Kp Message 12-9-18… “Ascension, Releasing, Expansion” ~ December 9, 2018

Editor’s Note: This post by Kp, over in Hawaii, echoes my thoughts and internal knowledge. Yes…the current situation for many (if not all of us) is not “settled” nor comfortable as we all have “internal stuff” to work through. Amazing how this is reflected in our external world as well , isn’t it?

Our changing outer circumstances is reflected by our changing inner selves, and our changing human vibrational rates are mirrored by the increasing energies we are receiving. Ascension IS expansion, and growth, and positive change…it’s all about a positive and personal”shift” in consciousness! Please read Kp’s message below, understand that F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) is the primary tool of the dark used against humanity to “try” to delay positive changes in human consciousness, and…



There’s a number of items that feel like they are coalescing. This is on a Cosmic level, as well as planetary, and personal.

So, well… here we are. And you know, even though I’m using the pronoun, “we”, I can only really speak about the “me” part of it. And sometimes the “me” part of it does not always care for what the I AM of me is wanting to go through… or, better yet, “grow through”.

Ascension is about expansion, rising in vibration, love frequency, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. And I am not able to define any of it. But it usually does involve releasing, letting go (of so-called “lower vibration” stuff), and rising in awareness of what the next phase is to be. For myself, it is almost always about “what’s next”.

As an “Energy type” worker BEing (those are my terms for myself, not anyone else’s), I am always aware that my current anything is not fixed, and may change at any moment.

Currently I’m not feeling “comfortable” in my current location, nor with my current “stuff” (which includes mind stuff, spirit stuff, physical stuff) situation, and I know it is to be changing “in short order”. No definition about what “short order” means.

I keep emphasizing (and sensing) that there is some type of major “cycle(s) completion” going on. I know the cycle I have been in is nearing it’s “completion point”. And I know what is to be done, by me, to help to complete the cycle(s). Some involves sorting through releasing a bunch of things from “my past”, some involves physical clear-out of stuff (tools for living) that are no longer needed (or it’s their time to move on), some involves taking care (healing) of 3D body issues. All sorts of things.

A primary item to be aware of is the requirement that any “fear” of what comes next must be released. Or at least recognized when it comes up, and then just moved beyond.

No idea if any of this makes any “impact” for anyone besides myself, but there it is. We’ll just keep on moving on, no mater what or where the “moving on” happens to be.

Aloha, Kp

Human Consciousness IS everything! ~ August 2, 208

Editor’s Note: Below is an email message from my good friend, J. who comments on an “aha” moment he has had regarding the continued hoopla and thoughts/hope/fears of the spiritual community on the spiritual matters of The Event.

In light of delays for the promised “good times” that always seem to be just out of humanity’s reach. perhaps a different “tactic” should bnw be considered. J has come to the realization that WE are the one who need to exemplify and BE the change we want to see in the world.

Below find his message, I add my own confirmation and supply timely articles about human consciousness in it’s evolution. We ARE our own individual consciousness that collectively adds up to ONE. Tricky thought and realization of our role as unique filters that effectively makes each of us on par with everyone else. Now it is time for us to leave the 3D world behind in out thoughts, and use 5D principles as we transition. Please read these messages below, think about this, and…



Hi Everyone,……As usual, I have a lot of time to reflect on various things happening around me. Working on boats day after day by myself is a very solitary kind of employment, it gives you time to think about all sorts of stuff, particularly at this moment when everything is going nuts. I’m blessed to have this occupation under these circumstances.

I had an “Ah Ha” moment this afternoon after thinking about what Eleia Benz had to say about the “Event”.
She is right on the money. This info would be a great topic for your next blog article Sophia, I hope you will give it some consideration.

We all come from an enslaved culture, it is ingrained in us, we wait for someone to do something for or to us, before we can move forward. Ascension is coming, and we will know it by the “EVENT”, and we will be carried to the 5th D.
How silly! But the masses are ingrained to see it that way. No blame here!

What are the basics? We are co-creators, we take part in the making, how often have we heard this (we have to do something, some action) not sit there and only RECEIVE! Damit!
If you just sit around and wait for the Event, you may not make it,……remember frequency?

Going from 3rd D to 5th D is CHANGE! How do we participate in this change? We start becoming the thing we want to see. When we do this, we start to change ourselves, this is called “inner work” by Jung. Listen to what Jung says about “inner work”.

If we do our work inwardly and do small rituals to express our inner situation, it often generates a great charge of constructive energy in the external world around us and shapes the external circumstances of our lives in ways that we would never have anticipated. This is part of the evidence we have for the existence of the collective unconscious: We find that the unconscious connects us to other people and to our entire environment; therefore; when we focus a great deal of energy within our own inner world, a parallel energy often arises in the people or situation around us. In this way, we can do healing through our inner work that we never could have done through external means. Very few people know or understand this. I said this to both of you early on when I first met you both,…..I say this to everyone who asks about healing themselves or their partner………and most of the times they roll there eyes.
You both are different, you get it. You do the inner work to shift yourself only (this produces a great charge) it moves into the field and influences everyone collectively …..WE MAKE THE 5TH D. MANIFEST.
Start acting and behaving like 5th D…..the 5th D is already here. The “EVENT” is just cotton candy!

the boat builder


Bravo, J.! You are so very right…it IS time to step up to the plate and understand our divinity NOW! We are creators and just plain do not know, or understand this. We are also ALL connected in ways we cannot yet surmise. I found the following from Disclosure News Italia very helpful today in realizing this consciousness aspect of myself…and everyone around me! Thank YOU for understanding the nature of this illusory game and sharing . We are indeed the “ones” we have been waiting for…let’s DO it!

Much Love…:)

Gnosis – Collective Consciousness – Part Three ~ August 1, 2018

Gnosis – Collective Consciousness Part Three. Source Ascension Glossary.
The collective consciousness exists in the many multidimensional layers that can be perceived through spiritual Gnosis as the historical events, or the many accumulated memories recorded over cycles of time. These unseen and unwritten historical events can be directly cognized through higher consciousness experiences. When a human expands consciousness through biological spiritual evolution, that person begins to potentially have the sentience to know how people and animals suffer, because they can experience the pain inside themselves that they simultaneously feel existing inside of others.

Gnosis – Collective Consciousness

The person that can identify and feel the pain of others, can feel the same pain inside themself, and thus knows, all humans suffer from the same source of pain and are not separate.
This is the early stage of Gnosis, and one cannot know how it feels, until they are able to feel and experience what others are feeling inside themselves.
As we gain the spiritual qualities of Empathy, which are higher sensory abilities that allow us to feel the consciousness state of others, we may expand our sentient abilities to perceive the intelligent content that encompasses the records in the collective consciousness.

We are only able to gain direct knowledge of the planet through Gnosis, which occurs when an awakened person experiences what it feels like to be involved in some kind of event, circumstance or situation, from some vantage point in Consciousness.
Only people that have developed pure hearts of Empathy are truly capable of the gnosis in which they gain intelligent information about the Timelines, historical events on planet, and what is happening to the collectives of species, such as people and living things.

Pure Hearts Of Empathy

Gnosis – Collective Consciousness

As an example, an empathic person can meditate or stand in an area of Ley Lines, or nodal points on the planetary grid, and feel intelligent information relaying back to them from the collective consciousness records connected to that area. If we stand in an area of the earth that has been filled with tragedy, death and war, we can feel the incredible pain and suffering of all of the people, nature kingdoms and animals involved. Many times the people that died in painful tragedies in the past are still earthbound and trapped in that pain, unable to evolve their spirit into a future timeline. That person’s Soul or energy body has become trapped in time, trapped in the matter realms of the earth body.

When an awakened person has empathic experiences and can feel the direct result of massive Trauma and emotional pain that is created in the collective consciousness, that person has only one choice, to do what they can to be of Service to Others. These spiritual experiences cannot be translated to an unawakened person, because it is all about direct sensory experiences of communications that are held in the context of intelligent energy and Sentient Beings. These methods of higher sensory perception and telepathic communication are that which still remain invisible to the 3D person’s ego and linear mind.


True spiritual empathy is the key that gives the awakening person access to some layer of the Akashic Records, and these memory records exist in every collective entity, structure, and person on the planet. The Collective Consciousness of any person, place or thing, will give access to memory records and layers of the Akashic, that are connected to those particular consciousness bodies. As many people awaken on this planet, they do not want to feel what has really happened to themselves and to the planet, because it is painful to witness. However, this is the only path that grants access, where we gain truth and empathy. We must see the truth of what has happened in the past, in order to know what the truth is and feel the impacts.

The Compassionate Witness does not judge what has happened, but deeply feels the consciousness experience that is the truth behind the events. The truth of motivation is always seen in the intention of what event has transpired, and so even in deceptions, great truths can be revealed. We gain knowledge about ourselves, knowledge about others, knowledge about the history of our planet, knowledge of the Solar System and knowledge about the timelines in the Universe, by experiencing the direct sentient feelings of empathy, which is experienced as the consciousness reality that exists inside of ourselves.
Love is the ultimate carrier wave of great knowledge, and through an awakened and open heart, pouring forth love, Compassion and Empathy for all of life, the esoteric mysteries are revealed to the true and sincere spiritual seeker that embodies empathy and compassion.

Collective Cosciousness
Ascension Glossary
Part One

Collective Cosciousness
Co-creation of Timelines
Part Two

Collective Cosciousness
Part Three

Wise Men
Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.


The Rules of the Game are rigged to Control Human Consciousness ~ July 18, 2018

From: Astounding Elements…thanks J.!

This world in which people are familiar with is not at all as it appears; what you see is not what you get nevertheless folks go through the daily grind of life as it appears to be their only choice. To sift through the layers of fabricated truths which will bring a satisfactory end result for humanity will likely take a large amount of time, but this process can be expedited if more people tune into the frequency of actuality and open their mind to objective analysis. Therefore, analyzing the data available now in ways it was never available before, will put this society on a collision course with the fantastic probability of shocking disclosures sure to rock the oldest of belief sets.

The key to opening the mind is to bring out the objectivity of each fact as it appears, therefore it’s of pertinent  importance to detach from any prejudice based believes that were not true in the first place.  In these end times much information will come out that will overload the minds of many people ‘stuck in their ways’ no matter what culture that is near and dear to their heart, what country they reside in or what religion they believe in.  This mind bending belief buster is upon humanity right now and can be compared to a simple game that everyone is familiar with called Chess.

When playing Chess there are certain rules that each player abides by on each side; the bishop can only move diagonally, the castle can move horizontally or vertically, and the queen can combine both movements of the castle and Bishop together to form their capabilities. The knight plays a more asymmetrical role as it can attack in an “L” shape and go over other pieces, therefore predicting its attack is more difficult. The king must be protected at all costs and has very limited movement capabilities. The last piece called the pawn can only move one space at a time, forward only, unless to attack an opponent which opens up the possibility of a forward diagonal move.   However what if the rules of Chess were not as they have been ingrained in the human psyche from the beginning?  Would the strategy change for the game player if the Queen had only the movement of the pawn, and the pawn was all powerful?  With only one queen and many pawns, it would result in an all-out offensive assault from the beginning of the game because of where the pawns are placed on the board to start the game.

Akin to the pawns on a Chess board formulated with new powers, humans have hidden powers that have been removed from their DNA.  Their true abilities have been scrambled and suppressed through deceitful and devious intentions in order to enslave the race.  When their DNA is restored to full grace, they will regain their lost abilities, therefore restoring full consciousness.

Even in the game of Chess there is a hierarchy implied by the way the pieces on the board are initially placed.  Notice how the pawns protect the more mobile and important pieces.  Society is no different as the everyday people protect their leaders, whether they are royalty, religious or political leaders.  However, in the aforementioned scenario what if the pawns hold all the power, and the pieces that are being protected (our leaders) don’t have the power they project to have?  This is what people will soon come to realize, the fact that the leaders have granted it for themselves; therefore when the power shifts back to the people how the game would change both on the world stage and the chess board!

It’s entirely possible that the reality in which most people perceive on the ‘the game board of life’ is built into the human mind deliberately.  The pre-defined rules of society echo the consciousness of reality that the leaders wish it to be.  In other words, the rules in civilization are nothing more than a strict set of guidelines to allow the rich to flourish and the average person to struggle or far worse.  In addition like the game of Chess, it’s no accident that there is but one king, one queen and many pawns, because when people play the game they do so with the mindset the pawns are expendable, which is exactly the way the leaders of society feel about the average person as they themselves never go to war, but rather send the pawns (people) to do their bidding.

In the Chess analogy it’s suggested that the strategy in the game would significantly change if the pawns realized their new power.  With the movement and power of the queen, the pawns would seamlessly glide along the game board with the ability to wreak havoc; this would result in the creation of new strategies to play the game in a different light.  More importantly it would display the insignificance of the royalty pieces on the board, meaning the king and queen.

Humanity is right now at these cross roads in reality.  The people who have proclaimed themselves leaders of the population are from powerful families that have ruled secretly for centuries on the physical plane of existence. For example the Queen of England is actually not English at all, but rather of German decent, yet the people worship her as if she is some sort of god (

What other disclosures await humanity that will awaken them?  How long will it be before the people find out that all wars were created for profit by powerful international bankers?  Banks that fund both sides of the warring factions for monetary, political and many other clandestine reasons.  These wars have been created by these people in power to not only profit and stay in power but to keep mankind in an enslaved state of mind while obliterating them. If people don’t know most of their leaders do not have their best interests at heart, and have taken in this spoon fed drivel from day one, how are folks supposed to discern the truth and graduate to the next level of human evolution?  Even a baby knows when they are being tricked if the adult plays the same stunt over and over again, therefore it’s time to expand one’s consciousness and connect to one’s higher self to discern the truth because it’s not OK to rape the planet, murder the people and control them through financial slavery!

The establishment is breaking down piece by piece and the self-proclaimed elite are trying to pick them up and put them back together before too many people notice.  As the pieces on the board are in flux they (the self-proclaimed elite) interchange them to keep the masses guessing.  For example, the falling fortunes of the west and their aggressive foreign policy are being dismantled because of debt.  While this fallout continues the east has conveniently created a new banking system (BRICS and AIIB) and are negotiating with the IMF to have the Yuan in the SDR basket of currencies with the eventuality that the renminbi (same as the Yuan, just an international name) will become the reserve currency of the world.  It’s akin to a puppet show; the puppets just keep introducing new characters with different personalities to continue the act.


The show began long ago and the people in power never felt safe unless they had a place of protection


Once humans could be corralled into a place of worship so easily, the entities from other planets realized their dreams of having a population of unwitting slaves that believed they were free


But they also knew there would come a time some would awaken
In a nutshell the powerful people in the world are simply shifting the illusion of power from west to east.  Make no mistake the entities in charge in the west right now are imploding their financial system and running debt in the trillions purposely so the people of the United States cannot “get up off the mat” when they are finished with them.  However, there is a movement afoot that has seen this plan and are taking the necessary steps to prevent it, one that just may end up in a world where balance and fairness becomes the standard in every country.


To this day most people believe in a reigning monarchy, and fail to see why their face is plastered all over the currency


They even protect the very entities pretending to represent God and the world leaders that are in cahoots with them. There will come a time when the disclosure of all these leaders will be shocking to the faint of heart, especially when some are simply ET’s in disguise and not human at all, for what true person would allow the people all over the world to starve to death and not be able to come to compromises for world peace. The veil is indeed thinning and the picture is very clear now
While the people with the money continue to play the games and switch the pieces out for new fresh ones nothing is really changing on their radar.  The Vatican is one such example as the new pope is as bad or worse as the old pope; in fact that institution represents Satanism and not the creator.  In essence, religion in general has fooled people for countless ages but so have the writers of history as most of it taught to our children is false and filled with ‘facts’ (sarcasm) that keep the shape shifters in power.

As the disclosure continues the pawns (the everyday people) start to gain power through knowledge, this in turn diminishes the power of the kings, queens, prince’s, princesses and so on.  Who are these people on the throne?  Who nominated them leader of the people?  They nominated themselves keeping humanity in a major state of ignorance!  These entities, that may not even be human, have no due course to their objective, in other words there is no fair and just way to appoint them as leaders; this must be questioned to the Nth degree. In addition, why is the Vatican, the world’s wealthiest entity, draped in gold and riches almost beyond imagination, allowed to continue with their charade while people starve to death all over the world – all while suppressing the secrets of the origin of mankind!  And why is the Queen of England allowed to own the majority of the land on the planet while people have to pay taxes on tiny pieces of land?  With leaders like this who needs enemies!


These leaders rarely deviate from their bloodline and through reincarnation keep positions of power in their family thus bringing death and despair amongst humanity, while they harvest negative energy from the chaos they create on the planet. They utilize the energy for their own selfish purposes far beyond what humanity understands; and based on their model on earth they likely sell it to the highest bidder all whilst humanity believes they are still the center of the universe.

Three main factions of galactic gangsters are fighting it out right now, in real time, on this planet and the majority of people are still oblivious to this fact and not preparing for it either mentally or physically, let alone spiritually. As the truth reveals itself and the people question themselves to their very core of existence, all the paths will lead directly to the power structures on this planet and even onto other worlds. This will be the time the pawns (the people) will have the powers of the kings and queens therefore forging their own destiny and creating a society that is all inclusive and peaceful.  However this will come through much soul searching and accepting and adjusting to a new reality which will be far, far different than the current one.


One faction are the zionists


Another the nazi’s


and the jesuits

Mankind’s quest stands on the edge of a knife with the tipping point very close.  It will be the behavior of people that will determine the outcome and whether it will be peaceful and seamless or filled with aggression, greed and war. Never forget that giving one’s power away to any third party, be it a political leader, a king, a queen or a religious zealot is akin to giving one’s power away willingly; therefore make decisions wisely with the best regards to the future of the people and the planet in mind is of paramount importance.


A new day of light is dawning and peace is within reach. This will bring justice to mankind and an end to the treachery while learning about the origin of humanity. May Gaia and her children finally live a life with all necessities provided thus allowing love to prevail

At long last the rules of the game of life are changing, and soon the people who have done the spiritual work and can see through all the smoke and mirrors will be the leaders of tomorrow.  It is then that the pieces on the chess game of life will have their powers and abilities restored and as that moment approaches let no one amongst us ever where a crown, as only unity consciousness and awareness will keep the powers of evil at bay.

Related Articles: Are Humans at the top of the food chain?

December 2017: A Long Time Coming ~ Dec. 10, 2017

This is a great post by Denise LeFay. She puts it right out there, humanity’s great Transition is happening right on schedule…but it’s been a long time coming!

Please read her article below where she shares her thoughts about the change in human consciousness that truly is “right around the corner”, determine where your consciousness is, and…


[What I’m going to say first won’t make much sense immediately but hopefully will as you continue reading, connecting the dots and fully realizing where we’re at now.]


When I was a young teen in the early 1960s, I understood the bare-bones basics of retirement at 65. Way back then the retirement age was 65, unlike how it is now for different age groups. I’ve never forgotten how the minute I understood what “retirement at 65” was all those decades ago, I instantly knew it wouldn’t exist for me when I turned 65, or 66 for full retirement benefits for my age group. I was a kid and knew that the retirement system would not exist for me when I reached the required age to receive my full retirement benefits. And, I was pissed about that knowing that I’ve consciously carried with me since that time. I’ve consciously carried many awareness’s like this from early childhood and also my teens and that in itself has oftentimes been a burden for me, but, I preferred knowing certain things as opposed to not knowing them. My choice and I’ve dealt with those awareness’s all my life.

My birthday is December 23rd and I turned 65 in 2016, December 2017 I’ll turn 66. At some point in 2018, I plan on applying for my S.S. retirement benefits even though they’re not nearly enough to live off of month to month. Even that statement is coded with other information. Feel into all this because I’m talking about and from both the old lower 3D Earth world and the NEW ascended 5D Earth world frequencies and consciousness. Multidimensionality; Forerunners have been living it for decades.

Some people, but certainly not enough in my opinion, honestly understand what December 2017is, what it means within the Ascension Process (AP) and ongoing Embodiment Process (EP). Most do not and that’s unfortunate for us all. December 2017 is that point within the AP and EP where the Forerunners/Wayshowers/Embodiers are finally capable of physically existing continuously within the NEW ascended 5D Earth world and crystalline/Christ/Unity frequency and carrying IT with them wherever they go because they’ve Embodied enough of IT at this point.

I’ve often shared my struggles with and education from my repeatedly going back and forth between the higher and lower NEW and old Earth worlds and timelines since December 21, 22 & 23, 2012. I’ve done that because I wholeheartedly believe that by honestly sharing certain things I’ve been going through via the AP and EP, that it helps others better understand what they’ve been going through too. No one benefits if the Forerunners aren’t honest about what they’ve been living and learning from. Our sharing about the good, bad and the ugly of it all is a positive for everyone, even those people who aren’t ready for that information when we write about it. Eventually they will be and it’s archived for them.

I know it’s oftentimes hard and/or confusing to feel like you’ve satisfactorily sunk your teeth into the complex concepts of being a functioning multidimensional incarnate physical human during the AP and EP. Those words are fancy and impressive but for most people are not much more than that — fancy and impressive. However, if you’ve been living this yourself Forerunner then you know that it’s been much like being a teenager learning how to drive a stick shift car for the first time; you repeatedly pop the clutch, stall the engine, over break, drive too slow, drive too fast, panic when you have to stop on an incline and then release the clutch and not roll backwards or stall the engine and so on. It’s not an easy or fast learning process and takes time and practice to master how to drive a stick shift vehicle… well. The same has been true of being a Forerunner learning how to repeatedly enter and exist, exist and enter the old lower 3D patriarchal Earth world we all incarnated into, and the NEW ascended 5D Earth world with its corresponding frequencies.

Doing this multidimensional tango back and forth between the old lower and NEW higher Earth worlds hasn’t been about physically traveling, great distances, or jumping timelines but about different frequencies. Lower and higher frequencies mean lower and Higher consciousness, energies, awareness, abilities, experiences, realities, thoughts, emotions, feelings and on and on. Since the AP started (for me biologically at the start of 1999) I’ve existed within a higher frequency and space, as have all Forerunners/Pathpavers/Embodiers etc. When I needed to leave my higher frequency physical house, space and property and reenter the old lower Earth world to grocery shop and take care of other old lower 3D world responsibilities I’d do exactly that; reenter the old lower Earth world and do my best to survive the tremendous physical and emotional pressures and pains of reentry into density, negativity and patriarchal Duality consciousness. Doing so was literally like being nearly crushed to death from having to drop back down vibrationally and physically function within heavy density and the matching consciousness and humans that have and still exists there. I’d barely make it back to my higher frequency house after shopping I was in so much physical pain from having reentered that lower level of density and darkness, and it took days to recover physically and psychologically (every time) from my having gone back down in frequency again to buy groceries, cat litter, shampoo and laundry soap! Only those who’ve lived this themselves knows how hard, painful, frustrating in many cases and also dangerous just our doing this has been.

I shared that lovely stroll down Ascension Memory Lane fellow Forerunners because December 2017 is, for us, the end of this since it began all those many long and difficult years ago. 😯Really? Yes. You ready? Really? Good because here it finally comes; the ability to move between the old lower and NEW higher Earth worlds and NOT have doing so nearly crush us and damage us so deeply that we can’t do anything for a week or a month! Remember how I’ve always talked about those energy Stair-steps we’ve been climbing up slowly all these ascension years? Well, in December 2017, we reach that blessed level finally where we’re Embodied enough in our physical bodies to have the NEW higher Earth world frequencies be our permanent NEW “clothes” so to speak all the time no matter where we go or when we reenter the old lower frequency Earth world density. The torture is over with this aspect finally. I can’t honestly feel this fact fully yet because I’ve adapted to having the old lower Earth world density kick my everything’s ass nearly every time I’ve had to reenter that place and space since 1999. I will however, as will each of us, quickly readjust to this NEW and greatly improved situation that December 2017 brings us weary Forerunners.

Just in case there’s any lingering confusion over this particular aspect, know that we Forerunners have reached that hard-earned Stair-step where you’ve Embodied enough of the NEW within yourself and your physical body that IT will now constantly buffer you from the lower frequency density, negativity, chaos, imbalances, distortions, egos and other inhabitants of that frequency Earth world. Am I saying it’s full-time Party Time for the Forerunners? Not hardly, just that our Work got a whole lot easier for us to do because it won’t hurt like it always has.

Callback to being a young teen (around 1960-’61) and knowing that, far in the future when I turned 66 on December 23, 2017 and could file for my full S. S. retirement benefits that they wouldn’t exist for me…

Most of my life has felt like I’m living it backwards, which is more true than most would guess actually. I incarnated with conscious memory of what 5D and higher was/is and functioned in the old lower 3D patriarchal Earth world with that and other conscious awareness’s. Like I said before, I insisted upon this in this ascension lifetime, but it came with a price of certain difficulties, dangers, responsibilities and isolation. If you enter a physical incarnation with intentional conscious awareness of higher dimensions with their different higher frequencies, then you basically are walking backwards vibrationally down into greater density, in this case 3D Earth density from the so-called “future”, which really is just a higher frequency bandwidth. Going forward or backward in linear time is about either increasing or decreasing one’s frequency. Slow it down and you go back in time to lower frequency worlds etc.; speed it up and you go forward in time which means you enter/reenter a higher frequency and space or dimension. Most “Volunteers” walked backwards into their current ascension Forerunner lives and physical bodies from much higher frequencies and dimensions etc. So from our perspectives it often feels like we’ve walked backwards down into the physical Earth world density from nonphysical higher frequency levels. Minor sidetrack there.

So why would I instantly know in 1960-1961 as a young teen that in December 2017 when I’d turn 66 S.S. retirement wouldn’t exist for me? What was the point to my knowing that and carrying that worrisome burden around with me all these decades, and not being very happy about the fact that I wasn’t going to have what the generation before me had and so much of (the WWII generation)? So I could sit here today, two weeks before my 66th birthday and tell you that the old 3D dense patriarchal Earth world is going extinct as we speak and that it will now be so much easier for me and all Forerunners/Embodiers/Wayshowers to have our NEW higher ascended Earth world frequencies in and around us constantly no matter where we go or what we do. I’ll get some S.S. retirement benefits I’ve paid into in 2018, but for the most part I will be, as will all of us Forerunners, Consciously Creating our own NEW ways of living, creating and existing in the NEW higher levels of our being and realities. Out with the old lower and in with the NEW higher.

My birthday being on December 23rd, and my turning 66 in 2017 isn’t some weird coincidence but a brilliantly crafted lifelong trek through the AP and EP processes to have everything unfold in the physical level Earth worlds—primary and secondary—at exactly this time for multiple reasons. It boggles the mind and reverberates in the HighHeart to understand how perfectly all of this has been laid out by OURSELVES at higher levels. Sounds like a great note to end this on.

One more thing first however for the non-Forerunners.

It’s freaking December 2017 and physical reality is about to crack apart, permanently separate, end, begin, change and change a whole lot more every minute of this month and all of 2018 and beyond so I strongly suggest you get your priorities figured out immediately and dedicate yourself to what’s happening and what’s coming for everyone worldwide in a matter of weeks. You can piss around and play negative bullshit games with yourself and others if you want to waste THE most valuable incarnation you’ve EVER had on lowly negative things, actions and/or delusional or self-delusional stuff all based in lower frequencies and limited ego-centered issues and whatnot. The decision is yours, but the point has finally arrived where the time to fool around has run out meaning you just may find yourself somewhere you’d rather not be and all because you were focused on using and abusing other people and old corrupt systems and calling yourselves lofty sounding spiritual ascension names while actually doing the complete opposite. There is zero game playing in the Light, period. Ticktock, ticktock. The ultimate Expiration Date falls on my birthday this year and it is the best birthday gift I have ever received.

December 10, 2017

Donations can be made here and thank you for the energy exchange. ❤