“New Moon January 12/13th, 2021 ~ RISING OUT Of The ASHES” ~ January 13, 2021

These are ALREADY~ since the beginning of the Solstice (Dec 21, 2020) UNPRECEDENTED frequencies interacting and SHIFTING all realities on all levels of BEING.

NOW on January 13th at 1am AST (for many of you this will be on the 12th) we have a powerful NEW MOON, new beginning with even greater SHIFTS to be played out.

Shifts in consciousness and death and rebirth are par for the course as this New Moon in Capricorn on Wednesday (Tuesday for some of you) is conjunct Pluto.

This New Moon then, holds within its frequencies the potential for a deep transformation of consciousness.

When something NEW begins something always ends.

Whatever becomes unearthed within you to be consciously aware of, will unfold as events through which you perceive your reality. Cause is always within, and what CREATES the here you know your life on Earth to BE.

Depending on your interaction levels with what is to be, some may literally become very fear filled. These fears are to be held in the level of light of awareness you hold, through your heart to be transformed.

Mars will be square Saturn and impact each beings blueprint uniquely.

Generally these will activate potentially fears of the deep change itself.

Jupiter square Uranus may impact transformation in a sudden way, whether or not perceived as beneficial or not to the mind.

Mercury square Uranus and Venus trine Uranus will add to the potential sudden shift of consciousness and therefore reality.

The entire theme of frequencies now and throughout 2021 Earth calendar is this transformation.

Transformation into newness.

OF unifying with the Divine while in form.

Being the DIVINE BEING. Of course there are many levels to this and ALL does unfold perfectly MOMENT TO MOMENT.

Potential crises, and sudden miracles are all on the table of awareness, even now.

TRUST what takes place. Even in the midst of Chaos are the seeds of awakening flowing through cosmic consciousness to all that can hear its quiet voice.

Now blessing you and as you continue to unfold through the transformation of being.

I am here with you, present with The Divine Council of Overseers, activating you through love. Your original blueprint.

Throughout eternity in the Union with The Beloved, I am NOW, present.

In Divine Love.

FULL POST: https://thenewdivinehumanity.com/…/new-moon-january-12…/

In love,

L’Aura Pleiadian

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