The Tzolkin Times ~ Kin 88 ~ Yellow Planetary Star ~ June 26, 2020

‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and it’s key words are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce.’ The tenth day is special because the ten is a perfect score. A great day for manifesting what you need….expect perfect results.

Today is Yellow Star and it’s key words are ‘Beauty, Elegance and Art.’ These days are all about shining like a star, indulging in Art and beautifying your world. They’re seldom serious days and there is no rocket science involved when trying to figure out it’s meaning. Appreciate the beauty around you, celebrate your loved ones, for love is a beautiful thing. Wear something pretty, put flowers in your hair or give flowers to someone…make your home or workspace more pleasing on the eye…you get the idea! As it is a ‘Planetary’ day, it is a perfect day for shining like a superstar!

The Guide for today is the Yellow Warrior which represents questing and questioning among other things. When in the guiding position, the Warrior is leading you on a quest or mission….may your mission today be to make the world a more beautiful place.

The Challenge for today is the White Mirror which represents ‘reflecting truth’. If a star shines its light in front of a mirror, the star is dazzled by its own light in the reflection. This symbolizes that truth is hard to see when your own brightness blinds you. Yellow Star people can reject the truth if it doesn’t agree with their own image of themselves. Yellow Stars adore all things sparkly and beautiful but they aren’t great at seeing the darker side. The truth hurts but for Yellow Stars its a pain they avoid. If you are not a Yellow Star, how will having the Mirror in a position of challenge affect you? The truth may be harder to see today and reality checks hard to come by.

The Occult power is the Red Skywalker, the adventurous, courageous sign and when in this magical position expect magical adventures. Just be a little brave today and you may surprise yourself how far that can take you.

The Ally is the Blue Monkey, the magical, mischievous and misunderstood character. Always blamed for anything that goes wrong, Monkey actually has a side to his character that is often overlooked. Best friends with Yellow Star because Monkey is very good at seeing the beauty in all people. Find a Monkey today if you want to hang out with someone who appreciates art and beautiful things.



Editor’s Note: Just a thought here…Yellow vests in France as symbols of revolution, Yellow warriors from the Sacred Tzolkin Calender. Yellow seems to be a common denominator here. “Yellow symbolizes intellect, creativity, happiness and the power of persuasion.”

Vitalize your inner Masculine Yellow Warrior (we all have one!), proceed onto your own victory, and BE…



Galactic Destiny ReadingsYesterday at 7:07 AM · 

24 January – 5 February 2020


The YELLOW WARRIOR wavespell commences in Column 10 and continues into Column 11 in the Sacred Tzolkin Calender with only 2 GAP portal days in the whole 13 day cycle. Column 10 represents Authority, Leadership and Manifestation which is very appropriate for our brave and questioning Warrior who LOVES to challenge authority and the current status quo. Column 11 represents polarity and a gateway, which the Warrior is fearlessly leading us through to the promised New land.

YELLOW WARRIOR is a YANG masculine wavespell after the yin introspective BLUE NIGHT wavespell. We are now being called to ACTION. 💥As we emerge out of the Dreaming cycle where we received a deep connection to the collective unconscious dreaming, we are now being called to attract and demonstrate fearless intelligence, and the fearless STRATEGY to put the DREAM INTO ACTION! No ifs, buts, or procrastination – FULL STEAM AHEAD!


The THEMES that we will be exploring through CIB – the YELLOW WARRIOR encompass:

Battles, Power, Confidence, Grace, trust, inner voice, fearlessness, courage, cosmic consciousness, high standards, galactic conduit, mystic transmission, divine communication, golden pillar, ferryman’s staff, reception, intelligence.

Our main goal during this Wavespell is that of FEARLESSLY QUEST-I-ON- ing the status quo. Constantly questioning, in order to keep course correcting, to find your true and desired destination – locating our TRUE NORTH. The cycle of the fearless Warrior requires quest-i-on-ing everything in his path with a profound intelligence that does not take NO for an answer! Receiving the undistractable mission of piercing to the core of what is ours to unwaveringly focus upon. Using his power of intelligence to cut through the ignorance of the illusory world, clearing all obstacles along the way. The path you are now walking has made you QUESTION everything that you once regarded as unquestionable! As the WARRIOR awakens, his intelligence grows and empowers him, to bravely confront what once was – rules, regulations, routines, traditions, customs, systems, beliefs, patterns, conduct – it is ALL up for review!. All this passes through the Warrior’s intelligent filter, and all that is not in alignment with his new found wisdom is quickly and bravely DISCARDED to make space for the new regime.

CIB is the mighty warrior that QUESTIONS everything, analyzing the status quo in order to focus more on where he wants to GO GO GO! ⏭YELLOW WARRIOR is the QUEST-I-ON focusing on the LIGHT up ahead. He faces every FEAR that IS ILLUMINATED, and comes to LIGHT as he bravely soldiers on his path. CIB encourages you over this 13 day cycle to ASK the TOUGH QUESTIONS and then face the revelations. The FEARS of deeply and intimately connecting with others, the FEARS of SUCCESS and the FEARS of FAILURE! The FEARS holding you back from stepping up fully into your POWER and SOVEREIGNTY as a wayshower leading HU-MAN-ITY boldly into our NEW WORLD!

The WARRIOR’S QUEST is supported by his dreams, and even more deeply by his intuition that senses what is happening beneath the surface. In times of battle, his capacity to rely on his intuitive senses is paramount to survival, the nuances of the limbic brain that senses and intuits movements before they materialise. The FEARLESS WARRIOR must tune in to his senses in conjunction with using his intelligent mind. A synergy of knowing and feeling, in order to correctly gauge his next course of ACTION. During this WARRIOR cycle we need to tune in to our own personal dreaming, what is in our HEART that is fuelling our MISSION. Use this as your compass in service to the Divine to fearlessly forge ahead in leaps and bounds.

The WARRIOR’s become fearless advocates for justice, liberty and a higher truth. We ask continuous and bold, highly intelligent questions, then COMMAND answers and solutions. We are on a Divine Mission and are unstoppable. No false “authority” can stand in our way! The RAINBOW WARRIORS of the New Earth will not stop QUESTIONING, as they fearlessly confront HEAD on all obstructions to attaining Nirvana. If it is not for the betterment of ONE and ALL, then it must crumble and yield to a new way of being. The YELLOW WARRIOR applies focused intention on discovering the best choices and the best road to travel reaching to the desired destination.

The WARRIOR attuned to Divine Guidance through his HEART 💓 is THE MOST POWERFUL WARRIOR of them all!!. 🔥 Thus the true RAINBOW 🌈WARRIORS, the Soldiers of Christ, are the souls who fearlessly uphold the codes of Christ Consciousness through the power of unconditional love in their PURE HEARTS.


“YELLOW WARRIOR is a conduit for cosmic communication, offering access to the universal web of consciousness. This is the web of the Mayan mystic spider that weaves intergalactic threads, the conduit of interconnected consciousness. Yellow Warrior is the spider in the web, the grid connection for divine communication. Receive these ripples of knowing from Yellow Warrior’s web through the central axis in your spine, your staff (which is the symbol for the Warrior tribe) Accept this gift of knowing in grace, as you would receive the morning light by turning your face to the Sun. GRACE is an unexpected touch, a blessing given in love, a natural gift from the universe. Use the power of love like an electrical current to serve the light. Open fully to feel and receive it!

The number for Yellow Warrior is sixteen, the number of unity with the cosmic foundation of resonant evolution. As you embody the ferryman’s staff, you become anchored in your connection to cosmic consciousness. Holding within you the foundational steps of the trinity, you carry the “Christed one” into the world. As a living mystic, you are the conduit of the spiraling galaxies that creates a union with cosmic consciousness. Sixteen may also be seen as the beginning of another octave – a higher octave characterized by organic balance and the new Earth under your feet.” Ariel Spilsbury The Mayan Oracle



“The legend said [the Native Americans] would also be joined by many of their light-skinned brothers and sisters, who would in fact be the reincarnate souls of the Indians who were killed or enslaved by the first light-skinned settlers. It was said that the dead souls of these first people would return in bodies of all different colours: red, white, yellow and black. Together and unified, like the colours of the rainbow, these people would teach all of the peoples of the world how to have love and reverence for Mother Earth, of whose very stuff we human beings are also made.” Wikipaedia

NOW IS THE TIME – of this HOPI PROPHECY to be forthcoming. The RAINBOW WARRIORS of our planet are being called to ACTION. To STEP UP, claim their sovereignty as the new LEADERS forging the path FEARLESSLY to the NEW WORLD!

💥💥💥 BATTLE WARNING!!! Be mindful and focused on PEACE during this 13 day wavespell as the WARRIOR energies can fuel battles on all fronts for those souls who are not emotionally balanced. Egoic desires and power struggles can arise as people feel more courageous and FEARLESS thus more prone to volatility and engaging in duels. A wise WARRIOR always choose his battles carefully. It is much better to walk away than engage in a win less war! Lead by example as the Way of the Peaceful Rainbow Warriors do!

NOTE: You may also be called upon to protect or speak on behalf of those vulnerable members of our communities – the children, the aged, the frail, the disabled, the ill, the impoverished, the suppressed. Our beautiful animal kingdom, the environment, our minerals and our resources will also need voices to be protected and honoured as will our Pachamama!

There may be a STRONG call to step up for JUSTICE, EQUALITY, FAIRNESS and TRUTH during this wavespell. HEED the CALL and step forth as the new RAINBOW WARRIORS bringing forth a better world for us all! 🌏🌍🌎


I UNIFY in order to QUESTION
I seal the output of intelligence
With the Magnetic tone of purpose
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!

Read this mantra through once, then REPEAT it out loud as a COMMAND using your breath and pausing between each line tuning into the feeling it evokes in your body. This will attune you to the frequency of this Wavespell activating the POWER within your cells and DNA to EVOLVE through FEARLESSNESS.

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessing for NAVIGATING a FEARLESS path on your DIVINE QUEST!

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

PICTURE CREDITS: Female Rainbow Warriors DIVINE GRATITUDE to unknown Artist 🙏❤🙏❤🙏