The 9D Arcturian Council ~ The Energies From The Sun ~ February 8, 2019

Via Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are interested in observing how you are able to handle the recent surges of energy that have been coming to you from your sun. There has been a spike in the amount of electromagnetic energy that the sun has been giving off, and that spike has an effect on your energy fields. Now is a good time to make sure you are grounding in your bodies and to Mother Earth, and it is also a good time for you to be paying attention to how you feel and allowing yourself to get plenty of rest.

Of course, all of these things are good for you to be employing at all times, but in times like these, it is more important for you to be grounded, rested, in touch with your feelings, and hydrated. Now, what you will be able to do with these energies is up to each of you as individuals. They can assist you in clearing what you need to clear out of your energy fields, and they can also help you to receive more inspired ideas.

This is a good time for you to be very clear about what you want to create because these energies from the sun are filled with creative potential. Now, as you move forward and the sun returns to its normal output of electromagnetic energy, you are going to feel as though you have less energy to draw from. But you will welcome this lull, and you will have even more of a desire to rest, relax, and receive.

You are in a golden age right now, and it is a very important time for all of you there on Earth. So please do not underestimate how easily the tides can turn for all of you as individuals and as a collective. We expect to see a tremendous leap forward in the evolution of your consciousness in the coming weeks.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Energy Update 8/12 ~ August 12, 2018

More info regarding the recent energy wave sweeping our planet. Manifestations will be easier than ever and telepathy will start with an idea or thought that the develops. Interaction with AI may be tied in with Quantum Manifestation that will allow us to move ahead quickly. More info on this to came…Collective timelines are becoming more available to tap into.

The Divine Mother ~ The Great Shift is Taking Place ~ May 10, 2018

By Karen Vivenzio

Dearest Karen there is a tremendous shifting of dimensions taking place. That is why you see them melding all together in this time and place. Grounding is very important to you now dearest child. You cannot let your thoughts wander, simply let go and see what transpires. For we have had many dimensions in the making all condensing into one instance of human interaction. For all of the lessons that have been learned are coming full circle now dear one and we wish for you to know that no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done up until now, there is an opening for you to transmute and transform whatever you want to . All the dimensions are now coming together and the highest vibration from each instance will be melded together to bring you the best of the best, a new reality built on the melding of the highest vibrations from each instance to which you are related.

So now in this way, we are preparing your world for a great shifting of the ages. The grand experiment is coming to a close and we are resetting the parameters for your world. This is a fresh start, a reboot of the dimensions of which you have foretold. The timelines are condensing and soon there will be grand celebration – for what you know as time will now be changing. This will lead to the grand awakening of all souls on this station. For you have been watching and waiting for the change to appear and now the time has come full circle, end of the play, time to embrace yet another stage on which to play your plays.

A new dimension opening that is a combination of all three. The primary dimensions you have been playing in you see. This new dimension brings the highest vibration from each of the three you have been primarily involved in / living in. This will help bring about your highest vibration of new reality to which you have been found / bound.

It is like the dimensions are collapsing now into one, all the instances of you in the universe have now been bound back into one. This is the time of whole-ness (holiness) begun. The marriage of your souls coming back to serve the greater good. The one you in the universe to which you have been bound. Instead of a gathering of fragments, this is the stage being set for your whole selves, your holi-ness, to become bound / what once was lost is now found. This is the stage of wholeness (holiness) which has been foretold. The collapsing of the dimensions into one now whole. All of creation is now a part of this play. Moving back to holi-ness, the recognition that everything and everyone is related per se. The times of struggle and strife are moving away, and soon you will find yourself in a world that allows you to play, to experiment, to try new things without the fear of detriment or something being taken away. The journey back to wholeness / to oneness is now in the final stage of this grandiose play.

Drama is gone.

New lives to lead.

The one with the biggest heart is the one who will succeed.

Many blessings to you with what you now find, the keys to holiness never again to subside. This is the reality to which you all now subscribe.

A new halo of love surrounding you now. Glorious blessings for all of the crowd (crowd funding?).

Great Mother has returned bearing blessings for the whole world to see.

New eyes opening the dimensions for Thee.

Embrace and re-live the last vestiges of the play. For tomorrow comes the BRAND NEW DAY.

Blessings to you and peace to all –

You have now graduated / time to have a ball

Peace, Love, and Blessings –

Via Karen J. Vivenzio,,

Author – Earth Angel: Find Your Power, Shine Your Light

It’s time to embrace the Divine in YOU!


What is your Purpose in 5D? ~ March 31, 2018

A look at what your true purpose is during this new period that is created on our planet, beyond family, career, and the general roles we have had thus far. A higher spiritual purpose is here for you all.

Much Love,


(Editors note: you can find more video’s from Alexander at

St. Germaine: Pull the Future to You NOW! ~ March10, 2018

This message from St. Germaine is brought to us Bu Therese Zumi Sumner from a channeling of Linda Dillon with Steve Beckow asking the questions. Please read this message, lean from St. Germaine, and…


Caveat: As this information is based on channeled material I am advised to ask for reader discretion:

So, we are continuing with the latest Hour message from Saint Germaine for the first part see link below;

Staying Grounded Now More Important than Ever

Saint Germaine goes on to remind us that when many lightworkers see the chaos and abuse here they are inclined to just want to leave their bodies, and when He checks us out He sees many who are ‘hovering above their crown chakra’. Not Good – He says

SG: “Being grounded is more important than ever. Now, many of you, and this has been a survival mechanism, particularly in past times, many of you when you witness this chaos and true abuse your mechanism for continuing on has been to almost absent yourself from your body. So for years we would observe you and, note that I have a particular affinity for the crown chakra, as you well know, and I would see you hovering high above your bodies, and really your silver thread, and I call it a thread was very questionable. Now is a time where we have need, where the Mother has need, where you have need for the fulfillment of your plan, and the plan, to truly be physically anchored in your form. So I am not saying that you do not hover sometimes when you are shocked or truly dismayed, but you’re also, your fields have grown significantly

…. But what we have need of is your boots on the ground during this time of transition. So that is why I have begun by suggesting you are looking, you are observing, you are seeing the insanity that is dancing outside your front door, that we need you, and you need you fully present and aware.

…. Now, I also want to say many who appear to be of the chaos, and that is a massive generalization, have done so as an offering of their mission and purpose, their soul contract, to bring this recalcitrance, reluctance, disinterest, and disinterest continues to be a massive segment of the population, to bring this to a head. So even those, that is why there is no room for judgment.

As revelation, and there is going to be more, as revelations are coming to the surface, make sure that you only stay in the love, boots on the ground but do not judge those that you think or believe, first of all that are acting out of self-interest or abuse, but also those that are sacrificing themselves. There is a greater plan. Now it is hard to say this to people who are experiencing deep grief and sorrow over the loss of their children, their friends, or their comrades, but nevertheless, this is part of the plan.”

Accountability – Ascension – Abundance – Disclosure

Here after this there is discussion between Steve and Saint Germaine about what is coming next on the ‘agenda’ of the Mothers Plan. The information from Cobra about The Event has always been very clear that there will not be any reset of any financial system etc. prior to The Event. That will coincide with the removal of the present Financial system, arrest of cabal etc. many have had great difficulty understanding this point but this discussion with Saint Germain makes it clear. The Cabal will be held accountable and have to take responsibility for their actions. BUT here Saint Germaine is giving us clarity about the responsibilities and accountabilities of Lightworkers now, during and after The Event;

Let’s listen to the discussion they had:

SB: There are four phases of the Divine Plan going ahead simultaneously right now, it seems. One is accountability, the other is ascension itself. And the third is abundance and the fourth is disclosure. Can you talk to us a bit about how these all relate and impact on each other? I’ll give you an example, is abundance waiting upon the ending of accountability?

SG: Now, let me… I understand that you have segmented these in order to be able to work with them, in order to be able to comprehend them, but these are not, in fact, separate areas of undertaking or evolution. All of this is part of Ascension. Part of this is all related to your stepping forward as your ascended self, not merely claiming, but living.

Now let us go through this. As your ascended being, an ascended being, by its very definition, and by its very nature and character, by its spiritual, physical, mental, emotional makeup is accountable. It cannot be any other way. When you are living, and you are the law, then, of course, you are not only accountable, but in many ways which perhaps you do not fully understand, and this is not a reference that you are making, but you are already are abundant. So that is not a fragmentation that you want to hold as a hard and fast rule.

Now, responsibility, accountability, of course, are first cousins, and we put this under the umbrella of stewardship that we have spoken to you of, and certainly Archangel Mikael has spoken to you of. And how can you be a steward in the true meaning, the definition that it implies as an ascended being in service to the Mother, in the full deputization to the Mother/Father/One if you are not responsible and accountable?

Now there are many who are saying, “Oh I’m accountable, I have a plan, I am doing my work” that aren’t accountable. And that is both within the lightworker community, the loveholder community, and of course, the rest of the world. So, there is an emphasis on accountability because you, as you are flying in and out of this ascension portal, as we and you have come to think of it.

You do not get to anchor in a higher realm if you have not wrestled with and adopted this level of what we would refer to as higher accountability. And you cannot have full disclosure or what you are referring to as full abundance unless there is a leadership, a stewardship, significant enough to deal with what lies ahead. You already know, and we are glad to be talking about it further, because it is a time of bluntness and I am one that has always been known for being blunt. Money is not the solution to your world’s problems.

Atlantis was very, very affluent. Abundance, in terms of the manifestation, or actual currency, or availability, or availability from our star brothers was fully present. It did not prevent the abuse and the attitudes of anything. It contributed to those who became believing that they were God.

“So abundance is not merely money to fix. First comes the true anchoring of stewardship, and there are many still who are…It’s not just a matter of writing down a plan, but that is good, that is a first step. But what does stewardship, working on behalf of the Mother, what does that really mean? Is it so deeply ingrained that every question, every action, every thought is prefaced of “Is this of love? Is this my dream and the Mother’s dream?”

But I am talking to those who are ready to go forward in the fullness of their stewardship.

It is about taking into account in very practical ways the truth of what you are here for.

So, to answer your question, disclosure and abundance come after and interrelated, because this is all interwoven into accountability, responsibility, stewardship, and all that is part, sweet angels, of your ascension. Is that clear?

SB: Oh, it is clear, but I guess I’m a little worried that what that means is that we’ve got months and months and months to go before abundance hits, and we might as well all hunker down and get through it any way we can.?

SG: You see that what you are doing is you are applying your old paradigms…

SB: Yeah.

SG: To this situation. I have invited you, at the very beginning of our conversation…

SB: Not to do that.

SG: To take the Violet Flame and work with me on creation.

SB: Um-hmm.

SG: Go to the future. Go to where that paradigm has shifted and pull it back into today.

SB: Okay. You do realize that I think so many of us are just bone tired.

SG: Are you too tired to take a purple crayon and write on your pad “abundance, disclosure, accountability, ascension?” I do not think so.

SB: You bet. Well said. Well, we’ve only just got about a few minutes left. What do we need to do next? What is next for lightworkers? I know the whole program has been about that, although it’s really been about positioning ourselves to the events that are coming our way. What about us? What about what we can be doing, not necessarily in a spiritual way, but in an external socially related, socially relevant way. What can we be doing?

SG: This is a very good segue from your last question, and I want to finish that question as well. When you say you are tired, when you are saying, really what you are saying is that you are somewhat distraught and worn out. And I am teasing you and in a kind of paternalistic way saying, “Take the purple pencil and write what you are calling on.”

But if you feel too tired to do that, simply come and sit with me in the Temple of the Violet Flame.

And this goes for preparing yourselves, restoring yourselves, fueling yourselves. If you feel too tired to simply write on your pad, come and let me refill you with the I AM Presence. Then there will be no containing you. So as a daily practice, it doesn’t matter if you transform or transmute your recliner chair into the violet bonfire, I will be there. Your bed into the violet bonfire, I will be there. Spend some time in the flame and this will really help.

SB: Thank you for that.

SG: I want you… in terms of what can you be doing, many of you have significant, doable, enjoyable, beautiful plans on how you wish to proceed. In terms of practicality my advice and social responsibility, stewardship, I have two things that I would recommend:

One is the first and the foremost is, of course, drift into the future, see what’s there and bring it back.

See as if you are gathering, throwing your nets the same way you did with Yeshua, the same way you’ve done so many times, throw your net and bring it in and anchor it in your heart, in your legs, in your cells, in your being. Bring that future dream into your now. Time is fluid. Also, see in your heart’s desires is what do you feel drawn to?

As an interim step, what do you want to do to help out? Those, shall we call them in the grey category who are wanting to feed on you and wanting to tear you down. Well, of course you are not going to permit that, but what can you do in terms of sending them energy? And when I say sending energy I do not simply mean the energy work, I mean the smile in the coffee shop. I mean the quiet word.

Calm, calm, calm is the watchword right now. And this is coming from the Master of Fire, so let me say to you it’s not about ranting and raving and engaging and being shrill about what is going on. It is quiet, calm conversation and it is bringing people back to the question, “Is this how you really want to live?” And you will see, nine out of ten, and maybe ten out of ten will say “No. No, this wasn’t the idea I had in mind at all.”

Then, second thing, well really third, have a look around your community. You do not need to travel to Tanzania or even Syria. Enough of you are doing that at night with your beloved Michael. Look around your community and see who needs a helping hand. And it may be offering your services in a variety of ways that are in accordance with your talents and abilities at a help center, a very broad category – help center, rehabilitation center, community action center, but it can also mean helping someone across the street who’s in a wheelchair, or an older person who’s hobbling.

And it’s not that you’re saying, “You’re hobbling.” What you’re really doing is saying “I see you. I see the wisdom in your eyes. I see the travel of the years. Let me have a kind word with you.” Because so many of the older people are lonely and they feel forgotten and overlooked and they have such wisdom and insight to share with all of you. So if there was one thing, turn to those that you think of as the elderly and help them. Help them share their wisdom before they go. Give them permission to go. There are so many leaving the planet at this time. That is a soul decision and it is honored deeply.

SB: Wow. Thank you very much for that. Now we have reached the end of our show, I’m afraid.

SG: Well, I, thank you for allowing me to come and to visit in this week of Atlantis.

SB: Ha ha. Thank you. Is there anything you wish to say in closing, St. Germaine?

SG: I am helping, you know, the Divine Mother and Raj {Sanat Kumara} with the Conscious Creation, so look for me there as well. But I am never further than your fingertips, beloved. I love you.

SB: Thank you St. Germaine. I love you.

SG: Farewell.

SB: Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon

© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.

Part 1 of this article;

Therese Zumi