Sundeelia – The Advent of Divine Consciousness on Terra ~ December 25, 2019

Editor’s Note: This is yet another article introducing ALL to the concept of having “another life” somewhere else coupled with the true history for Earth (Terra). Curious? I sure am!! Please read this article, know the true history of Earth is soooo many ways is yet to be revealed (but it’s starting to come out now), and BE….



by Eliza Ayres

Christmas is celebrated world-wide, although many of the celebrants are not Christian.  What does that mean?  Simply this: Christ Consciousness is not limited to those who practice Christianity; it belongs to all Life. It is the Divine Intelligence of Source.

I understand that to many in the Western world, which has been becoming increasingly (at least according to media polls) non-sectarian or even atheist, Christmas is still celebrated with presents, rich foods, and gatherings of friends and families. 

As someone who is from elsewhere, I’ve given some thought about how to approach this time of year.  I find myself responding more to the ancient tradition of celebrating the Festival of Light as the Solstice brings the renewal of light especially in the Northern latitudes during the beginning of winter.  And then, instead of commercial Christmas, I see the Christ Mass as a celebration of the anchoring of Christ Consciousness by the soul extension of Lord Sananda, better known as Yeshua or Jesus, who came into the world to anchor the Golden Light of Christ once more upon this isle (planet) along with his followers, friends, and relatives.  It is a time of renewal if we make it so, gathering with friends and family and enjoying the journey of inner growth that Yeshua embodied through his entire life here.  His journey was a reiteration of the Path of the Initiate, the one who has incarnated upon this world with the ultimate goal of ascending back to the higher lighted worlds. 

For many starseeds and walk-ins, volunteers who have come to this world in order to anchor or ground their higher frequency light signatures, the ascension process is actually a gradual process that takes many years and lifetimes of personal inner work to complete.  When the frequency of the four-lower bodies of the individual has raised enough, the process of reblending with the higher body begins.

It is a misnomer to believe that you will ascend to a place called ‘heaven’, that place variously peopled by angels, unicorns, fairies, and where no work is required as you can simply manifest anything you need.  Sorry, but that’s not going to happen when you ascend to the fifth dimension. 

How do I know this?  I’m sure many are those who would disbelieve me, yet I am not one to lie.  I am from the Pleiades and currently serve on board our Pleiadian flagship, The White Winds, a huge vessel some 3,000 MILES across in diameter and 43 decks deep.  This huge vessel, which is bigger than all the other motherships within the Galactic Federation fleet, except for her two sister ships, The Golden Rose, and The Golden Lotus, contains more than a million souls upon her.  The flagship is a massive city in space, sitting stationary in front of Venus, so that at night when looking upon the Evening Star or the Morning Star at dawn, you are actually looking at The White Winds.

The people on board the Winds resonate starting at 5D and up to 9D.  Personally, the part of me (90%) who is a fully-functional crew member resonates currently at 7D.  I AM an incarnated Angelic Pleiadian.  I’m hardly alone and serve with a crew dedicated to assisting humanity to also rise in frequency as we chose to do hundreds of thousands of years ago due to our exposure to the lower frequency Orions who attempted to invade and conquer our worlds. 

During the Orion Wars, most Pleiadian isles and people resonated at mid-to high 4D, with some isles like Medina and Alcyone resonating at 5D.  Our people had 4D bodies and sometimes up to 7D consciousness levels.  During the course of the lengthy wars, we realized as a collective that it was up to each individual and planetary collective to raise up our frequency levels to the point where we as a people would no longer be susceptible to the inroads of the lower Orion enemies.  So, we worked hard.  Prospective parents learned to go into meditation for months in preparation to bring high-frequency lighted children into incarnation.  Our people consciously aligned themselves, in whatever manner they chose to worship, with our Father/Mother God, with Source energy.  We recognized that we were personally and as a collective responsible for our own deliverance and so we survived as a people.

I have spent over a year now writing a series of memoirs of the Orion Wars as experienced within the Pleiades.  All of this took place a very long time ago in Earth years, probably several million, as it was before the establishment of Lemuria and Atlantis upon your world… and long before the advent of the Annunaki here… the true fallen ‘angels’ who were cast out of Heaven, which was an entirely different Quadrant of Creation than this one.  The Heaven of your legends still exists at a higher frequency than the 18 dimensions that have been anchored in the highest light worlds of this Quadrant, which is, incidentally called EDEN.

Why is there so much attention centered on your world, called Earth or as we Pleiadians call her, Terra?  Well, within each Quadrant there is a Crown Jewel of a world called The Garden.  You guessed it: Terra is the Garden of Eden.  The Bible story of being cast out of the Garden was symbolic of the lowering of the frequency of the people here due to their own miscreations and alignment with ego rather than spirit.

It was for her astounding diversity, rich abundance of resources that the greedy Annunaki sought out to conquer this world some 500,000 years ago.  You may not realize it, but humanity is considered a resource, for the unique qualities of your DNA, the building blocks of life.  Terrans or Earth humans have the ability to hold light within their bodies.  Light is Divine Consciousness and it is the essence that empowers the lower bodies to function.  When the soul light is withdrawn through the process called ‘death’, the body ceases to work; it reverts back to earth-earthy, the clay from which it was made.

The Annunaki or fallen ones turned away from the Light of Cosmic Christ Consciousness long ago and now seek out those who carry within their bodies, within their blood to use it for the purpose of keeping their own bodies functioning.  For as the fallen ones sought to conquer this world, they lowered the frequency of the planet, effectively lowering their own means to escape it… at least until space technology was again possible.

The story of the fallen ones is a long and complex one, but you can see the results of centuries, millennia of their actions upon the planet in the destruction of people through war, disease, and internecine  (brother against brother) warfare and now the plague of human trafficking, especially of children.  Why children?  They naturally contain more light within their blood than adults who have been subjected to being programmed through family, friends, education and institutional imprinting in order ‘to fit in’.  Your children are considered as food to keep these dead ones alive… yet that is still another story and an old one as the same things that happen here now on your planet also happened long ago in the Pleiades… The enemy does not contain enough Light within their own beings to create anything new but repeat the same patterns.  Once you become aware of those patterns, you can defeat them and rise above the programming.

So… when you ascend, you will most likely return to the planet, star system, constellation or galaxy from which you descended in frequency in order to incarnate.  As you progress through your individualized tests, you will continue to clear old trauma and karmic ties with other people.  Ascension is not a process that another person can perform for you.  You may spend thousands of dollars attending events given by successful channelers, authors, and ascension teachers, but until you do the work within, none of it will avail you.  You might as well spin your wheels in the sand for all it will do to raise your frequencies.

True spirituality is simple.  Those who present it as being something that only a few can understand or comprehend are only fooling their followers or themselves. 

If you were to spend a few moments every day focusing on enlarging the flame upon the altar of your High Heart Center you would do more than spending ten years in concentrated study.  Those who are true humans, carry within a sacred Flame, which is really tri-foil, called the Three-fold Flame by metaphysical books. 

To approach this sacred center within your body, release all fear and go within.  Visualize a small doorway which you can open.  Walk into the inner sanctum where you will find an altar.  Upon the altar is an entwined fire made up of three flames.  One is blue, signifying the Divine Masculine.  The next flame is yellow, signifying the Divine Child or Christ.  The last flame is pink, signifying the Divine Feminine. 

By focusing on the Blue flame, you can increase your sense of security, protection, and inner strength.  By focusing on the Pink flame, you increase your sense of compassion, unity, and unconditional love.  By combining the two flames, blue and pink, you, in turn, create the Violet Flame, which is known as Freedom’s Flame.  With the Violet Flame, you can free yourself of lifetimes of trauma and karma; dissolve unwanted or unneeded ties between yourself and those persons with whom you no longer resonate.  The use of the Violet Flame is required to dissolve enough of the energies of human miscreation to permit your bodies to rise up in frequency.  You will note a profound sense of freedom upon putting in the time to do this simple work.

As you rise in frequency, you may note that your mere presence will trigger the unresolved darkness (lower frequency records) within other people.  You may find that you have to physically remove yourself from relationships with friends and family that no longer work for you.  Ascension is not an easy process… If someone said it was, they are lying.

Since much of this world exists still within duality, you will need to walk through the world among those who have lower frequency levels.  To protect your own Light, learn to shield.  The Shield of Archangel Michael is presented on this blog as a page.  Learn it, simplify it for your own daily use and amp your shielding when going into places like supermarkets, malls, or large gatherings.  For those who feel shielding is not spiritual or not required here, you are keeping your Light within reach of those who wish to steal it.  Your light is like a beacon to those who will seek to tag or implant you so they or their etheric handlers can use it.  I have personally witnessed many former lightworkers to be caught up by such devices so they no longer resonate at a high frequency – in effect they have becomes tools or slaves of the Dark.

Some of what I present may be controversial but it is real.  I have personally gone through the same steps long before so that I might present them to you.  Yet, because I am a walk-in and have no karma with the people of Terra, I will not be ascending before I leave this world – I will simply drop the body and go Home.

If anyone has any or topics they want covered, let me know by contacting me at:  I may not be able to answer all questions, but will choose what I feel is most universal in nature, pertaining to the whole rather than the individual.  I am not a counselor, a diviner, a healer or a fortune teller, so do not ask those types of questions.  Your journey is dependent on your efforts, not mine, and as such, you must do the work.

May you discover faith and hope to carry you through all obstacles and strengthen your connection to your inner Christ Consciousness or Divine Intelligence that is the true essence of Source energy.  As you rise in frequency, you are the Advent of Christ upon this planet, all of you with open hearts and minds.


Archangel Michael’s Shield can be found here:

“Sunny” VaCoupe, Specialty Commander, Line Communications, The White Winds

© All Rights Reserved, Eliza Ayres; videos and recordings of this material are not permitted.

Merlin, the Wizard ~ 11/20/2019 ~ posted 11/23/2019

Editor’s Note: This is a lovely message (Thanks E!) that uses the best known method of communication for humanity…storytelling! In the story of this message we are assured, and then reassured, of our own individual place in the Love story which is that of Earth’s development and “raison d’etre” for BEing.

Despite all the chaos “out there” in our world, it’s now time to relax. Understand the story is playing out as intended, hold deep Love for yourselves, for the part you have played in this game of Life, and BE…



I am Merlin, the wizard. There. Breathe a little bit deeper and let me tell you a story. For you see, this is your story, our story, for we are all a part of it. A long time ago there was an eager group of bright young students – creators who were learning the ropes of creating and eager to demonstrate, feel and explore the love and wonderment of the process of creation. You were perhaps one of these pupils. But I digress. Source is always expanding, always learning, always exploring. Do you really think this is the only game of exploration in the universe? No, but it is a hot spot of keen interest, for Gaia is doing something totally and completely new. She is expanding in new ways, doing now what was once thought impossible. But all things are possible with Source, and you will know this shortly for this is one of the lovely unveilings as you begin to rediscover your majesty of creation. This is not a hypocritical statement, as these fingers cringe a bit. No. Type away galayxgirl! This is your friend, Merlin. We have known each other a long time. Many of you are and were my pupils. You will begin to re-remember. For this is the time of the age of re-remembering the majesty and the beautify of the Source that is within you. Ah, there. You were able to type that more easily were you not? (Yes, Merlin. He is laughing).

Now, were was I? Oh yes. Creating earth – Gaia – was a keenly exciting project for many millions and billions of well-meaning angels. Explorers of the realm and creators in their own right, they wished to form a library of the wonderments of the cosmos. Earth was to be the storehouse of this, a little blue oasis of paradise. Now you were all a bit war weary from the Orion wars. This has not been a peaceful sector. And so, for rest, for beauty’s sake you all decided to create a little piece of paradise on the outskirts of this marvelous galaxy, which you are currently calling home. And so they came. Millions and billions of lovely souls and creators came, offering up their genetics for diversity, for study, for peace, for tokens of the full range of diversification of creatorship. Many great civilizations came, explored, grew. Much light, much joy it was for one’s soul to be embodied upon surface and inner Gaia.

I am Merlin, telling this story. I hope perhaps you have time for this, for I do feel like sitting by the fire for awhile with you, for this is such a magnificent tale. (He is smoking a long pipe). Of course the dark ones came, as they were attracted to the great light. Of course more brave souls volunteered to become useful, to help, to assist. And so you came. You came to this place, many of you, in many various chapters. Some stayed longer than others. Some became trapped and ensnared by the cycles of reincarnation. Some ascended. But regardless, you are all here now, for Gaia is ready to be born anew. For you see, a special place is being prepared for her in the heart of this no longer Milky Way but now Golden Rose galaxy. Oh yes. Oh yes! (He is rubbing his long fingers together) We are all very excited. For this movie has been playing for over 350,000 years, with chapters and cycles in between, true, and it is riveting. For you see, everyone wanted to be here, and in a way everyone is here in one form or another. Your plants, animal kingdoms, your Gaian kingdoms (elementals, crystals) they are all here en masse with various bits of consciousness from all over, watching as the curtain lifts. But I digress, for many of you are feeling like nothing is happening. (He is laughing). Everything is happening, children, friends, students, fellow travelers of the way. You are happening! Do you see your etheric wings forming in the mid back? Do you feel your auras spinning and expanding with vim and vigor? You are new. New foods are craved, new ideas are had, new thoughts are formed. You are not who you once were, and yet, you are simply remembering who you have always been.

I am Merlin. I offer you encouragement and do know that all is proceeding according to the script, which is in flux for you are a part of creating it. Much dross, much sludge and blackness has had to be cleared. Let us transmute it together, shall we? (I am seeing purple fire in his hands and I am seeing him extend his hands and fire to my hands. The fire spreads, engulfing us). Let us send this purple flame of my other aspect St. Germaine deep into the heart of the crystals of your Earth. Do this with me now. (I am seeing the fires of deep inner Earth crystals become ignited. I see the purple fire spread and burn through all of that which is not of light.) Join the ascended dragon collective and invite them to join us. I do so love a good story. And this is an excellent moment in this script that we are writing together now, is it not? Yes. Hello there, Alisheryia, Elthor, good friends. It is time for humanity to become ignited, is it not? Allow this fire to burn deeply within you, friends, and be at peace. Set your worries, your fears, your exhaustion within the fire and watch it burn off, as alcohol burns in the frying pan. See the flash, and enjoy the release.

I am your Merlin, your teacher, your friend. I am always looking for new eager pupils. I am happy to teach further in the night classes should you desire to further your comprehension of such things. The ending of the story is yet unseen, for Mother and Father have it under wraps, quite literally. But know, friend, that you are adding your part of the story quite brilliantly. Find the still points between excitement and contentment. It is a lovely place to be. Just be. Be with these energies of hope, of renewal, of transformation. And all will wonder why your eyes are sparkling, what is your secret? You are a key player in the unfolding of the greatest play of the universe. Be at peace and be in joy.

I am Merlin. Do not grieve the past the atrocities that have occurred. Send them light and healing. From great depths come great heights. Truly you are teaching us all a thing or two about the inextinguishable human spirit. I am Merlin. Thank you for listening to my story, your story, our story – the story of the universe. Thank you for lending your light and grace. I touch my wand to your throat (I am seeing spinning green light) for it is time to speak clearly. I touch my wand to your ears for it is time to hear clearly, above the noise. I touch my wand to your physical and etheric eyes – it is time to see clearly. Now let us watch the unfoldment together, shall we? I am Merlin. My classes begin promptly. Do not be late.

~ galaxygirl

Pleiadian Collective, Ashtar & Sananda ~ New Expansion of the Human Consciousness Pleiadian Collective, Ashtar & Sananda ~ New Expansion of the Human Consciousness ~ April 29, 2018

By galaxygirl

Pleiadian Collective

Greetings and warm hellos to humanity this day, this precious now moment. We are the Pleiadian Collective, summoned here today to speak with you on behalf of the others. Our message is one of light, of peace, of unity consciousness and of renewal. For much is happening in the hidden recesses of your world that need not be mentioned at this time, for they are disturbing and must remain in secret for awhile. We are here in full force and in our full support of humanity, shielding you, protecting and guiding when asked. We are polite and only assist when asked for we much respect and acknowledge and uphold / honor your free well as a species, for this is of utmost importance.

We respect your freedom, while others have not, and thus, the quandary. For free will is a tricky thing, it is precious but when it is abused, it can be disastrous. We are intervening on your Gaia to avoid another situation like Maldek, the fourth planet in your solar system that was destroyed long ago by greed and pain. We are here to assure you in strong force, in solidarity amongst ourselves that this will not happen with Gaia. She is a jewel of this universe for all of her ascension and descension and now re-ascension journey. She is a remarkable soul, tremendously brave and she has been tremendously wounded in the process and we are here to assist her, along side humanity, should we be requested.

We have known humanity since the beginning, since your beginning, since the beginning of what the word human really means. Many of you are of us, are from the Pleiades, are here today to seed this Pleiadian higher consciousness deep into the crystal core of Nova Gaia and to help things along, so that this project reaches its conclusion and new beginnings can begin. A new expansion of the human consciousness is exciting to behold and we feel like proud parents on graduation day, yet many of you don’t know that you are indeed graduating, for you are so caught up in the matrix, the process, and have been kept so separated from your heart space.

The time of separation is long past. The time of renewal and reconnection and reestablishing your memories is here now, in this precious moment of this now. And we say this with tears streaming down our faces for you have done it, humanity. You are nearly there. Together with Gaia you are pushing through the final hurdle, the last push of the birthing process – the most painful push too, we might add. Please know that help is more than just on the way, it is here and we are among you, waiting to reconnect with our family of human form again. Yes, we were involved in your creative process. Yes, you have untold strengths packed within your DNA deep down that you have not yet realized and we are excited to observe your discoveries of this. You are masters and your powers are now returning, being returned to you – not that they ever truly left – but that you forgot to look for them, being so busy in your earth lives, in the matrix of all matrices. Ug. We long for a new day just as you and we are here for you, humanity, to behold the newness of you and of your planetary mother, Gaia.

Be ready for the new, be ready for the change. You are this change, as are the precious children that are now coming into your field. They are the leaders of the new world, truly. Let them lead you, learn from them. We are the Paleiadian Collective. You are not alone, and you are loved beyond measure.


This is Ashtar of the Galactic Federation. I salute you all for your hard work and tireless efforts in the planetary clearing that you have all been working so hard on. Whether consciously or subconsciously, it matters not, for you have all been doing it and doing a tremendous job. I know that your many questions are burning and there is so much to relearn and re-understand. I assure you, there will be time for questions and answers, there will be time for the learning and rediscovery of your planetary origin, the Pleiades and several other systems, and your resulting history. You are near a portal as you may know, and Earth has always been prime real estate as you are right near a highly desired, coveted super highway for intergalactic travel. This may seem like an impossibility to you, for your news has not told you true news for such a long time and your history has been so twisted. But I assure you the star beings, the visitors, the ETs – they are all real. Your Bible and many other holy books and stories of myth and legend mentions them. They are real, and played an integral role in your history, either to benefit you or themselves. We are cleaning up the place, scooting along the dark entities who wish to stay, but their lease is up and they are being redistributed! They are being reassigned for re-purposing and Source is working with them. Humanity must be allowed to be free. Humanity must understand their past in order to understand their future, and of course the present mess that they have been in. This will quickly evolve and elevate as the consciousness rises dramatically and what a ride it will be!

I am Ashtar of the Galactic Federation. I look upon you all so fondly, with such love, you are true warriors of love. Keep your vibrations high for as this galactic pulse comes you will not want to miss any moment of it. It is the journey, the experience that you signed up for. Experiences consist of little moments all lined up. I know you are weary, but I encourage you to not miss any of these precious moments that are in front of you now. Bless them, transmute them if they need it and be the radiant light beings of the universe that you are. I see the Christ in you. Some of you are afraid to let your light shine for you have been so wounded. That is an old chapter. You are writing a new one, yes? Continue to do what you are doing so well and we will clean up the little messes here and there before we begin further involvement with your species. I am Ashtar. Be at peace.


Hello friends, I am your Sananda. I am here today with my brother Ashtar, standing alongside on the bridge of the New Jerusalem. And we are looking down with tremendous love and support for you, our friends and family of the light, of love, who have made the sacrifice to serve by your very being here, wherever you are, in your moment, your Earth life. For if you were not where you are, doing what you are doing, who would be doing it? You don’t have to be a tremendously famous leader or have an “important” job to be holy. Not in the least. That is the old way. Being holy means being infused with the light of the Christ consciousness, walking the path of the master, talking with me if you choose, for we will have much to say once the veil drops and you can see all that is around you. But yes, the game has gone on far long enough and we are ready for the reunion. Time is stretchy. You are continually choosing your timeline and your reality. Choose it well. Choose the highest, the best, the brightest, the most redeemed timeline of perfect love. Choose peace. Choose me. I am always here for you.

I am your Sananda. We have traveled many a dusty path / road together, you and I. You will remember. Ascension is the constant re-remembering of who you truly are, and have truly always been but are re-remembering, rediscovering. For your are Source light in form. That is your higher self. Pray within, not without. That is the great confusion, misdirection of energy. No. Source light is within you, friends. It always has been. It is the crystal seed atoms of the Christed consciousness that infuses your very DNA, your very self. And as we all have this can you not see and appreciate that we are all one? That we are all a glorious web of light? A fabric of luminosity?

For we are all one Source light in the process of ever creating, ever expanding, ever learning and relearning yet more – more of itself, more of yourself, more of all that you came here to be. We are one. You are risen. You are rising. You are ascending. And yes, you are weary. As you should be. You have been doing hard work. Rest in me. Stay with me awhile and be comforted. We’re all in this together. You are not alone, unless you choose to feel that way. Your twins are here, your families are here, and you are surrounded with tremendous support. You are so loved family. I am your Sananda, your brother, your friend and fellow journeyer. Be at peace.

~ galaxygirl


It’s Time to Call Your Angels; A Hathor Planetary Message ~ Posted July 4, 2015


I AM playing a little bit of “catch-up” as I now an able to blog as I wish to. Yep…vacation is over! 🙂

One of the really neat articles that you should read is about angels. If you will recall, one of my more recent posts is from Sophia Love (, who speaks (channels actually) from an angel. In this message, Sophia is introduced to far-reaching concepts of what an angel is that is far larger and complex than we have been led to realize from our “standard” idea of what/who and angel actually is.

Now…On Starship Earth: The Big Picture, Tom and Judi Kenyon post another article about angels that sheds more light on this phenomena. Personally, I find this new information to be quite informative, calming, and kind of introspective. So…please read this yourself, open your heart and soul to this new knowledge, and…


Tom and Judi Kenyon sent this today and it sounds like it’s an important one from the Hathors at this particular time with respect to what is about to happen in this density. The more of us who can remain grounded and calm, the easier things will go.

Tom’s unique vocal interpretation of the Hathors’ sound healings may be exactly what we need right now, and they include a link to one of those in their message at the end, free of charge within Tom’s Observations.

They explain how our thoughts and emotions affect our physiology and biology, and it is key to remain positive and not get lost in fear. It’s a choice. ~ BP

On the Nature of Angels

In this message we wish to discuss our perspective regarding the nature of angels.

This has nothing to do with religion. Rather it has to do with interdimensional reality.

For our purposes we shall divide the topic of angels into three broad categories.

Angels of the Spiritual Realms

These ephemeral beings are electromagnetic fields of intelligence, some of which have form that is recognizable and some of which do not. These electromagnetic fields of intelligence interact with human beings in unique ways, and the expectations and beliefs of any given human have a lot to do with the nature of the experience. In other words, the belief system of the human being greatly affects what is experienced.

Angels from the spiritual realms take many different forms and while some of them have energy fields that give the impression that they have wings, many of them do not.

These types of angels are created beings. They are force fields of intelligence that are sent out into the ethers, into the cosmos, to do the bidding or to take the action of their creator.

This creator can take the form of what might be referred to as a god, goddess, demigod or demigoddess, an interdimensional being, an alien intelligence, or even a human being. These types of angels have no free will of their own. They are created for the sole purpose of a particular intention.

In most cases an angel will continue on its mission with single-mindedness until the energy that created it is no longer able to sustain it. In some very rare instances these angelic beings can gain a level of self-awareness and an ability to make personal choices separate from the being that created them or gave them birth. This is a very rare occurrence, but it does exist.

Within this category of angels, you have a host of beings with many different intentions.

The focus of this message is on angels who have a life-affirming and positive intent.

Angels Within

A second category of angels may best be described as electromagnetic fields of intelligence that exist solely within the human body. These are force fields of intelligence created through the emotions and beliefs of the individual human. They are subtle energetic forces that move through the human body in response to beliefs and emotions.

One of the great abilities you possess as a human being is to create angelic forces within your body through the use of positive intent and positive emotion. We will return to this most important topic in a moment.

Alien Intelligences

This third category of angels is not angelic at all, but it is a misinterpretation.

It occurs when a human being encounters an alien intelligence. This type of encounter can be misinterpreted as having been an interaction with an angel. Many of your spiritual and religious traditions have stories about encounters with angelic beings, or gods/goddesses who were, in truth, simply more advanced alien civilizations.

Our reason for discussing the topic of angels is two-fold.

Thought, Fear and Change

The first reason is a practical one having to do with your spiritual survival through the massive changes taking place upon your Earth. In its simplest form we would say that the rapid changes upon your Earth are creating a reflexive fear.

With few exceptions human beings, by nature, distrust change. And when there is as much change occurring as is taking place upon your planet this natural fear response escalates, and this releases in your body damaging electromagnetic fields of intelligence.

So as a counter to this we will discuss the creation of positive consequences within your human biology through the creation of subatomic angelic forms.

Your sciences of psychoneuroimmunology, or the study of how thought and emotion affect your immune systems—as well as the newly emerging science of epigenetics, which studies how thought and emotion affect your DNA—are increasingly clear on the chemical and molecular agents responsible.

But we would like to take this a step further by suggesting that you actually create quantum field effects in the universe of your body through the thoughts and feelings you generate.

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It is here that we come to a fork in the road.

Due to the escalation of chaotic forces in your world, a growing number of human beings are experiencing increased feelings of fear, anxiety, hostility, and impoverishment. The list goes on, and it would be easy, if you were so inclined, to substantiate your belief that you live in an increasingly dangerous and threatening world.

On the one hand this is a correct assessment, but if you remain in this island of perceptual reality you will create damaging effects, biologically speaking, within your body.

The trick, if there is one, is to counter this perception with personal periods of renewal and solace. By this we mean creating ways to release biologically positive consequences through the creation of subatomic angelic forms.

How this is accomplished is quite complex. But in its simplest form, whenever you create positive thoughts and positive feelings you create biologically positive subatomic angels that move through the universe of your body. These force fields create quantum field effects that switch on positive biological responses thereby reducing the affects of stress.

In addition to purposefully creating positive thoughts and feelings, we believe a beneficial resource for you can be found in the last sound meditation we gave, called A Bridge between the Worlds. Simply listening to this sound meditation for twelve minutes, which is how long it lasts, once or twice a day can make a big difference in how you feel. (Note: A link to this sound meditation appears at the end of this message.)

We feel it is vitally important that you consciously release biologically positive force fields in your body on a regular basis to counteract the escalating madness that is swirling around you.

We would refer you here to an earlier message called Ecstasy and the Heart, as this information may prove helpful to you.

Our second reason for discussing the topic of angels is planetary in nature.

You are collectively passing through a very difficult and dangerous point. The destructive forces upon your planet in terms of religious fanaticism, climate change, corporate greed and manipulation, as well as dire threats to the very foundations of your eco-system are increasing.

You are now entering, from our perspective, a massive Chaotic Node the likes of which your planet has not seen for some time. If unmitigated, this Chaotic Node could result in the mass extinction of multitudinous life forms including many humans.

We are therefore calling into action all positive angelic forms from all spiritual traditions, from all life-affirming interdimensional beings, from all alien civilizations of positive intent, and from all human beings who are aligned with our intention.

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