SPIRIT TRAVEL & OUR DREAMS ~ October 27, 2019

Elizabeth Peru

Have you noticed that your so-called ‘dreams’ are extra REAL this week? When you wake-up are you convinced that what you’ve just experienced, really happened? No matter how surreal?

If so, you’re NOT ALONE. Now that we’re operating under a 5D energy template on Earth, the divide between your waking and sleeping reality is transparent. You can literally see and feel dimensions melt into one another and you (soul being) have conscious access to your true abilities…

OCTOBER ~ a great LIFE CLEANSE…What a profound energy is sweeping the globe right now. If you’ve been reflecting on your soul’s journey and how you got to be where you are right now – congratulations – you’re right in the current 5D into 3D integration flow. We’re going in deep before the New Moon. 

This weekend, as you LISTEN to me speak your energy forecasts, let the energy of the words I speak – excite you. Especially where I mention ‘uncovering answers’…


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