Transposition Filters – Lisa Renee ~ June 9, 2018

Transposition Filters. By Lisa Renee.

This artificial structure reverses the natural polarity in the energetic systems in the planetary body and our consciousness energy can start to break down or fragment when exposed.

That’s where the breakdown of energy that is splitting apart starts impacting the genetic material, usually impacting the first line of defense in the immune system, activating the weakness level that has been inherited into our biology.

This level of fragmentation is what we can see happening at this time on this planet.

Why is it that more people are not waking up, and why are they not connecting to their inner spirit and Awakening to higher truth?

There are some levels of that Genetic Mutation that are being cleared during this morphogenesis phase, because the planetary body has recently become connected to more of the out of time, zero point currents.

These non-polarized currents are beyond 12D. We can use de-polarization techniques to remove these etheric types of Holographic Insert and implant structures, in the antiparticle fields which is the section that remains invisible to most people.

Looking at the blueprint organized within the anti-particle fields of the planet, is where all the Miasmas are distorted into dead energy in sections of the planetary body.

Holographic Insert

Holographic Insert

Holographic Insert

Holographic insert, (an insert is a false or real memory being programmed upon our consciousness for Mind Control purposes or DNA genetic manipulation from the NAA).Holographic inserts are used to bend time and space and therefore manipulate Timelines.

Inserts are implanted into the Consciousness layers though the frequency manipulation of the bodies energy fields or Lightbody.

Ascension Glossary


Inherited genetic disease patterning and energetic blockages in the bodies mostly formed by destructive Negative Ego behaviors promoted by the Archontic Deception Strategy of the NAA.

When a collective race and planet is continually at war with itself, the spiritually abusive behaviors of murder, genocide, rape, hatred and related levels of moral decay and depravity create a tremendous amount of spiritual-energetic disease which is a black tarry energy as well as grid damage, which impacts humans and the planet, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Ascension Glossary

Soul Fragmentation

Soul Fragmentation

Miasma is a psycho-spiritual inherited distortion created by trauma, abuse, fear based belief systems and Soul Fragmentation which, over time, was genetically encoded in human DNA, and resulted in various forms of dis-ease or imbalance.

These dis-ease patterns were then encoded and passed down in Negative Ego behaviors or DNA code from generation to generation from the genetic alteration made from the NAA influence.

Levels of the passed down distorted or flawed DNA would result in a dissipation of the original form of the disease.

The manifested diseased energy and its physical body pattern would sometimes skip generations.

The dissipated energetic pattern (cellular memories from the Ancestry or Family of Origin) of the original disease would then manifest in future generations in lesser or hybridized forms.

It is through these distortions they have been controlling this 3D reality, right?

Literally it is on the other side of the reality in the anti-particle layers where most of us can’t even see it through remote viewing.

It’s like understanding there’s the particle universe and antiparticle universe with multiple timelines.

A part of the Ascension cycle is that the particle and antiparticle layers are merging, and as it does the Timelines are collapsing and merging also.

But at certain points in the energetic system, when we’re talking about looking at the human being’s auras, now we’re basically looking at both sides of the parallels.

There is the particle manifestation at some level in time, and then simultaneously we’re looking at the antiparticle manifestation of the same thing in the parallels.

It is similar to revealing the reversal negative of a photographic artifact, looking at the inversion pattern, but where we are looking now is that place where the collective miasmas have been created as a form of human consciousness oppression.

Because these constructs have been created on the out breath of our traveling spiritual force, in the antiparticle function of our consciousness bodies, which is where many of the Controllers have placed the Alien Implants that have siphoned off the life force frequencies from entering into the lightbody, and have produced all of that energy harvesting.

Alien Implants

Whoever controls the Mind controls the body, mind and Soul. Alien Implants are used to Mind Control the masses to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape anti-human value systems which are used to condition humanity to accept spiritual abuse from the Negative Aliens and to self enforce their thought systems of hierarchical enslavement and fear. This is a divide and conquer strategy of the planet and humanity.

Since most of humanity has been unable to activate the higher heart complex and connect the 4th DNA strand during adolescence and into adulthood, over the length of time the chemicals distort patterns in DNA that accumulate Miasmatic overlays on core emotional issues and physical imbalances. This is not natural.

If a human being cannot activate their heart and access their 4th strand of DNA they are unable to activates their Soul identity. Thus, they are unaware of why they they incarnated on the earth, what their higher purpose is, and cannot connect to or listen to their Higher Self, becasue they have not activated Higher Sensory Perception abilities.

Alien implants work in the human body similarly as the chemical process of geo-engineering that is spraying chemtrails in the skies to manipulate or control forces in physical matter. The construction and raw substances used in Alien Implants are vast and some unknown, they can be made of biological material, synthetic material, etheric substances in the Lightbody or programmed nanobots (Nanites) used in Artificial intelligence technologies.

Alien implants are a bio-engineering technology designed to shape the human body into the Mind Control submission to NAA agendas, while chemical (nanoparticle) geo-engineering is used to control the weather by harming the ozone layer and create excessive methane gases.

In both examples, when the foreign (unnatural or artificial) material is introduced to the natural body it disrupts the electromagnetic energetic balance and the homeostatic rhythm of the body. Many times it runs a low level EMF or Radio Waves signal that is designed to disrupt the human bodies natural homeostasis and electromagnetic balance. This puts the body in hyper-immunity state and/or adrenal exhaustion while fighting off the “invader”. The body develops coping mechanisms to deal with the foreign invader while extreme stress is placed on the central nervous system, brain and immune system.

As with chemtrails, alien implants most generally act as a “metallic” frequency overload and exposure to impact the overall bodily energies and its auric field. Eventually this disrupts the body organism and as a result, parasites, fungi, yeast and other microorganisms become overgrown and imbalanced in the body.

It is important to understand that energetic parasites (this is just one byproduct of alien implants) eventually manifest turning into a variety of physical parasites in the human body.

Physical parasites impact all bodily functions, mental body functions and thought-forms, induce emotionally hysterical states, as well as promote disconnection from the inner self and spiritual energies. If the body is heavily implanted, and therefore parasitic, anti-parasitic therapy such as cleanses or fasts are highly suggested to regain energetic balance in the homeostatic organism of the entire body, mind and spirit.

If you are new to cleansing please research to help inform yourself of the phases of cleansing the bodily internal organs to help you regain energetic balance and energetic health.

Ascension Glossary

Alien Implants

Alien Implants

I’m viewing a grid that is all around the planet in Dodecahedrons, and it looks like in sets of five, in numerical five patterns, and I know there are massive levels of collective consciousness miasmas being held inside there.

Understanding that as I’m looking at this dark crystal formed into a dodecahedron pattern, that this is a software AI program.

Meaning they have programmed that Dodecahedron field to be arranged in the reversal NET static fields to run reversal polarities throughout the energetic system.

Through our mental body, this can reverse our gender fin, gender pattern, and confuse the experience inside our body of the male and female energetic principle.

This are the Transposition Filters.

If we have an energetic block in our natural and organic flow, it is possible to siphon that energy flow into a particular direction, such as taking it to power their phantom systems or timeline agendas.

So what I’m getting is that we’re starting to get more of these depolarized or non-polarized pulses and energy fusions of this particular level of frequency.

And what is amazing about this, is that right now one of the biggest structures that is being dismantled on the planet itself, is an artificial dodecahedron structure.

Dodecahedron Structure

Dodecahedron Structure

What they are showing me is this thing is the five-sided crystal that encompasses the planet Earth elemental body, and therefore has been assimilated into the genetic material of human beings.

There is a dodecahedron structure that acts as transposition filters to reverse the images and energy current in the lower timelines.

Many of us as gridworkers are called to witness the artificial structure, to look at the miasmatic fields being produced at the antiparticle level that is then routed to be processed by the collective body of humanity.

So what’s happening is that as we are looking at the invisible field that is inverted from the surface of basic remote viewing, the next part, is that we are actually going to be systematically dissolving the artificial structure that has been creating that.

This construct is a transposition field, reversal polarity current that is being generated from the larger Transposition Filters.

When we get into the creation fields, we can understand the Law of Gender, the masculine and feminine principle and the still point. Gridworkers are called to comprehend creation mechanics, to first understand there is the Divine Mother principle, which is the God seed and it’s emanation of the sound or sonic pillars.

There is the Divine Father, the masculine principle and that is the God spark, the eternal light. And then there is the God spirit or the Holy Spirit, and that is the still point or void. This feels feminine because it’s emanating from the primal sound field.

The NAA are using an artificially generated sound field outside of the time matrix, to replicate and control the Mother principle for their inverted systems, and the artificial sound field is reverberating all the way through the layers of multiple timelines.

And it’s creating this artificial pattern in the earth body grids, where the sound field is filtered into this dodecahedron structure in order to distort the energy architecture.

I think a part of this is that we understand this piece, because this is going to be next in recognizing the importance of depolarization of the reversal fields, in order to dismantle the larger structures.

The dodecahedron grid is connected to the antiparticle miasma levels, in which remain largely invisible even to remote viewers.

This structure is a five-sided grid formed into a massive dodecahedron crystal, which transposes and reverses all of the energy that comes into and out of this planet.

What it means is that this dodecahedron grid is some kind of alien generated artificial structure.

This is the actual system that is designed to collect all of the stellar and plasmic frequency that is coming from the outside or outer worlds.

This means when our earth body aligns to other stellar bodies, like when the planet is aligned to Sirius, or when we align to the Pleiades, the planetary body is being blocked from processing that specific frequency.

What goes on in the natural Ascension cycle is that the stellar body of earth is travelling and aligns to these various stellar and cosmic bodies.

The forces of alchemy happens, the collaborative energies are shared and then the energies actually alchemize into higher vibrations and frequencies that should be conducted into the field of our planet.

Therefore should be conducted by us, in our human physical bodies. As a consequence of frequency accretion we should naturally activate dormant DNA, because that is the process of activating our 12 strand DNA by activating our energy centers.

Energetic Block

Energetic Block

What has been largely preventing human ascension on a mass scale, is that there is an artificial dodecahedron field that acts as the structure to reverse polarity currents, and invert holographic images.

Its function is to transpose the light and its coded information. In a natural world, think of the ray currents streaming down into the holographic reality, knowing that there are frequencies that exist within the organic structure of our God-ness, so to speak.

And this organic frequency is higher consciousness intelligence coming from the Godhead or zero point, and it’s trying to run circuits upon the earth. When the natural frequencies are transmitting to the earth, it hits this artificial field, it hits this five sided grid, and its direction reverses.

NAA Negative Alien Agenda

NAA Negative Alien Agenda

And that means the second this organic frequency hits this artificially generated dodecahedron crystal it transposes that energy current into a light reversal code.

This artificial field generated by the transposition filter is designed to reverse the life code and reverse the life force, this is anti-life forces that are generating more miasmas.

This is to understand that there are specific alien generated matrices that are designed to reverse the life code on the planet, which generates fallen forces of the anti-life or anti-christ.

What is critical to comprehend is that this only happens at the mental body levels.

The Transposition Filter generates the reversals in the field that are in the mental body, it impacts the horizontal through mind control of the collective human mental bodies and it is completely reliant on the mental body principle in order to survive. Hence the survival of the negative ego constructs in the lower three dimensions are paramount to them.

Not only is it transposing the life force generated on the planet, it is a part of the programs written for mind control in the lower three layers of negative ego. It is a part of the AI program, and its a part of the global mind control transmissions.

These constructs are being controlled from the astral plane as well. More starseeded people are starting to sense this artificial construct in the field.

Now it is possible to get to the actual programming levels and source the artificial field that actually has been generating global mind control, implants and other forms of alien enslavement tools.

We are going beyond the energy that exists around objects and into the layers of blueprint that originally created that form.

The transposition grid, this mind control matrix transposition field is that which transposes energies and creates miasmas, which create blockages in the system of energy, and this generates anti-particle distortions in the bodies and on the planet that intentionally distort the blueprint to shut off DNA.

This distortion field is what projects the demonics, the Alien Implants, all the weird alien crap that is connected to this Transposition Filter and the reversal fields.

This means that these inorganic and artificial creations cannot continue to exist with the systematic dismantling of the transposition field as it has been gradually broken down and the waste substances transmutated.

So we’re entering another layer here in the anti-particle field and this gains access more directly to see the global mind control matrix that is used to suppress Ascension and mass awakening.

The transposition field generates a host of unholy creations, the black miasmas break down into fragments that can become animated, and they create all kinds of strange debris and waste products in the planetary field that we may not yet have words for.

In viewing these phantom areas, there are creatures and beings that are soul-less and dead creatures used for carrying out certain functions in the black magic fields.

They are inorganic creations, but they’re being generated by this transposition field to serve the black magic grids. Because what’s happening with this structure is that any human thought form can manifest into something corporeal through this reversal life program.

Unfortunately, down here on earth very few people are aware of being able to control their personal thought forms and comprehend that their thoughts are manifest creations.

The Transposition Filters take those thought form creations that are generated in the collective human mind, into the larger transposition field it generates, but this field runs a wide array of astral garbage and projects imaging with dark artifacts.

This structure is creating Miasmas and all kinds of weird astral holographic projections based on AI programming and random etheric garbage it picks up from the collective field.

I don’t even know what to call these things, because they’re miscreations, they’re inorganic, they’re demonic looking creatures, they’re ugly, and they’re grotesque.

It’s like if you took off a filter and this program catches all the ugliness, all of the depravity that is generated in the collective human unconsciousness.

It’s like a debris catcher, because there’s dark energy with all the astral garbage and artificial holographic creations and somehow they harvest it to be pointed back at us for the purpose of mind control.

So this transposition field is creating reversal life code energy and therefore is extremely destructive to us and the planet.

All of this intended harm, is a five sided grid that is designed to not only suppress and reverse the energy as it comes into the planet, but also to work the broadcast of the global mind control software to shape the negative ego construct.

Ascension Cycle

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Dark and Light

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.


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