The Universal Mother ~ You Are an Aspect of Me ~ May 3, 2018

By galaxygirl

I AM the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. Through out time and space there I Am. There we are, together. Children, light bearers, I am so very proud of you, for all of this heavy lifting, of this ‘tough stuff’ that you are pushing through, like boots in the mud you are forging ahead with strength and with purpose. And you should be noticing that now your steps are a bit lighter? Yes? That your heart song is playing a little louder as well? As these light codes permeate your heart space, they are renewing you, revising you. They are my breath. They are my embrace. They are aspects of me, as a gift to you, children, for you are so loved, and you are so weary. Rest with me, in my deep maternal embrace and know that ever, eternally and for always you are loved. You are loved more than human understanding. For you are me, you are an aspect of me, you are my children of love, of light. I will not allow misuse of my creation. In this pregnant pause, in the silence of the wait, know that you are changing, that all things are coming online, that the crystals are humming, singing their song of creation and that you too children will remember your heart song, will remember who you are, will remember your purpose, and find your strength in the midst of it to carry it out and to be who you came here to be. You will fulfill your destiny. You already are just by being here and by listening to these words and by having the light influx of energies of divinity permeate your heart and become one with your own god spark. The void of the wait can be a gift. Find me in the midst of it. It is my embrace to you for your weary form.

I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. You see my thumbprints, my handprints all over you, all around you, in this lovely, beautiful world of my creation, of my love, you see me. And children, I see you. I know you. I know every freckle, every hair on your head. I know every pain, I know every tear shed and unshed and I know your resolve to carry this great and grand experiment into completion. And I am overwhelmed with love and joy and peace as I see the spectacular being that is you. I love you. I weep tears of joy, bliss, of ecstasy as I remember this journey that we have had together. And please know that this journey is an eternal one of self discovery, of growth, of renewal, of joy. And know that I am with you always, even until the end of the age as Jesus said, and yes even after. For what is time? Indeed, what is a human construct of time? It is nothing but a matrix, a concept, an idea that is put in place to understand. It is like pouring water from a never-ending stream into one ice cube tray, and saying the tray holds all the water there is. It is time to let such 3D concepts go, and to become unattached to them. And find peace in this change of concept, of ideas, for as you expand so will your understandings, and expand exponentially. It is true. For truth lies within you. Expand into it.

I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things and oh children, I love you so much. Both within and without of time. It is time to emerge from your cocoon of light and become the crystalline butterfly that you are, that I see. I see this as already happening and as already completed. It is time for you to claim this timeline, this reality as your own and pull it to you. Energy is stretchy. The universe listens. What are you telling it? Ah, yes. Another lesson, another expansion of truth. That’s it. You are ever closer to further understanding.

I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. Be at peace. I send you my heartbeat to intermingle with that of your own. We are one.

~ galaxygirl


Keepers of the Golden Rays ~ Your Planet is Now in Transition to a Higher Way ~ Feb. 26, 2017


By Sunaya/Susan, 02/25/2017

Channeling on Chemtrails

We called you to come forward and you have responded, despite your doubt and hesitation. We commend you for this.

You have been triggered to consider your connection to us, the Keepers of the Golden Rays – or the rays of the sun as you once knew it. We are the collective force responsible for the maintenance and calibration of these Divine Rays.

So many of you have noticed the difference in the light of your sun of late. You have commented on it to others, baffled by their lack of enthusiasm for what is so plain for you to see. We are calling your forward now to put a voice to this, for it is a crime against Mother Earth and all its residents that the light of the sun is being kept from you now. You know, in your heart, why this is. Please put a voice to it.

Know this; the sun is the source of all life on your planet. And your planet is now in a transition to a higher way. To move you all together with Mother Earth to this higher way, you need to the power that is your sun to amp-up your beings, so to speak. The light of the sun has changed to help YOU to change, and those in power know this and wish to keep it from you.

You have also noticed the lines of poisons being spread throughout your atmosphere. You may have noticed these lines seem to appear, out of nowhere, in your waking hours. Yet, do you now notice that these lines do not appear in your night skies? We ask you to consider why this is.

The lost ones spread poisons into your atmosphere to keep the light from you, to keep you from your source, in an attempt to stop you from ascending. For if you ascend, they lost control. They will not be able to ascend with you, either, so it is in their best interest to keep you here with them, feeding them, doing the work for them as they exploit every natural aspect and resource that is your physical existence, including the Divine right of the very evolution of your soul.

What we want you to know, so that you no longer fear what they do, is that it is not working. The light cannot be held back, no matter how much they spray into your environment. And just as the light cannot be held back, your ascension is already in an unstoppable trajectory. So fear not! They will give up this practice soon, as they know they are fighting a losing battle.

For many of you, the presence of these toxic trails are a source of worry and fear. We are here with you now to convey a message of hope, of victory, of light. Spread this knowledge, tell it to others, for it is important that you stay out of the experience of fear as much as possible.

Fear is their true weapons against you, and the last hurdle for you to leap. Fear not! Sons and daughters of love, as we speak with you now, you are in midair and the oxic trailsleap is almost complete.

We want you to know how much you are loved. We commend you for your efforts, as they have been great. We are with you each, constantly showering you with the love of source and guiding you each to find your way home. You may relax now, you may trust us now, and you may rest assured that your destination is within very easy reach. 

Know this, the light is the truth, the light is the love and the light is the way.  No darkness is too dark for the light to expel – the light always finds its way. And know this – you, too, are the light. They have tried to subdue the power of the sun, but they are failing. They have tried to suppress the brightness of your light, but they cannot. They are in the panic of despair, now, knowing that the time is here for them to give up.

Soon, we will hold the celebration of all celebrations when we are able to welcome you each home. Soon, you will see blue skies once again.


Keepers of the Golden Ray collective, Masters of illumination and Peace as told to Sunaya/Susan.
