Energy Shifts 12/18 ~ December 18, 2018

This next Full Moon 12/22 after Solstice 12/21 & the 2012 Portal will feel like: “getting back up after being knocked down”

This Full moon is in the 6th moon cycle- stability, equality, the awakening of the Sun. I’ll post a video on the Full Moon Energy leading into Jan eclipses- which are extremely important. What you create now can last & build for a lifetime. Destiny, new path for many. I use all diff. astrology systems together as one… its how I have always done astrology for the last 10yrs. So I know it may be very different & most people don’t do it this way, but i’m not trying to be like everyone else lol and I like all the information (my Gemini rising😂😁)

If anyone is interested in learning, it is easiest to focus on learning one that you resonate with most first, then it’ll be a little easier to learn others if that interests you. Learning Mayan astrology is much different but ive learned how vedic & mayan work together in alot of ways, very similar. Learning the Deities of both first can be helpful too ive learned. I use tropical/western for daily/weekly stuff usually, sideral/vedic for collective & then mayan for daily, collective & galactic cycles. The aspects & conjunctions remain the same between vedic & western- just the sign and degree placement is diff, so the energy remains the same, its just how the energy is perceived that may be different. Vedic & Mayan take a little bit longer to learn in my opinion

NEW EARTH- Shift & What happens pt 1. 6/13 ~ June 13, 2018

Learn more about the move from 3D to 4D/5D. It’s time to speak your own truth as we help another transition by changing our intentions and energies. Synchronistic events will occur to bring into another environment better suited for your energies. Now is the time for service to others!