When Your Thoughts Aren’t Yours – August 21, 2022

With Mars entering Gemini August 20, 2022 and it Squaring currently retrograde Neptune in Pisces straightaway, it seems appropriate to briefly cover the subject of when your thoughts aren’t yours (for different negative reasons), but you completely believe they are.

But first, remember that the more you embody the evolutionary Ascension Process Light energies, Triality frequency, and NEW template and codes, the more consciously aware you become that every thought that rolled through your head was not always yours and yours alone. It’s shocking to evolve to a higher frequency state, energy stairstep and level of consciousness and automatically begin realizing that not only has your consciousness been intentionally interfered with, but in many cases, it’s been intentionally manipulated and made to seem like it was your doing, your choice when it absolutely was not.

It has been common to have negative etheric aliens, demons, other negative entities and Portal People deliberately influence, redirect and interfere with you—especially while living the Ascension Process—through some of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, physical actions and overall awareness of current reality. At the old lower frequency levels, this deliberate negative interference and redirection of people’s consciousness was common and humanity didn’t even know it was repeatedly happening to them in a wide variety of ways. Some of those variations were and still today are for many people:

(1) Sudden impulse, compulsion to do something specific like purchase a house, building, property somewhere you’ve never been and for reasons you’re not completely sure of.

(2) Sudden ideas, strong impulses, taking physical actions that are out of character for you.

(3) Sudden romantic, love, sexual impulse and fixation or obsession.

As humans we’ve experienced all three of these and so much more many times in our lives whether we were consciously aware of who/what was actually behind them or not. I experienced number 3 decades before people were aware of it, accurately discussed it, or had written articles or books about this negative phenomenon. [See Eve Lorgen’s site and her Alien Love Biteinformation if interested.]

I’ve experienced ‘The Alien Love Bite’ phenomena in more ways than she has written about. Be aware and brutally honest with yourself about everything and everyone, including incredibly strong and persistent impulses, unusual ideas, and physical actions you may suddenly find yourself experiencing and not really knowing why. Master discernment fast and grow your higher awareness to avoid these old negative etheric pitfalls and ascension derailment tactics.

Point is that each of us has had plenty of negative interference and manipulations of our lives, bodies, consciousness, thoughts, ideas, emotions, sleep dreaming, romantic/love/sexual lives, specific chemical/hormonal body and brain secretions deliberately triggered, plus taking certain physical actions than most would believe. All this and more has been “normal” for humanity for a very long time, and people weren’t even aware of anything negative being done to them.

However, due to Phase 1 of the evolutionary Ascension Process, the 2020 start of Phase 2 and global activation of the Divine Cease & Desist Order, the 2021 CHANGEOVER shift, and the important first physical connection made with the Divine Mother Feminine template of ascending NEW Earth for NEW Humans in early 2022, all that and more has been causing tremendous evolutionary changes. Did it change instantly and completely? No, but the Separation of Worlds is now in extreme high gear which is greatly adding to the overall evolutionary intensity. In January 2020, we entered a section of very challenging years where this compressed evolution that’s causing humans, human consciousness, and physical reality to change incredibly fast in all ways, will unrelentingly push everyone like nothing humanity has experienced prior. I’ve waited many years to say that, but with 2.5 years under our evolving belts so far, it’s time to say it loud and clear. No fear, just profound evolutionary induced global and human species changes.


Roy (Jeff Bridges) yells to R.I.P.D. partner Nick (Ryan Reynolds) in a lengthy freefall. 

You’ve been intentionally negatively interfered with and manipulated mentally, emotionally, romantically, sexually, creatively, chemically/hormonally and energetically. Some Team Dark aliens and demons prefer their human energetic food to have very specific charged energy “flavorings” such as fear, sexual, violence, hatred, cruelty, perversions and so on. To get those different energy flavorings out of humans, Team Dark deliberately manipulates people mentally and emotionally to produce and secrete specific chemicals/hormones in their bodies. In other words, humanity has been manipulated into feeling, thinking, believing and behaving in certain ways for negative reasons.

Viruses are both physical and nonphysical. All sorts of “viruses” are etheric and quickly transmitted through the physical human population much the same ways that physical viruses are. Negative etheric Team Dark “viruses”—etherically inserted, implanted, overlaid thoughts in humans—spread through the human populations of unaware, low consciousness, negative ego-based people to cause a variety of negative side effects, negative etheric “food and fuel”, and negative timelines. The only thing different about this lately is that more people are finally able to sense, see and feel the negativity—physical and etheric—and make conscious choices themselves. That is a huge improvement in evolving humanity and much more of it is and will continue from here on out. The occasional uncomfortable part about that is that those of us further along in the Ascension Process and embodying and anchoring NEW Earth are aware of more reality, realities and timelines than most are at this point. The higher you go, the larger your vantage point becomes, and many of us have been adapting to this NEW in ourselves.

Over the decades I have repeatedly experienced and closely observed this etheric level transmission of negative Team Dark alien, demonic and other entity’s different “viruses” being spread in minutes from one physical person to another and back again and so on. Spread and networked. What I mean exactly by etheric viruses in this case are specific thoughts, emotions, physical actions, behaviors and consciousness in humans to produced energies and specific secreted “flavors” in them by Team Dark. These things are also networkedby Team Dark. What I mean exactly by networked in this case is that the negatives will often impulse people to do certain physical things because it will connect and increase their negative etheric networks between different people and physical locations, states, houses, buildings, 2D underground mines and caves, and certain old 4D astral locations. The more of these negative multi-dimensional connections that Team Dark can make, the greater their feeding grounds become and the stronger their influences become on more humans in other physical locations. Most people are unknowingly wide open to these negative etheric influences because they’ve not been doing the Inner Work on themselves and their negative egos that the Ascension Process demands of us all. Others however are becoming increasingly aware of when they come under the attempted influence of a negative non-physical creature and/or Portal Person human and pushback against those impulses and attacks etc. and continue to hold the higher ground they’ve reached so far.

When Team Dark can’t achieve the desired result they’re after on you using an “infected” Portal Person human, they’ll change from that person to someone else, and repeatedly if necessary. They do this to continue their attacks on you to get the end result they’re after through the second person, or third, or fourth, and back to the first person etc. I’ve experienced this Team Dark tactic of them using one person (a family member, a neighbor, a co-worker etc.) and then jumping to and manipulating another person (another neighbor etc.) to attack me, derail me, physically and energetically suppress me and so on. They use and switch back and forth between low frequency negative ego-based people to use them to attack you to harm you and/or to get you to secrete specific chemicals/hormones via your emotions, or worse.

For us this is a case of (1) realize such things exist and (2) learn how to deal with it/them and (3) eventually embody enough NEW, higher frequency Light energies that you “ascend” beyond the old lower frequency range altogether. You can and have been doing that, but there’s still a whole lot of negative ego consciousness people on Earth that aren’t at the same higher level(s) of ascension that you are, which is why we still see these negative things happening. Included in this is how many people are not able to deal with the NEW Earth template energies and non-patriarchal, Triality-based higher frequency states. There’s A LOT going on, not just one thing but many and all at the same time. Since 2020, we’ve been existing atop numerous ‘Chaotic Nodes all converging at the same time, and this will continue for a few more years.

“What happens in a cult if the leader is living with a mental illness and transfers their delusions to the group?”

“Psychosis may involve delusional beliefs. A delusion is a fixed, false idiosyncratic belief, which does not change even when presented with incontrovertible evidence to the contrary.”  — Wikipedia

To recap, you and I and the rest of humanity have been continually wide open to copious Team Dark anti-human tactics. They’ve been done to our physical and energy bodies, consciousness, emotions, psyche, our lives, loves, sexuality, our asleep dreams, and all else. Then the Ascension Process started on the physical level around 1998–1999, Team Dark went straight for any and all people who were capable of evolving and embodying Light and continuing to embody Light at higher and higher levels. They’ve done their best to end, derail, misinform, mislead, hijack, impulse, control, suppress, redirect and destroy the Ascension Process and all who’ve been living it from the beginning. Nonetheless…

All of that just to get us to this point. Sometimes it helps to take an honest look back over where you’ve come from, what you’ve survived, what you’ve transformed, what you’ve transcended to date to better grasp what’s happening today and why.

I’ve been attempting in multiple articles this year to express the vast and complex fact that your multidimensionality is becoming increasingly conscious in physical, earthly, incarnate you. This is a very big aspect of the evolutionary Ascension Process; knowing more but in wholly NEW and very different ways than you are used to. And that is the key with all this. The fact that we’re knowing more but what we’re knowing is NEW to us, plus HOW we’re knowing it is NEW to us too. Your “head” (intellect) isn’t in your head anymore, it’s a NEW higher system and it’s in your evolved HighHeart Center and is so different that the two aren’t comparable whatsoever. One is a dense, mud-encrusted, knuckle-dragging, egoic jerk caveman while the other is a Crystalline, Light-filled Human Angle existing in a higher dimension on a NEW Earth. Old Piscean Age tools, beliefs and habits will not work in ascended NEW Aquarian Age for NEW Humans.

There are certain things I know that I don’t write about because I know that information would be used negatively, plus wildly misunderstood and spread by many people. Because of this I wait until I know it’s time for me to publicly share something specific that I’ve been sitting on for months, years or decades.

Example: I know that the old two-party system of red Republicans and blue Democrats in the USA was entirely Duality-based. For this and other reasons it cannot and will not survive and enter higher frequency Triality-based ascending NEW Earth for NEW Humans. Pluto transiting Capricorn since 2008, has been disassembling and removing it and all related things in preparation for the EPIC entrance of Pluto into Aquarius (without further retrogrades back into Capricorn) November 20, 2024. When is the next presidential election here in the USA? It’s November 5, 2024.

On the surface, some of the political and other players in this and other countries have, unknowingly, been the ways and means of destroying the very things they desperately want to continue at any cost. They are their own self-fulfilling prophecy — the ones destroying the old patriarchal Duality reality two-party system and so much more in this country and globally.

First there were two parties, then they’ll be only one for a short while, then there will be no parties because enough humans will have evolved beyond that old reality, consciousness and external systems entirely. The rare transit of Pluto in Aquarius will produce this and much more. Pluto in Aquarius is self-governing, self-regulating and leaderless due to individuals having reached personal integrated Triality-based frequency, self-empowerment, self-responsibility, and sovereignty on multiple levels. This is what’s coming, soon, and its why many others are seeing red and the end of their lifestyles and control. When Pluto fully enters Aquarius in November 2024, you will begin to see how radically and quickly human consciousness and external physical reality will change here and in other countries.

Between here and where we’re going, there’s a lotta ugly, infected, sick, unstable, negative ego-based consciousness people, beliefs, systems and old ways of life and living that are exiting this ascending reality. To me and you that’s exciting and the result of lifetimes of dedicated hard spiritual Work toward this current evolutionary Ascension Process. To those other people however it feels, looks, sounds and seems like the absolute worst of the worst that could ever happen. Yet we’ve got to get from here to where we’re going with them lying, fighting and attacking to prevent positive, evolutionary changes and more playing out all around us. ‘RELAX BODY!’  We know where we’re going and that this period is a section where more of the human chaff is removed from the harvested wheat.

It comes down to how good are you at embodying, holding and maintaining the ascending way, while the disappearing and/or descending people fight all this? Mars in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces starting today and lasting for months is going to test us all with this and more. There’s going to be a big increase in more rage-filled people yelling all sorts of escalating delusional things increasingly this year and next. They believe what they believe, while you know what you know, and never shall that Duality meet in our lifetimes.

This evolutionary ascension is a done deal, always has been, but like I said we’ve reached that point in all this where it gets more volatile while we go from here to where we’re going while the unaware patriarchal people carryout Duality realities grand finale. There’s ego level Mars will, and there’s evolved and transcended Divine Will. Which do think will win out?

Be strong, wise, aware, honest and thoroughly committed to getting from here to where we’re going.

Denise Le Fay

August 20, 2022

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