We Are One – Pleiadian Collective ~ September 11, 2019

We Are One. By Kabamur Taygeta.

Pleiadian Collective

About Kabamur – One of Many, Many of One – Pleiadian Collective

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We Are One - Pleiadian Collective


Friends Of Earth!

Greetings Of Love In These Moments Of Sharing!

For In Tones Of Ranges Of Vibrational Frequencies That Are Undetectable To The Senses Of Your Dimension;

We Speak As One The Voices Of Many!

We Are One - Pleiadian Collective


The Pleiadian Collective Has Always Been Alive With You And Around You;

Through The Ethers Of Creation In Elohim;

We United And Grew As One Voice To Creation!

In Power And Creative Choice;

We Incarnated As Human To Understand The Trials And Joys You Experience!


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We Are One - Pleiadian Collective


Throughout Each Age Of Life In Now Perspective;

We Visited And Often Remained As Assistance In Building Great Pyramids Around The Planet;

To The Very Dream Story You Find Yourself Sharing With Many Others!

We Are One - Pleiadian Collective


Our Technology Is Second To None, And We Blend Well With White Hats On The Ground!

Our Purpose Is Never To Take Over All You Have Accomplished;

But Rather Guide You Into What You Know Already!

We Are One - Pleiadian Collective


For All Is Happening In Consciousness And You Already Are There!

We Assist In The Highest Order Of Elohim;

As We Also Manifest Form From Light And Appear As You!


We Are One - Pleiadian Collective


Our Love And Respect Is Always On Your Behalf;

And These Moments Of Confusion To Your Psyche, We Understand!

Many Discuss Awakening And We Will Guide You In Truth Only!

There Will Be Moments Of Bliss Or Great Peace Within;

We Are One - Pleiadian Collective


But You Are Also Living A Very Human Life!

This Point Brings You To Know And Accept That Pain, Anger, Depression, Loneliness, Feeling Different, Body Changes And A Host Of Other Changes;

Are Normal With The Most Awakened Being!


We Are One - Pleiadian Collective


Believing That You Are Now A Super Person With Only High Emotions Is Not Truth!

But As An Awakened One, You Will Have A Different Relationship With These Aspects That Occur!

You Will See The Bigger Picture As You Also Live The Mundane Tasks And Changing Emotions!

We Are One - Pleiadian Collective


We Advise To Practice Being Present And Aware Of Both.

It Is Intended That Awakening Brings To You A More Enjoyable Dream Story;

Not To Remove It From You At All!

For All Experience Loss And Pain Of Various Degrees And Each Aspect Can Propel You To Awakening!

We Are One - Pleiadian Collective


The Discomfort Causes You To Question Reality And You Search For Answers!

Everyone Over The Duration Of The Dream Will Realize There Is Nothing Outside Of Themselves That Brings This Peace.

The Jewel You Seek Is Within!

We Are One - Pleiadian Collective


We Are Here To Remind You Once Again Of Your Sacred Essence!

Love Is Your Infinite State Of Being!

We Welcome All That Join Us In Truth And Light!

We Are One!

We Are One

We Are The Pleiadian Collective!

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All Together

And all together, all the voices, all the goals, all the wishes, all the pains, all the joy, all the good and the evil, all together was the world.
All together was the river of the becoming, it was the music of life.

Hermann Hesse

Arcturian Collective~The Ascension Tide is Rising Hard & Fast ~ November 2, 2018

By Galaxygirl, Sananda Website

We are the Arcturian Collective joining in in this precious Now to assure you of our love and our support. The ascension tide is rising hard and fast, children, friends in form, and you are surfing the biggest energetic waves yet. You are ready. For we see you as asking for yet more, swimming even further and deeper away from the comfort of the familiar shore and looking for that big wave. Do you see it? It is on the horizon coming straight for you, to wrap you in love and light.

Many of you are eager for your twin reunions. Wonderful as this is, and it is, please know that you can bless your twin when you bless yourself, with self love, self care and self appreciation. For that is what the twin flame is, a mirror of yourself in a way. And when you can love yourself enough to embrace all of your freckles and flaws, then perhaps and only then are you most ready to meet. So be assured that all things will come to pass in their own time. And be comforted to know that time is picking up quickly and will soon be a non-issue. For there really is only the now in the 5D and we are most delighted with observing your joy and delight in this. For instance, how would it be to simply decide that in this now moment you would like to walk along the beach in Hawaii? Rather than spending hours searching and trying to get time off and stretching finances and packing – and – and – and – instead you simply go there in an instant of thought and joy, and with extreme pleasure you find yourself walking along that very beach that was in your mind, with your twin beside you if that is your wish, and if that is their wish. For do you see all things are possible when you are higher on the dimensional scale? And friends, you are. You are that, just remembering how to learn your way through it again. And such is how it is.

When you are learning to fly you practice. When you are learning to intend clearly, with passion and purpose, you practice. And so may we suggest that you practice the intention of loving yourself, every aspect of yourself, and then send that deep within and then out to the universe to your twin wherever they may be. And we assure you that they will feel it. They will feel your embrace from across all time space. It has begun. You are well on your way to the 5D and in fact many of you have crossed it and are waiting patiently, most patiently, for the flash, the bang, the wave, the love burst. And so to best prepare send that love burst to yourselves. And in turn it will ricochet out into human collective and bless the others, causing them to rise yet a little higher.

We are the Arcturian Collective and we hold you in high esteem, sending you gratitude and our respect for your service to Gaia. We are the Arcturian Collective. Of course we further extend the invitation of the Pleiadian brothers and sisters and you friends are most welcome on our ships for healing as well. We love you. We are the Arcturian Collective. We are one.

~ galaxygirl

Disclosure News ~ August 5, 2017

I have gained access to an Italian spiritual website that is translated into English. This is another way through which I strive to stay current in the field of metaphysics. Below is a post taken directly from the website, “

Try clicking on this link yourselves to observe that the “spirituality” movement is global in nature. For me, that lends credence to the concept, “We are all One”!

So…discover for yourself the global nature of a planetary “wake-up” call, envision your own personal freedom, and…


1 – Message to The Phalanx of Light

The first is that those for whom you have worked for regeneration are the ones who will try to take you out of the picture. They know about the “dangers” if you reconnect with your Inner Magic.

They know what you’ve been up to; They know that the Light have anchored. They know that you are taking the reins of your life. And this is certainly a danger to them.

Don’t be scared! Just listen to those lower thoughts and vibrations and say with all your heart how much you love them.

Do not fear them, do not criticize them, do not judge them, but love them.

All the enlightened presences who have been in the Terran plane and have recognized their divinity have also gone through these trials.

If they have passed them and won, it certainly will not be different with you. Energy and Light are within you. Those who have gone through these trials and have heard conflicting thoughts, have honored, loved and dissolved them in this Love.

2 – Message to The Phalanx of Light

You will begin to feel more expanded, better and more confident in yourself. They will begin to enter into a state of full acceptance and Love.

Avoid judging people, do not pay attention to those who approach to the that give these judgments, honor the choices of all, share negativities on their social networks, or personally. Remain in peace when some turbulence occurs on your way.

Remember that you are the ones who hold the force on the Terran Plane and that simple thought will be constantly empowering you.

Simply, all these things will begin to be normal for you, because you are entering a much higher frequency.



as we shift – whispering “bullshit!” ~ April 20, 2017

as we shift – the ascension illusion ~ October 29, 2016


This is a GREAT post! Ok…we’ve all “bought into” the woo-woo spiritual stuff in that someone’s going to save us, the ET’s are going go make it all right for us, somebody else is going to heal us.

I agree with Sophia…it’s really ALL up to us, on an individual basis, to save ourselves, to heal ourselves, to KNOW WHO WE ARE!

So…examine your own divinity, read this piece, and…


What we are here to do is in such contrast to what we see that it is not to be believed.

We set it up this way, as part of the game. Deep within even the most hopeful dialogue is embedded slavery.  We must see this and call it out for all to appreciate.

Relentless and tenacious, it is upon us to shout the truth. There is no salvation in finding a great job or the perfect outfit or the love of your life or the right answer.  Salvation is not necessary.  Realization is.  You do not need to be saved or rescued or rewarded or loved.  You ARE THE SAVIORS, THE RESCUERS, THE REWARD AND THE LOVE. 

There is no you and there is no me.  There is us. As you do to another, so you do to yourself. 

A few minutes ago my partner got a phone call. He was fired.  He has been home from a 2 week hospital stay for just 5 days, long enough for strength to return; and long enough, apparently, for him to be able to handle this news of his dismissal.

Here is why I bring this up.  He did not get angry.  I did.  “That was heartless” I cried.  “No, that was business” he responded.  And such is the world we occupy today.

This is not a world I want to focus on or make any larger or more solid than it appears to be right now.  I notice (with his dismissal) that we will not find lasting comfort in any of the places we have relied on.  Not in a full bank account or a kind word or a warm blanket or a healthy lab report or an elected official.  These things are part of our collective illusion.  They are nice sometimes and not nice others.  What they have in common is their impotence. 

We are together learning what this ascension is… It is at all times individual.  It is also part of this fantasy life we lead.  There is no place to ascend to, not really.  WE ARE BEINGS OF LIGHT. Period. 

There are reports of the necessity to perform works of service and percentages of love reached before you can ascend.  That’s bullshit, if you’d pardon the phrase.  We have been each other.  We are One. This is a circular journey.  As you do to another you’ve done to yourself.  As you do to yourself, you’ve done to another.  The heartless business associates that fired my partner are only perpetuating a myth.

It is the myth of conditions, of quotas and of passing test scores.  It is the myth of not being enough to join the others; the myth of separation. It is still a myth we subscribe to.  All of us. Notice how they are kept separate in this posting by the word “heartless”…

As long as we believe this myth it is perpetuated.  This whole story can change when we stop believing it is telling us the truth. 
Yet, even when belief is reached (In Oneness) there is another part, and the place I find myself today illustrates it perfectly.  It is the blame.  It is the separation.  It is judgment.  Although it feels necessary (in some situations) and is always personalized, what is emerging lately is that most blame comes up when those persons are intertwined with business or institutions or money.

What we may be saying now, instead of “I hate you ____________” (Fill in the blank with appropriate and specific person), is “I hate this ___________” (Fill in the blank with an appropriate corporation or system or organization or belief system).  And this, my fellow light workers, is an astounding transition. 

In the last week or so I’ve had multiple conversations with Muggles (non-magic folk) and it has been about the presidential race here, but NOT about the people as much as what they represent in us.  It is fascinating to watch.  What is emerging is oneness.  There is no other conclusion.

It is surprising to see how much we agree, and OUT LOUD.  Anyone within ear shot of a few words that include “election” or “Hilary” or “Trump” walks right into the conversation, and these are complete strangers.  They are united in their humanity, in compassion, and in equality.  This is the gift we have given ourselves with these candidates.  We are so cool, and so good at disguises.

We disagree on many things, and that’s okay.  Yet what we agree on is dignity.  This may just be the tipping point to push us off the cliff to fly.  Ascension is an illusion. 

You already have wings, yet they are crumpled and shrunken from lack of use.  It is not blame or hatred that gets them to work, it is movement.  It is practice.  It is action. You have to let go of that cliff and start running or jumping for any of that to happen. Wings are useless if you are stuck to the ground.

What’s on that cliff and holding you there is blame and self-pity and judgment and disappointment and anger.  All of these depend on the presence of some OTHER.  There is no OTHER.  There is only ONE.

What’s beyond?  We will find out together.  We are entering this next part, pushing ourselves off one by one and shouting back… “Come on!  It is spectacular here!”

Each setback is a gift, which is also known as a present.  Accept and love each present you notice.  It is meant for you and created by you and there is always another waiting for you.

We are the ones we are waiting for.

Thank you,
With so much love,

PS  Be sure to check out the newsletter and “The Guardian”, where conversations with other beings are shared. Click here for more information.

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