HighHeartLife Evolving Conscious Creators — Denise Le Fay ~ August 28, 2019

“Denise, hi! Last night was for me a strongly disturbing night. I woke at 3 AM and got up after being stuck in fearful thoughts that grew in strength and a sense of deepening pressure smothering out my truth. I admit I began to feel trapped and depressed. And today I learned many people had disturbing dreams or sleep. I wonder if u sensed anything or remained high frequency clear of it?” — Edith, August 21, 2019


Edith wrote this in a Comment under my previous article, but because of some negative things I experienced a few days and nights in August 2019, I wanted to quote her and go into more detail in an article about these high highs and low lows many people experienced throughout August. Thanks for your important question Edith.

After Edith shared this more people wrote Comments that they too experienced an uptick in negative attacks during the night, specifically around the old 3:00 AM period in August 2019. Those attacks happened in dreams, while awake, or both.

A brief recap of the 3:00 AM thing.

It has been a common time for negative aliens, demons and lesser entities to attack humans in dreams, nightmares and/or wake them up and continue attacking them from the physical level too. Because I wasn’t familiar with this old religious belief about the supposed time of Jesus’s death to be at or near 3:00 PM, I also didn’t know that the negatives invert that time and use 3:00 AM to attack people from the astral and the physical, asleep and awake. I learned all about this however from having it happen to me repeatedly for many years. Those demonic and negative alien attacks I experienced in the early 2000’s typically happened between 2:30 AM through 4:00 or 4:30 AM. I discovered that it doesn’t require one to know about certain old global beliefs to experience them yourself.

The annual Lion’s Gate begins every July 26th and ends on August 12th. I noticed that during the Lion’s Gate in August 2019, there were periods of negative attacks, all of which were very obvious. They aren’t remaining hidden or in the shadows anymore, they’re right out in the open, trying to harm you for bringing the Light and making the old shadows disappear.

Sunday, August 4, 2019 while doing my best to join the Sunday Unity mediation at 8:11 AM, all I got was a whole lot of interference. I assumed it was me wandering mentally but after struggling with this for many minutes I opened my eyes and unexpectedly saw the head, shoulders and upper arm area of a very dense opaque black colored ‘shadow figure’. I saw its head, shoulders and a few inches of its upper arms peeking around the upper kitchen cabinets at me seated in the living room. It had been watching me in the living room, eyes closed, struggling to join the Sunday Unity meditation. In that moment I realized that what I’d been experiencing wasn’t my mind wandering but intentional interference from that shadow figure. The second I saw it peeking around the kitchen cabinet at me it instantly snapped back behind it and disappeared and I didn’t see it again that day. I did a few days later however.

There’s all sorts of negativity and this shadow figure I saw was doing its best to prevent me from joining the Unity meditation that Sunday during the Lion’s Gate. It wasn’t at my throat trying to kill me, it was messing with me to keep me from what the Sunday Unity meditations do, are, create, exchange, activate and manifest. (I experienced this same type of interference with a different negative alien a couple of years ago during a Sunday Unity meditation.) I tried again at 11:11 AM to join the Group but this shadow figure entity continued its interference so I wasn’t able to participate at that time either. At this point I intentionally let it go and went about my business that day and forgot about the creature. My disconnecting did the trick and I was able to easily join the Unity mediation at the 5:11 PM time because the creature was gone.

August 9th through 11th 2019, I felt a tremendous change in our world, so much so I was certain I’d changed timeline Earth worlds again. What I felt and perceived from the 9th through the 11th of August was these NEW Sirian codes transmitted through the 2019 Lion’s Gate period activated the 100% speedy collapse of the old everything in the USA and elsewhere. Said another way, these July 2019 through July 2020 Lion’s Gate annual codes are so high frequency this year that their presence has escalated everything that was disappearing anyway in the old patriarchal world. It’s like the fast forward button has been pushed by the Sirian’s July 2019 to July 2020 codes and energies and we’re speeding along in them while all sorts of anomalies and related Separation of Worlds shifts continue to take place. One of them being the reaction of some negative aliens and beings such as the never-been-human shadow figure creature I saw in my house twice in August 2019. In with more NEW and some more push-back from some of the old Team Dark players.

The link here is to an article I wrote in June 2019. In it I talked about what I called Light Bombs exploding everywhere constantly and how those NEW higher frequency Light energies and codes were causing negative beings and entities to be dislodged. What has been hidden and unperceived by humans has been increasingly up in everyone’s faces, hearts and minds due to the ever-expanding incoming NEW Light and codes. This hasn’t been easy or comfortable for any of us but it’s a normal side effect of this process of the Light coming into direct contact with the old lower frequency aliens, entities, humans, human consciousness and old patriarchal world systems. There are territorial disputes, attacks, retaliations and whatnot because of all this ascension related energetic dislodging and revealing of the dark and hidden negativity that’s been manipulating from unseen and unknown levels. Always protect yourselves Team Light because Team Dark feels you just like you feel them.

I mention this again here to remind any who need reminding that these exploding Light Bombs continue dislodging Team Dark beings and entities and they don’t of course appreciate any of this so they often attack those of us who’ve had and continue having a direct hand in the return of the Light during this Ascension Process. It was however a bit of a surprise to have these attacks during this years Lion’s Gate period, or that was just me being lazy about these negatives, again.

From August 4th through the 11th I repeatedly and very strongly felt some negative energies and entities in my house. I saw the shadow figure creature again during that time, standing motionless in another room of my house while I was in my bed at night. We stared at each other and I thought to myself, “No fear. Deal with this thing, get it out of the house, send it back to Source God.” That night and a few others during those days wasn’t pleasant or comfortable but they forced me to override it all. After all I’ve been through, I don’t spook easily, but there were a few early evenings and nights during those days during the 2019 Lion’s Gate that it felt very unpleasant in my house and that fact made me angry and determined and forced me into Lightwarrior mode again. I’m a lover not a fighter but when I’m forced into it I can instantly shift into Lightwarrior and take care of business. It will however be heaven on earth when this isn’t necessary anymore. We’re very close now.

As you already know, 2019 is for most of you reading this, the year where we embody and Embody the NEW codes, more and more NEW DNA, the NEW Light energies and more because we always do it first because we literally Pathpave these NEW energies and codes etc. on and into the physical dimension and ascending NEW Earth world and timelines by our embodying them. We go first and anchor them into physical reality for humanity to enter later. In this case later begins January 2020 and beyond for mass humanity. These NEW codes and energies will become the NEW and only energies and codes for humanity with the entrance into January 2020. That’s why we’ve been dealing with, and often struggling with, these profoundly amplified, accelerated and expanded NEW Light energies and codes and more DNA this entire year. 

The entire month of August 2019 has been for me an extra intense, painful, increasingly weird and occasionally negative time of having to do battle again with the riffraff that’s been exploded up and out of their old hiding holes. Just another day in the life of…


My point is that many of us took a beating, or two, or more throughout August 2019, and all that on top of the tremendous and constant energy increases we’ve been embodying every minute of 2019. It’s this intense because we’re very close now. Use that fact whenever you need to keep yourself going through all this and the constant energy increases. We’ve still got the last quarter of 2019 to live, to embody, to be forever altered and improved by and we all know that the last quarter of every ascension year is potent. This year will surpass them all so lots of self-care, sleep, naps when needed, being kind to yourself and your physical body because you’re going through more than you or I fully understand at this point within The Process. It’s a safeguard so we don’t faint, piss ourselves and throw in the towel because it’s way too much for us, or so we may feel from time to time when utterly exhausted by it all. Great job everyone, let’s bring this thing into the last quarter of 2019 and energetically HOME right here on Earth.


August 28, 2019

Donations can be made here and thank you very much for the energy exchange.

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2019. All rights reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL https://highheartlife.com and Copyright Notice is included.

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