THE ORACLE REPORT ~ October 31, 2018


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

It’s 12 Ahau/Sun in the Mayan Sacred Calendar, a day when we aim for UNDERSTANDING.

This may be a challenge, as we have several significant astrological aspects in play that are rather dramatic.  Here is a list of them and some ideas on how to work the highest octaves of the energy (and thus maximize the incredible potential of today):

1 – VENUS EXACTLY OPPOSITE URANUS BEFORE VENUS RETROGRADES BACK INTO ARIES –  Venus made exact opposition with Uranus overnight.  This brings us a day of surprises and changes (and maybe shocking news or information).  Within this, we have a chance to gain a greater UNDERSTANDING.

Venus will retrograde back into Aries at 2:42 pm ET/6:423 pm UT.  It is a big deal when a planet retrogrades back into the previous sign.  Powerful things can happen.  The pace of things will pick up speed, as Aries energy moves fast.  Things can come out of the blue more quickly.  Be aware, and remember there is always a silver lining with Uranus.

The Sabian symbol for degree that Venus returns to is “three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher’s head.”  We remember that this energy deals with looking at the past, applying that information to the present, and projecting it into the future.  This is wisdom-in-action.

Recall that while Venus is retrograde, our value systems are realigned.  This is the highest goal of Venus retrograde.  It wants us to see what we truly value and make changes accordingly.

There may be some developments related to the “caravan” heading to the border of the US.  Before Venus retrogrades back into Aries, it will complete discharge of “a sight-seeing bus filled with tourists.”

2 – MOON OPPOSE BLACK MOON with exact opposition at 2:00 pm ET/6:00 pm UT.  It’s a Black Moon Day, a day when people tend to project their own shadow sides (fears) onto others.  We give wide berth to anyone who is being challenged.  Emotional states can swing high and low on these days.  Step aside and let it go.

At the time of the opposition, the Moon will be discharging “early morning dew.”  This energetic helps us recognize what needs to be released.  The goal is to see other options and let go of struggle.  Things that seemed like great ideas may not seem as great now.  This is ok.  It is information.  And we have the courage and strength to make any changes that are needed.

(Those with the Sun, Chiron, or Black Moon in Aquarius or Leo, this is one of the stages of rebirth that you are undergoing until May.  Rest when needed, and remember this is a temporary transit that is trying to make you into a wiser you.  Flow with changes and disengage from power struggles.)

3 – REPAIRING DAMAGE – Today the Sun is discharging “a dentist at work.”  This energetic is about repairing things and making them better/healing them.  What needs to be fixed?

4 – GROUP ENDEAVORS ARE FAVORED – Mercury has moved into Sagittarius, and today it is discharging “retired army veterans gather to reawaken old memories.”  What are you being called to do?  What needs to be reconnected or reestablished?

5- JOY – Within all of these energetics today, the Earth is discharging “a Christmas tree decorated.”  The heart of this symbol is about spreading joy and goodwill to others.  Today, this is an act of a spiritual warrior.

We can spread joy and goodwill when we keep one thing in mind:  URANUS PUTS THINGS THE WAY THEY NEED TO BE.  This means we trust.  We UNDERSTAND that a process is underway.  And it takes us into Second Renaissance.

Expect the unexpected, wise owls.  That’s what we do when Uranus is active.  And remember, what happens today is helping us to UNDERSTAND things better and is putting us on proper course.

Much love!