GROUP MEDITATION. Day Out Of Time, New Galactic Year ~ July 26, 2019

Group Meditation at 9pm EST

I only share what I percieve, feel & experience. And I don’t have all the answers.

Linking to the 12D 144 Crystalline Grid, beginning a new 13,000 yr Galactic cycle.. the dismantlement of 3D time, began decades ago- and the descending energy for the anchoring of the new grid began taking form in the 5th & 4th dimension in 2000-2003, then taking form & descending to 4th & 3rd dimension in 2010-2012.

This is where many Awakenings started happening and synchronicities started increasing. Now it is collective and eventually ALL will be aware of seeing synchronicities daily. We are exiting a time loop & entering the natural rhythm of Cosmic time.

2012 was just the 3D anchoring of the descending grid & shift in how we experience time- this was the beginning of the false timing loop exit.
This New Galactic Year is the true beginning of the new Divine Feminine cycle, rise of Atlantis, Cosmic consciousness.