Special Message From Archangel Michael ~ Final Days of 2017, The True Armageddon, Universal Law, and Celebrations ~ Dec. 27, 2017

By Archangel Michael

Greetings Dear Ones, I AM here to provide an information on the current energies on the Planet. These energies have a significant impact on Mother Earth and the collective as a whole. The 3d eyes sees much chaos and calamity coming to the forefront, as nothing that Truth can be hidden… nothing that does not go in harmony with Universal Law. Anything held in unconsciousness is being brought out into the open. People, societies, governments, and more are being exposed for what they truly represent. The same goes for those whom are still hanging on the old thought patterns, behaviors and conditionings that are being revealed for transformation if one so chooses. Many have construed the chaos around the planet to be Armageddon. Yet, this is not the case. Let us delve deeper into the True Armageddon taking place, to gain clarity on what is happening to all those on Planet Earth=Heart. As always, Awareness transforms into Consciousness.


The Great UnMasking & Universal Law

As One traverse back home into the Heart, many transformations occur within the Being. It is more prevalent in these Now Moments, than ever before. All that is Truth will Be Revealed, as it is in Heaven, so will Be on Earth, as per Prime Creator, Great Spirit, The Holy Spirit, Source, Gaia Sophia, Mother Earth, Mother of All Creation. You notice what truly is not of your nature… what is not of your Divine Essence, which is Love. The great unmasking, is the dissolution of the mind… the ego. A mask that has kept Humanity in the veil of illusion. You can easily see the unconsciousness within the 3rd dimension if you so wish to allow the Truth to be made into your awareness. What is being shown is the level of unconsciousness within people, cultures, societies, governments and much more. As these energies continue to permeate throughout the planet and the collective, more will be revealed, which is not in alignment with Universal Law. The energies of Universal Law are in full effect, which is the Full Support & Service to Mother Earth, Support of Humanity, Being in Unity Consciousness, Being Love. There is no energy to support the old paradigm. You are witnessing the collapse of the third dimension. What is easily shown within many, would be the conditionings… the behaviors, all derived from the programmed ego mind. The conditionings can vary for everyone, as these were acquired energetically throughout One’s environments and experiences. While many have similar upbringings and experiences, the journey is still unique for All. These imbalances include;

LACK OF WISDOM (Have you always followed the Heart, the ancient wisdom of the Heart)

LACK OF EXPERIENCE (Has the ego prevented or deprived you from gaining experience)



LACK OF PERCEPTION (Do you see and feel Love Everywhere Present)

LACK OF INTEGRITY (Being and Speaking Love in All Moments)

LACK OF HONOR (Honoring the Mission of Ascension, Service to Mother Earth, and Your Being)


LACK OF FEELINGS (difficulty feeling from the Heart)






IGNORANCE: Ignoring the Heart, ignoring LOVE


ATTACHMENT: To people, places and things

TAKING from Humanity & The Planet (are you a Taker or Giver)

CONTROL DRAMAS (4) ~ POOR ME (Victim Consciousness, stealing of energy by making others feel guilty or responsible.)

INTIMIDATOR: Stealing of energy by threat.

INTERROGATOR: Stealing of energies by questioning or judgment.

ALOOFNESS: (thoughts go elsewhere during conversation, not focused, stealing of energies by attracting attention to themselves by playing coy)

There are many more we have identified as blockages in Humanity preventing or blocking you from the natural ascension, evolutionary process we are currently in, what the old controllers or cabal planned to steal humanity from love and true reality (TIMES UP), its THE NOW MOMENT we take our power back, and we can help you. You are not alone, and never without assistance. We are here to assist you with anything and everything.

We will give you all the tools and techniques so you can fulfill your mission and be the greatest grandest being you can be every moment, PLUS we have a surprise waiting for you in the session! Here is the link to book this incredible session and experience  https://lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/ testimonials: https://lovehaswon.org/testimonials/  


And so much more. These are the many dense energies one may come to transform, as all these are energetic signatures, which is not in resonance with Universal Law. Do you see how imbalanced the mind is? Do you recognize none of these are your Soul… your Heart. Many of the lightworkers recognize these patterns that have been transformed, or in the process of transformation. You acknowledge what once was, and no longer is part of your being. This is the mask, which is the mind… the ego… A deep complexity of unconsciousness, meant to prevent the access of the Heart… your Divinity. It is through the Heart, one becomes Authentic, and in alignment with Universal Law. Anyone hanging to these lower, dense energies, karmic lessons will be handed down, as per Universal Law.


The True Armageddon

Armageddon is an ancient word passed throughout human HIStory. The more popular understanding, is the ultimate battle between good and evil. This is far from the Truth. The mask posed upon Armageddon was intentionally done by the Old Controllers, to continue the cycle of dysfunction amongst Humanity, and to instill Fear.

In Truth, Armageddon has always been on Planet Earth = Heart, since the creation of the mind… the ego. It is more prevalent in these Now Moment. True Armageddon is the battle between the mind, and the Heart. Fear… and Love. Thinking… and Feeling. The disconnection of God = Heart = Truth = LOVE. As quoted by our Brother, Wayne Dyer: “Edging God Out”, EGO. Why most of Humanity is stuck in a constant state struggle, turmoil and fear, is due to the mind having a strong grasp within them. You can see this with your 3rd dimensional eyes, with what has happened with Mother Earth. Societies, Governments, Environments are a reflection of Humanity’s thought system, which is festering within the mind. Thoughts are powerful energies of manifestation, which Humanity created environments of Fear and Dysfunction, which is the prime directive of the mind. The 3rd dimensional has become the realm of the mind, as per Humanity’s thoughts of manifestation. All these thoughts, behaviors and conditionings were forced upon Humanity, to stay in a perpetual state of lower consciousness… mind, ego consciousness. Whether one chooses good or evil, they are still feeding the old controllers with energy. This is the old controller’s food source, and continuing to be part of the old paradigm… the cycle of dysfunction, is to continue giving your power away. The illusionary ego mind matrix is the realm of the mind, and the old controller’s means of survival.

To Enter the Kingdome of Heaven, is to enter into Higher Consciousness… Unity Consciousness, which is Heart Consciousness. It is through the dissolvement of the mind, one is able to anchor in higher light, becoming more aware, intuitive and eventually pure light in physical form… Pure Unconditional Love in Physicality, which is the Destiny of this planet. All part of Universal Law.

The current energetics on the planet is putting extreme strain on the programmed ego mind, as it cannot function within these energies. The mind… the ego, is part of the illusion, and cannot exist in the Higher Realms. Only what is Truth, Authentic and Real can exist. These are No Masks… No Belief Systems, No Pain, No Lies, No Fear, No Taking, No Dysfunction, No EGO, No Mind. Those whom continue in the cycle of the mind… the ego, will continue the karmic lessons, as per Universal Law.


The 12~12 Portal, December Solstice & the Divine Feminine

The energies of the 12~12 portal marked the initiation of those whom have fully embraced the Heart, into the Solstice. This energy was ignited by the Divine Feminine, to bring forth what is to come in 2018. Currently, the energies are quite fiery. However, the energies of 2018 will be that of Reconstruction. It will be a harmony of water and earth energies…. A very grounded and foundational energy to reconstruct the New Earth with the Children of the Heart, Mother & Father of All Creation and All of Creation. The experience of the energies will vary with every Being which may include;

Intense Bravery,

Childlike State of Being,

Ancient Knowledge through the Heart: Divine Intelligence,

Deep Feeling of Authenticity: I AM becomes WE ARE

Deep Feeling of Honor,

Deep Feeling of Integrity,

Feeling Oneness with All,

Unconditional Love of Oneself and All,

Clear State of No Thoughts,


And other experiences of the Heart. All of which the mind can never Be, let alone understand, as it can never Be Authentic… BE LOVE. These are the energies you All worked diligently to fully embrace. It is through the dissolvement of the programmed ego mind, anchoring of higher light, Choosing Love & Being Love every moment, which one can embrace these energies.


We, your Brother & Sisters of the Angelic, Elemental, Inner Earth and Star families are Truly Honored in choosing the Heart, Choosing Love, Being of Service, and Honoring Mother Earth. Mother Earth is Now fully prepared to move to the next octave in higher dimensional frequencies, and closing this chapter of 2017. She is leading the way into the Ascension of Heaven on Earth=Heart. We await in anticipation of what is to come into fruition through the harmony of the Unknown and Love energies. These are the moments of Grand Celebrations. Follow your Hearts Dear Ones, as it will never lead you astray. We Are One, in Unity Consciousness with our beloved Mother & Father of All Creation, and All of Creation.

I AM Archangel Michael and I AM amongst You… Always of Service to The Universe, to Creation, to LOVE, to Our Mother & Father of All Creation. Love Fearlessly, and Always Unconditionally…

Your Loving Brother,

Archangel Michael

Special Message from Archangel Michael ~ Navigating in These Intense New Earth Energies ~ Nov. 20, 2017

By Archangel Michael, 11/19/2017

Greetings Dear Ones, I AM here to provide guidance in these intense New Earth energies. The New Moon in Scorpio sparked much needed dense energies to be released on the Planet, and with the collective as a whole. Scorpio energies goes very deep into emotions, unlocking the hidden to be seen. This is still occurring on the collective, and the individual level. We are noticing many lightworkers struggling with these energies, as much is being revealed, which is catching many by surprise, thinking some of the dense energies were already transformed, when in truth, there was more to transform. This is triggering many emotions, and many going into Fight or Flight reactions. The mind… the ego reacts, the Heart Responds. Let us delve deeper into these energies, and provide guidance in order to release and go with the flow of the New. As always, Awareness transforms into Consciousness.


New Moon Energies, Going Deep Within

While the New Moon energies are a time for wish fulfillment of bring forth physical manifestation, tapping into the Child Like Essence, Deep Self Love and more, they also into turn, reveal the hidden… the unseen… secrets… past traumas (Much from childhood), and more for review and transformation. This energy is greatly amplified with Chiron (the wounded Healer). Enormous healing can occur in these energies, to greatly propel all those whom are choosing the Heart… to move forward with Mother Earth.

Many lightworkers are coming to realization that some of these dense were not transformed. This is due, not going deep within to acknowledge, embrace and feel the dense energies, in order to transform and release. One cannot half work these energies, having expectations, and “thinking” they are moving forward. This is the mind’s way of doing things. The mind creates constructs or barriers to prevent one from anchoring higher consciousness, such as;



Thinking You Know Better,







Self Importance,

Lone Wolf Conditioning,


Fight or Flight,

Victim Consciousness,



and many more conditionings of the mind… the ego.

(To Uncover your blocks, receive messages from your Angels & Guides, schedule a spiritual session. This is the most powerful and important session you will ever experience. Come get your Surprises, Book your Spiritual Session Here)

What is being called to question in totality, is one’s Integrity and Honor. These are prime attributes of the Heart, which All must look within themselves. Integrity and Honor is more than what is seems to be in the 3rd Dimension. The Integrity and Honor We speak of is;

Do You Speak and BE Love in Every Moment, or do You tend to Be Reserved, or even a Hypocrite?

Do You Have in integrity in doing your Spiritual Practices Daily?

Do You Honor the Mission of Ascension to Mother Earth?

Do You Honor Being in Service to Mother Earth?

Do You Honor Yourself?

Only the Heart, feels and knows these attributes. The mind… the ego always tries to mimic them, simply because the mind is a lie… a mask. We recommend letting go of all aspects of the mind, and higher mind, to fully embrace the Heart. It is through the Heart, one can fully embrace their destiny of Ascension with Mother Earth. Ascension… Unity Consciousness is an experience… a Feeling, which only the Heart allows.


Navigating New Earth Energies and More to Come

Navigating these energies is not difficult as one may think. This journey is about Feeling, not thinking. We recommend Feeling more with the Heart. If you are in Confusion, Desperation, Fear and more, then you are in the mind. Be Heartful, not mindful… and Be aware of your state of consciousness.

Take a Step Back,



Get Grounded,

Return to your Heart Center.

We recommend the daily meditation, especially with Trees. Trees are actually Angels, in disguise. They have a direct connection to Source Energies. This is why many of you experience calmness, tranquility, peace and more amongst your family of Trees. You may sit, lay or hug the trees to tap into their wonderful energies. If you live near trees, you may tap into their energies from within your Home. Trees assist with;


Balancing your Feminine & Masculine Energies Within,

Healing the Chakras, the Physical & Etheric Bodies,

Transforming Energies,

Transforming the Programmed Ego Mind.

Breath in deeply the energies of Love (visualizing it), then breath out all the energies which does not resonate with your Soul… with Love. You may also utilize the Sacred Flames (Emerald, Violet, Gold, etc.), during your Tree Mediation. In addition, we recommend the cutting of energy cords daily. Cut cords with;

All energies that does not resonate with your Soul,

The Programmed Ego Mind,

The Collective Mind,

Vampiric Energies,

And more. You may also use your discernment on more specific energies or people.

These energies will only intensify in the coming weeks, especially with the Celestial Bodies coming into Divine Feminine energies. The energies of the Divine Feminine commands;





Self Worth,

Deep Self Love,

Divine Intelligence,

Right Action,

and more, which represents the qualities of Prime Creator, Source, Great Spirit, The Holy Spirit, Mother Earth, Mother of All Creation.

The energies are leading straight to the Solstice, which they are moving in Full Force. More events are to come which will cause surprise and shock to the collective as a whole. The New Earth energies are Here, as all the Foundational work has been laid. Flow from the Heart, and let go of the mind… the ego Dear One. It is through the Heart, you experience True Freedom, Unconditional Love and Unity Consciousness. We, your Angelic, Elemental and Star Families await your call, as we are always Honored to Be of Service to the Mission of Ascension. We are Here for Mother Earth & Humanity.

I AM Archangel Michael and I AM amongst You… Always of Service to The Universe, to Creation, to LOVE, to Our Mother & Father of All Creation. Love Fearlessly, and Always Unconditionally…

Your Loving Brother,

Urgent Message From Archangel Michael ~ Dragon Energies Intensify as We Move into Balanced Harmonics ~ Nov. 5, 2017

By Archangel Michael, 11/04/2017

Greetings Dear Ones, I AM here to provide information of the current and upcoming energies affecting the planet and the collective. These energies have been intense, having a great impact to Mother Earth’s body and the human physical body. Many have felt prior to and during towards the Taurus Full Moon. This full moon marked a very important and potent energetic point. All of the old energies have to be let go for transformation. This needs to occur for the new to finally come into fruition. Many are having various experiences of higher consciousness, as well as those experiencing De~Ascension symptoms. Let us delve deeper into these symptoms, and upcoming energies in preparation for what has to come forward as per Divine Decree. As always, Awareness transforms into Consciousness.


Taurus Full Moon Checkpoint & De~Ascension Symptoms

This full moon has been intense for human collective and Mother Earth. These energies are very grounding, earthy and very High. A great release of the old, dense energies has been occurring. Those in the Heart have been going through various activations, and higher consciousness experiences. This can vary from high states of joy, a lot of laughter, inspiration, the Divine Child Like Essence and other blissful states. This is the activation of the Heart… the Heart of God=Love. This is the feeling… the experience of Ascension. Your Full and Complete Natural State… the State of Being… the State of Love, which is the Heart.

However, those holding onto the mind… the ego… the experiences are quite the opposite. Many have been experience De~Ascension symptoms daily or often, which vary for everyone due to the amount of conditioning or density they are carrying. Many of the channeled messages have covered such symptoms. These can be, for example;

Excessive Sleeping,



Memory Loss,

Loss of Cognitive Thinking,

Slurring of Words,


Loss of Motor Skills,

Body Aches & Pains,




Poor Vision,

Poor Hearing & Listening,

Excessive Eating,

Addiction to Sugar,

Stomach Issues,

Extreme Anxiety,

Solar Plexus Chakra Blockage,

Heart Chakra Blockage,

Throat Chakra Blockage,

Easily Angered,


Highly Emotional,

Erratic Behaviors,

Sociopathic & Psychopathic Behaviors,

Survival Behaviors,

Dark Night of the Soul Experiences,

And many more symptoms. The excessive sleeping has been the most common. This the mind trying to integrate these energies, which is causing the body to be overwhelmed, causing long periods of sleep, headaches, migraines and more. We highly recommend to let go of all aspects of the mind, and flow from the heart, to integrate the energies, and feel vibrant again. You are all extension of Source. You are all Part of Source, Prime Creator, The Holy Spirit, Mother of all Creation. It is through the heart, you may tap into the infinite Source of energy, which lies within. We wish to be clear, these are not Ascension Symptoms, nor are they signs of integration. These are De~Ascension symptoms… meaning resistance to the new energies coming forth on the planet.

Many of the lightworkers have a misconception of integrating energies, or what it is to be in higher consciousness. This is due to many trying to understand Unconditional Love, and the mission of Ascension with the mind. Only the mind “Thinks” it is ascending. Ascension… Unity Consciousness, is an experience… a Feeling. It is the transformation of the old, dense energies, and anchoring of the New, Heaven Energies. One can not ascend if they are in constant fear, pain and suffering.


(To Uncover your blocks, receive messages from your Angels & Guides, schedule a session. This is the most powerful and important session you will ever experience. Come get your Surprises, Book your Spiritual Session Here)


Brain, Heart, Body and Soul in Balance Harmonics

We wish to reHeart All, the State of Love… of the Heart, is a State of Being. It is not a state of mind. You are ascending to your Natural State of Being, which is Balanced Harmonics with the Brain, Heart, Body and Soul. To clarify, the Brain… the organ of Divine Intelligence, is Not the Mind… which is programming of belief systems & lower consciousness. The Brain, Heart, and Soul work together in Balanced Harmonics, which is Our Natural State. The experience of Unconditional Love, is one of complete Bliss, Joy, Laughter, Wholeness, Divine and so much more. You are not foreign to these energies, as they are your Natural State of Existence. You were All born from these energies… from the very womb of our Beloved Great Mother, the Holy Spirit, Primer Creator, Source, Mother of All Creation. That being put into your awareness, ask yourselves;

Why AM I Feeling always Tired?

Why AM I in constant Emotional Pain?

Why AM I in constant Physical Pain?

Why AM I addicted to Pain & Suffering?

Why AM I having difficulty speaking?

Why AM I have difficulty Being Love?

Why AM I having difficulty Feeling?

Why AM I not in constant Joy?

How AM I ascending if I am having difficulty in these energies constantly?

To continue in dysfunction… in the mind, and still trying to attract and integrate these energies, You will burn out. Many are already feeling these affects with their physical bodies. Let go of the mind and higher mind, to fully embrace the Heart, connected to the Unified Heart, to fully integrate these energies of higher consciousness.


The Celestial Bodies & Divine Feminine Energies

The Divine Feminine energies has been lacking on the planet for eons. This was intentionally done by the “old controllers”, to bring forth imbalance and dysfunction onto the planet and collective. In the coming weeks and months, much of the celestial bodies will shift into Divine Feminine energies. This shift is to pour Divine Feminine energies onto the planet, and the collective, to bring about Balanced Harmonics. It through Balanced Harmonics, your True Divinity will be unlocked, and fully embrace your Higher Selves. The Divine Feminine energies are that of Pure Unconditional Love, Caring, Nurturing, Passion, Compassion, Creation, Inspiration, Imagination, and more.

However, while the qualities of the Divine Feminine energy are of Powerful Benevolence, they are also demanding of Integrity and Honor. This means the tolerance for All that is not in Right Action, will be dealt with swiftly. Those whom have not fully embraced the Heart, the Divine Feminine within, will not bold well in the energies. These energies will command all in Divine Order.

Dear Ones, Do not just speak of change… one must Be the Change… Walk Your Talk… Healing begins from within. Focus on your Inner Healing. This is how one assists Mother Earth and Humanity. Those in the programmed ego mind, will experience shock and awe within these upcoming energies.

As always, your Angelic, Elemental and Star Families are Here waiting on your Call. It is Our Honor to be of assistance to Our Beloved Brothers & Sisters in service to Love… in service to Mother Earth. Our ReUnion is so ever near. We so look forward in the Co~Creation of the New Earth together with All of Creation and Our Mother & Father in Unity Consciousness.

I AM Archangel Michael and I AM amongst You… Always of Service to The Universe, to Creation, to LOVE, to Our Mother & Father of All Creation. Love Fearlessly, and Always Unconditionally…

Your Loving Brother,

Archangel Michael

VIDEO: Special Message From Archangel Michael ~ Rise Winged Ones, Rise Children of The Heart ~ April 16, 2017

By Archangel Michael, 04/09/2017

Greetings Dear Ones, I come to assist the collective with information on the current energies and what has been occurring with the Lightworker community. Many have gone through intense growth or spiraling downward. These energies are bringing up imbalances within family, friends and relationships…. In Totality, all that doesn’t resonate with your soul… with love. The energies are providing an immense opportunity for transformation to allow the anchoring of higher consciousness… your soul into Physical Manifestation. Let us delve deeper into these energies to assist the collective in rising above turmoil and unconsciousness. As always Dear Ones, Awareness transforms into consciousness.


Current Energies and Relationships

Many of the lightworker community are aware of the activities within the celestial bodies, such the Venus and Saturn Retrogrades, and more. Theses energies are putting relationships to the test, as what is not Real and True, is being revealed. We are observing fear in the collective as to these energies and more, especially with the misconception of planets going retrograde. These energies are not meant to instill fear, but to provide growth. What could possibly not wish to grow, expand, be called out on imbalance? This would be the programmed ego mind. Many have created belief systems around the concept of relationships, whether with intimate partners, friends or family. As you dissolve the programmed ego mind, you are able to raise in consciousness, and anchoring light, your soul. Raising in vibrations affects your surroundings and those around you. You will experience those that will support you on your path or simply leave as your energies are intensifying. Some people will even run, due to your energies, as the mind can not handle higher consciousness. It was never meant to. Honor the choices of those wanting to leave. Keep Shining Your Light. Most relationships are based from old belief systems, lacking Honor, Integrity and most importantly… Self Love. If you do not Love yourselves, you could never Love another. This is the main reasons relationships crumble.


The Yoyo Effect

We are observing the collective going back and forth, up and down, higher consciousness to unconsciousness, causing an assortment of De-Ascension Symptoms on the body. This is the “Yoyo Effect”. This occurs when you are tapping into the heart, to access your divinity and integrate the energies, then drop into the mind, abiding by belief systems and the limited constructs of the old paradigm and ways of being. This causes to deconstruct the integration of the energies within your body, having to go through the integration process over and over again, simply due to going back into the mind. The integration process is getting more intense if you are holding on to any aspect the mind, which in turn causes Resistance… not Integration. The mind have convince many that they are going through soul fragmentation, dark knight of the soul events, time line jumps and much more. The Truth is simply they are going back and forth into the mind. It matters not, how much healing you do, mediation practices, or calling on your Angelic Brothers & Sisters, or Star Family for assistance, if you choose to dwell within the mind. We Honor your choices, unconsciously or consciously. Ascension Symptoms are not supposed to be long lasting. If you are experiencing various symptoms on a daily and constant basis, these are your indicators that you are in the mind. When you are experiencing, Joy, Bliss, Laughter, Heightened Awareness, Unconditional Love and so much more… this is your indicator that you are in the Heart.

(Get your Spiritual Session to Uncover your blocks and get your Surprises. Visit here)


Rise Winged Ones, Rise Children of The Heart

Dear Ones, these energies are purifying and hardening to you, so that you can become the Diamond that you truly are…. Removing all the layers of the programmed ego mind, so that you can become your Genuine selves. Gods and Goddess… Children of the Heart… the Divine Love Mirrors of Our Beloved Mother & Father of All Creation. Many have been consumed with your past of being such as;

 The Victim,

The Victimizer,

The Ignorant,

The Weak,

The Taker,

The Subservient,


And seeking guidance on how to become whole. Here is your Guidance:

“So What… The experiences you had were of your choosing. Forgive yourselves and everyone in the experience, and move forward… This is how you grow in these experiences, to gain knowledge and wisdom. Who cares about what you were… about your past. Judgement is an illusion… created by the ego mind, to make itself feel better. Self Judgement is due to unworthiness from the mind. Unworthiness of not Being Love. Also a Grand Illusion.

What Matters Most… is what YOU Choose Now… What Do You Choose to BE… In This Present Moment.“

Rise Dear Children of the Heart! Honor yourselves… Love yourselves. The Universe, your Angelic Bothers & Sisters, your Star & Elemental Families support you. You are Never Alone. Let go of all that does not resonate with your Soul, so that you may progress further into your spiritual journeys… your Missions. Be the Gods and Goddesses you have always been. Your are Winged Ones… The Bird Tribe.


Gifts From The Celestial Bodies

The energies of the Celestial Bodies provide many opportunities for growth and expansion. Embrace Them, Honor Them, and BE Grateful. As you move forward, the bountiful gifts of celestial bodies will be provided to those whom have fully embraced the Heart. Positive Karmic Gifts for passed work done, in Service to Mother Earth. For those against Love, Mother Earth, Mother of Creation, The Holy Spirit, Prime Creator and those of the Love… their Karmic gifts are coming as well.

If you wish to make your journey filled with Magic, Bliss, Joy, Laughter, Love and so much more…. Simply let of the mind, of all belief systems. You always have choice. Do you wish to Feed your Soul, or the Mind? Do your choose Love, or do you choose Fear? Do you choose the Heart, or do you choose the Mind?


You are not foreign to these energies. Your essence is Love. Only the mind is foreign to these energies, for it does not know Love, nor can it BE Love. Your original blueprint is a race of Heart Centered Beings of Pure Unconditional Love. This is what you are becoming. More will unfold about your specific roles and mission, as you move beyond the ego mind, and into your Hearts, via magical synchronistic events. All choices are Being Honored, as We Forward into Unity Consciousness with Our Beloved Mother & Father of All Creation and All of Creation. We Are One. Choose Wisely Dear Ones….

I AM Archangel Michael and I AM amongst You… Always of Service to The Universe, to Creation, to LOVE, to Our Mother & Father of All Creation. Love Fearlessly, and Always Unconditionally…


Your Loving Brother,

Archangel Michael