A strong magnetic storm will hit the entire planet on March 18 ~ Feb. 28, 2018

Uh…very interesting news my friends given the assertion of Cobra, and other spiritual folk, about a “kiss from the Sun” heralding the long-awaited “Event”. Of course, no man will know the date and time of this happening and this ties in beautifully with many QHHT practitioners whose clients Higher Selves state this to occur in the first quarter of 2018.

So…thanks to RT for bring us this report, maintain a state of watchful awareness, and…


RT News

A magnetic storm will strike the entire planet on March 18, according to a graph of magnetic activity developed by the X-ray Solar Astronomy Laboratory of the Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

According to the graph, three days before the storm, on March 14, 16 and 17 , geomagnetic alterations will be experienced . Before that period, the magnetosphere will be calm.

The magnetic storm that will reach Earth on March 18 will be the third since the beginning of this year . The first was registered on January 15 and the second on February 19.

COBRA Hunagarian Interview ~ Jan. 13, 2017


On Dec. 29, COBRA met with Hungary-based Etheric Liberation Group in a Budapest conference hall and answered questions from this audience. You may want to read this for more information about spiritual matters that mean so much, but are so misunderstood. What a treasure to see others in our world on the “same page” of spiritual matters!

Even though we cannot meet, it is exciting for me to learn that spiritual progress is not limited to any region of our world!  It is so important to know that spiritual awakening is truly a GLOBAL happening! So, please read these questions/answers from Hungary, learn a little (or a lot!), and…


Many of us have been waiting for this meeting for a very long time. It was a wonderful sunny afternoon with 90 people attending at our first gathering in a Budapest conference hall.

People from all over the country felt the call to come together in unity, they arrived from different places, even from Slovakia. One group member joined us from Germany on Skype.




After the introduction of the group, the admins, the helpers and the supporters, we talked about our goals, why we are here and what our mission is.

Previously, we had sent some questions to Cobra, asked by the members of the group. At the meeting we read out these questions together with Cobra’s answers.

Antal Berecz, the owner of a Hungarian online radio station, www.barradio.eu, also attended the meeting. We talked about our future plans together to provide the listeners with information, news, reports and interviews regarding how to prepare for the Event and the coming changes.

The participants could also meet the members of the Hungarian Sisterhood of the Rose group, the women selected by the Goddess energy for this wonderful mission. The group has had two gatherings so far. The women talked about their noble mission and how their lives had changed and how they can assist in the Ascension process to create a better world for everyone. They have monthly meetings, the next one will take place on 22 January, 2017 in Budapest.

Several people volunteered to start local Event Support Groups and Sisterhood of the Rose groups all over the country where many people can join in the future.

We could also go on an inner journey through a guided meditation, “Releasing Fear”, lead by Anita Rácz. We explored the roots of our fears and each of us could work on ourselves to reach a state of bliss where love can constantly flow into our lives and where it can take over our lives. It was a special meditation from Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan, the Avatars from India, the founders of Oneness University. The Weekly Ascension Meditation was also included in the guided meditation.

At the end of the meeting we formed a large circle in the hall and hand in hand we listened to Michael Jackson’s song, Heal the World.

We imaniged our beautiful Earth in the middle… Brilliantly… Its Light shining through the whole Solar System… There exists only Love and Peace… There is Oneness and Harmony in the hearts of the people… Hand in hand, smiling at each other they create a powerful Lightgrid on Earth and they say together in different languages:

Heal the world …

COBRA questions and answers (6th Dec. 2016)

Steve: Do the Cabal or the Light Forces have more influence on Hungary?

COBRA: Both.

Steve: Who were our ancestors who created us people?

COBRA: Please specify your question.

Steve: The next question is related to Kryon, the entity living inside the Earth. Corey Goode has also talked about this entity, who even though wants our ascension, it is still partly misleading what he says. He seems to share a lot of meaningless information and I get nervous when I read his messages because I have the feeling he talks too much about nothing. If it is not so, then why do I feel uneasy about him? Is Kryon a clear source?

COBRA: To a certain degree.

Steve: Does Sheldan Nidle really come from the Sirius star system and is the information he shares correct? I do not exactly mean his weekly messages but the information he shares on his website about the lightships, light chambers and the Galactic Federation.

COBRA: Sheldan Nidle had pysical contact with the Sirians.

Steve: It seems to me that the most important thing is which timeline will be activated. How many possible timelines exist, and what will decide which one prevails? If everyone would be able to accomplish their goals why they incarnated here, what would be its result?

COBRA: There is one main positive timeline with subtle variations. If everybody would do their mission, we would have the Event decades ago.

Steve: Was the method of Access Bars really given to humanity by positive ETs?


Steve: Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan, the Avatars from India, work for creating oneness (Oneness University) and we know the phenomenon of deeksha through them. Do they work for the Light? What can you tell us about them? Do they play any role towards the Event?

COBRA: Yes, they work for the Light. They try to bring as much Light as possible to prepare us for the Event.

Steve: Does the positive Templar group in Hungary know about the Cobra Etheric Liberation Hungary group and do they monitor the work of our group?


Steve: What kind of quality does the Goddess quality represent? In what way can it appear in our personal lives? What kind of „tasks” does it go hand in hand with? How can we deepen this quality within ourselves day by day? What is the real mission of today’s Sisterhood of the Rose group, the Goddesses, who have recreated this community all over the world, apart from supporting the Event?

COBRA: Goddess energy brings the feminine qualites of love, tenderness and beauty. It can make our lives flowing more smoothly and with less obstacles. You can connect with the Goddess energy in your own way. Sisterhood of the Rose group can meet weeky to bring as much as possilbe of the Goddess energy in daily life.

Steve: What level of consciousness are the Lightworkers on at the moment, compared to their previous level? How much their inner Light and strength have increased recently? 

COBRA: The Light is strenthening.

Steve: Are the Blue Avians, the sphere beings, those seraphims and cherubims referred to in the Bible?


Steve: With the help of bilocation techniques we could achieve a huge success towards the liberation of the planet. With these techniques, although under certain conditions, we can already safely make contact with certain inner Earth cultures and if many people would use these methods it would result in dissolving the matrix, besides its beneficial effects on humanity. The question is: how to implement this technique in the most effective way?

COBRA: After your Ascension.

Steve: Is that true that El Roi from the Bible lives on Earth on a hidden location and does he keep society in balance?


Steve: Why did the Mayans go under ground and how developed are they?

COBRA: They created a breakaway civilization and they are very developed now. Many of them have been reabsorbed into the Pleiaidan civilization.

Steve: Why do we have to repeat our path so many times? How can we remember when it is erased? When will a cell be able to remember again?

COBRA: Because the Archons erase the memory. You can remember again if you reconnect with your Soul.

Steve: Which important question did not we ask that can pave our path?

COBRA: How can I become who I really am?

Steve: I read about Area 51 earlier, where there are experimental bases for aliens, where cloning is done. Does Area 51 still exist or has it already been destroyed?

COBRA: Area 51 has been repurposed and remodelled.

Steve: According to the Jewish Talmud “Jesus is the son of the unholy Nimrud.” What does this actually mean? What does it refer to? So whose son did Jesus incarnate as and of which people?

COBRA: Can you show the exact quote from Talmud that says this?

Steve: Thank you very much.

We really appreciate Cobra for sharing his busy time with us for this interview.


Victory of the Light!

COBRA Etheric Liberation Hungary FB Group


Event Situation Update ~ May 8, 2016


Many of you may be interested in this release of information from Cobra. I have read the notes taken from his latest conference in Switzerland and felt a greast over-wash of love while reading them. Now Cobra comes to us and, no…those notes are mostly, but not entirely correct.

So…I AM putting the notes from his conference below, followed by his most recent comments. This is a prime example of how words (remember my last post from Sophia about the human attachment to “words”, when feelings are more important and “true”, see https://roserambles.org/2016/05/07/sophia-a-being-from-saturn-may-7-2016/) can easily distort the picture. And that is the main reason humanity needs to follow their feelings as a guide!

So…please read comments taken during the Switzerland Ascension conference, then read Cobra comments of clarification, and…


Please note that this is the interpretation of the person who wrote this notes. They are NOT exact words from Cobra.

– We are now helping to achieve the final victory of the light. This conference is the first step towards The Event.

– Actually The Event has started already (note: I think Cobra actually meant that we are now at the pre-Event stage).

– Now we are at what most people called the New Age. We are still at the stage of cleansing our negativity.

– The Light Forces always have plan to liberate the planet Earth.

–  There is a lot of disinformation on the internet. This conference aims to clarify many of these.

– The first thing we need to do now is to un-educate ourselves of the known learning process.

– We entered the quarantine Earth voluntarily, in order to help transforming the Earth and speeding up the planetary liberation.

– Before incarnation, everyone will be implanted (by the Archon) and as a result losing connection with The Divine Source. We also need to sign a contract with the Dark Forces.

– When we were born, we lost all of the memory of our past lives due to the implants. We also inherited the emotions and thoughts of our parents.

– We all come from different star systems. However, human can only see a very limited range of frequency.

– Cobra flew in a MiG-29 to cross the Veil boundary in February 2014, and embraced by a tachyon bath, a rain of rainbow colored superluminal particles that penetrate the body energy field.

[See http://2012portal.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/cobra-beyond-veil.html]

– We are all representatives of the Light Forces.

– One day, certain energy within everyone’s body will suddenly be awaken, other hidden abilities will also be awakened after a short period of time. 

– Some people will doubt about themselves. If we allow ourselves to fulfill our potentials, The Event could have happened as early as 1996.

– A lot of people have awaken recently, they are speeding up the progress towards The Event.

– A Galactic super wave is sent from the Galactic Central Sun every 26,000 years. This phenomenon is like the pulse of human heart.

– The timeframe for Earth transformation is between 1975 and 2025.

– This time we will not have to go through any global catastrophe event like the deluge of Atlantis.

– The energetic pulse from the Galactic Central Sun also has impact on our local sun.

– As a result, the weather on Earth are being affected as well. This is the reason for unusual weather in recent years.

– A lot of people feel that the sun has changed. When we go out, we can feel the difference in the sun.

– The Galactic Super Wave will dust off all darkness from our Solar System, peel it off from the surface of the planet and completely change our society.

– Everything will be purified. People will start to remember the existence of Divine Source.

– The Galactic Central Sun is sending Gamma wave directed at Earth.

– Voyager 2 spacecraft has detected this strong Gamma radiation.

– All the prophecies about massive catastrophes will NOT be happened. This is because a lot of massive motherships are protecting Earth.

– The length of these motherships exceeds 1,000 km.

[Then, Cobra showed the pictures of Cintamani stones in Antarctica, Greenland and South 


– Most of the surface population do not utilize the power of Free Will.

– Plasma is light with intelligence, it is a living being. It is the key to the liberation of the Earth, which can be found in anywhere and be used in healing.

– Asian medicine, especially Chinese medicine, focuses on healing of etheric body rather than physical body.

– So in Chinese medicine, there are therapies that make use of plasma. Western medicine only focus on the healing of physical body, so the effect is limited.

– Internet helps people to discern religious and other matters.

– The missing Malaysian flight MH370 is now on a certain island in the sea.

– German scientists started researching on vehicles for space travel since the beginning of the 20th century. In 1923, they invented the first prototype.

– They built the first base on the moon in 1942. After World War II, Nazi have built bases in Antarctica and Argentina. NASA was established as a front-end organisation to cover up the secret space programs.

– In 1945, German scientists already had the ability to travel to moon and other planets in the Solar system.

– There are lots of accidents or explosion of space rockets and space shuttles, due to the actions of the negative side within NASA.

– These people do not want the official space program to progress too quickly.

– If there are accidents in the official space program, things need to be stopped for investigations.

– They will need to investigate thoroughly before planning for the next step.

– The aim of many secret space programs is to go to other planets or asteroids for mining.

– Some asteriods are formed of diamond.

– The Russian’s space program is more positive.

– The Light Forces have cleared all the bases of the negative groups.

– Their motherships have tachyon membrane, which can avoid detection from traditional technology.

– There is a Pleiadian base in Siberia. Putin has met with the Pleiadians.

– Ashtar Command has tried different strategies to awake the 99%, who have been suffering heavily from the 1%.

–  There is a defense ring around the Earth formed by a fleet of spaceships. The second defense ring is called Jupiter Command.

– There is a huge Galactic Confederation underground base on Ganymede, which is a central hub for all intelligent positive races working upon the liberation of our Solar system and planet Earth especially.

 – The length of the motherships in the second defense ring is between 1,000 and 2,000 km.

– Central civilization is the most advanced race in the universe. Their motherships can be as long as 5,000 to 10,000 km.

– Ganymede has never been influenced by the Archon.

– Pleiadian looks like human.

– The length of the mothership from Sirius star system is about 500 km.

– 70% of living beings in this galaxy is humanoid.

– The Light Forces have bases in the underground of the Earth and the moon. It is a completely different world below the ground.

– Only a few people know about this. There are lakes in the underground, one of them is so huge that it can provide water supply to the whole Europe.

– Below the surface of this planet, Resistance Movement have beautiful architecture, crystals and residential areas.

– To go to these bases, people will need to go through sterilization chamber to remove all the bacteria and viruses from the surface.

– Everyone is the catalyst of The Event. Everyone is the light of the Earth. We have entered a critical moment of choice.

– Humanity needs to make a decision now. From March 2016, we have entered the final stage.

– During this period, our lives, the planetary situation and even the whole universe would be affected.

– This period will determine the destination of the universe. We are now at the final stage of transforming darkness.

– Earth is the last planet to join the galactic network of Light.

– Ascended Masters (such as Jesus, Budha and St. Germain) still need to stay in this universe, until we are liberated from the control of the Dark Forces.

– Currently there are thousands of motherships staying in the Oort cloud, and waiting for the liberation of this planet.

– They are sending positive energy towards the Earth continuously.

– We need to understand Free Will and use this power effectively.

– If we can do so, nothing is impossible to resolve.

– The quarantine of Earth will be removed.

– The Dark Forces need to spend trillions of dollars, and on average 1 billion dollars to stop the positive ET races to contact the surface population.

– We are now very close to the final breakthrough.

– Space tourism has entered a period of renaissance.

– There are many bases on moon and Mars which belongs to the positive ET races.

– In the near future before The Event, people can see their ships at different places.

Within 10 years, general population can visit other planets.

– Base on the current technology, people can travel from Earth to Mars in 15 minutes.

– Plans to revive space exploration will open the channel of full communication between positive ET races and humanity.

– As a result, the Cabal will lose all of their controls.

– Hilary has already been forced to talk about Area 51. Bush is behind all the lies about UFO and ET.

– Most of the people are pure and tend to follow the others.

– The aim of the Panama paper is to attack President Putin.

– As a result, Putin disclose the truth about the Cabal and the Rothschild family.

– This attack will only bring us closer to The Event.

– Once the Dark Forces have disappeared, The Event will unfold in full.

– Everyone within the secret space programs do not know the secret of the Chimera group.

– Lightships are emitting lots of positive energies, but not a lot of people can receive them.

– In order to use telepathic ability, one needs to train for a number of years. We will learn it if we practise seriously.

– Chimera comes from the negative group of the Andromeda galaxy.

– They came to Earth in humanoid bodies, in which most of them are fallen angels.

– They have physical bodies. After they have been removed, The Event will be fully activated.

– Central banks are in panic now. A few of them have adopted negative interest rates because of this.

– They are worried that China will release all the gold.

– The Cabal will be in big trouble if the gold that China hold exceeds their expectation.

–  The Cabal do not know the amount of gold that China have. China can cause the financial reset.

– After the Event, unconditional love will spread across the planet. Duality will end. People can live a happy life.

– Plasma will become a tool for healing all sort of diseases.

– All the religious will disappear, because humanity will not be controlled by dogma anymore.

– The Cabal planned to use the refugee crisis to transport their mercenaries to Europe to create tension.

– To prevent more suffering, the Light Forces continue to monitor refugees entering Europe.

–  Just before The Event is about to start, many people will have contact with positive ET.

– Actually this kind of contact has already started. Channel of telepathic communication has been established.

– After The Event, a lot of people will have direct face to face contact with the positive ET.

– Ships will be landed on private area around the world, and communicate with general population.

– Lots of people who has the ability of telepathic communication will start receiving messages.

– In future, ships will also be landed on public area.

– There are lots of false information about extra-terrestrial beings on the Internet. However, lots of positive ET also looking forward to The Event. 

– After The Event, universal love will be part of many people’s life. There will not be any more issues.

– We need to remember one thing: Positive ET races have difficulties to understand human’s method of thinking and current living experience.

– On the other hand, a lot of people do think that they cannot adapt to the life on the surface of this planet.

–  Also, positive ET races believe that it is very difficult for them to get along with human, because they cannot understand why human can act aggressively sometimes.

– Dr. Steven Greer has established a detailed protocol for CE-5.

– We can use his method to invite ET races to show up and communicate with us. 

– 2 – 3 weeks after The Event, a lot of people around the world will appear on TV program to talk about their contact experiences.

– Each nation will also form an official interplanetary diplomatic ambassador.

– Many Light Forces in the United Nation are working towards the official First Contact.

– First contact is an official diplomatic meeting

– Since Pleiadians look very much like human, they will be the first positive ET race to land on the surface.

– At that time, official diplomatic documents will be signed and diplomatic negotiation will begin.

– Beings from Sirius will be landed after a short while.

– After another period of time, humanoid beings from Andromeda and other star systems wall also be landed.

– Non-humanoid beings will be the last to show up, so that they will not be scared by human.

–  Human must go through a transitional period after being accepted to join Galactic Confederation. All non-physical planes will be changed significantly.

– There will not be any more intervention of the energetic planes of the Earth by the Dark Forces.

– Humanity will be able to understand spiritual teaching easily.

– Many Ascended Masters will present themselves in the real world.

– After the First Contact, they will appear more frequently.

– In future, we can use Star Gate to go to the Galactic Central Sun, and enter Creator’s heaven eventually.

– We will be able to meet lots of beings at the higher plasma plane.

– Switzerland has already completed preparation for the First Contact.

– Communications with the Light Forces will spread out to the general public eventually.

– Our brothers and sisters in the galactic family will be integrated into our daily lives.

– Each of the BRICS countries has their own plan for the First Contact.

 – Many secret caves for holding the Goddess energy will be re-opened.

– After we have ascended, we don’t need to travel in spacecraft, we can use our own body to travel in the whole universe instead.

– After ascension, our body can do superluminal travel.

– Teleportation technology will be open for public use.

– This kind of technology is very common in the universe. 

– Replicators can be used to fulfill various physical needs.

– Replicators can also produce delicious foods in a short period of time.

– Future life will be very much like the advanced society shown in the movie “Elysium”.

– Although foods produced by replicators may not be absolutely delicious, we can still choose to cook with fresh and organic ingredients.

– Free energy device that make use of magnetic field will be released to the public.

– Everyone will have chance to travel on a flying car. 

– People will just need to enter the coordinates of the destination, then the flying car will travel to the destination automatically.

– China already has flying car.

– Highly advanced music technology will also be released to the public.

– Once the Earth has joined the Galactic family, then the Grand Galactic Reunion will also occur.

– We are the Light Mandalas.

– We are in the positive timeline.

– Please use social media and blog wisely to help speeding up the progress towards The Event.

– One who use free will effectively is stronger than one million people without free will.

– Currently 88% of the general population would accept intervention of ET races, but most people do not believe that it would happen.

Isis Antara:

[Since the person who wrote up this notes has joined the learning activity of Isis, so not many notes had been taken.]

– Female’s body is a portal to another dimension. Female is a chalice for carrying and nurture of life.

– Female can direct lights from different dimensions to their bodies. They are chalice of life, child and love.

– Goddess energy and Divine energy have been growing on Earth.

– Female is leading humanity to enter a new age. They are now bringing energy of love back to the Earth.

– In the new age, human will no longer suffer from self-inflicted life of bitterness.

– People need to understand that “We are not the victim of life”.

– We must say “NO!”. Saying “No” is our divine right.

– When we make a decision, we must ask ourselves sincerely that “Is this really what we want?”

Cobra comments:

Rumors have been circulating across the blogospehere lately that the Event / Reset / RV / Restoration of the Republic has begun or is already happening. Those rumors are NOT based on reality and the situation is still business as usual:


Some people even claimed that I have said on the recent Ascension Conference that the Event has already begun. I have NEVER said that. Notes from that Ascension Conference that were published recently on several blogs are just about 70-80 % reliable, much intel is missing and none of the amazing energies from the conference are present, so it is much better for anyone interested to visit an Ascension Conference themselves, the first one coming in the beginning of June:


When the Event / Reset / RV begins, it will be very evident to everyone and it will be reported in the mass media.

Before the Event can happen, the Solar System plasma anomaly must be healed, the Solar system plasma entity (Yaldabaoth) must be disintegrated and plasma toplet bombs removed.


Yet it is important to be prepared as the Event will begin suddenly without any warning and here is how you can help when it happens:


Victory of the Light!


Sophia – Dog Like Beings & Readers Questions ~ Jan. 15, 2016

Ah..this messassge from Sophia Love is amzing to read! From this message comes a basic understanding of just how precious life is, and how our lives are about to change in a most positive way…forever. This article also brings to (L)ight just how many other sentient beings there are in our existance.

As Sophia states, this essage is a “soft disclosure” to introduce humanity to other Beings in our Galaxy. Thank you Sophia, for using your gifts as a telepathic empath that allows communication with these BEings!

So…are you ready? Please read, imagine, and…


This is a sort of “soft disclosure”. 
In the weeks coming up, I’ll be talking to a Sirian, SCAL and some without given names. Send questions for these beings to my inbox!  I will ask them and publish any response. 
Some of your questions are answered 
at the end of today’s conversation.
My blog is always free; it

 is currently found here.
Words in bold and parenthesis are my own unless otherwise specified. 
This is verbatim. Before conversing, the following declarations were made: “Highest and best for all concerned. No ego. Complete and absolute truth only. For assistance only. 
Just love. Pure love.” 

This conversation took place June 23, 2015
“Is there someone who would like to talk?”
Yes; as always.
What would you like to talk about?
About the events about to transpire on your planet.
And what events would those be?
This rapid impulse of light which will infuse your DNA and force an upgrade of sorts.  An instant evolution.  Humans are in for a treat.  It is the culmination of the hopes, dreams, prophecies and wishes of each member of this race – now and any “time” at all.  The end to suffering, suffering at the dictates of others.
These others too will be getting a blast of light – so all will be changed.
Who are you?
I am a being who has been in life, in physical form, for a very long time – longer than the current life expectation of your race.  I am not human.
I come from a race that is older than humanity.  My race is that which you’ve heard of recently by some others.  I am not one of the hybrids with human DNA, but a race of what you would call “dog-like” beings because of my appearance.  Our star is very distant from Earth’s star, in your galaxy however.  We are not a “known” race and have appeared only infrequently and to certain governments.  Yes, the US government is one of them.
The reason for contact is two-fold.  One, as is the reason for all of this contact you are experiencing, is the version of “soft” disclosure these conversations supply to anyone reading them.  It is a gentle way to introduce into the culture of humans an idea of many forms of life – all valid and sentient.
Two – it is a curiosity for me, for us collectively as a race, to interact on an unofficial level with a human who has no agenda for the interaction.  Your governments always do interact with agendas.  Regardless of how “off topic” our meetings with them got, there was always an agenda.
As humans are preparing to enter the collective of beings beyond their own planet, I’d, we’d like to understand who we will be working with.  Humanity is a relatively young race and this, a very “old” collective.
What is it you wanted to discuss about the upcoming “influx of light” as you put it?

It has been seen by our collective that you are due for an upgrade.  This brings joy to us all for it will bring a more rapid end to the darkness surrounding your planet.  By darkness I mean a being “kept in the dark”.  With this influx you will more quickly ascend, move into a consciousness of expansion – one that allows for diversity of life and acceptance of alteration of approaches to how it should be run.
Man has been held back, held down and stopped in all cases from forming his own opinions for the governing and perpetuation of life.  The controlling element on your home planet now, on Earth, is not originally human and have a very specific way of running what they see as their property.
This ownership and control and manipulation of the mind of man will and is coming to an end.  With the help of your star, the unified field that is Life Itself has chosen to give you a “push”, an energetic shove into an evolutionary stronghold of love.  Love is the Unifying Force of all of Creation. 
It is what has been minimized and trivialized and capitalized in the human mind with …
With what?
I struggle to express what is not real on my home world – with commercialized, emotion driven falsehoods.
As the driving force of all of life, love is not a small part of life.  It is the very reason you exist. 
This influx of light will actuate in mankind the spark that initiates personal strength – power – love beyond any reason.  Love has no reason.  Love is.
When the moment happens, some will die, not understanding how to live with such truth pulsing through their physical selves.  This is to be expected and sadness should not overwhelm those witnessing or knowing of these “death events” of loved ones.  The being having the event is still experiencing the massive influx of love – even while non-physical.
None in creation will be spared as all are One.  The light, being directed towards humanity, will have a more dramatic effect (here); this, because of the contrast.  You will feel the pulse of love as momentary bliss.
You’ve stopped?
Again, it is a challenge to express to you what I will not experience the same way.  Once it has occurred, man himself will be the only ones able to give voice to how it is experienced.  None before you have come from such a deep stronghold of oppression and then climbed out through the effort of their own being – humanity is a force, and once the event of light happens he will be closer than he’s ever been to self-realization.
Like witnessing a butterfly emerge from its cocoon – we watch and wait and anticipate your joining us.  You (collective) really have no idea what freedom experienced really feels like.  You are about to.
We can’t wait to welcome you on equal grounds and are so very grateful for this opportunity to say so.
It will not be very long now, this light show/light event is seen now closer than it’s ever been seen.
Those ready for it will still be surprised, for that is how it’s been planned.  The intent of and expectation for it only hastens its appearance.
I need to end our conversation.
Yes, I see that you do.  We will speak again.
This conversation ended.
What follows are answers to questions from readers, some of them asked several months back.  
As the popularity of this disclosure increases, there are more inquiries about “truth telling” around well-known human historical events.  Certainly these are interesting, yet not the point.  These beings are not here to fill in those sorts of gaps in our awareness. 
This interaction, as far as I can tell, is a gathering of folks we’ve yet to meet.  It is taking place now, before we are full-fledged galactic beings.  There are many showing up just to say hello. Treat the information as you would details regarding someone from another country on Earth.
The information they share concerns their lifestyle and form, as well as events that concern all of creation, (as was shared today).  So please direct your questions accordingly.  They can perhaps give us more information about themselves. They are not going to tell us who killed JFK. 
Answers to 6 questions from different reader’s (not me) follow… (You know who you are!)

For the Ewok: Is this species indigenous to earth?

         We are not from this planet – no.

For the Hathor: A few personal questions – What do you see in my struggles lately?  I feel “off” and dizzy, anxious and with small tremors.  We are “slaves” to relationships, jobs, money and chastised if we go outside the “norm” – what to do?

Oh dear one, so many concerns, all of them united in one.  Do you see the anxiety manifest in your decision making, in your thinking about anything at all, in your body?  This can be resolved with clarity – this can be reached via beherenow.  Meditation is a loaded word, perhaps one you resist as yet something
more to do?  Beherenow is not something more; it is an acceptance of life as it shows up while dealing only with that.  This does not mean ignore the rest – but narrow your focus.
You will find then, that your power will expand to incorporate only what is directly in front of you, and that you will impart a greater effect on what is right in front of you than you’ve experienced prior to this now.
This greater impact will be felt by you as an increase in power.  With increased power you will impart a greater wisdom and peace on your immediate life.
This, in turn, will reduce your inner anxiety and at that point you will realize the answers you seek are within.  All of this accomplished with a concerted effort to BEHERENOW.  That is all.
Thank you.

  1.     For the Cloud Beings: Do you feel the spirit of Christ within?
This is not a question for one non-human.  It is imagined to cover a myriad of situations.  Yet realize all of these are earth based.  It is felt by this questioner to be a direct indication of good vs evil – yet it assumes humanity to be the only bearers of truth.  Inherent here are too many assumptions to address so we will say this – we feel within the light of Source – this light is universal and regardless of form or place of residence, is truth.
Thank you.

  1.      For the Merfolk: What can you tell me about the merfolk on earth?
Only this: They are not legend, they are not imagined, and they are not precisely as drawn.  They are not our descendants but a form of “cousin”. They are a life form that exists as it does because of the cruelty and might of the human.
Think of them as fairies.  They hide for safety and communicate in ways not human-like; more like mind to mind or heart to heart.  They know of each other and of us.
Thank you.

    For One: When the Experiment ends, do all of my fractals merge?  Or is there a continuous playing in the other dimensions and realities?

Your imagining is such that both cannot co-exist.  In such a mindset, the expanse of creation limits itself.  Know this, you are greater than the individuated you and the sum of your individual parts.  You are all (parts) of every imagining – simultaneously and singularly – that has ever been considered.
These truths are available now.  With the ending of “the Experiment” as you call it, access to their location is easier discovered.  There are no guarantees in creation – there is every possibility.  The choice to experience life from any vantage point is yours to make now and will be yours to make after “the Experiment ends”.  Where you play is up to you.



For One: Are there realities one could go to simply enjoy the physical without enslavement?

Know that this current earth reality includes pockets of humans unaware of slavery, yet living isolated lives without the benefit of technology.  What you are asking is of a life with modern conveniences and many beings, (all) shared in complete freedom.
There are two parts to this answer.  The first is to say that your question states clearly the form of the “New Age”.  Second is that there are many planets and existences.  You are learning about some of them now.  Mankind will create a new version of freedom that has not been seen yet and will add to the richness of creation.  Many are anxious for this to occur.  We are complete.
Thank you.

It is through mutual support that we’ll grow a sustain-ably conscious world.  
No one can do this but us.
We are the gods we’ve been waiting for.
With absolute love,
  Sophia Love