The “Drip” of Disclosure: A Gusher Coming? [videos] ~ December 11, 2018

Those of us who are aware of the reality on our planet are growing impatient with those who fight it and subscribe to “conspiracy theories”—particularly those who do no research and expect the truth to be delivered with dinner on the 6:00 News.

The “drip” of Disclosure supposedly ongoing has been more like an atomizer. It’s pathetic.

Lionel expounds on this in his video below, and it certainly does seem as though there is a new push for “Disclosure” just recently.

Many of us have already disclosed to ourselves via books, magazines, videos, the Citizen Disclosure Hearings in Washington at the Press Club, ET Conferences, clubs—AND PERSONAL EXPERIENCES—but we are left to suffer the naïve beliefs of the rest of the world until either they are ready to wake up, or someone in a position of authority on the planet steps up to deliver the news about the decades-long coverup; yet another inconvenient truth.

Note the terminology… EBEs = extraterrestrial biological entities. If they don’t exist, then they wouldn’t have a nomenclature for them.

UFOs and EBEs Are Here, Real, Verifiable and You’re Being Conditioned for the Official Announcement

Lionel Nation
Published on Dec 3, 2018
“I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.” — Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut

This was the basis of my rage this evening. This stupid article.…

“Skinny Bob” nickname for a grey alien known to authorities

Americans are particularly challenged to keep up with reality due to the lying, treasonous turds who own and run the corporate media. Russia is far more open about the extraterrestrial issue and regularly air information about extraterrestrials on television.

crashed saucer in Antarctica

It’s time people learned that the globalist psychopaths are not exactly Human themselves, and therefore have a vested interest in keeping the existence and presence of the galactic “others” from the general population. They have an advantage right off the top, don’t they? Gotcha. Fooled again. One more secret to keep Humanity small, controlled—and alone.

President Trump didn’t announce a new “Space Force” because he’s planning to create one—it already exists! THERE’S YOUR DISCLOSURE. There are groups who DO want to tell us about their space program and our galactic brothers and sisters, but many want the secrecy protected and Trump just stuck it to them. Is it any wonder he and Putin are attacked so relentlessly?

There are so many crashed ships on our planet it would make your head spin.  This one is said to be filmed at White Sands, New Mexico, USA.

It’s time to get with the program, people. There is no room for argument here. ETs exist, they’re here, they’ve always been here, they live among us as well as on other planets. It’s complicated, but it’s a done deal, and some Humans have a lot of catching up to do.

crashed saucer in Russia

We can do it the easy way, or the hard way. Either you wake up willingly now, or you’ll have the bucket of ice water dumped on your head when you least expect it. It’s your choice.

CIA Document Shows What Happened After The KGB Shot Down A UFO

November 26, 2018

Global governments and intelligence agencies around the world have released hundreds of thousands of pages of documents pertaining to the UFO phenomenon over the past few years. These files indicate that objects are commonly tracked on radar and pursued by our own military craft, which are then sent out to take a closer look. The files also reveal there have been sightings of strange objects travelling at tremendous speeds and performing maneuvers that no known aircraft is capable of performing.

These types of UFOs might now be officially verified within the mainstream, but they’ve been seen, photographed, and recorded by credible witnesses for decades. For example, here’s a document (straight from the CIA’s FOIA Electronic Reading Room) pertaining to “a group of red, green, and yellow flying saucers” that were seen “hovering” over multiple military bases in Antarctica. Here’s another detailing how, when intercepters approached the object, pilots lost “all instrumentation and communications.” Here’s a great interview (and there’s no shortage of them) with navy commander pilot Graham Bethune, who describes another extraordinary in-flight encounter.

These objects are thought to be extraterrestrial in origin, not only because of their technological superiority, but also because many high-ranking political and military insiders, along with prestigious academics, have shared information they’ve been privy to regarding actual intelligent extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet. There could be several different groups doing so at the present moment. It may sound far-fetched, but as we move through 2017 and beyond, bits of truth will continue to leak out, and the “official campaign of secrecy and ridicule” that Roscoe Hillenkoetter described to the New York Times in 1960 may come to an end.

That being said, once this box is opened, everything will change. It will have tremendous implications for humanity — philosophically, scientifically, and technologically. Our world would change forever.

Read the rest of the article…

Anyone who has done ANY research on UFOs, Area 51, ETs, etc. has heard the name Bob Lazar, and perhaps some of the controversy behind the information he made available to us as someone who worked at the infamous and “nothing to see here, folks” Area 51 in Nevada. Secureteam brought us this interview recently expanding on that, right from Bob himself, and investigative journalist Jeremy Corbell.

EXCLUSIVE: The Bob Lazar Interview

We had a Retired Marine this week tell us a contact of his said his son was in Afghanistan and saw “the Kandahar giant” we heard was shot and killed by US soldiers in 2002 and which we covered on Starship Earth awhile back. If you’re unaware of this story, check it out in this video. It’s not a nice story—and most likely true.

We’ve also covered the many giant skeletons littering the planet. Some have two rows of teeth. They may have had a great smile—but we’ll probably never know because most have been disposed of, permanently, by the powers-that-were. Other countries may still have the odd skeleton in their museums, but it’s forbidden in North America.

Unfortunately, the control freaks have destroyed and confiscated much of the proof of past and alien civilizations. It’s criminal, really, to destroy our planetary history like that—Human or otherwise.

Regardless, they’re not in control any longer and a lot of surprising information will be coming around the bend in our not too distant future.

Myths and legends are not all myth. We’re sick of the pussy-footing around, and “it may be this” and “it could be extraterrestrial”, and “it seemed to be under intelligent control”—and we know not all “UFOs” are extraterrestrial. Earthlings/Terrans/the people of Midgard or whatever you want to call us, deserve the Truth.

We’re goin’ for broke here. As always, the truth is out there. Believe it… or not.  ~ BP

Living and Breathing Fallen Angels Imprisoned in Antarctica? REALLY?