Soul Families ~ April 2, 2018

I knew it, I just knew it! Cobra comes to us with a very important post with more information about why some unions/reunions just keep on happening! And also why the electrical kundalini energy that arises from these unions are intensely felt by both souls because that is when “ONE” is present in the interplay of their souls!

Are you an “old” soul? The time of reunion of “old souls”, or “twin flames”, is close at hand when you and your beloved will lose the inplants responsible for keeping you apart. Until that time of reunion, please read this message, rejoice over your permanent reunion, and…


________________________________________________________________________________To start preparing for the post-Event and post-Contact society, the Pleiadians have asked me to release intel about soul families.

Soul families are created when a group of Souls emerges from undifferentiated monadic essence and enters this universe through a seventh dimensional portal of the Galactic Central Sun, either in this galaxy or any other galaxy in the universe.

Millions of highly evolved Souls that are now incarnated on the surface of this planet have mainly entered this universe either through the Galactic Central Sun in this Galaxy or its sister galaxy, the Andromeda galaxy.

They have then gained their experience by traveling throughout the Galaxy through higher dimensional light filaments that crisscross the Galaxy and later focused their consciousness by gaining experience in portal star systems such as Pleiades, Aldebaran, Sirius, Arcturus, Vega (alpha Lyrae), Tau Ceti…

At some point in their evolution path they have encountered Galactic Wars and they got involved and this is their main reason they found themselves on Earth.

Either they made a conscious decision to enter the Quarantine Earth to anchor the Light and help the Light forces to liberate the planet, or they have simply wandered into a dangerous zone in the Galaxy without fully understanding the risk and got caught by the Archons in the inter-dimensional scalar net, dragged to Earth and forced into reincarnation cycle.

It is of the utmost importance for all higher dimensional star beings incarnated on the surface of the planet to awaken now, remember their missions and carry them out.

It is also of the utmost important for members of the soul families to start connecting with each other from higher perspective and not only as human beings being caught in Quarantine Earth.

Soul family members create connection with each other based on fifth dimensional understanding of their own essence (manasic consciousness) and create true friendships. This is the cosmic origin of the friend archetype.

Soul family members of the same soul family or of two adjoining soul families that create a very deep soul connection with sixth dimensional Soul Love positive interference pattern (buddhic consciousness) are called soul mates. This is the cosmic origin of the girlfriend /boyfriend archetype.

Soul family members of the same soul family that are actually one being that has split into opposite female/male polarities as it has entered the fourth/third dimension, are called twin souls. Their connection reaches the seventh dimension (atomic consciousness) and is the cosmic origin of man/woman, husband/wife and hero/goddess archetype.

The Soul Family is one of the central mysteries of the Sisterhood of the Rose:

It is the One being which manifests in the physical:

All interlocking levels of connection within a soul family create a Clifford torus that breaks the Matrix:

This is the reason why the dark forces have always wanted to destroy soul families.

First they did that by implanting star people to disconnect them from higher dimensional consciousness and from their Soul presence. This is called vertical implant programming and will be addressed in a special dedicated blog post when the time is right. Vertical implant programming is the basis for Quarantine Earth blockage.

The second layer of programming is horizontal implant programming. The Pleiadians have asked me to address this now in order to start deconstructing the society programming that creates the Matrix.

Horizontal implant programming misuses the fact that twin souls enter the fourth and third dimensional universe as a couple of male (electric) and female (magnetic) polarity. In its pure form, electric (kundalini) force of the male and magnetic (Soul) force of the female create attraction which in turn creates triangulation which is the force of evolution.

When this electromagnetic force of female/male attraction is interfered with by the means of horizontal implant programming, it creates a distortion in the electromagnetic field of the society that is being programmed, and evolution of such society gets delayed, sometimes for many millennia, as is the case with the Earth surface society.

The basic horizontal implant creates a split in female and male perception of sexual energy, as it has been explained in detail here:

The most effective way to control a society and delay its evolution is to control female sexual energy. This is the reason why cultures that gave maximum sexual freedom to women were the ones that saw most progress.

The most effective way to control female sexual energy in a given society is to infiltrate a critical mass of Orion/Draco/Reptilian sexual predators in that society and let them loose. This is what Archons did many times throughout human history. When a critical mass of women receives negative programming from those predators, this creates a Pavlovian reflex in subconscious female psyche of that society, thus effectively cutting off Goddess energy.

In a society like this, females begin to live a double life, expressing themselves sexually only when they are away from the prying eyes of the Matrix.

An extreme example of this is the society of Saudi Arabia:

The key of liberation of such society is for the most advanced women of that society to gradually start expressing sensual, sexual Goddess energy:

Archons are also absolutely allergic to deep Soul Love energy between a man and a woman, especially between soul mates and twin souls.

By engineering the incarnation process, they rarely allow two twin souls to incarnate at the same time. Even if they do, they rarely meet each other. Even if the meet, they are rarely allowed to be together, the Archons engineering situations to prevent the union. This is why twin soul unions on the surface of the planet now are extremely rare, and most people who think they are twin souls are actually primary soul mates (soul mates that channel energy of the twin soul to each other).

A deep Soul Love connection between soul mates on the surface of the planet happens a little more often, and if it does, Archons sometimes go to great extremes towards preventing that love, even resorting to killing one or both partners.

After the Event and especially after the First Contact, the Resistance and the Pleiadians will start contacting the most advanced members of human society, especially those who are aware of soul families.

This contact will inevitably bring tectonic cultural shifts into the human society. The Pleiadians and the Resistance have communicated that this contact will sometimes inevitable evolve into deeper romantic and sexual relations, especially between twin souls and soul mates where one of them is living on the surface and the other one is within the Resistance or belongs to the Confederation Fleet:

To be more prepared for those connections, the surface population needs to be aware that the Pleiadians and the Resistance have a very similar societal model that is based on soul families. Sometimes they are fully committed to exclusive sacred union with their twin soul or their primary soul mate, and sometimes they form open polyamoruos connections that are based on Soul Love and free flow of sexual energy. Same sex unions do happen among them, but they are free from any Archon interference that is so prevalent on the surface of this planet.

These connections will be the final test of integration of surface population into the Galactic society.

Victory of the Light!

Energy Shift Report ~ It’s Time to Push The Reset Button! ~ Nov. 14, 2017

By Tiffany Stiles

Dear Beautiful Souls!

Are you ready for when the clock strikes midnight this upcoming New Year’s Eve on December 31st?  The Universal energetic wave will shift again, and everything will change towards a new energetic pulse. The time we are in now is a zero point. A time of rest, contemplation, and introspection.

As you’ve probably discovered, it’s much easier to go “with” the Universal flow of energies, rather than fighting against it. Things just seem to flow so much easier, and for your highest good as you’ve diligently followed the synchronisities given to you. Some doors have slammed shut, while others have opened wide inviting new experiences, and a new path to grow and evolve into. 2018 will be that time!

The watery sign of Scorpio brings us to this introspective phase with the upcoming New Moon on November 18th. Over the 2017 year, as it comes to a close, it’s time to reflect on the many decisions you’ve made in 2017 that created rapid change in your life; professions, residential moves, relationships. The many challenges, or obstacles you’ve faced in 2017 have shown you your tenacity to adapt quickly to rapidly changing energetic signatures. To disengage and unconditionally love without attachment. You’ve worked very hard this year in clearing karma held from many ancient past lifetimes. You have integrated those lost fragments of your soul to your here and now physical light body.

You may have even begun important projects you’ve invested tireless hours and/or resources in with failed partnerships, and stalled project deadlines you set for yourself. All has come to a screeching halt…for now. And even your relationships have shifted in preparation to the upcoming harmonizing energies of a new Universal 2018 Year, an 11 year!

2018 will be the perfect energetic year to reunite twin flames, and soul mates with the loving energy 2 carries, (1+1=2). You will see more and more of the Divine feminine playing out in politics, music and the film industry. You will see more truths, and transparency being brought to the surface as telepathy is becoming more prevalent than ever before. Lies are soon to become a thing of the past as telepathic abilities come back online for many souls in 2018. More Metaphysical abilities will be brought on line with the synchrnonizing energy of 11 mirroring the DNA strands.

This period of introspection begins now with this upcoming New Moon in Scorpio on the 18th. The energy will carry through the end of this 2017 year to bring you to a RESET POINT in December 2017. This is in preparation for the upcoming shift in Universal flow of the Master 11 year! Be prepared for big things to happen in 2018 to completely shift your reality in new and miraculous ways! Mastering multi-dimensionality in the physical body will be at the forefront of the entire 2018 year.

2018= 11.
11 is the number of creation, expression and manifestation. This Master Number in numerology, 11, represents two pillars, a gateway, creating a direct portal between inspiration (1 energy) and manifestation (11 energy). As mentioned above, it also mirrors the DNA strands.

But in this coming year, it’s not just manifesting energies of the Number 1, which was the energy of 2017, it will be doubled! Instead, this 2018 is backed by the energetic vibration of 2. Two represents partnership and cooperation, (1+1=2). So, if in 2017 you’ve worked towards collaboration goals with partners, you may see this to fruition in 2018 behind the cooperative and supportive energy of 2. Those projects that came to a screeching halt in 2017 may now begin again with a renewed, creative energy. A whole new focus, and a whole new outcome! Be prepared to accept any change that comes your way. Be prepared to accept new perspectives and creative ideas. Be prepared to have successful partnerships, and collaborations that will propel your success in your “service to others” profession in 2018!

The way we communicate with one another will shift in 2018 as well. You will see more open mindedness. You will see many sharing and accepting new perspectives. You will see a complete lack of judging from others, and air of acceptance will ensue. You can imagine the magic of this energy; how quickly it will manifest co-created realities! More, and more souls are being responsible for their energetic output, as they can see their own realities manifested much quicker now than ever before, as well as how it affects the collective consciousness.

December 2017 is the time to hit your RESET BUTTON in preparation for the new pulse of Universal 11 energy! You are now at your zero point! This is the most auspicious time to reinvent yourself in the direction of your soul purpose and life mission! By harmonizing your personal energetic vibration to that of the Universal energies of 11, the number of creation, expression and manifestation you are tapping into the unlimited energy of abundance! I’m so excited, I can’t wait for 2018 to get here!

As always, please share your experiences and comments in the comments section.

Much Love, ~ Tiffany
Metaphysical Life Coach


© The Mystical Lotus LLC




“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.”― Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets


A Twin Flame is the other half of you. At a certain point in evolution, each soul divides into a feminine and a masculine energy and begins learning along two different paths. You may assume your twin would be very similar to you, but this is not so. The two learn in quite different directions, so that when final joining takes place, the leaning each has done is gained by both. They complement each other.

After the separation takes place, twins join up only very occasionally, sometimes in physical form. The main purpose in making this re-connection, is to reflect back to one another that they have reached a certain point in their evolution. This learning continues until each has completed all the learning that can be obtained in this separated form. At this point they would feel integrated and complete within themselves and would no longer feel a great need to be with their twin or anyone else.

For the more evolved soul it is normal for only one twin to be physically incarnated in the same time period. The other usually remains discarnate in order to help balance the energy of their twin. This allows an easier time for the one who is incarnated. Only 4 percent have both the twins incarnated and these are often in two different locations on Earth. The percentage increases slightly for the souls who have not yet completed the learning obtained from being separated from their twin. It requires quite an adjustment in energy balancing when twins meet, so it is not often the two are together in physical form.

You may feel sad to think your twin may not be incarnated at this time, because you wish to share your life with them. This can reflect incompleteness still present within you. Actually you are sharing your life with them, though not in physical form. You will find that your considerations of need, loss, time and space are of a third dimensional nature. The idea that you are only with someone if they have a body that can be seen, is not the viewpoint of Spirit. All twins are in energy contact, the degree of this depending whether you are awakened and vibrating at a sufficient frequency. Many are in telepathic communication with each other. There is no Divine law preventing anyone being in total communication with their twin. You can ask your I Am presence or the Ascended Masters to assist you with this.

The love between the twin flames cannot be described in the language of Earth. It is an absolute state of unconditional love, and beyond the capability of any being whilst incarnated, to envisage or experience this incredible level of love in its fullest capacity. After incarnating here for an extensive period it is sometimes hard to conceive of that magnitude of love. There is absolute love present. As well as this, imagine a situation where you know and understand a person so completely, that there is nothing they could say or do, that would ever upset you. This is because you clearly see the infinite path that has led you both to this point.

Recognising if someone is your Twin Flame is not always easy. The love is always obvious but then the same applies to meeting a soul mate. There are no signs that say ‘this is my twin. It’s just something for the soul to know.  You may be similar in your desires and likes or they could be quite different, but it doesn’t matter in the slightest. The love is paramount and takes you past such things.  To be honest, there’s no need to know whether it’s your Twin Flame or a soul mate. What does it matter?  It doesn’t change anything at all. You behaviour should still be the same for both.  It is usually the mind or ego wishing to satisfy itself in some way by knowing. Spirit doesn’t care. If it is, it is.


A soul mate is not your Twin Flame. You have several in number, often 6 to 12 and it is these beloved ones of our core soul family that we often incarnate with in very close relationships throughout many lifetimes. They are often the mothers, spouses, brothers and close friends that assist us greatly in the learning and growth process. A great love exists between soul mates and because of this it can easily be mistaken for the twin flame. Whereas not many twins are incarnated, each lightworker has several or more soul mates incarnated and many are destined to be together.

In this last physical incarnation many soul mates are helping each other bring up the deeper levels of emotion that need to be released. It often needs someone as close as a soul mate with the great level of love that exists between the two to be able to get deep enough to raise these buried areas up to be viewed. If gentler tactics do not work in releasing these areas, sometimes it is necessary for one of the soul mates to leave the other. This can be quite devastating and usually appears incredible to all concerned, as often the high level of love between the two people is apparent to all. This is often judged harshly both by the mate being left and various friends and family. It is however a great act of love, often only willing to be undertaken by soul mates. If you consider the larger picture, you are then able to see the absolute necessity behind such a move. The larger picture involves the twin flame and the completion of life on Earth and one’s ascension.

As each Lightworker completes mission tasks and all agreements, they join their twin flame/Divine compliment and the two make their ascension together. They move through a process that is known as the Ascension Flames which is a Light energy of transformation. The Ascended Master, Serapis Bey is the overseer of this ascension ceremony, which uses the fifth ray’s white transformational energy of purity.

They head home. Home can mean different places to different people because the evolution of each being is different. Wherever it is, be it a dimension, planet, galaxy, another universe or a return to the throne of God, it is that deep place of the heart that gives you an incredible feeling of rightness and warmth within. You may have had moments in your life when the memory of this place was triggered and you felt a deep longing, sadness or a strong desire to be somewhere you couldn’t quite consciously grasp or define.

It may be that you and your twin decide to have an incredibly long holiday (like an eternity or two!) after your mission work here. As all creation is instantaneous in the 5th dimension and above, you can literally create anything. If you would both like to share a few hundred years (or five minutes) in a wonderful tropical island paradise, with breathtaking sunsets over magnificent oceans, in the exquisite colours that one sees in the higher dimensions, it is but a thought away. If you wish to either go home or rush off to explore the possibilities of new service roles, it will be so.

If you can dream it, you can have it.


Sandy Stevenson



Copyright 1997

~ What Is The Difference Between Twin Flames, Twin Souls, Soulmates and Karmic Relationships ~

twin flames II

Ah! Another great article answering some questions for me that I thought you might like to see. What exactly IS the difference between soul-mates and twin flames? I was kind of vague about these types of relationships, but this article does a great job of straightening those questions out for m

So… red on and learn more about these important relationships we ALL have! Please read, learn, and…


~ What Is The Difference Between Twin Flames, Twin Souls, Soulmates and Karmic Relationships ~


People often ask what is the difference between those popular soul terms. Explaining.

Karmic relationships

~ Everyday / Showdown / Credit Course ~

masqueWe form karmic ties with people we’ve known in our past lives and have some unfinished businesses or unresolved issues with.

It’s a debt that one must pay to the other, and a valuable developmental lesson that the other one offers in return.

Karma does not “punish” but rather enables the soul to come back and do some corrective work in order to move on.

The soul remembers its embodied lifetimes and attachments, and will knowingly choose the souls it needs to meet again, if they have some unfinished history together.

So the karmic people meet again. Often in the same family as parents, siblings and relatives, or in other close circles as partners, lovers and first marriage spouses.

In karmic relationships everything seems okay on the surface and the way it should probably be. But  it also feels like something is missing and leaves you in a constant dissatisfaction and unrest.

But karmic relationships are usually secured by official documents and blood ties, so that the people were ought to tolerate each other longer, looking for solutions and not the easy way out of the node.

There is no better example of a karmic connection than an unhappy marriage.

Half of the marriages fail simply because those marriages are made of two karmic people – joint debtors. The two are temporarily brought together in a codependent union, where they are triggered to start their karmic workup and eventually break free.

‘Where does love go after marriage??

Illusory ‘love’ fades away and passion subsides as soon as the karmic strings between the two untwine.

Now, parents, siblings, relatives and children stay with us for life, and those relationships may as well be far from easy or fulfilling.

But as we consciously chose these people to be our family before we came here, it only takes us to realize why and what for. Usually with this realization we begin to accept our family members unconditionally, and be thankful for the settings they provided for our growth and refinement.


~ Once in a while / Heart talk / Steady flame ~

628771-800x600-[]Soulmate is either a person you used to know in your previous incarnation and have no unresolved issues left with, or the one of similar energies that thus feels intimate and pleasant.

Cosmos takes care of us so much that it sends us each a couple of thousands of potential soulmates to appear in the right periods of our lives, so that we never feel lonely.

Soulmates laugh a lot and talk for hours, and it’s always effortless and energizing.

Marriage of soulmates is a happy reciprocal relation with minimal arguments and no ego issues – both feel seen and heard.

Souls that love each other are always connected and often incarnate together again to meet as family members, lovers, friends or siblings for company and mutual support.


Twin Souls (or Twin Flames)

~ Once in a lifetime / Deluge / Eternity / Love to death and after ~


 Each soul has its closest ‘soul family bundle’, and what we call a Twin Soul (or Twin Flame) is one, most prominent soul of that spectrum.

But it is not literally “the other half of your soul”. In spite of the recent publicly acknowledged idea of Twin Flames existence that says ‘Twin Flame’ is your other half and is one and only, I only will say here, yes, it’s very close to truth, but there is more to the story. (I’ll be extending this idea in my coming posts).

Is Twin Flame only one for each?..

In the format of this article I will have to say, yes it is. Because One Twin Soul is what most of us will get to meet in a lifetime.

Anyhow, Twin Flames by all means go beyond Soulmates experience. The connection of these two incarnated souls is full of mystery, signs, shared dreaming, synchronicities and overwhelming feelings.

From the moment they meet,Twin Flames develop a magnetic attraction to each other that is nearly supernatural  and practically impossible to withstand. 

Meeting a Twin Flame is a mystical experience as it often signifies a turning point in the lives of both. 

So what are the Twin Flames and why is that connection so powerful?

Let’s say, a soul was once designed as a perfect unisex attire – fit-all pants and top. But once it got off the catwalk, it went for sale as two separate pieces.

You got your piece and it’s your soul.

Your Soulmates match and complement your piece beautifully.

Your Karmic people are like those ‘bad choices’ that can be worn together but hardly match at all.

And your Twin Flame (Twin Soul) is that one of a kind designer set that was originally made of the same fabric.

Twin Flames were at some point One soul that then divided in two to incarnate in two different people for their own developmental purposes. Twin Flames usually incarnate as male and female, but can be of the same sex as well. 

Meeting your Twin Soul is a mystical occurrence,  because it doesn’t happen to a soul in every lifetime. A soul gets to meet its Twin Flame only when it’s old enough to face the Twin and handle the connection as it greatly advances both souls on their evolutionary trip. 

It’s a bliss and a test at the same time, because Twin Souls usually incarnate in  two unordinary individuals that are more interested in solitude, creativity and metaphysics than in trivia, tradition and relationships. The two feel burdened in any sort of a codependent relationship and are driven by the strongest motive in their lives – self actualization and independence.

Sweet disaster begins when the two entities of one former soul  get to meet again…

Both carry the transcendent memory and love for each other. So they immediately ‘recognize’ and get strongly attracted to one another, feeling pleasantly weird, tongue-twisted or even having fever in each other’s presence. 

But together with that attraction comes denial. The two are wildly driven back together, but will nevertheless try to push each other away on early stages, or something will be keeping them apart until the time is right. 

Twin Flames won’t unite easily because their purpose is not to get together in a traditional relationship, but to help each other face themselves and become the ‘wholes’ rather than ‘halves’.

Even though ‘Twin Flames’ has a potentiality of an amazing romantic relationship, it’s erroneous to think of it as solely such. Twin Flames meet exclusively for internal developmental purposes.

Twin Flames are like each other’s mirrors that in an indirect way will have each other face their issues and old emotional traumas that were long buried and will now begin to stir up to the surface. 

Together with that, Twin Flames will help each other acquire missing elements in their personalities which they need to re-acquire in order to feel complete.

Male Twin is usually emotionally unavailable and fears closeness. And female Twin was programmed to believe that she needs a man to feel validated.

So both need to gain the traits of the opposite sex in themselves in order to break free from the old hindering patterns and reach that wholeness in the Self.

Male TF will have to learn to accept love and share his feelings without the fear of being smothered or seeming weak. And female TF will have to face her potential and manifest her talents in order to become completely self-reliant.

When that work is done, the two will be evolved enough to reunite in an earthly bliss for the perfect kind of a ‘relationship’ of ‘wholes’, or will find that they actually need ‘relationship’ no more…

Twin Flames experience is always challenging as it requires both to face themselves, and may trigger deep emotional confusion and self-dissatisfaction. So too often one or both twins might get too overwhelmed and run away or part.

But Twin Flames always run to come back.

author Sofia Siberia