This is How It Is ~ March 9, 2017

GREAT message here explaining how it is we come to the (self) realization that we ALL are indeed sovereign individuals in our own right. This means we ar not required to bend to the options or actions  which we are not in agreement with!

Of course, this cannot be done unless the human ego is under control of ourselves! So, please read this very important article by Lisa Renee, think about it, and…


Energetic Synthesis

Over the years I have seen many good hearted people, speakers or presenters in the Ascension community, the Ufology or Consciousness field fall into the 3D material traps that are set up by the old decrepit egoic thought forms that are prevalent in those who have not discerned the differences between the negative ego thinking and the higher self thinking. I observe Whistleblowers and Starseeds filled with 3D egoic spiritual ambition that are completely unaware of the material traps, consciousness blockages and mind control that are set up for truth seekers on the earth, and they walk right into the vipers den caught unaware. They naively still believe that they can use the 3D system formulas to get their work accomplished and spread their consciousness message into the world on social media. It is important to say to all of those good hearted people on the ascension circuit, who are not paid as infiltrators to the truth movement, or on the payroll of the intelligence agencies, that there is no real support for this ascension work in the larger media, period. You have to accept that fact going in, that this field is totally targeted and controlled in every way possible. If you choose to be in this field, you will work harder than you can imagine, most of the time without any acknowledgment or support, enduring defamation of your character and a stream of unstable and possessed people to harass you. Currently, this full scale attack against the truth movement is increasing rapidly through the media censure, as well as electronically targeting people. If you believe you can be a famous you tuber and get your own consciousness show paid by commercial sponsors and have some semblance of integrity, you are completely deluded about the nature of this controlled reality on this earth. If you come up in the book publishing to panel guest chain of command, you will be approached to be a mis-informant and sell out, a quasi liar to full on deceptive agent, and the people who want to hold on to their integrity, and do not sell out to handlers, will not be made available to the larger audience. That is how it is, period. Many people that gain a large following choose the sellout method through the self-justification in their thinking that at the very least, they still can get a portion of their ascension, truth, or disclosure message across to the public. As we know, sometimes people are forced to choose to cover their own butts, because they, along with their families, are being heavily threatened and intimidated to comply with the handlers. We can hold compassion for these people that do sell out, but we still need to be discerning to realize that these people are paid to deceive or derail the disclosure movement to the public.

Generally, people that have not cleared their negative ego react to external events and stimulus, and are filled with magical thinking, big ideas that go nowhere, dreams of being a world teacher or famous, that is based upon an inability to have reasonably accurate assessment of the earth environment, which causes inaccurate analysis and self-delusion. Excuses are made such as, if they only got this amount of money, or this amount of support, or this many followers, that they could get what they believe to be their mission work to a larger audience, and fulfill their higher purpose. This many times is a delusion. It is becoming more and more noticeable, that just because a person had paranormal experiences, they were abducted by aliens, or working for the secret space program, that these events do not mean they have a higher consciousness connection to their spiritual intelligence or even that they have a reasonable competency level.  It just means they had paranormal experiences that they processed through their 3D egoic mind in order to make sense of what happened to them. And many times, the ego generates faulty thinking, and confuses their inner compass in so that they are unable to have discernment and clarity about where they should be directing their focus, attention and consciousness. Many of these people spiral out of control because they have not been able to deal with their own stress or trauma, which will be magnified a thousand fold when that person goes public with ascension or disclosure related information. The minute you start talking about Ascension to the public, dark portal people will start sprouting heads and projectile energetic vomiting something akin to the exorcist movie. This is the way it is for all of us, and its nothing to be scared of, but you cannot engage with a demonic presence unless you know how to exorcise it.

There is no possibility that the problems and blocks created by the 3D negative ego, which is the reptilian hive mind thoughtforms of discordance and chaos, can be solved by continuing to use the negative ego in the material world. This means as long as you use the negative ego to process reality and cannot discern the difference between chaotic thoughtforms and harmonious thoughtforms, you will remain blocked and targeted heavily by AI mind control in the material world. You cannot expect to play the reptilian game on earth and win. They have rigged the earth with AI software to target all people that awaken or are in the truth movement,  and there is no way around this quantum computer AI targeting, unless earthlings demand the truth and we have a full disclosure event. So this necessitates that all of us clearly understand, especially those of us in the Ascension community, you cannot use the negative ego and make any progress or movement forward with your mission or purpose.

The only way to progress forward is thinking outside of the control matrix, outside of the low frequency of the 3D ego, outside the reach of the frequency fences of the extradimensional parasites. You must always think beyond the earth reality to pure energy consciousness observer, and put your focus of attention in serving your highest purpose beyond time, beyond the consciousness trap. This means you cannot be directed by external events, and you must learn to drop the negative ego from controlling your life and your perceptions.

If you are controlled by your ego and controlled by external events, you are a slave, and you will not free yourself from being completely controlled and attacked relentlessly. Otherwise, you will cycle like a hamster on a hamster wheel, getting more and more frustrated at the never ending obstacles placed in your way, blaming the aliens targeting, but at the same time, when you blame them you are not taking control over self-ownership. It is imperative that you take responsibility to activate your self-awareness and higher consciousness that is required to stop allowing them to lock onto your field when you indulge in ego behaviors. The negative ego thoughtforms, are connected to the reptilian hive mind and this intelligence is a chaotic force that runs parasitic AI programming.  If you use the negative ego, the AI machinery will lock onto your auric field and plummet your frequency down to the lowest of the low, in order to trap you inside the control matrix, which means to trap you inside matter in the densest of the density. This feels like hell, and you should do whatever you can to stay out of that dense field, as its harder to get out once you’ve fallen in it. Your goal must be to learn how to think and focus beyond matter, and to feel the consciousness energy behind all things first, get as still as possible and stop running around aimlessly wasting energy.  Every movement and every choice you make, you should be aware of your intention, consent and authority in that interaction, and not waste precious time or energy in fruitless efforts that drain your energy and leave you totally sucked dry by parasites and predators.

As we make the effort to reprogram our thinking and belief systems out of the reptilian hive mind that has been created for us to be slaves, we must shift the way we think in studying and meditating – how do we reclaim ourselves, and how do we reclaim self-ownership while living in a infiltrated material reality that has been programmed to take that natural human right away? In order to align our entire person to reclaim our rights, our personal will and consciousness must comprehend the rights we have in Universal Law to self-ownership. We are required to know without a shadow of a doubt that we are living in a reality on the earth that produces slavery, in many forms, and that we were born into this system as one of the cogs in the wheel of the slavery machine. I have been reporting for many years about the Negative Alien Agenda, and that technological warfare is used in the invisible light spectrum to target all earth people to be programmed into slaves, but a person cannot reclaim their freedom until they know it has been taken away. Do you believe you live as a free person on this earth?  Do you think you are going to waltz around and manifest your personal dreams and spiritual mission and have all the support in 3D for that to happen?  To self-enforce a system of slavery, the NAA had to get the earth inhabitants to believe that they were free citizens on the earth. Hopefully, more than ever, many more people are awakening to the fact that this is not true, we are not free. That we all have been deceived by those that have taken authority over the earth’s resources and governments, whom have handed our world to the management of extradimensional parasites that use AI to control the earth surface.

It is important that the spiritual community gain another level of maturity to fully accept this fact; none of us on earth are living as free people. All of us on earth are targeted and suppressed. All of us are on a planet that is being imprisoned through hijacking collective humanity’s life force and energy resources, while using our collective co-creative consciousness against our own species by projecting the most vulgar, barbaric, sociopathic, diseased and chaotic thought forms possible. The beauty, art and harmony of the human heart and spirit is being sucked dry by the alien parasites and their AI assimilation program to replicate human genetic codes, reducing the human body into an artificial automaton that plays out reptilian programs as a bag of uncontrolled impulses. This is the life in hell and is the slave program. In order to free yourself from this insidious infection, you must stop using their mind and mental programs and command your space to reclaim your right to self-ownership.

Reclaiming self-ownership and handing their diseased AI mind ego program back to them, is the most important thing you can do to help free yourself and make progress to express your true creativity and art inside your soul. They have no idea on how to control the heart based and soul creative forces, and it is through reclaiming our true heart based and empathic humanity, practicing unconditional love no matter what is thrown at us, that we can be free from the slave programming and the vicious attacking. The AI attacks bond to shadow and negativity in your aura, so purging that ego program from your mind, while holding neutral observer is very important.

  1. Find your spiritual lessons inside the obstacles and attacks. Where are you weak and what are your strengths? Look for the pieces you may have missed inside yourself, that which you need to get stronger or change the way you have been doing things. The game has changed on earth and we must change with it. Every weakness you have will be attacked and exploited, so take action to correct them. The answer to everything is higher consciousness and self-awareness.
  2. Command your personal space and claim your human right to co-exist on earth as a GSF being, while taking personal responsibility for self-ownership. Assert this every day and build this spiritual muscle.
  3. Kick the negative ego to the curb, discipline your mind to stay in observer while working to stay aligned with the resonant energies and feelings, rather than relying on the mental body constructs. Keep the mind quiet and calm.
  4. Replace the negative ego earth laws with the highest authority made in the Universal Laws, make the commitment to follow and express the Universal Law of One and Service to Others in your life every day.
  5. Commit to live peacefully and harmlessly, to remove all anger and violence inside your body and mind through self-love, self-respect and self-forgiveness. Pray or ask for help every day.
  6. Command all energies and implants that exist in your body that were placed there without your consent, to be governed by the Universal Laws of God. Take full ownership over your body, all things in your body and consciousness now belong to you completely. As the result, you will take responsibility for reprogramming them into states of harmony. State that all programs or technology inside your body are now aligned to the higher governance of your Avatar Christ or God self.
  7. Stop pushing to look externally for 3D ways to survive, and ask what you can do to go beyond the control matrix and serve your highest purposes. It is likely you will need to meditate more, get quiet more, and stop doing what you think you have to do, because it is highly likely that you are doing the wrong actions that will yield you nothing but frustration. The chaotic mind will not lead you, only the still heart will lead you.
  8. No matter what is happening in your life, you cannot deviate back to negative ego thinking, correct yourself and stay centered, neutral and calm as possible. Remember that is the weapon of the aliens, and the AI Mind control. Stay above it.
  9. Keep boundaries and try to stay away from unhealthy and toxic people, gather strength inside yourself. Make people earn your trust with trustworthy behavior. Don’t tolerate liars, manipulators and violent people.

More on Self Ownership

Self-ownership (or sovereignty of the individual, individual sovereignty or individual autonomy) is the concept of property in one’s own person, expressed as the moral or natural right of a person to have bodily integrity, and to be the exclusive controller of her or his own life, as well as the body, mind, and spirit. The possibility of self-ownership has been destroyed for most people on the earth through the continual deception, Mind Control, Manipulation of Consent and NAA Archontic Deception Strategies that are broadcast to the masses in order to shape the anti-human culture, which increases world slavery by monetizing human suffering and Human Trafficking. Most of us reading this by now, realize that the people that are in control of the resources of this earth, are either not human, or are depraved humans that have sold out their soul, and taken the role as the personal pet to serve the Alien overlords for a pittance. We are being lied to in every way imaginable, and what we see in the mass media is what they want us to see. Stay neutral.

To be sovereign over one’s self is to be free of the control or coercion of others, to truly have the freedom to direct one’s own life through having Informed Consent about the many things that impact our bodies and consciousness. We extend that belief to include freedom over Self-Determination in the direction over one’s consciousness which connects with the Soul, Spirit and higher intelligence spiritual bodies. Self-Sovereignty is inherently a human right given through Universal Laws, expressed through the Law of One. The teachings of the Law of One describe the spiritual laws that govern our spiritual evolution for each dimension. It is a single philosophical system of World Humanism, which merges cosmology, science, Human Rights and spiritualism.

To accept personal sovereignty or self-ownership, also means that person must accept Self-Responsibility. As you increase your use of free will choice and consent, you also increase the responsibility for your own actions and reactions.

Self-Responsibility is being able to own your own emotional conflicts without blame, guilt or projection upon another person, by making it their fault. Do not assume that you know anything about that person that can be judged for what you cannot see or really know, as you have not walked in their shoes. When feeling upset, restore balance to your heart and aura, by lovingly holding your boundaries without violating others boundaries by expecting them to resolve your conflict. Be willing and open to learn the lessons and find out what the real issue is, which most of the time is not what it appears to be. Going deeper and reflecting on forgiveness of yourself and others, allowing time to pass, helps to neutralize the conflict. Learning how to become responsible and accepting Self-Responsibility is a major step of productive Negative Ego clearing.

Additionally, Human Rights are moral principles that describe certain standards of human behavior, they are the same in Gods natural laws, the Law of One:

1. I have the right to take care of myself, and protect myself from being threatened physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

2. I have the right to set my own priorities and choose the manner I express to live on earth, as long as it does not intentionally harm others.

3. I have the right to express feelings, opinions, and desires.

4. I have the right to be treated respectfully.

5. I have the right to create my own happy, healthy life based in spiritual purpose.

6. I have the right to be GSF and be given the power to be in charge of directing my energies and life force.

Apply all of these in Universal Law, through choosing to align your intent, consent and authority with the Laws of God above all.

Create the space for yourself to have access to these human rights every day, while you intend to be more and more responsible in order to claim self-ownership. Do not give your power to material things, do not give your power to anything beyond your relationship to God and your highest self. You must take your power back and keep the spiritual channels open all the time by communicating with God or your higher self. Even when you are getting energetically pummeled, stay neutral, observe what is happening, stay calm and repeat, I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free. Never allow the NAA or Satanics or Luciferians to exert any control over you, and keep committing to discipline yourself in order that you will not allow them access your mind ever again. If you want to be protected in Gods Natural Laws, you have to practice these laws in your life, and when you do, and are committed to the higher consciousness process, you will experience life with an extreme amount of spiritual protection. If we succumb to the negative ego, and we get mesmerized in matter, the laws will not be as effective, because we have given our consent to the alien programs in the controlled matrix. Learn this lesson, and it will protect you more than words can express.

Thank you to all of the brave and courageous people that traverse the perilous path of public Ascension speaking and presenting disclosure information, may you be infinitely blessed and supported in the path of higher truth.

With Love, Lisa

What is The Photon Energy Belt? — “Local Fluff” | NASA: Mysterious Incoming Interstellar Energy Expected to Affect Solar System ~ Feb. 4, 2016


(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The Photon Energy belt is allegedly a field of energy that is beginning to interact with the solar system and will one day propel humanity into a golden age of spiritual enlightenment. But is there any truth to this claim? In an effort to find corroborating scientific data, I discovered the following article by NASA from 2009, which says “The solar system is passing through an interstellar cloud that physics says should not exist.”


Related A Blissful Interview with Dan Winter | Life Force Energy and Electrical Capacitance, Fractal Embedding, Energy, Consciousness, Life and Death, Chi, Emotions, Spirituality, and more

Apparently, the Voyager spacecraft encountered a strong magnetic field as it passed outside of the solar system. This field is what holds together the interstellar cloud—the space in between stars in a galaxy, often home to gas, dust, and derelict planetoids.

The “Local Fluff,” as the NASA scientists termed it, is about 30 light-years across and contains a mix of “wispy” hydrogen and helium atoms at a temperature of 6000º C. The gas is unusually warm, which the researchers attributed to an explosion that took place some 10 million years ago. They did not expect the warm gas bubble to be there, as it should have collapsed due to surrounding pressure long ago.

“The observed temperature and density of the local cloud do not provide enough pressure to resist the ‘crushing action’ of the hot gas around it,” says Opher.

It is difficult to understand what precisely they are confused about, but there could be an Electric Universe explanation.

Modern Astronomy and the fields of accepted science within the mainstream assume that the only force operating at large scales in the cosmos is gravity. Electricity and magnetism have no impact whatsoever, it is said. Under this school of thought, large pockets of high-temperatures, like the Local Fluff, can only exist from explosive phenomenon—like a super nova.

But the Electric Universe theory suggests that large and often flimsy bands of energy can be excited due to the electrical potentials present as a result of dynamics between electrically active celestial bodies. For example, there are magnetic tunnels or portals created by the interaction between the sun’s magnetic field and the Earth’s magnetic field. Because all objects are charged and have an electromagnetic component, then it would stand to reason electromagnetic (EM) activity takes place in the cosmos.

Moreover, the electrical force is about 36 orders of magnitude stronger than gravity. As an example of this, consider that one magnet will levitate above another despite the fact the entire planet is pulling down on it—the gravitational pull of Earth is overcome by the EM force within the magnet. This demonstrates that gravity is actually one of the weakest “forces” known to science.

Given the greater strength of EM forces, and the fact magnetic interactions have been observed taking place at celestial scales—such as the portals mentioned above, and that planets electrically interact with the Sun—a plausible explanation for the Local Fluff could be that it is plasma created by currents of electricity that flow between celestial bodies of differing electrical potentials (voltage).

Plasma is created when a material is excited to high temperatures or it passes through electromagnetic fields, exciting the atoms to form negative and positive ions in a free-flowing fashion. Lightning, a form of plasma, occurs when electrical energy differentials between the atmosphere and the ground build up and eventually a discharge or spark is released. As the electrical energy flows through the atmosphere on its way to the ground, gases are excited and light up like a bulb, producing the well-known weather effect.

Image Source

The Lorentz force is measured as a change in direction and velocity of a charged particle or system as it interacts with an electrical and magnetic field, vectorially adding together to form an electromagnetic force. When charged things move through electromagnetic fields, they experience changes. What this means is that as electrical bodies move through space they are constantly experiencing changing electrical and magnetic fields and discharge when encountering other charged bodies as plasmas generate due to field interactions. Thus, the Local Fluff could be a plasma storm created by the higher energy of the surrounding stellar environment making contact with the Solar System, governed by sympathetic resonance or entrainment mechanics (the properties of waves, frequency, and vibration).

If this supposition is correct, then as the energy properties of the Local Fluff impress onto the Solar System, a period of adjustment or equilibriumization will take place, which could be quick or drawn out. Due to the properties of sympathetic systems of motion (frequency or waves) changes in energy density of a system are coordinate with changes in information distribution, geometry, or structure. Simply put, changing the energy of a thing changes its behavior—what it looks like and how it acts. For example, in music, adding energy to a vibrating piano wire increases its speed and pitch. 

Cymatics is a field of study that demonstrates how increases in frequency result in changes in orientation of the system. As frequency increases, energy capacity also increases. The dynamic system, in this case, are sand particles on a vibrating plate, which become more complex (information dense) as the frequency rises so as to accommodate the greater energy transmitted by the higher frequency. 

What this suggests is that energy flowing into the solar system from the interstellar cloud, provided it is a higher frequency, alters the vibrational quality and orientation of the Earth and planets in the system. These changes, in turn, result in changes in electromagnetic expression of the planet, which in turn, bathe all things on the Earth. The resulting effect is a change in frequency and orientation of all affected entities.

Changes in the solar system have been documented, suggesting this adjustment period may have already begun. 

Related Sun’s Magnetic Field 230% Stronger | Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System

The human brain’s electromagnetic activity is harmonic with the Earth—the same frequency ranges that make up the Earth are operating within the human brain and body. Dr. Michael Persinger proposed that the Earth’s magnetic field is actually a kind of innate global mind, capable of storing all experiential data. He has demonstrated that changes in the coherence of the geomagnetic field—if it is stormy or quiet—directly correspond to extended mind phenomenon, like remote viewing, ESP, spontaneous cognition, and so on. Thus, changes in magnetic fields, like what will be encountered as the solar system passes through the Local Fluff, are sure to have a marked effect on the Earth and life on it.

Related Telepathy will be Enabled by the Earth’s Magnetic Field on a Global Scale

Related The “God Helmet” or Koren Helmet — Controversial Invention Raises More Questions Than Answers about Death, God, Spirituality and How to Control the Human Mind

But what could be causing excitation of this area around the Solar system?

If one considers that the solar system is a ball of dynamically moving electrically charged objects, then all other solar systems have a similar makeup but are unique in charge distribution and voltage. As a stellar system moves about the galaxy, the electromagnetic fields change in relation to what is encountered. When certain stellar alignments and orientations take place (known in antiquity as the study of Astrology), electrical and magnetic fields interact in a way that allows equilibriumization to take place—two systems exchange energy between them when they get close to each other. 

In effect, the Local Fluff could be a kind of aurora borealis effect. The aurora borealis is created when the Sun’s magnetic field and the Earth’s magnetic field interact in a way such that charged particles or electrical energy from the Sun excites the Earth’s atmosphere. As electrical energy is exchanged between the Earth and Sun system, current excites the atmosphere producing light effects people have come to know as the Northern Lights.



Image Source.

The principle at work is charge flow and distribution. 

The unique informational and energetic signatures of any given system of motion transfers to other systems in a kind of cosmic tantra or intercourse. Electrical systems, when they come in contact with each other, are seeking to find balance. When a channel or gateway for energy is established, a surge flows from one body to another. After the event, they are more in harmony with each other and more in balance, both in energy potency and resulting structural integrity.

Related Universal Coherence, Sovereignty and Self Mastery | What Science is Telling Us About Earth’s Electromagnetic Fields and the Healing Power of Coherence
For example, when the Sun discharges a solar flare or coronal mass ejection, a halo of highly charged particles washes through the solar system. This wave, due to its electrical charge, has a secondary magnetic field that moves with it. When this wave comes in contact with the Earth, the geomagnetic field reverberates, forming what is called a geomagnetic storm. It has been theorized that as certain points within the intermingling of fields merge to produce points of coherence, energy can pass between the two systems—this where luminous effects are generated.

So what does this mean for human life as the Local Fluff pours over the Solar System?

It is unclear what will happen. But given that the coherence of a system (how organized it is) determines how much energy it can receive, there will likely be a wide range of effects. Some have suggested that severe solar storms could be produced, impacting the electromagnetically fragile nature of modern society and the electrical grid. 

Related The White House Just Issued An -Executive Order- officially Preparing For The “Event?” | Geomagnetic “Collapse” and Storms 1 Day Later — Commentary by Justin

But these affects won’t be relegated to just technology and the external world. Due to the fact, electromagnetism is an integral part of biology and consciousness, there will likely be major affects on living things. Dr. Persinger demonstrated, through his work with the “God Helmet,” that properly tuned magnetic fields can evoke altered states of consciousness—the same states mystics and sages experience. This suggests that if the geomagnetic field is properly altered, a kind of en masse mystical experience could be impressed on to humanity. While the electrical grid is being destroyed each person could have a “god consciousness” moment and the entire human family would be markedly altered in the same way a psychedelic experience affects the psyche. 

Related Consciousness Emerges From Social Coherence | Rupert Sheldrake — The Extended Mind: Recent Experimental Evidence, Telepathy in Animal Flocks, Pets and Owners, Mothers and Babies, Telephone, and more

For now, there is too much left to discover to make any concrete conclusions. However, there is enough knowledge on hand to deduce that change is indeed on the horizon. Ultimately, what that change looks like rests largely on the human population and its ability to assimilate and adapt to change. 

– Justin


Magnetic Portals Connect Earth to the Sun

by Dr. Tony Phillips, December 23rd, 2009

The solar system is passing through an interstellar cloud that physics says should not exist. In the Dec. 24th issue of Nature, a team of scientists reveal how NASA’s Voyager spacecraft have solved the mystery.

Voyager flies through the outer bounds of the heliosphere en route to interstellar space. A strong magnetic field reported by Opher et al in the Dec. 24, 2009, issue of Nature is delineated in yellow. Image copyright 2009, The American Museum of Natural History. [larger image]

“Using data from Voyager, we have discovered a strong magnetic field just outside the solar system,” explains lead author Merav Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason University. “This magnetic field holds the interstellar cloud together and solves the long-standing puzzle of how it can exist at all.”

The discovery has implications for the future when the solar system will eventually bump into other, similar clouds in our arm of the Milky Way galaxy.

Astronomers call the cloud we’re running into now the Local Interstellar Cloud or “Local Fluff” for short. It’s about 30 light years wide and contains a wispy mixture of hydrogen and helium atoms at a temperature of 6000 C. The existential mystery of the Fluff has to do with its surroundings. About 10 million years ago, a cluster of supernovas exploded nearby, creating a giant bubble of million-degree gas. The Fluff is completely surrounded by this high-pressure supernova exhaust and should be crushed or dispersed by it.

“The observed temperature and density of the local cloud do not provide enough pressure to resist the ‘crushing action’ of the hot gas around it,” says Opher.

So how does the Fluff survive? The Voyagers have found an answer.

“Voyager data show that the Fluff is much more strongly magnetized than anyone had previously suspected—between 4 and 5 microgauss*,” says Opher. “This magnetic field can provide the extra pressure required to resist destruction.”

Above: An artist’s concept of the Local Interstellar Cloud, also known as the “Local Fluff.” Credit: Linda Huff (American Scientist) and Priscilla Frisch (University of Chicago) [more]

NASA’s two Voyager probes have been racing out of the solar system for more than 30 years. They are now beyond the orbit of Pluto and on the verge of entering interstellar space—but they are not there yet.

“The Voyagers are not actually inside the Local Fluff,” says Opher. “But they are getting close and can sense what the cloud is like as they approach it.”

The Fluff is held at bay just beyond the edge of the solar system by the sun’s magnetic field, which is inflated by solar wind into a magnetic bubble more than 10 billion km wide. Called the “heliosphere,” this bubble acts as a shield that helps protect the inner solar system from galactic cosmic rays and interstellar clouds. The two Voyagers are located in the outermost layer of the heliosphere, or “heliosheath,” where the solar wind is slowed by the pressure of interstellar gas.

Voyager 1 entered the heliosheath in Dec. 2004; Voyager 2 followed almost 3 years later in Aug. 2007. These crossings were key to Opher et al’s discovery.

The anatomy of the heliosphere. Since this illustration was made, Voyager 2 has joined Voyager 1 inside the heliosheath, a thick outer layer where the solar wind is slowed by the pressure of interstellar gas. Credit: NASA/Walt Feimer. [larger image]

The size of the heliosphere is determined by a balance of forces: Solar wind inflates the bubble from the inside while the Local Fluff compresses it from the outside. Voyager’s crossings into the heliosheath revealed the approximate size of the heliosphere and, thus, how much pressure the Local Fluff exerts. A portion of that pressure is magnetic and corresponds to the ~5 microgauss Opher’s team has reported in Nature.

The fact that the Fluff is strongly magnetized means that other clouds in the galactic neighborhood could be, too. Eventually, the solar system will run into some of them, and their strong magnetic fields could compress the heliosphere even more than it is compressed now. Additional compression could allow more cosmic rays to reach the inner solar system, possibly affecting terrestrial climate and the ability of astronauts to travel safely through space. On the other hand, astronauts wouldn’t have to travel so far because interstellar space would be closer than ever. These events would play out on time scales of tens to hundreds of thousands of years, which is how long it takes for the solar system to move from one cloud to the next.

“There could be interesting times ahead!” says Opher.

To read the original research, look in the Dec. 24, 2009, issue of Nature for Opher et al’s article, “A strong, highly-tilted interstellar magnetic field near the Solar System.”

The Final Wave of Souls is Here and Will Change Everything ~ Jan. 3, 2017


This is a very good video that explains a lot of we have, and will, go through on our way to a peaceful and abundant future! Listen up and listen to a view of how/why/when/where/who will bring us into the life we have all been working to bring about.

So…listen up to the words of Rene Descartes, take the words into your heart, and…

InJoy!ogle images


A Scientist’s Spiritual Awakening ~ Dec. 15, 2016


I saw this at Galactic Connection today, and wanted to bring this to you  to let you know how others perceive meditation, and also to let you know just how important the meditative process really is! I AM a scientist (medical Technologist)and began meditating about 6 years ago with spending controlled time doing just what the books say…clearing my mind.

Today, I (usually) have the ability to clear my mind while performing a “routine” chore such as driving bask and forth to work on rural country roads without much traffic (Please DO NOT try this if you are new to meditation, or are in heavy traffic!) How is this possible? Much as stated by the author of this article, I now have developed the ability to somehow “divide” the operation of my mind into areas. There can be “bleed over” of these thoughts, but this varies with emotional intensity.

Now, I have more clarity about what it is that I do, the way I communicate, and the way I feel about life events. I no longer”sweat” the  small stuff, and really am quite happy in my internal peace and joy.

I want this for you as well, so…please read this article, understand the real value of meditation, begin to know yourself through meditation, and…
