Kp Message 8-31-19… “Clearing out and Lightening Up” ~ August 31, 2019

Editor’s Note: I Am posting this blog by Kp because it so closely mirrors my own thoughts/situation. I have finally let go of an old attachment and know this was the correct think to do as I woke from sleep with a tremendous sense of Joy and positivity realizing my world is about to change in a YUGE kind of way.

Do I know what these changes are? No, but that seems of little consequence because I know whatever happens IS bring me supreme Joy and happiness!

Dropping “old” baggage actually clears you energy system allowing new and more positive energies to fill you Being, thus I highly recommend leaving those things which do not serve you behind. Not to worry…you may just see the dropped items again in a new light! Please read these messages, drop the old, and BE…



Right now I’m starting to clear out items that I no longer am using and giving them away (well, most of them). It feels as if this is a precursor to a physical move.

When it will happen and how it will happen and what it will end up being, is yet to be seen. I’m just opening up the door to possibilities by clearing out old and unused items. Many will benefit from this. Most of these things will be given away.

Right now all I can do is talk about these things. DOing them is another step. Eventually the “final move” will occur. Very possible it will be a “move out” without a resulting “move in” to anything. Perhaps there will be a “period of movement” without a final destination… for awhile, at least. We shall see.

I know all this may seem irrelevant to the blog, or irrelevant to what’s going on with this planet. But I know it is important for my own Higher BEingness to expand into its next realm of consciousness. Sometimes the physical movement is what moves the Expansion along.

At this moment, I’m still enjoying where I am at, including the birds, the magnificent view, and Mira the Pleiadean kitty. I’m going to continue to love all of them, until the move comes.waii

There are no dates being offered here. It’s just that the “movement” towards the move has begun.

It’s not always easy to leave what’s been loved, but Expansion into Higher Realms and the next phase of Light / Energy work requires it.

Aloha all,

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