Headlines and Updates for September 11, 2019: 9/11—18 Years Into the Nightmare, and a Promise from the President [videos] ~ September 11, 2019

The ramping up of the 9/11 issue is evident in the news. One day soon, those who sleep are in for a rude awakening.

The President and the White Hats are not yet ready to break the truth to the world. We hear it will be one of, if not THE final revelation as to what the globalists have done to Humanity.

Most Americans Who See Collapse of Building 7 Doubt Official Story, Survey Finds

See the video at the link . Americans are waking up to impossibility of the long coverup.

A solid majority of Americans who watch the Sept. 11, 2001, collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on video don’t buy the government’s story that fires brought it down, according to a new survey conducted by YouGov on behalf of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

NEVER FORGET: President Trump VERY MOVING Speech

President Trump Issues STRONG Threat to Terrorists on 9/11 Anniversary

and from Wake Up Kiwi…

September 11 2019 – Federal Grand Jury To Hear Evidence That 9/11 Was A Controlled Demolition + President Donald Trump Implies 9/11 Was A Controlled Demolition

This overview is a good way to begin the day. Phoenix discusses a couple of major headlines in politics, earth events, the energies, and what we can expect. Buckle up, he says.

The wild ride is just getting going. Rally the troops in the Q army. WWG1WGA.

Patriot Intel Report 09 11 19

Laura Walker’s Update for September 11th:

THE ORACLE REPORT | September 11, 2019 “Ritual Day Becomes Heroes Day”

Unfortunately, we have this breaking news from Florida this morning, but no deaths as yet, thankfully. It sounds promising that all will be okay after surgery.

Breaking: At least 6 People Injured After Mass Stabbing at Dyke Industries in Tallahassee

Tallahassee police identify suspect in stabbing that injured five at Dyke Industries

The morning attack, which became the subject of live feeds on major Cable TV networks, further fuels a bloody week in Tallahassee. City officials were already grappling with a rash of shootings over the weekend that left two dead and one injured.

Craig at Justinformed Talk is streaming from a QAnon Rally at the Washington Monument today.

Live QAnon Rally Washington Monument DC

It appears that Boris Johnson has adopted Trump’s tough attitude and determination to get what’s best for the People and the nation. He’s digging in his heels. Simon Parkes’ update…

Far from being mad he is trying to force the opposition to agree to an early election by saying he will refuse to do what Parliament wants if he is told to go to Europe and ask for a further delay to Britain leaving the European Union.

This leaves the opposition with only one credible alternative and that is to agree to a early general election in Britain.

With regard to the Tribble arrest over the misappropriation of funds for the Puerto Rico disaster relief/reparations following Hurricane Maria… some are saying it’s not a big deal and only outsiders were arrested, however…

As we know, the patriots start slowly, at the bottom, let the public know where the problems are, and then go for the bigger fish. I suspect there will be more arrests over this and many other related crimes, particularly with—what is it now?—106K sealed indictments and growing, waiting to be ripped open?

The pond scum are all going down. Be patient.

From Reddit we have the following update after the press conference… (I got a warning saying this community was “quarantined” due to violation of the terms, blah, blah, blah.) Thanks to American Intelligence Media for the heads up.


99 points · 8 hours ago · edited 1 hour ago

The Federal authorities this morning are executing several arrest warrants in relation to an alleged fraud scheme involving stolen Federal disaster recovery funds after Hurricane María in Puerto Rico.

The arrests, some in Puerto Rico and some in the US mainland, are being led by the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security, with the assistance of the FBI.

The Chief Federal Prosecutor in Puerto Rico, Rosa Emilia Rodríguez, will offer more details in a press conference this morning at 11 AM. (Stay tuned and I will offer updates.)


UPDATE 11 AM – The arrests announced so far include leaders in FEMA, who were illegally steering contracts of over $1.8 BILLION in electrical restoration funds to friends.


UPDATE 11:15 AM: Everyone arrested today was from outside. The regional leader of FEMA New York district, Asha Tribble, who had an inappropriate relationship with the head of Cobra Energy, a Mr. Patterson. She was assigned to Puerto Rico after María and soon thereafter hopped in bed with Patterson, both figuratively and literally, and started machinating to get the contract originally awarded to Whitefish changed to Cobra. With people waiting in the dark while things were stuck in limbo for months. Also arrested was a lawyer for Cobra named Bridget Moore. She helped Patterson file all kinds of fraudulent paperwork and hide income from the Feds. Plop. This is no fun at all. I was hoping to see local politicians in handcuffs. Maybe later?

+++ UPDATE 11:40 AM: Press conference over. Turn off the red flashing sign. Only outsiders got arrested. This is bush league. My only hope is that they arrested the outsiders first so they could shake some bushes to flush out their contacts here and also avoid cries of raaaaaaacissssss. Damn, I wanted to see Yulín in an orange jumpsuit so bad, along with Rosselló.

Yes, Virginia, they do control the weather. They wouldn’t have signed a treaty back in the 1970’s if it was not a weapon multiple nations already had the power to wield. Did you think climate change is what has caused storms to become more and more violent and destructive? They would love for you to believe that. Read the article below.

Several nations agreed not to use weather to attack their allies—but they never signed a treaty saying they wouldn’t use it on their own people. And since the psychopaths running the world are lawless, it doesn’t make any difference what agreements or laws they passed—they don’t apply to them. They’ve even weaponized people to carry out their mass stabbings, shootings, and bombings. Nothing is off the table, folks. Humanity is under attack—but try proving it was a weather weapon.

Weather Weapons Are Real, They Have A Treaty To Regulate Them

I hope the Great Awakening will apply to California residents—and soon! I listened to a discussion (video below) with two advocates against California’s SB 276 which would mean that no one would be able to secure medical exemptions from doctors for vaccines, meaning that even people who had previous potentially lethal reactions to vaccines could not be exempted.

It’s utter tyranny, folks, and if it goes through in California and New York, as they are attempting, it can go across the country once they get their foot in the door.

People need to stand up to these monsters. Rigged elections make it hard to vote them out but you must educate those who are unaware of the plan. The California voter roles are being addressed and there will be a lot less “dead people” voting this time around.

The government does not have the right to tell Americans what to do. It’s the opposite. The Republic was designed so that the People direct their government. So do it! They work for YOU! Their paycheque comes from YOU.

Six women arrested in California capitol while protesting SB276https://t.co/qLTyXCALxk

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) September 9, 2019

As an aside, James White (video below) at NW Liberty News has also had discussions with a man in Switzerland who has been fighting with “child protective services” in the Geneva canton for two years trying to get his two little boys back. “Medical abductions” are a global problem people also need to be aware of as rogue government agencies steal children—and traffick them. An official twice removed from President Trump is now involved and we hope they see a resolution very soon.

Getting back to SB 276… In this video, James replays an interview with two dynamic women, one of whom is an attorney, about the fight against SB 276 in California. They are definitely organizing and educating the public like never before.

Live News Updates and A Replay of Yesterday’s Explosive Interview on SB 276 from California

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joined an enthusiastic group of mostly women in California who are alarmed at Prop 276 and gave an encouraging speech, saying they will persist and will be successful in overturning this travesty of Americans’ right to choose what goes in their bodies.

Big Pharma can’t get Americans to voluntarily take their poison so they are using their political puppets to make it mandatory. It’s that simple. They’re even manipulating the doctors. You all need to stick together and rise up. Change the legislation so you are all free to do as you choose and as ethics demand.

RFK Jr ‘s Mic Dropping Speech Inspires Hope Vis à Vis The Rise of the Medical Police State

MV Conception

With respect to the Conception dive boat fire on Labour Day, the update from September 10 is below. I would add that Wikipedia has already used different wording than the testimony I heard from the crew, who reported hearing a sound “like someone tripped”. On a wooden boat, that might sound like a bump or a thud.

Wikipedia reports the crew member heard a “pop”—so it sounds like they’re leading to the exploded battery story, and autopsies will not be performed on all passengers as the coroner is satisfied they all died from smoke inhalation. I don’t trust California coroners, sorry—or Wikipedia. Too many suspicious deaths in the past were pronounced even remotely, by phone or email, by parties with interests in keeping CODs quiet.

Perform the job to the letter of the law, keep it all above board, and then there are fewer openings for doubt or second guessing—or crimes.

And does the fact that the Conception was owned and operated by “Truth Aquatics” have anything at all to do with the tragic event? In this day and age, with occult messages sent between factions one has to wonder.

Boat fires are far more rare than plane crashes. I just have a bad feeling about this and the FBI have opened a criminal investigation. I don’t even want to think about the criminal negligence charges that could ensue for Truth Aquatics if the deaths of 34 people are determined to be the result of something they did or didn’t do.

The FBI set up a webpage, www.fbi.gov/boatfire, for the submission of images and said witnesses could call the agency at an 800-number with tips.  Source

Authorities identify additional victims of deadly Conception boat fire

Until all questions have been satisfactorily answered and the investigation completed, for me this event goes in the “suspicious” category; and even then, it may stay there and join the California/Paradise fires; the cause of which was not yet revealed to the public.

The destruction of Paradise. The destruction of Truth. Coincidence? We question everything.

The decoding continues around President Trump, Hurricane Dorian, Alabama, and more. Below is what Area 17 Ground Zero got out of the comms. Those old Q posts; the gift that keeps on giving. He walks you through the method in case you’re not familiar with Gematria. Some posts are so old they pre-date the “Q” identifier.

Is there a military op currently ongoing? We believe there is. Will today, 9/11, be a big day? It may, but we may not find out about it until after the fact. The satanic secret societies love their sacrificial unholy days and anniversaries and the White Hats frequently send them messages that can’t be misconstrued. We shall see.

Things are always happening behind the scenes that must remain under wraps until it’s appropriate to reveal the activity and the (potential) outcome.

Let’s be safe out there.  ~ BP