September 2016’s Preparative Energetic Pushes ~ August 30, 2016


This is a post from Denise LeFay that you need to read. So…please read this post, apply this to your heart, and…


After the 2016 Lion’s Gate stampede, I’ve felt that rare but oh so blissful sensation of feeling mildly drugged (zero drugs people, just an energetic side effect) and absolute need to fall asleep and get out-of-body for as long as possible throughout the day. This has been going on for the past couple of weeks and is that wonderful phase where we integrate and recuperate, acclimate and adjust to the latest inner evolutionary changes. This is not the common Ascension symptom ‘tired and wired’ where you’re totally exhausted beyond all comprehension but are being fried alive inside out by higher energies and your mind races nonstop the whole time. No, this is different and feels all warm and fuzzy and the mind goes quiet, comatose in fact, and it’s a very pleasant sensation of resting and being nurtured in the highest of ways while your mind blessedly goes nigh-night. Just absolutely wonderful Ascension related side effect… and then the next higher round arrives—as they always do—and you’re back in it again. R&R time is over, back to evolving everyone!

While I’m still in this latest integrate and recuperate phase before the September 2016 blasts arrive (feeling them already), I wanted to get something written in case I’m not able to sit up and string some words together, sensibly, for a bit. Oh it’s happened many times over these ascension years, periods where I was profoundly grateful to those non distorted Ascension Teachers for picking up the slack and writing much-needed articles during the extra difficult moments when I was flat on my back in too much pain to do anything other than try to survive the latest Stair-step change or Wave. We’ve all been tag teams for each other during these Ascension decades; tagging out when we absolutely had to and others tagging in to carry on, giving us time to live through it ourselves yet continue the Ascension information production and distribution for those that needed it. Cosmic Light tag teams.❤

There’s been some excellent information lately from some of these other tag team members and I’ll add links at the end of my article. One of them was the latest from Sandra Walter, August 29, 2016, Acceleration and the Solar Eclipse: Making the Choice. Thank you Sandra for it.❤ It was great because she clearly and honestly listed the different layers, the different Stair-steps as I call them, to not only these energies or Waves but also of people. Not everyone is or ever has stood on the same energetic evolutionary Ascension Stair-step but on slightly different steps. Having said that, most of the human masses haven’t even been on the stairs at all until this year! From here on out however, every living human on earth is now standing on an Ascension Stair-step or they’re dying and exiting and will rejoin the Process where and when it’s appropriate for them individually to do so.

‘The higher vibrational collective (those holding 5D — 12D codes and frequencies within their field) create a quantum dynamic which raises the rest of the collective (the unawakened, awakened to conspiracy, anyone not participating in the Ascension on a heart level — no judgement, they created balance and needed challenges for a while in this process) by the laws of quantum physics and Divine Love (frequency upon which the Universe is built).’

See some of the different groups of people she mentioned? See the different energetic and consciousness Stair-steps within the Ascension Process they’re standing on meaning existing within, aware of, living, reacting to, focused on and believing in currently? Each and every Stair-step and phase of the Ascension Process is important to All, but, finally everyone has entered the Ascension Process, meaning the Forerunners will need to be patient in NEW ways (which will also be easier) with the others that have just begun and are standing far away on much lower Stair-steps. But hot-damn kids, at least they’re all finally on a Stair-step!

confetti   Conspiracy     sleeping smilie    joint   tinfoilhat   preaching    greedy    heartflag   glance   meditate   snake puppet smileyprotest   pinkstars-1

‘Regardless of our collective intentions before the wave arrives in September, there will be an acceleration. That path was already pre-determined if we were to accomplish the Ascension timeline before 2012. And we did…’

From our Forerunner perspective today, this approaching acceleration of the entire Ascension Process has always been anticipated. When certain people started mentioning an ‘acceleration’ last month or so I was confused because I’ve always known that once we got past the grand Expiration Date—12-21-12—it all was going to accelerate and what we had to continue doing was move up every Stair-step since then to keep up with the evolutionary Ascension Process as Forerunner/Pathpavers/Wayshowers. The faster you could/can remove old clothing and cast them aside (meaning old lower consciousness, beliefs, habits, expectations, energies etc.), the faster and easier you move up more Ascension Stair-steps and go through repeated adjustments to having released more lower past stuff and simultaneously embodied more and more of the NEW higher stuff — Light Codes, ongoing evolution, different DNA upgrades, expanding consciousness, higher abilities, evolving chakras etc. This sacred Path only narrows and quickens the farther along it one travels or ascends. Keep that in HighHeartmind.

‘As the vibrational rate and light quotient of the HUman collective rises exponentially, opportunities for accelerated timelines present. This has been going on all throughout the Shift. Typically Lightworkers, Gatekeepers, and Gridworkers work in co-operation with the Higher realms to welcome in the highest possible experience for Humanity, Gaia, Kingdoms and Elementals. However, the incoming photonic light has taken on a new level; a more intense results-driven aspect as we approach a crucial tipping point next year.’

All quotes are from Sandra Walter’s latest article. See link(s) below.

Results-driven indeed and just in time because I, we, Gaia and All won’t and cannot suffer fools or this rapidly descending insanity any longer. It’s too much, the energetic gap is too great between having more and more Ascended Masters living on earth next to those that are, at this point, barely the same species. There must be and is a tremendous acceleration within the Ascension Process at this completion point of Galactic Alignment where everyone whose chosen to stay in their physical body MUST get with the evolutionary program quickly or exit said physical body and continue elsewhere that’s a closer vibrational match. This tremendous acceleration is, simply, the NEW full-time within a NEW Evolutionary Cycle. Period. It’s graduation time now and many will, many won’t, some need more work and preparation and so on, but know that this is what awaits us all at the start of January 2017; the NEW in NEW ways at a NEW higher level and dimension full-time.

Having said that, understand that there’s more than just one or two Ascension timelines. There are many but I’m not terribly interested in most of them because they don’t require my personal attention. I’m focused on what I’ve Volunteered to work on which is this primary Ascension timeline I’m on and the majority of you reading this now are on as well. There’s another one that I’ve always been focused on too however which contains some of but not all of my family members and old friends. These details don’t need to be sweated over or worried about by you and me; what you and me need to be doing is continuing to evolve as quickly and easily as we possibly can from moment to moment, hour to hour and week by week and September 2016 will make sure we do exactly that!

Use those energies, those aches and pains, those doubts and occasional self-doubts, confusions etc. as your personal thrust-blocks to propel yourself up many more evolutionary Stair-steps. Why? Because January 2017 is only moments away and it comes with energies 100-fold higher frequency than what’s kicking our ascension backsides today! I want to fly not fry in the coming NEW energies of 2017, which means I need to get as much elevation now as I can and so should you and for these same reasons. God Source has our backs with this so take advantage and use these rare energies to evolve faster and further than is normally available. So what if it hurts some at this point. So what if things feel overwhelming at times at this point. So what if you/me/we seemingly fumble the ball occasionally and feel embarrassed because of it. You think any of this matters to or is even seen as that by your Higher Self? You think any of this matters to the Divine? To Source? To the Divine Mother/Father? Not in the least, there’s only incomprehensible LOVE, respect, admiration and immense gratitude. Ease back off the throttle a bit and just float on in and through this September phase, stop thinking and FEEL instead and BE.

Okay, it’s nap time for me, thanks for reading and feeling this and here’s to an exceptional and loftly September 2016 for each of us individually and the entire human collective and the All everywhere.❤
