The Golden Age Of The Divine Feminine Dawns ~ October 27, 2019

By LotusLindley

The sacred energies of the Divine Feminine are being felt more prominently, more often & for more people.  The Ascension Process is well underway, affecting all of humanity, whether we know we’re being affected or not. Our old brain is being upgraded & created a’new, for a more balanced way of being.

What does this really mean & how can we grasp this in a tangible way.  Well, I won’t begin to assume I know to the far reaches of what this really means. However, I can attest to the experiential significance of this reality,  which for me goes back at least a decade.

Since the early 2000’s, I’ve had many patches of time where my mind refused to ‘function’ in the fashion I’d previously been accustomed to. Early on, I understood this to be a bi-product of the deepening of my meditation practice.

For brief periods of time, I’d not know the day, date, month, or year. And I really didn’t care. It didn’t seem important. I’d find myself just sitting peacefully, daydreaming, feeling emptied of cares & worries, or even thoughts.  In the early days, this would last a day or two and then, “Wa-La!” the next day would bring me back to the good ol’ linear, rational, logical, thinking. I could track time, it was easier to attach to stressful thoughts, and I could project into and plan for the future.

Over time, and in particular around 2013, this all changed drastically. The short spans of time grew into gradual levels of a new normal. What did the New Norm look like?

My memory no longer held information that was superfluous, regardless of what my personality thought was important to continue to carry with me. And it wasn’t dementia, which was a mild fear.

The thought process had great challenges in once again, tracking time. I eventually let go of needing to. 

The mind felt foggy & mushy. 

I felt like daydreaming A LOT.  The mind felt soft & wavy. 

There were spells of dizziness. This wasn’t any kind of nervous disorder. 

I didn’t feel the need to be in control or the world around me. Which had been a major survival habit since as back as far as I could remember. 

I entered into a magical flow by surrendering & letting my mind go … though the necessary shifts being created, that is. 

There were more nuanced changes, but this has been the most obvious thus far.

For thousands of years, we’ve been functioning under the qualities of the predominantly  masculine energy. Though the masculine qualities are necessary for a balanced way of living & thinking, it has been grossly imbalanced, as most of us realize.

I don’t believe this topic is as cut & dry as this post expresses, but lets keep it simple, right? The brain can be seen as holding masculine, yang, qualities in it’s Left-side functioning.  The Right-side, the feminine holds more of our creative, emotive, I like the word spiraling, way of functioning.  It helps us to access more expansive brain-wave states, which connect us more acutely to our own Soul & subtle bodies. This also supports us in receiving higher wisdom, rather than a limited intellectual understanding.

As we’ve been moving forward along the awakening process, we’re slowly being taught how to function from more of the Right side, the feminine side of the brain. And in this process, it can be challenging & inconvenient for the way our society & it’s systems have been set up.

The invitation we’re receiving from these periods of foggy headed times, is to surrender to the change, which is in essence a profound transformation of consciousness.

The invitation is to begin to create more space in your life, maybe restructure your life, so that your more able to let go into this divine flow.

The invitation is to take some time out … rest, daydream, watch the sky & trees, sleep.  Allow the no-mind it’s space, & witness the space this creates within you & your heart.

We need not be alarmed with this change, and the better we roll with it, the more ease & grace we’ll experience. Also, it’s quite exciting to realize that a divine consciousness is evolving through us … we’re in the midst of an amazing period of time, where we can begin to truly witness & embrace humanity transforming!

As always, with any Ascension symptoms that may be new to you, or that you feel it’s best to seek medical assistance, please do. However, if the results come back clear, you can rest in the fact that the experiences you’re having are something to celebrate, not fear!

We may swing to the side of the Right-sided Feminine brain expressions before we come to balance out with the Left-sided Masculine, yet when they form a new dance together of harmony & balance, we’ll be functioning from a new mind & a new way of living & a new world we’re living in!

Here’s to humanity’s merging of our New Heart! 

Blessings & Love, 



Get Ready for your Mission. No more Excuses – It is Time… ~ Nov. 17, 2016


Wooow, what a crazy period has it been ever since the outcome of US elections. So many people got upset, angry and scared. And they still are. The comfort zone is gone and nobody knows what the future will bring and what this guy is up to. Nothing the ego mind copes well with at all. Along with that, we had an increase in major Earthquakes over the past weeks. This planet is really shaken to the core. In parallel, lightworkers are still busy with lots of physical ailments, last bits of emotional clearing and… the thought spirals are back. But they feel different. They are spiraling around a lot more topics than ever before. And although spiraling deeply in one moment, in the next – you have completely forgotten what you had been trying to figure out. What is going on?

neerending story

So the neverending story continues. And we have to get used to that! The expansion of consciousness indeed IS a neverending story. Because the Universe keeps expanding and keeps experiencing and expressing itself into matter and form, to gather information before going back into non-matter. This might be confusing to understand, but this is what this whole game is all about. We never stop growing and expanding. But the higher we raise, the easier it gets – because we are getting rid of the fear patterns along the process, so the highs get higher and more frequent, while the lows get less and lose their power over us. Having said that, where are we at right now, and what are we experiencing?


Chaos and the Ripple Effect

As I said in many blogs before, a system needs to go into chaos in order to rebuild itself at a higher level. It is a universal law and basis of each evolutionary process. You can observe that anywhere in nature. A rigid structure cannot change. And just as it happened on a micro level with your own body, it now happens on a macro level for the collective. Remember how tough it was for yourself to go through the awakening process with your own body, which is an organism. And all of your cells are part of that organism. All of your cellular memory had to be reprogrammed and restructured to enable you to access higher dimensions and to be able to handle the higher fifth dimensional frequencies of light and love. So now,  the same happens at a larger scale. And you are affected as a cell of that bigger organism we are all part of. So are you really surprised that this chaos all around the planet is happening now? It had to be this way. Just remember how you were pushed into your awakening process. You were triggered so deeply, that all of your old belief systems and everything that was not real about you, not authentic about you, and all of the fake fear patterns came to surface so that you could go through the emotions in order to release them and transmute the energy to a higher level. And exactly the same is happening for the organism of humanity now.

“You know that your own awakening was a long and painful process. You did not wake up and everything was easy peasy and a rose tinted world immediately. So why would it be any different for the awakening of humanity?”

You know that your own awakening was a long and painful process. You did not wake up and everything was easy peasy and a rose tinted world immediately. Far from it! No, you patiently went through all the ups and downs of your own evolutionary process. So why would the evolutionary step humanity is headed into now be any different? Did you really think, we would just walk through the portal and would all end up in paradise right away? Of course not. Humanity needs to go through the same thing, with every cell of its body: All human beings that are awakening now. And your task, as a healed cell of this larger organism on the planet, is to “infect” all other cells with the new “virus” of light and unconditional love. Leading them back to Christ Consciousness, out of the valley of darkness and the illusion of separation. So, honestly: Isn’t that a great message, that all you have to do is further focus on yourself, your healing and to stay in the light, to be love and to share it with as many people as possible? That is all there is to do. The system will heal itself through love. So please stop worrying about the outcome of the election and wrapping your mind around things that you cannot change. You don’t want to be a cancer cell making the organism even more ill, right?. Again: This chaos is necessary to destroy the old energetic patterns. Only then a shift to a higher evolved state of being can take place. Remember: Change only happens from within. Just as you cannot change another person, you cannot change a political, economic or cultural system. The only way to change it is through your individual change in your attitude and through your personal shift from fear to love. Like a ripple effect this will spread all over the planet. And you are not alone. Many lightworkers are placed all over the planet strategically to initiate and foster these ripples everywhere. THAT is the way to raise the frequency and change the reality not only for yourself, but for humanity and the planet in total.


Thought Spirals and the Polar Shift

 As already indicated in one of my last blogs, we are entering the final cleansing phase on an individual level for the pioneers of the new dawn. Yes, for you, reading this text! This means that your physical, emotional and mental bodies are getting rid of the last bits of 3D programming to be fully healed and restructured at a much higher level.

One thing that really sticks out right now are the thought spirals. We had worked so hard to get our ego under control and have managed so well to be in the now. And all of a sudden, we seem to be back in the old game of jumping from past to future, worrying about what we could have done differently or what could happen and how we can prepare for it. But as deep as we spiral, all of a sudden, we forget about it and spiral about something else. And with that, we also experience difficulties in expressing ourselves in a spoken or written language. We have a hard time to put into words what we are experiencing, and sometimes our ability to speak seems to be completely disturbed. Why are we all of a sudden struggling and are so busy with wrapping our mind around stuff we cannot change anyways?

There are two main reasons:

Reason number one: We are shifting in and out of Unity Consciousness at a very high rate. Within seconds! We are going back and forth: 3D-5D-3D-5D-3D-5D. This is part of our recalibration process, and our mind tries to understand that weird dance – but it is not capable to process that vast amount of information coming in with the energy stream.. So please know that these thought spirals are perfectly normal and are caused by the polarities switching within our cellular structure. This is heralding the polar shift that is, according to scientists, overdue and imminent, catalyzing the big shift in consciousness. Zero Point. The evolutionary jump into New Earth reality.

“This is heralding the polar shift that is, according to scientists, overdue and imminent, catalyzing the big shift in consciousness. Zero Point. The evolutionary jump into New Earth reality.”

Reason number two: We are tuned into the collective field and are picking up all the fears that are rising to surface for billions of the awakening newbies. So be aware that the thought spirals and emotional breakouts you are experiencing are not all yours. This is collective stuff running through you, and all you have to do is give it compassion and gratitude. Our collective is finally healing! This is something to be happy about and celebrate! That is exciting news!


Revelations and Collective Triggers

So can you see now that all that has happened with Donald Trump as THE trigger for humanity had to happen, so that we as human collective can awaken and ascend? We will experience interesting months ahead. We will get a lot of revelations about the old system, and the global elite that has ruled and controlled humanity for a long time. And these revelations will be very dark and ugly. Nevertheless, this will be another necessary step to help the masses awaken. They will see so clearly how long they have been enslaved and living a lie, not being aware of their true nature and birth rights of abundance and freedom. And in order to go through this process and this expansion of their awareness, they need YOU!

“All of what you went through, all of what has happened for you, all the pain prepared you for this. To be a leader through this process, being a beacon of light in the middle of chaos that people can turn to in their confusion.“

All of what you went through, all of what has happened for you, all the pain prepared you for this. To be a leader through this process, being the beacon of light in the middle of chaos that people can turn to in their confusion. You will no longer be considered the crazy one, but the one that knows all about it and is able to help. You will be so appreciated for who you are and what you do. So stay in your light! Love and light energy is so much more powerful than fear energy. Darkness has no chance against the light. It is simply the light. This is the way how we will heal the collective. Each and everyone of us through our gifts and talents. For those still doubting, what this process is all about, I highly recommend to read this article. It has the focus of twin flames, but especially the first part is valid for all lightworkers just the same.

So get ready for your mission! These are the boot camp finals! You are almost done with your healing, and this planet and humanity needs you! That is what you came here for! No more excuses. You are to move beyond being human. You are to find your own inner light. Everything outside of you was just a catalyst to get you there. Now is the time to fully step into your power. Now is the time to fully trust your intuition. You are about to become a true ascended master while being in a physical body. No more doubts. No more judgement. No more waiting for your guides to tell you what to do. You KNOW. Yes, you do, start trusting that. The reward? You become the master of your own destiny. You will experience unconditional love, freedom and joy in the physical for as long as you want. Really? You might think now…. Yes, really: Because aging does not happen in the absence of fear.

Time to rock the show. And I am so happy and grateful to rock it together with you! I love you and appreciate you for all the hard work well done. Thank you so much for being here to make this happen.