Message For The Divine Feminine ~ Rise Above Fear ~ October 27, 2018

Editor’s Note:

Although this message from Sophie is from this past February…it sure is fitting for rereading this now! Please read, apply, and…



By Sophie Gregoire, 02/06/2017

Ladies, this is the pulse, those are the words of the womb of the Earth, those are the words from the core of the Sacred Feminine.

Ladies, you’ve been told that relationships mean to compromise and that you need to change yourself, a little or more — to adapt to someone, to a man, to your partner, to your « love ».

You’ve been told that if you really do what you want and feel, if you really speak your heart, act, behave, live as you want to & if for those reasons you could loose him – then you shouldn’t, then you shouldn’t be yourself.

Let’s say you want to change jobs and he doesn’t. Let’s say you want to be more spiritual and grow, and he doesn’t. Let’s say you want a new level of sacred sexual experiences and he doesn’t. Let’s say that you think that you deserve more love or respect and he can’t, or doesn’t want to offer this.

So you change your mind about what you truly need, and you ultimately stay no matter how you feel deep inside — because you want to keep him. 

The truth is, you want to keep “love” because you don’t know what will happen to you if you don’t.

You’ve been told that you needed to fall on your knees, put their needs & views first, if you want to keep a man but this is not true.

Your mission is to Rise in Your Own Power and see who comes — who meets you in your truth.

So if what he offers doesn’t feel right… I’d like to tell you, Lady Queen, that you don’t have to repeat what we’ve all done for years, for centuries, for ages. You don’t have to change your own way, to forget about your true needs — to keep him.

This is from the womb of the Earth, don’t become a Lady in suffering to make sure that you’ll maintain a relationship.


I want you to know that, if you refuse a relationship because it hurts, wants you to be someone else, doesn’t respect your needs, doesn’t honor your body — you’ll meet other men on the way & as you grow.

I want you to hear and trust me that, the more you rise and grow in your own personal power the more interesting, the more adapted to you, your beauty, your strength — the men you’ll meet on YOUR WAY, will be.

You need to trust that every time you refuse a man because you know you deserve more deep in your cells, it’s because you actually deserve more.

You need to trust that if YOU become a Queen then you’ll meet a King.

You need to trust that life has its own way, and that if you’ll let go of the « wrong » things for you – it means that you’ve been emptied out for new things, the right things, to come your way.

There are often sunsets before new dawns, releases before new beginnings.

We’ve all been in such situations already. You and I and our mothers and sisters and ancestors. All of us.

We’ve compromised in the name of « love » — we have compromised because we thought that we couldn’t lead life on our own, we’ve compromised for men because we thought for ages that we needed men to feel strong, safe or worthy.

We’ve compromised for « love », let’s say for relationships because we thought that life was too hard to be traveled alone.

We’ve compromised for centuries because we had been told that women are not strong enough to stand alone on their own two feet, but that wasn’t the truth. It isn’t, it never was.


I want you to know,they want you to know — to feel, deep in your cells that it’s not that way. No it’s not.

If you could find your power. If you could feel, identify, build in time your joy, your bliss and your power in this life you would see that you can stand alone and so you’d never settle before the true station of your heart, before that one, the right “one” that will be the right “one” for you.

Not the “perfect” man, no – just the right man, for you. That loves the whole of you, that takes you as you are – and no less.

That void that you’re feeling when you say no to those men that didn’t want, or couldn’t give you what you deserve shouldn’t scare you. That void is a clearing.

It’s how you free up space for things and people that are more aligned with you, this is how you let them come in. New people, or new versions of the same people.

It’s scary because we wonder in such cases if we’ll be alone, if we’ll meet someone else, if love will be on our way. Yes, I’m telling you YES. Yes because it’s energy. New & higher things always come our ways when we agree to be emptied out and to become a blank page.

Yes we can adapt for love but we can’t compromise, or sacrifice if the deal is to forget about our authentic personalities or true needs.

Love isn’t that – love always wanted the best for you. Love never wanted to see you small, trapped, uncomfortable. Love never wanted you to sacrifice. Love always wanted you to be happy, love never wanted to keep you or control you if he can’t give love back.

Love always was on your side. Love was meant to heal you & of course not to drive you away from yourself.

Love was never meant to be conditional. If love asks you to be something that you don’t want to be to keep you, then it’s not “true love”.


Twin Flame Message ~ Times of Exception for Twin Flames as The Lion’s Gate Opens ~ July 30, 2017

By Sophie Gregoire, 07/30/2017

Dear Twin Flames, I come to you today with a channeled message which came through me and I feel I’m only the messenger. 

We are in a time of great blessings, physical manifestation and absolute glorious reception and transformation of all the golden, immense and divine love that we’ve built, kept, protected and fought for within and against all the walls and barriers that the path has presented before.

We come through here to underline and highlight again, if this hasn’t been done enough before, the importance of the month of August in general but more precisely the Lion’s Gate as for Twin Flames transformation. 

We are now at a “key” moment where at a soul level, it has been said and heard over and over that Enough inner work has been done, processed, done over and over and enough to settle and implement fully within. 

We have move past the moment when every trigger becomes a drama and makes us doubt the foundations themselves of the Twin Flames partnerships and its abilities to land, 

We are at a time when we Must trust what we know, move forward in faith and toward the physical landing of things.

That specific moment represents a Portal where some Twin Flame couples and not all — not all because that wouldn’t be possible all at the same time due to the massive energies and turbulences that TF coming closer in the physical are causing and are about to cause — are about to jump past the edge, to cross a very new layer within their heart, and be able to reconcile in the very physical and let their love unfold in whichever way the Soul has chosen.

It will happen for some and not for all, but we would like to remind you that some of you even if ready at a soul level have not yet taken enough forward action, physical forward changes, the ones who are able to allow the landing, the physical possibility of a “reunion” or “reconciliation”.

Some also need more time as they still have an important role to play in other people’s timelines — some are still needed where they are now and for whichever purpose (union with another, taking care of someone or something, anchoring something at a specific geographic space, etc.) and so won’t be able to jump the portal right now, but will most likely have the opportunity presented many times in the next years, and will “jump” when their shared higher self has decided so and as agreed before.

We would like to underline too that an important moment of geographical movement is happening in pairs and this is one of the ways Twin Souls have used to grow fast when in separation, and this is one of the action they must take and do in Faith in order to allow what is now inevitable. 

All Twin Flames are asked to be in absolute trust of what is happening and keep in their heart the precious, golden knowing of what is meant to be and what they know — as in truth nothing can cancel or stand against what has already been planned.

We are all asked to embrace exactly what is happening — some will be asked to take very physical action of transportation or words or a new place or a new job, while some will have the feeling that they need to remain where they are because more has to be revealed and more need to happen there — however nobody is stuck, all is happening as it always has as it should and we are reminded that “time” as we know actually makes no sense as that new space we are in, 

Things simply happen physically when Souls have processed enough within but also when they have done what they were supposed to do elsewhere and with other people of the group (partners, family, etc.) and when they have gathered with them al the tools, even the career, self-discovery, attemps, successes and failures and all the unseen steps that their soul has planned for them to take before and in order to move closer to their Twin in absolute trust and high energy.

You must know that absolutely all events are part of the plan and nothing is happening as a coincidence.

We must remember that all has been, is and will be the plan.

We are reminded that what we call the Divine Feminine Must remain in stability – which doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t “process” the waves when they come as waves themselves are a huge, key, immense part of the releasing plan but She now knows what is the Truth and comes back to it a lot faster than she used to. 

The stability of the Feminine as the Manifesting, Womb energy has become more and more paramount in the year in order to generate and cause a stable Response from the Masculine, Yang, Doing side.

We are reminded that no matter what we may see, Twin Souls higher selves are Always working together and all the skills that we have developed as individuals in the past few years, before and after they met, are as you may all see clues, omens, and huge open roads for more possibilities as for what will be their individual puposes in this life in the future. 

All what we learn even in separation is the essence of what the Soul must learn.

We are now at a very, very special moment of our lives and of the year 2017 and I, as Sophie, can’t hide and run away any longer from the feelings of absolute inner knowing, magic and trust that I have in the Union for us all. 

We are in a very special golden time of many blessings and we are begging you to remember what has been, to understand that the love you feel is the love they’ve been feeling too, the mistakes you made are theirs, the beauty you see in them is yours, the magic they represent in your memory and heart is yours as well — and it was never true that they ran, or you ran, or whomever was hard or mean at a Soul Level this was never true, 

At a soul level all is so very pure, those Souls as You reading this right now are of the utmost power, freedom, softness, knowledge, abilities to change the world and build the new, and most importantly such open hearts and capacity to love, unconditionally, in spite of everything, of what we saw, of what seemed to be true and of what everyone has “done”…

All the rest was only what at a given time and as human beings, we were able to see. 

We have enjoyed connecting with you, 

Channeled by Sophie Grégoire, July 30th


Twin Flame Message ~ The Push & Pull Between Twin Souls ~ July 16, 2017

By Sophie Gregoire, 07/14/2017

It is interesting to go a bit further than the “Push & pull” dynamics which are normally described and find out its different forms and reasons. How do the “Push & Pull” happen, and why?

This article doesn’t describe the “silence” phases per say where “nothing” happens — but rather adresses the two main “on and off” scenarios that are common in Twin Souls relationships.

  • When one varies and adjusts to make sure that the other remains “within control” and within the boundaries of the relationship. 

It may happen that one of the partner doesn’t want to explore the connection and seems to behave as the “Runner”. In those cases Twin Flames may be irresponsive, ackward, distant or cold and their behaviour is often times described as unexplicably changing or in waves.

However that cold side of the partnership still feels for their counterpart, hence a need of control.

They actually can’t show their feelings and behave as if they were “in love”, because it feels too risky to them. They may as a consequence reject the connection at that time and for reasons that may vary — involved with someone else, fear of being hurt, abandoned, rejected or not good enough, feeling that love always brings drama and takes away one’s freedom, fear of sexual intimacy, and so on. 

They reject the connection as it is — based on a rejection of the pressure it brings, pressure of getting involved with someone or of losing oneself in love.

But they don’t want to lose their partner anyways… That’s why they may “come back” or pretend to by re-entering the relationship even briefly — in order to make sure that the bond isn’t forever lost.

That Push & pull could be called – The Control one. The person can’t go further but they can’t lose it all — they are actually terrified of moving either way. But as soon as they will feel their counterpart’s energy leave, they’ll try to find it again — even if this is to instantly let it go.

In truth, in that first scenario, the “Runner” simply wants to feel or hear the love of their partner again and find comfort there, but they may not engage their Twin further after “checking on it”. 

That first kind of Push & Pull often times happens in the first stages of the relationship, with a “Runner” showing “narcissist traits” OR when the “Chaser” is truly attached. Their attachment is what draws them toward the nets of the Runner… and the Chaser may run to the Runner (!) anytime the later makes a move toward the relationship.

In other words, that dynamics can’t be if the Chaser has learned their own worth and boundaries. In that case, they will start to drift away as well when they feel this kind of controling energy on them, and the Runner has to change ways and strategy — consciously or not.

Actually, that first dynamics shows a lack of “completeness” in both — both needing to be filled by the other, yet in different ways.

  • When both meet and go “on and off” before the energy feels right for both.” 

The other kind of Push & Pull scenario is of a different kind, as it isn’t a “you are moving out out of boredom, so I need to catch you before you leave fully” — but more a “let’s meet again and see where we both stand”. 

In that dynamics, both counterparts are actually looking for balance and seeking at a soul level the moment / energy when both are there for Love, rather than Attachment, Neediness, Lust of for Making Sure.

They may come back to one another over and over until they both feel that there are no more “cords” – in a negative way – between them, but only a healthy thread of love between their hearts.

They explore to feel things out but, as they’ve both grown in completeness the flames lessen. The Chaser is less dependent and expecting — while the Runner shows more stability and grounding, and won’t move out before reattaching out of fear.

There, Twin Souls are exploring the other and the connection from a place of personal conscious Knowing (I want to explore that connection on a “committed” basis) and Fullness (My life isn’t “that” so I won’t “fall”).

  • An evolution?

That second type of “Push & Pull” is actually more conscious, while the first one is received passively by both counterparts — even the one who tries to reattach and to “control”. In fact, this is their only way to stay there and maintain the relationship, but beyond what’s visible they’d actually like to be able to bring something else or to gain more clarity about their own heart.

The releasing of the “control part” allows to move to that second type of dynamics between both Twin Souls. When the energy of control is released — which actually was a “Stay there even if I give you something that you don’t like” — a real letting go takes place, and for both.

The Runner / in control has to face that if they don’t give anything and exhausts their counterpart by exercising too much nothingness, their partner won’t “stay”. At the same time the Chaser / the one who was ready to accept now sees that it is healthier to let go rather than remaining involved in dynamics which deny their own truth, power and worth.

They let go of a potential outside success or benefit… in order to grow in self-love and self-respect.

As one grows in “Respect of the Other” while the other grows in “Respect of the Self” — a new level of balance within both is reached, which mirrors out in the relationship.

The Runner releases the ideal of a relationship being a “game of love with no commitment” and sees that by being conscious, we may desire to explore or not to explore — but not both.

They understand that before going too far Outwardly, one needs to learn clarity Within.

The Chaser learns to stand alone, to feel safe and loved on their own two feet — therefore seeing that they may only let in a more balanced and “decided” version of their partner. They learn to draw new boundaries and to accept only what feels right, 

They learn that we shouldn’t compromise in love, even in the name of a possible magical feast.

That second type of Push & Pull is interesting and beautiful because it respects both individuals. Actually, it is about exploring the relationship from a place of individual balance, until it clicks and feels right — it is exploring as an investigator or a traveler, without “the need to have it” or an unhealthy desire to keep.

It is exploring from a place of honour, worth, dignity and self-equilibrium… and from a space of true ability, or shall I say desire, willingness, almost digged up from the loss — to fall in love.

I’ve enjoyed connecting with you


Find me at


By Sophie Gregoire, 07/14/2017

It is interesting to go a bit further than the “Push & pull” dynamics which are normally described and find out its different forms and reasons. How do the “Push & Pull” happen, and why?

This article doesn’t describe the “silence” phases per say where “nothing” happens — but rather adresses the two main “on and off” scenarios that are common in Twin Souls relationships.

  • When one varies and adjusts to make sure that the other remains “within control” and within the boundaries of the relationship. 

It may happen that one of the partner doesn’t want to explore the connection and seems to behave as the “Runner”. In those cases Twin Flames may be irresponsive, ackward, distant or cold and their behaviour is often times described as unexplicably changing or in waves.

However that cold side of the partnership still feels for their counterpart, hence a need of control.

They actually can’t show their feelings and behave as if they were “in love”, because it feels too risky to them. They may as a consequence reject the connection at that time and for reasons that may vary — involved with someone else, fear of being hurt, abandoned, rejected or not good enough, feeling that love always brings drama and takes away one’s freedom, fear of sexual intimacy, and so on. 

They reject the connection as it is — based on a rejection of the pressure it brings, pressure of getting involved with someone or of losing oneself in love.

But they don’t want to lose their partner anyways… That’s why they may “come back” or pretend to by re-entering the relationship even briefly — in order to make sure that the bond isn’t forever lost.

That Push & pull could be called – The Control one. The person can’t go further but they can’t lose it all — they are actually terrified of moving either way. But as soon as they will feel their counterpart’s energy leave, they’ll try to find it again — even if this is to instantly let it go.

In truth, in that first scenario, the “Runner” simply wants to feel or hear the love of their partner again and find comfort there, but they may not engage their Twin further after “checking on it”. 

That first kind of Push & Pull often times happens in the first stages of the relationship, with a “Runner” showing “narcissist traits” OR when the “Chaser” is truly attached. Their attachment is what draws them toward the nets of the Runner… and the Chaser may run to the Runner (!) anytime the later makes a move toward the relationship.

In other words, that dynamics can’t be if the Chaser has learned their own worth and boundaries. In that case, they will start to drift away as well when they feel this kind of controling energy on them, and the Runner has to change ways and strategy — consciously or not.

Actually, that first dynamics shows a lack of “completeness” in both — both needing to be filled by the other, yet in different ways.

  • When both meet and go “on and off” before the energy feels right for both.” 

The other kind of Push & Pull scenario is of a different kind, as it isn’t a “you are moving out out of boredom, so I need to catch you before you leave fully” — but more a “let’s meet again and see where we both stand”. 

In that dynamics, both counterparts are actually looking for balance and seeking at a soul level the moment / energy when both are there for Love, rather than Attachment, Neediness, Lust of for Making Sure.

They may come back to one another over and over until they both feel that there are no more “cords” – in a negative way – between them, but only a healthy thread of love between their hearts.

They explore to feel things out but, as they’ve both grown in completeness the flames lessen. The Chaser is less dependent and expecting — while the Runner shows more stability and grounding, and won’t move out before reattaching out of fear.

There, Twin Souls are exploring the other and the connection from a place of personal conscious Knowing (I want to explore that connection on a “committed” basis) and Fullness (My life isn’t “that” so I won’t “fall”).

  • An evolution?

That second type of “Push & Pull” is actually more conscious, while the first one is received passively by both counterparts — even the one who tries to reattach and to “control”. In fact, this is their only way to stay there and maintain the relationship, but beyond what’s visible they’d actually like to be able to bring something else or to gain more clarity about their own heart.

The releasing of the “control part” allows to move to that second type of dynamics between both Twin Souls. When the energy of control is released — which actually was a “Stay there even if I give you something that you don’t like” — a real letting go takes place, and for both.

The Runner / in control has to face that if they don’t give anything and exhausts their counterpart by exercising too much nothingness, their partner won’t “stay”. At the same time the Chaser / the one who was ready to accept now sees that it is healthier to let go rather than remaining involved in dynamics which deny their own truth, power and worth.

They let go of a potential outside success or benefit… in order to grow in self-love and self-respect.

As one grows in “Respect of the Other” while the other grows in “Respect of the Self” — a new level of balance within both is reached, which mirrors out in the relationship.

The Runner releases the ideal of a relationship being a “game of love with no commitment” and sees that by being conscious, we may desire to explore or not to explore — but not both.

They understand that before going too far Outwardly, one needs to learn clarity Within.

The Chaser learns to stand alone, to feel safe and loved on their own two feet — therefore seeing that they may only let in a more balanced and “decided” version of their partner. They learn to draw new boundaries and to accept only what feels right, 

They learn that we shouldn’t compromise in love, even in the name of a possible magical feast.

That second type of Push & Pull is interesting and beautiful because it respects both individuals. Actually, it is about exploring the relationship from a place of individual balance, until it clicks and feels right — it is exploring as an investigator or a traveler, without “the need to have it” or an unhealthy desire to keep.

It is exploring from a place of honour, worth, dignity and self-equilibrium… and from a space of true ability, or shall I say desire, willingness, almost digged up from the loss — to fall in love.

I’ve enjoyed connecting with you


Find me at


The Possibility of Co~Creation ~ July 6, 2017

By Sophie Gregoire, 07/06/2017

Reaching a dreamed goal or destination by the joint power of intention and guided action. 

Co-creation feels the energy of what She wants as if it was already there – and asks to be shown the way to Receive. 

We can bask in the energy of something we long for, be in it, visualize it, embody it — feel its comfort and warmth within, without having it physically in the now.

This can be something specific or not — an open intention to receive the best for what’s next, based on what we know that matters. 

Co-creation asks for a new piece on the path, a newness she longs for but which she doesn’t know about, before relaxing in the knowing of it will be and therefore letting go of the details to a greater intelligence of life. 

When we’re on that process ideas may come to us from within and we may feel called to take action in some way.

By doing so we put energy in motion in the physical — but not from the head which sometimes forces things to happen when feeling endangered or losing control, or looks for a way to fill in a void, to have something to say, to do or to identify with. 

Co-creation doesn’t put energy in motion from a place of control or lack but from a relaxed place of — “bring me what’s best”. 

Often when such an intention is set and released to a higher wisdom, things come to us, unexpected, out of the blue. 

The path takes us somewhere where a clue is given. Someone offers a message or a gift.

The art of co-creation is intention coupled with an ability to respond and receive. 

Co-creation may take us to unchartered territories, places, people, opportunities we had never thought of before. 

That’s because co-creation answers our intentions from a paradigm of infinite possibilities. 

Co-creation answers knowing that what is meant to be always is, no matter how or when. 

She is the details of the path.

Your intention is strong.

As life starts to answer your prayers, each step of the way, you’ll respond and follow through knowing that whatever happens on the way is best for you in this time and based on all the aspects of you intention, conscious or not.

Co-creation will give you details, the what to do — your responsibility is of another kind. 

You are the High Energy of what you desire part of the process, a trusting origin, silent but productive, energetic womb involved through the unseen and soft power of intention.️️️


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Twin Flame Message ~ Shared Pool of Personal Power Between Both Counterparts ~ June 25, 217

By Sophie Gregoire, 06/25/2017

I’ve recently come to an important breakthrough which happens to be true at a personal level, but isn’t demonstrated at a large scale yet. This is quite new and big to me, but it’s totally possible that part of you won’t resonate with it. 

Twin Flames share the same Solar Plexus, Masculine pool of Solar Energy – meaning being out there in the world, feeling strong and powerful or even “seen”. 

The ego-oriented reserve, container, of Power and Outward Presence energies of both Twin Souls actually come from the SAME pool. Meaning, when one Twin is feeling a full use of their Solar Plexus energy, feeling strong, driven, energetic, solar, active, doing, powerful, able to thrive — the other Twin partly loses access to the common pool of this solar energy.

What happened lately was about reaching Balance at that level between both counterparts. 

First, both Twins share, ultimately, in a ideal world or according to the plan, similar potentialities, strengths and flaws at the level of the Solar Plexus, Masculine driven energy. For example, both can be strong individuals, warrior type oriented and showing a desire and ability to be seen or even be public in some way, which may drive them to misuse of power or an unhealthy ego-driven desire to draw attention to them, show that they “they know” or that “they are special” or that “they are doers”. 

It is possible and has already being said that Twin Souls share similar traits at the level of other Chakras of course, especially the Heart Chakram. Its woundings, personal and past histories of tears, disappointments and abandonments. And also the Higher Heart’s features, which is the core, the soul’s orientation, mission, wisdom, inspiration and essence — which is why Twins share both SIMILAR WOUNDS / HEALING INNER WORK and SIMILAR OBJECTIVES / DREAMS / DESIRES FOR A BETTER WORLD as for being the light and sharing joy with others. 

I’ve not investigated the similarities / connections at other levels, even if I sense similar psychic abilities and ability to connect with the Universal Consciousness and to feel part of the Divine Flow of synchronicities at the level of the Third Eye and of the Crown.


Let’s go back to the Solar Plexus. 

Both Twins share the same pool of Masculine energy, so they show similar potentialities in terms of being out there and even “seen””. They also share similar “gifts” and qualities to enable this Masculine force (intellect, ability to network, to hold an audience, to build from scratch, etc). I’d like to underline that I’m describing here traits which I know even if other qualities and flaws could be found and mentioned here. 

And below is where all this leads us.


The most Feminine side of the Twin Flame pair (often times the woman, not always) has borrowed or used in the past months (or sometimes years) the Masculine Energy of her counterpart in order to “Rise”, most likely in a way that “fits” the common traits and ways of the pair as for becoming outwardly.

While she was using this energy, her Masculine counterpart has lost parts of his EGO personal power traits such as status, position, heavy amounts of dollars, etc.

The Rise of the Feminine has induced a partial Disempowerment of the Ego-Based Masculine. This “fall” is WHAT is allowing the Masculine individuals that are part of the same wave to descend in terms of personas, which as we all know is the way we reach our deeper places within, the authentic self, the truest self… The Higher Heart.

By Rising, the Feminine has partly generated the fall of the Ego-Part of the Solar Plexus/Masculine foundation of her counterpart, which of course shows in the pairs that I know in different ways. The part of their Masculine-Self which is falling is the unhealthy part of it, the over-being-seen, over-doing, abuse of position, non respect of ethics in order to strive, ability to hide behind 3D status and personas, autoproclaiming as a King, chameleon ability to say the right things everywhere and in any situation in spite of the authentic self, manly and dominant behaviours in relationships, lack of respect of the sacred feminine physical Temple.


This takes us to a very important understanding. 

As BALANCE is worked out and achieved between the PAIR — Balance is reached WITHIN both INDIVIDUALS.

As Balanced Harmonics between the Inner Masculine and Inner Feminine is worked on at personal levels for EACH counterpart, or even for ONLY ONE of them as everything is INTERTWINED —  Balance is increasing between the pair, which allows, in time, to resume the relationship for a new round and each time from a more balanced and happy place.

Two healthier and more balanced individuals are progressively being shaped in time, thanks to their own inner work and to the interactions which are at play within the relationship.

Soon, will come a time when both counterparts start to shift, slightly or more, their outward presence in the world from the more balanced state (inner masculine and feminine) that they have achieved within. 

The Masculine side of the pair will come back after his ego-fall in a new, more authentic and heart-led way to start or deepen new ventures — the endeavours of the Men who desire to commit to the resurrection of ethics, freedom and truth and of the Goddess energy in our transforming world. 

The Feminine side of the pair will settle, after her own rising, at a space where she feels balanced within between her own masculine and feminine sides. Perhaps she is about to see that she made it, she did come back, she healed… so she can surrender part of her Wonder Woman, Warrior’s energy – which was paramount at a time to lift her up – back to the common pool of Solar Drive that the pair shares. 

As She settles in Balance herself, in time, she allows Him to come back to his own balanced self and to create power, at last, from the Truth.

The Balance within Each (inner masculine and inner feminine), is the balance in the interactions of the Pair and the possibility of Union.

The Balance within Each, will lead them both at an individual level to their most aligned, authentic expression and most desired “mission” for our new world.


