gloat, they might want to listen to Bernie’s update below telling us that Mexico has already held back 250,000 would-be migrants. Yup. He shoots—he scores!

OPUS 156 Mexican Tariff by Dr. Steve Pieczenik

About that 2020 election… the damage control patrol has been activated.

It’s on!

Top Trump Super PACs Join Forces to Mobilize Voters

Pssssssst!!! Remember the school shooting in Parkland, Florida at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last year? SSShhhhhh… Yes, the one we’re not supposed to talk about… when police on the scene stood outside and did nothing to help after shots were fired inside the school? The corrupt sheriff, Scott Israel was fired over it. Bernie at Truth & Art TV brings us the update on the fallout and a number of other important stories.

Boom! Officer Arrested For Suspicious Inaction During Parkland Shooting!

Bill Binney has launched into high gear lately, telling it like it is. He and others have formed VIPS: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity with their initiative to set the record straight and combat the blatant lies told by the lunatic left.

The Patriot Hour created the following video. It needs to be known, far and wide, that there was no “hack” of the DNC. The information passed to WikiLeaks was a download to a thumb drive. It was not a breach by the Russians, or the Martians—it was a purposeful copying of data proving that some appallingly illegal activities regarding the 2016 election took place within the DNC.

Activity of this kind took place with every US election in recent history. Presidents weren’t democratically “elected”, they were installed through election rigging and it’s time every American knew it.

President Trump was the first president in some time elected legally through votes from the People.

It was only accomplished by hard work on behalf of Donald Trump, the Trump campaign, patriots—including the QAnon team and Trump’s inner circle and family, and other unnamed people working on behalf of Humanity to switch out the voting machines at the last minute that the deep state had programmed to spit out Hillary Clinton votes—even when the voter put the X next to the name of Donald Trump.

That was Humanity’s last shot at beating the system that has beaten them for centuries. We are now in a place to fight this battle for our freedom, with Donald Trump at the helm. If Hillary Clinton had been installed as the New World Order had planned, we could say goodbye to the Human race on this planet.

And here we are today, more than two years after our guardian angels yanked us from the pot of simmering water. The truth of it all is gushing out now, and the psychopathic left can’t tell enough lies to prevent the truth and reality from breaking through to the world.

We are seeing the ranks of the patriots swell to previously unseen numbers. They’re coming out of the woodwork; whistleblowers, activists, journalists, intelligence veterans, former military and law enforcement and medical professionals, crusaders from all walks of life acting on their impulses to see good triumph over evil.

There is a planetary revolution exploding to remove the evil that has poisoned our world for eternities. All countries are experiencing it in some form. Humanity is waking up to the truth, and it’s not pretty. We are currently embroiled in operations to break the hypnotic spell of the dark ones to bring Humanity together to fight this scourge as one.

NSA Whistleblower Says He Has Evidence DNC Was Not Hacked

Dustin Nemos did a recent interview with Bill Binney as well.

Bill Binney & Dustin Nemos on Mueller, And Godlike Mass Spying Powers of the Deep State (Fixed)

So many people were caught up in the net the psychopaths threw to spy on civilians and former news anchor and investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson is one of them. Years ago Sharyl was fired from her news anchor position at a television network for objecting to the censorship of her investigations revealing the truth about the dangerous substances in the food chain, hormones, vaccines, etc. Silly Sharyl for thinking her employer would want to air the truth about the eugenics programs.

She’s a fighter for truth and won’t back down. Sharyl is now engaged in a court battle over the illegal surveillance she and her family have endured. There is a $50K reward for information which will enable them to press forward with the case under the ridiculous guidelines of the DOJ.

She also has to live with the smear campaigns the deep state plants in the treasonous media.

Learn more at

$50,000.00 Whistleblower Award offered in Attkisson v. DOJ/FBI for govt. computer intrusions. Please RT@TheJusticeDept won’t hold those accountable for govt. spying on me, so I’m self-funding fight for justice. @realDonaldTrump
(Reposted due to reported Internet interruptions.)


— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) June 2, 2019

If you doubt the veracity of claims that a revolution is brewing to eradicate evil, consider this next example of the carnage inflicted on innocent civilians. This war is not a military war, but a civil one. Yes, America is embroiled in a civil war, as are most countries because they were all infiltrated by the evil creatures who sought world domination.

A large enough proportion of Humanity revived from their death spiral in time to find out what happened and what must be done to correct it.

Daniel tells us of another sad patriot story along with a number of other news items. He also mentions the “decode” Dave presents in his X22 Report.

For those not aware, the Civil War waged on Earth’s shores currently is between secret societies who couch their remarks in coded language, symbols and images. We share decodes nearly every day because that is how we learn what is really unfolding.

Alabama to Castrate Pedophiles, Hillary Wanting to Flee

Dave’s X22 Report referenced above is here, and he’s a great decoder with his finger on the pulse of this Illuminati war.

More Docs Unearthed, The Worse It Gets, [DS] Coded Message For Escape – Episode 1884b

James Perloff did a top notch presentation to correct history and dispel lies, as well. Sean at the SGT Report presents the full lecture with slides and video. This is NOT the history taught to us, is it? So why would we believe anything they say?

He tells us why the major wars of the past were fostered and by whom, and the appalling consequences. Nothing’s changed. They’re still at it today. Fomenting war is what they continually do.

It makes one realize that our entire history is a series of lies told to manipulate world events and the public. Sheep no more!

War and Deception by James Perloff

The truth is flowing and Thomas Williams will enlighten us again tomorrow night on the Truth, Honor & Integrity Show with his news analyses, op-eds, and unique, insider intel. Tune in for music and laughs along with the serious updates on the war for planet Earth at 7:30 pm EDT/4:30 Pacific. You can listen live on or at the Think Different website.

Last week Thomas referenced the “loop” Humanity has been ensnared within for millennia, shaped like the infinity symbol. He said the centre is where we will break free.

That show is here.

Yellow Rose for Texas has spoken of this exit, or escape, and tells us the exit has a very high frequency, and we have to elevate ourselves to match it before we can make our jailbreak.

Thomas revealed recently that the frequencies bathing the planet have been (manually) increased a great deal of late, so perhaps we will soon make our exit to freedom and our new Earth; the Fifth World.

I am sharing Rose’s most recent video again where she addresses questions asked by followers. If Rose’s material is new to you, you will not understand it all, but you may go back and view her older videos for more background.

Even then, you will have difficulty understanding the concepts because we have never been told the truth officially about where we are, WHO we are, how we arrived here, and who has been running the planet. I still don’t understand it all, but feel it’s the most accurate explanation thus far.

Rose speaks of the time factor, and how the dark diminishes their time when they act out; and that we, Humanity, have ample time. QAnon has also referenced the fact that time is running out for the dark, as has Thomas Williams.

The future will be a joyful ride for Humanity, and the evil, satanic parasites will not be going where we are going.

I’ve listened to this about five times now and get something new out of it each time. It probably has a lot to do with how I keep going. While no one can prove any of this, some of us just know.  ~ BP

Answering Questions about Earths Exit

This Pile of “Bodies” Proves the Mosque Shooting Was a Total Hoax [video] ~ March 19, 2019

Editor’s Note: Wakey uppy folks…another false flag “shooting” that just doesn’t bear up to any kind of scrutiny. However, I’d rather focus on love, so stay tuned tomorrow (perhaps Thursday) for an immense wave of love that will turn things around on our planet.

In the meantime, please read details of we cannot trust mass media at all these, do your own research, and mroe than ever, be…



It was un-real, and you may have seen this coming.

When they won’t let anyone see or be in possession of the actual footage from the mosque shootings under penalty of jail, they REALLY can’t afford to have anyone looking at it closely.

That means, like the Sandy Hoax shooting, it wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny. It’s shameless fakery à la Hollywood and the fake news is going to put their spin on it to weave a tale so intricate, many will be fooled.

It’s absurd to any thinking Human Being when you look at the evidence taand let’s face it—most of us are experts at analyzing these terror events now—whether real or hoax.

We know they are desperate to staunch the flow of truth from the citizen journalists and social media because some very unpopular facts will be forthcoming that the psychopathic NWO cannot withstand. The Storm is just getting going.

What are they trying to hide? Out of all the violent videos on the ‘net, possessing the NZ mosque shooting video can now get you 10 years in prison

BTW, did you hear that the marvelous actor playing the role of Gene Rosen in Newtown, CT was a FEMA employee? Imagine.

SANDY HOOK:  Gene Rosen Identified as Official FEMA Employee

After the mystery of the incredible disappearing brass casings in Christchurch, this latest news didn’t come as a surprise. (See the SGT Report video, below.)

And with the police involved in a drill—again? Same old moth-eaten playbook. A theatrical showdown for effect.

NZ Police “Happened to Be in a Training Session” When Mosque Shooting Began

More fake bodies? We’ve seen them use dummies before—like the Bataclan massacre in Paris, I believe.

This Pile of “Bodies” Proves the Mosque Shooting Was a Total Hoax

New Zealand shooting being used by governments to create an internet police state

HIDING THE EVIDENCE: New Zealand Gladio-Style Black Op

Sounds like the perfect mind-controlled patsy. They’re always “known to authorities”, don’t ya know.

Alleged New Zealand shooter visited Israel, European battle sites in 2016

Late Headlines and Updates for March 15, 2019: Beware the Ides of March T[-4] [videos] ~ March 16, 2019

Yesterday the Ides of March broke with a mass shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand, as you’ve no doubt heard. Q also warns other countries to be extremely vigilant and pay attention to the (fake) news.

Some are saying the massacre was about gun control however these false flag attacks usually address multiple objectives for the cabal. They will no doubt attempt to control the narrative in the news cycle as they don’t like some of the information bandied about currently exposing the demonrats.

Be Vigilant for a News Cycle Changing False Flag Attack in US, UK, France or Italy

3077Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 14 Mar 2019 – 7:39:01 PM Be vigilant at all times.
(US, UK, FR, IT)
See Something.
Say Something.
Narrative change needed.
FAKE NEWS attempting to REBRAND HARMFUL TESTIMONY and instead provide MISLEADING info to their readers.


Q QAnon left a  number of interesting crumbs today. Read them here.

The real ‘fun’ starts soon.
Q Indeed. How does Q know this stuff?

‘Restrictive’ Gun Control Did Not Prevent Christchurch Massacre

RT reports that explosive devices were also defused in New Zealand. Are these truly the suspects, or patsies?

Dozens of victims in shootings at 2 New Zealand mosques, 4 suspects in custody

And in Spain, live-streamed torture and murder. Unbelievable. And this is why we must eradicate the scourge of satanist lunatics from our planet. They want constant chaos, pain and suffering at our expense, by weaponizing people.

These are the same kind of migrants Trump knows the deep state has sicced on America and why he is adamant about the border protection and keeping unvetted migrants out. If they don’t pass the sniff test, they don’t get in.

Underage Migrants Arrested After Livestreaming Torture and Murder

Trump will do whatever is necessary to protect the American people. The border situation IS a national emergency as Barr determined because if we don’t keep those programmed killers out, we will see events like Christchurch and

Trump Issues First Veto

I think we can already see the beginnings of the renewed, vicious attacks on the President and why we will have to launch into action and counter the lies with memes about his extraordinary accomplishments to date in his short time in office. En garde!

CNN’s Dana Bash falsely claimed President Trump and Breitbart News are to blame for the New Zealand mosque massacre.

The amazing world of secret societies. Read SerialBrain2 decodes here.

SerialBrain2: Fast Train and Wacky Nut Job decoded

It was another great show Thursday night with Thomas Williams and exciting news of the coming next installment of, “From Russia With Love”. The previous two portions in the series were, well, I think my words in a post the next day were, “Wow, Thomas. Just wow.” Thomas tells us part 3 will bowl us over, too. This history was never taught in school.

If you’ve not listened to the first and second ones, you can do that here. You’ll need the background to appreciate part 3 which may be coming on Tues. March 19. TBA.

March 14h  Truth, Honor & Integrity Show where Thomas outs Steve Mnuchin.

Many questions remain unanswered about the SCOTUS death from years ago.

John Podesta sent an assassination email 3 days before suspicious death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

Rothschilds To Take Swiss Bank Private In 100 Million Francs Bid 

This is more of the kind of news the lying, treasonous media doesn’t want out there for discussion so we can expect more false flag attacks to divert attention to violence and fear. As a former law enforcement officer Douglas Ducote is outraged by the release of this information sans arrests.

Hillary Clinton Email Server Shocking Truth Exposed

Placeholders Ready To Be Filled, Narrative Change Needed, Be Vigilant – Episode 1816b

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Late Headlines and Updates for February 15, 2018: It’s Already Started [videos] ~ February 15, 2019

That was fast. Q warned us today that in the next 10 days we should expect events and we already have a mass shooting. It took place in Aurora, Illinois, or Chicago.

Aurora. Sound familiar? The Batman Theater Massacre in Aurora, Colorado. Coincidence? These freaks repeat their false flags in places with the same name, I’ve noticed.

February 14 was the anniversary of the Parkland school massacre. Coincidence?

After the Parkland shooting in Florida they had an event in Parkland, Texas, so this may very well be an orchestrated event. When the details come out over the next few days we’ll have a better idea.

You know the dimms are already going for the gun grab again, right? Waste no time.

The Latest: Police block Aurora shooting suspect’s apartment

News Now: Five killed, several injured in Illinois shooting

Dave brought us an excellent update on the X22 report today. He points out that the dimms are working on legislation to make it unlawful to lynch criminals. The penalty for treason is death and lynching is not outside the realm of possibility for them. They thought they were clever for securing control of the House, but unfortunately, they forgot the Republicans control the Senate. Oooops! Recalculating.

Phase III, Rats In DC Panicking, Pain, Event Warning [10] – Episode 1792b

There was earthquake activity in Utah near Bluffdale, today, which I find interesting. Bluffdale is a massive data centre housing ALL our personal data files. They know more about us than we know about ourselves. Are there tunnels there and/or underground levels to the facility? Possibly.

Multiple Earthquakes Rattle Areas of Utah

The following is all very suspicious. You may also recall video from Los Angeles where we saw flames coming up through the grid in a sidewalk when 2 apartment buildings were evacuated. Now we have all kinds of fires and leaks and explosions all over the US.

Some are reporting seeing explosions of light in the sky at night, as well. Daniel believes it’s a “problem-reaction-solution” situation. He believes these issues are designed to get the public to demand an alternate energy source; electricity—delivered wirelessly. What do you think?

Additional feedback on the Venezuela “meteor”.