LoveHasWon Quantum Warrior Numerology 07~07~2020 ~ July 7, 2020

By Gregory Trollip

Welcome Home 2 Love Everywhere Present

4 those who are unaware we are experiencing a Shift in Consciousness unlike ever B4. To try and under stand anything is futile as we’re in unchartered territory…The Great unknown of Pure Consciousness..unmanifest Potential.

As we traverse through these Portal Energies of Expansion the mind becomes foggy and nothing seems to make sense to the ego mind. It’s time to let go of All your attachments and expectations, the 7 promotes Trust/Faith and encourages you to Be open/vulnerable releasing All the fear that keeps you in the mind.

The 7/7=14=5 Highlighting the substantial importance of Daily Spiritual Disciplines 2 replace the low vibrational habitual patterning of the Matrix programming System. When you’re in a funk and life is Grey… it’s a change in Behavior patterns/attitude with a New perspective and Higher ideals that Shift the momentum.

Are you Intentions in every moment to Be of Service 2 Love? You cannot experience True Joy when you are not in Service and you cannot Serve when you are not in Joy!! Rehearting that 2020 Vision is the Awareness of True reality which is reflected in the external…the Prophecies are coming True 😜 The 4th Dimension of Time teaches us 2 Trust the Process of Divine Timing which brings about the Stability of Divine non-attachment. The total 18/9 Illuminates our Humanitarian Purpose.

The 9 represents Completion of a cycle, letting go of the old ways and dysfunctional beLIEf Systems. The 9 Energy Strongly brings in the Purpose of Integrity..Expressing your True feelings in each moment which is Love in Action.

Many beings firmly attached to the programming often ask others we did you get your information 🤣 like books and ‘famous’ people have All the Answers 🤣 True Source wisdom exists in every moment 4 any individual who surrenders their Self importance 4 the Highest Good of All.

Intuition is not an archive accessible to a few but rather an Infinite Flow of Wisdom available through every single Heart 💜 Your Divine Mother is here in the Physical taking on the pain 4 All of humanity who are blinded by their masks and refusing to let go of the illusion in their heads. This ends today!!!

Choose Love consciously in All moments and ride the Ascension Wave of Total bliss or continue to focus on your ‘problems ‘ and receive the equivalent in your experiences/surroundings. The past is history..the Present is herstory 🦋 You have this moment to start listening to your Heart 💜

Happy 7/7

Xx Xx


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