Spirals Of Higher Influence – Gaia Portal ~ October 10, 2018

Gaia Portal Spirals Of Higher Influence – Gaia Portal. By Interstellar.

Below the Gaia Portal October 8 2018 message with our free interpretation in rough English.

Spirals Of Higher Influence Become Apparent To All

Perhaps it may seem optimistic, but one of the possible interpretations is that the masses are beginning to perceive a sort of Higher Plan, in a very nuanced way and always in retrospect in our opinion, many probably not even consciously; they perceive a sensation of “Light at the end of the tunnel”, a sort of guide towards the “Good”.

Probably, in this interpretation, the Spiral Of High Influence, in a possible relation with the Vibrational Frequency that it manages to create, could also influence acts like mass arrests or the financial reset or the European situation.

Leverages Of Necessary Oceanics Come Into Play

This phrase probably refers to the movements of the plates, especially that of the Western Pacific, which has produced movements that have never been recorded recently. We have already heard this from various sources and Gaia Portal seems to confirm that Gaia in her Ascension Cycle, must necessarily pass through these movements.

Flares Of Illumination Are Sent To All

A self-explanatory phrase, being Flare after a while they turn off, however, illuminating and bringing the Light. We could also connect this phrase with the first, obtaining the Flaming Spirals Of Light that are perceived and seen by everyone.

Fortunes Are Recognized

Probably Fortunes in this sentence could be interpreted as the Human Being finally but slowly rediscovering who he/she really is, the Heritage. Some recognize it, others don’t, even if a large part of these is probably very close to. Expanding the concept, for so many would be enough the television to tell them, to give the spark of awakening.

Gaia Portal

Gaia Portal

GaiaPortal conveys messages regarding changes and progress in Mother Earth’s planetary energy phases. The messages contained herein are to inform, assist, and alert those drawn to it, to energetic events transpiring moment to moment.

Those drawn to this site will know instantaneously if it is theirs to read.

The authors of this site are Star Beings connected to the sacred land of Éire, and embody the original sacred feminine energy of that place.

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Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.

Edgar Cayce

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