Pentagon Takes Over G20 – Ben Fulford ~ Auly 4, 2019

Editor’s Note: We can count on Benjamin Fulford to bring us details for global news. However, we must remember Ben is NOT spiritual, and thus, really is kinda clueless as to why peace is unfolding globally.

No doubt, Ben is glad world peace is evolving, but…he doesn’t have a clue as to why and has chosen the Pentagon for bringing peace on Earth. No doubt the Pentagon has been influenced by spiritual military leaders in the US, but the picture of global peace is the result of a higher mass global consciousness.

Please join me in knowing global peace happens as a result of “enough” individuals understanding their inner divinity. This global realization generates higher vibrations which allow incoming higher gamma wave frequencies to be “accepted” on Earth. As the frequency of Earth raises, the lower vibrations of fear, greed and violence have no where to exist…and must leave the planet.

We are now in the process of perhaps seeing violence “act out” due to understand their time of planetary control is ending. Join me in watching the reign of the dark end as Earth begins to understand the dawning of a new age. Heralded this event will be a positive transformation of the existing financial system. Please join me in welcoming this relief, know your own sovereignty, and be…



Pentagon Takes Over G20. By Ben Fulford.

Pentagon Takes Over G20, Will Push For Middle East Peace And World Federation

Now that a peace deal has been reached (in principle) in the Korean Peninsula, the US military, who just took over presidency of the G20, are going to push for a real Middle East peace deal, Pentagon sources say.


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Peace is also breaking out in other trouble spots like the Ukraine and the India/Pakistan border.

All this is happening as the US and China call a truce in their trade war and start negotiations to form, as the Chinese government puts it: “a new model for global cooperation.

The dialogue must be conducted on the basis of equality and mutual respect. Legitimate concerns of both sides must be addressed,” is how the official Chinese Xinhua news site described the situation

Pentagon Takes Over G20 - Belt and Road Initiative

Belt and Road Initiative

Pentagon Takes Over G20

Cintamani Jewels

The negotiations will include discussions on setting up a future planning agency to work in harmony with the multi-trillion dollar Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, sources in the British royal family say.

The other big event last week was a deal reached between the British and the Russians over how a post EU Europe would be run, British and Russian sources agree.

This deal was reflected by the official return of Russia to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

This group of 47 democracies is older and bigger than the 28 nation EU and includes major players like Turkey and Russia.

Pentagon Takes Over G20 - Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)

Pentagon Takes Over G20

Also, since Russia was kicked out for annexing the Crimean Peninsula, this means a de facto recognition of the split up of the Ukraine.

The fact German Chancellor Angela Hitler was seen shaking mysteriously twice in public makes us wonder if she was not hit with some sort of electro-magnetic weapon in order to force her to give up on the German dominated EU.

What is certain is that Germany went along with the re-admission of Russia into PACE. It will also probably agree to a no deal Brexit.

Pentagon Takes Over G20 - Merkel & Macron

Merkel & Macron

Pentagon Takes Over G20

Pentagon sources also say a financial black swan event is being engineered to put an end to the fiat based financial system and replace it with a quantum financial system backed by a basket of real world goods.

Trade wars, [problems with] Deutschebank, a no-deal brexit and Iran tensions are meant to cause a stock market crash and end fiat currency to launch the QFS,” the sources said.

You do not need to have a Pentagon inside source to realize the current system is mathematically doomed.

For one thing, the amount of money traded daily on financial system computers is literally thousands of times greater than the underlying real world assets they are supposed to be based on.

Right now 80% of stock trading is done by computer programs, meaning AI is already controlling most of the future decision making processes of listed companies.

Pentagon Takes Over G20 - Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank

Pentagon Takes Over G20

This has real world effects.

First of all, it is creating an asset inflation bubble of the sort that led to Japanese commercial real estate prices falling by 95% in value after their bubble burst.

US pension funds, for example, assume their investments will have a year on year return of 7.15%. However, even if the stock market increases in value by more than that percentage every year, the real economy is only growing at the most by 2%

Since stock prices are not reflecting the underlying reality, this will mean all pension funds are going bankrupt in the real world and people will suffer poverty in old age if the current system continues.

Asset inflation also means that in the US, for example, 74% of people cannot afford to buy a house.

Pentagon Takes Over G20 - Collateralized Loan Obligations

Collateralized Loan Obligations

Pentagon Takes Over G20

The trigger for a new Lehman style shock this time is likely to be a $3 trillion financial garbage heap called Collateralized Loan Obligations, according to the BIS, the central bank of central banks.

What is good for today need not necessarily be good for tomorrow. More fundamentally, monetary policy cannot be the engine of growth,” the BIS admits in its latest report.

In other words, even the BIS realizes that something like a reality based, meritocratically run future planning agency would do a better job of managing the economy than using AIs to distribute fiat money and create financial bubbles.

The admission of failure by the financial oligarchs is, of course, is why there is so much frantic real world horse trading going on these days.

The biggest real world commodity remains oil and here is where the United States still has its strongest cards.

This Tweet by US President Donald Trump puts it nicely: “China gets 91% of its Oil from the Straight, Japan 62%, & many other countries likewise. So why are we protecting the shipping lanes for other countries (many years) for zero compensation. All of these countries should be protecting their own ships…

Pentagon sources say this tweet has already caused China, Japan and India to send submarines to “to patrol the [Persian] Gulf and hunt Israeli [submarines].

Of course it was the Pentagon that was behind the tweet. “With Mark Esper as Secretary of Defence and Mark Milley as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff it appears the army now runs the Pentagon after the marines had their turn with [Generals Jim] Mattis and [John] Kelly,” the Pentagon sources note.

This means the marines have established a secure beach head against the Khazarian Mafia and now the Army is taking over more mundane but important administrative tasks.

As we mentioned near the top of this article, the US military now has the leadership of the G20.

That is because their Saudi American colony has taken over leadership of the G20 from Japan.

This means the US military will coordinate the agenda via their script reading fake crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).

Pentagon Takes Over G20 - Bin-Salman (KSA) & Bin-Zayed (UAE)

Bin-Salman (KSA) & Bin-Zayed (UAE)

Pentagon Takes Over G20

The Pentagon, of course, is furious at having been manipulated by radical Zionists into invading Iraq and is determined not to be manipulated into fighting a war with Iran.

The Pentagon sources note that at the “G20 there was no coalition against Iran, but India cancelled a $500 million deal to buy anti-tank missiles from Israel.

“The fact that Trump was placed between MBS and Turkish President Recep Erdogan at the G20 group photo was meant to show Turkey, together with Saudi Arabia were going to work together for peace in the region over the coming year,” the Pentagon sources say.

Pentagon Takes Over G20 - Ben Fulford

Ben Fulford

Pentagon Takes Over G20

It was unlikely to be a coincidence that major explosions destroyed a military base there around the time of the announcement.

Imagine how they would react to a worldwide jubilee?

The battle against high tech oligarchs running Google, Facebook etc. will also be very tough.

To help win this one, a bounty will soon be announced on the heads of major high tech shareholders and top management, secret society sources say.

This is because legal actions by individual governments will not be enough to bring these transnational criminal enterprises to heel.

They must be stopped from distorting the truth and replacing it with a fake AI controlled reality.


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When your legs are tired, walk with your heart.

Paulo Coehlo

Headlines and Updates for June 18, 2019: The Last Days for Evil [videos] ~ June 18, 2019

Editor’s Note: Am I sounding like a broken record yet? The post below by Starship Earth (my Alt News favorite !) relates yet more and more and more successes against the dark by Trump, “Q”, and a team of patriots out to save our country…and the world!

Are you new to this situation where dark actions, and crimes against humanity are being lifted to the Light (Love, Truth) for resolution? Do you know why the steam rollin’ Train for Truth is barrelling down the tracks toward, perhaps, a tremendous explosion of Light and Truth on July 4?

Time to wake up and realize the spiritual nature behind the current scenario on Earth. This is NOT hard folks! Merely know the truth of who you are, be kind and thoughtful to everyone, be happy in your heart, and be…



Do you get the feeling the Patriots have been sandbagging? Just a question.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to file lawsuits against New York State for repealing religious exemptions from mandatory vaccination

And I seriously doubt we need to be concerned about the latest Executive Order concerning GMO manufacturing. Just as Trump and the patriots had 5G under control as explained by SerialBrain2, I have no doubt they have GMOs handled, as well.

Trump Switches Pick for New Defense Secretary

Not surprisingly, we are seeing random violence. This, however, was around the corner from my alma mater, Ryerson University, in downtown Toronto. Six suspects. That’s a lot. Organized terror?

Six suspects charged after shooting near Yonge and Gould streets

Is it a coincidence that everything goes Trump’s way when all the talking heads and even those not hostile to Trump said he went about it the wrong way? “It’ll never work”, they parrot. Wrong! The NEW system is rigged—this time in the Patriots’ favour.

Trump Announces Impending Removal of Millions of Illegals

Mexico deporting migrants without papers at Guatemala border

BCP brings us his take on it.


Greg Rubini has a very odd Twitter page at the moment… and you might want to have a boo at this collage. It may answer my question as to how/why we might see an opening for a VP to run next to POTUS. Just sayin…  Doesn’t look like the same Putin, though. I have wondered at times if Greg isn’t part of the Q team. He goes silent for long periods and then comes back with some pretty amazing posts.

That anticipated meeting is going to take place. Was there any doubt?

Trump to meet with Xi Jinping at G20 summit

The gloves are definitely off and Joe DiGenova doesn’t beat around the bush as he brings us his thoughts on the Trump-Snuffleupagus interview. It was exceptionally tolerant of POTUS to let this guy hang around for 30 hours.

Likewise Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch.

Tom Fitton: Barack Obama Makes Richard Nixon Seem Like An Amateur

Thomas Williams just uploaded a new video I’ve not yet listened to.


Your larf for today…  Who in their right mind would stage a Broadway play about the witch?

Terrible ‘Hillary and Clinton’ Broadway Play Shuts Down Early Due to Awful Ticket Sales

And that’s all I have time for at the moment. Looking forward to that rally tonight to kick off the President’s wild campaign schedule and historic days for Humanity.  ~ BP

Intel from an Anonymous Source Close to the Negotiating Process ~ September 6, 2016


Ah! I found this on Galactic Connection and wouldn’t this be nice? If enough of us join our hearts together…it CAN be and WILL happen! So, please read this piece, open your heart, and…


Please Note: Our goal at Galactic Connection is to disseminate information. As with everything, please use your own discernment.

Thanks Nina!

Intel Dinar Chronicles

Received at 10:35 AM EDT on September 5, 2016 and published per request. ~ Dinar Chronicles

Hangzhou, China

G20 leaders and their benevolent interstellar guides are still in session at this hour.

They’re unified in final settlement talks for all global disputes while in the same country, same city, same room and same table.

They will not leave this negotiating environment until all matters are deemed collectively resolved and absolute unification is achieved.

And when we say all disputes, we mean ALL disputes worldwide as part of a 30 treaty GESARA package currently being signed and implemented by all your leaders of the newly vibrationally sovereign world. Signature on all treaties is required by universal law. No country (or leader) may leave until all treaties are made law via their signature.

Former President Barack Obama is not being included in this process as he no longer is deemed the lead diplomat for the Republic of the United States–this is why he did not get the red carpet treatment. General Joseph Dunford is signing all treaties (including the Paris Agreement on Climate Change) for the Republic of the United States per his own nation’s internal Constitution.

This is precisely why all such “real or new leaders” have gathered in China, as many are publicly unknown given all the severe and dramatic changes made privately in their countries.

Many this weekend are meeting for the very first time as to implement GESARA collectively, and their combined will–through the body of law–will now take full effect beginning in the fourth fiscal quarter of 2016.

Extra terrestrial disclosure and human reintegration back into the Galactic Federation of species will also be implemented and become a visible net result of this multi-decade ongoing negotiating process.

Global monetary reconstitution (aka the GCR/RV) is also included within the GESARA legal framework of change; thus, intake and settlement of all defaulted historic assets–including all fiat currencies–will now be retrieved, redeemed and revalued as well as removed from physical existence.

The entire global monetary reconstitution process is scheduled to complete by the end of your September (9) so your world can permanently recalibrate beginning in October (1).
