Pole Shifts, Shifts in the Earth’s Field & Your Ability to Shift ∞The 9D Arcturian Council ~ December 24, 2019

Editor’s Note: Once again, humanity is lauded by the Arcturians for raising the vibratory rate for the collective human consciousness. What does this really mean? Enough humans have been able to raise their individual rate of vibration so that the collective rate of vibration has been raised.

Because of this collective rise, the geo-magnetic field for the Earth also changes allowing more and more life-changing energies to impact humanity changing our DNA allowing still more vibratory changes. Please focus on your individual heart space, concentrate of raising your vibratory rate, and BE…



“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to witness how you have been handling the many changes that have been occurring there on Earth. You are wonderful at adapting new circumstances and changes to the field of energy that you exist in. Your Earth’s electromagnetic field her aura. It is her field of energy in the same way that you all have a field of energy surrounding you as individuals, and the changes that have been occurring in the Earth’s electromagnetic field are noteworthy. They are documented. People have noticed the shifting of the poles, and people are also able to record the frequency of the Earth’s electromagnetic field and have noted those changes as well.

These changes could have caused a great deal of disruption in humanity, but instead, you have taken them in stride. You have adapted. Your own energy fields must adapt to the Earth’s electromagnetic field in order for you to continue to live on Earth, and even though you are largely unaware of the adjustments that you have made, you have made them and are thriving in the new environment. What this shifting of energies is meant to demonstrate to all of you is that you do have the ability to make shifts in your own energetic fields. You can do what once seemed impossible to you, and your planet is attempting to show you that.

Taking control of your vibration is the way to shift everything, and we have talked about how you can do this by first being grounded in your physical bodies and then being aware of what you are vibrating. Then you must focus on that vibration and breathe. Once you have breathed all the way through it, you can choose a better feeling vibration. This is how you change. This is how you keep up with the changes in your lives and the changes you see all around you, including the changes that are occurring with your Mother Earth herself.

Now, when you ground into the planet, you can feel for the changes that are afoot, and you can notice the difference between the Earth that you were inhabiting yesterday and the Earth that you are inhabiting today. But the more time that you spend in nature, the easier it will be for you to feel for the subtle changes as they are happening and to flow with them. In flowing with change, you are able to make changes in your lives and you are able to co-create the world that you want to experience.

You are the changemakers. You are the ones who have decided that you would awaken to do this very work that we have outlined here, and you are the ones doing the best job of keeping up with the energetic changes on Mother Earth. Keep it up. Do it a bit more consciously, and make the massive changes that you want to see. But make them within yourselves first, and then, witness how they come about on your planet.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Event ~ December 4, 2019

Editor’s Note: Hello, my friends…this is a message from Zingdad, who channels a Pleiadian entity called Adamu, addressing “The Event”. The timing for this moment seems to be backed up by delays in many items in the news. The Impeachment process will be delayed until January 2020, at least, “Q” has indicated the game-changing FISA report to happen when the moment is “right”.

So…take this time to enhance your vibratory rate, learn to BE WHO YOU ARE, allowing you ever more BE…



Greetings to you, my friends. I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation. Today I wish to address with you the somewhat burning topic of, The Event. This is how it is already known in your collective consciousness and therefore I will continue to speak about it as such.

So, what is The Event? When will it happen? What will happen? What will happen afterwards? And how should you prepare for The Event? These are the questions I wish to address in today’s conversation.

Now, there is so much to be said about it and there is already so much misunderstanding, so much disinformation and so much… so much! That I’m going to try and speak succinctly and clearly without triggering your fears because, truly, there is not much to fear.

What is The Event? In a nutshell, The Event is the moment when your collective consensus reality, the timeline that nearly 8 billion of you, that all of you are currently creating together, splits. You can imagine a great rope of many strands, 8 billion strands, in fact! This great rope becomes unbraided and a number of smaller ropes get made with those strands. That would be a fair understanding. The moment of the unbraiding is The Event. It’s that which happens that allows you then to proceed on a smaller rope.

So, when will The Event happen? I’ve mentioned previously that it is desirable that the “when” is delayed. That it take as long as possible for the “when” to happen. And I wish to address that. Those of you who are of the lowest frequency of consciousness, those who are profoundly victim-conscious, those of you who are of other-responsible consciousness… and please, if you don’t understand what I’m talking about here, we have spoken about this. Zingdad and I have produced two videos on the frequencies of consciousness and spoken about what other-responsibility is, versus self-responsibility, versus unity-consciousness. This has been addressed. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please pause here, please go and have a look at those videos, at those publications.

Those of you who are of the lowest frequency, and typically low frequency beings would not be watching this video. You wouldn’t be interested in it and it would make no sense to you. You wouldn’t be resonant with it. The deeply other-responsible are clinging to an idea that their life is wrong, the world is wrong, everything is wrong and someone else must come and fix it. Those of you would be looking at The Event as being the moment when everything gets fixed. Unfortunately, for the deeply other-responsible, the deeply victim-conscious, exactly the opposite is going to be their experience. It’s going to be a moment when they really get what they are creating. When they are no longer in a rope with self-responsible beings who are making sure that the world keeps functioning. They are then only in a world with other victim-conscious, with other, other-responsible beings and nobody is making sure that the world keeps working. Nobody is continuing to keep the wheels of the world turning. Things fall apart. In a disastrous way. For those who are simply sharing an other-responsible world with other, other-responsibles.

Now, it is nobody’s desire; those who inhabit the higher frequencies, the unity-conscious, for example, don’t wish to punish the victim-conscious. There is an awareness that you are of victim-consciousness because of circumstances and because you’ve been unable to see that you really need to transform your consciousness. So, there isn’t a desire to hurt, or to punish the other-responsible. And what we also notice is that there is a migration of consciousness. People are waking up. The Light certainly is rising on planet Earth, particularly now that the structures of control, those that we have called the Illuminati, those that are operating from behind the scenes; particularly as their grip on the world, as their ability to pull the strings of power begins to fade and wane; particularly as they begin to be in conflict with each other, as their power structures begin to collapse, consciousness is rising at an accelerated rate. So, the victim-conscious are slowly becoming creator-conscious, are slowly becoming unity-conscious. This is happening. Other-responsibles are becoming self-responsible, are becoming unity-conscious. So, the longer we delay The Event, the more souls will move from an experience of The Event which will be shocking and painful, to one which will be acceptable, to one which will be truly joyful. And so it really is desirable to delay The Event.

So, the “when” is not cast in stone. But the longer it takes, the better. If you are of a mind that you say, “Well, too bad for them, if they’re creating something horrible, they must get what is horrible. I want my good outcome. I want my happy outcome and I want it right now!” Well, the bad news is, if that is your attitude, you’re actually creating from a place of duality. You’re creating victimisation. Your consciousness is probably lower than you think it is. And you probably need to be working on yourself, on your connection to the Divine and on your relationship to the other. But, more about that in a moment.

The subject of what will happen is also not cast in stone. It’s also not concretised. What will happen is still to be created. And, who creates it? You do! The higher your frequency of consciousness, the more powerfully you create. So, the deeply-victim conscious are creating less powerfully than the self-responsible and that’s a good thing! And the self-responsible are creating less powerfully than the unity-conscious. That is as it should be. Because the unity-conscious amongst you are those who truly create from a place of deep compassion and deep loving care for everybody. Amongst the unity-conscious you will not find the, “I’m OK, Jack, tough for you!” kind of an attitude that you certainly will amongst the more victim-conscious.

So, what will happen is not cast in stone. But there’s a range of possibility. The most deeply victim-conscious will need an experience that will allow them to let everybody else go from their consensus. Now, this is what I am saying: The Event is a moment when the consensus breaks down; when you are willing to let everybody else go. So, you need an experience where things that currently function in the world: media, the Internet, electronic communications, for a moment breaks down, for a moment is paused, so that you don’t know what is going on beyond your own eyesight, beyond your own earshot, you don’t know what is going on. Then you let the rest of the world go and you focus on your own experience. Well, The Event is very much about that. Letting the world go and focusing on your own experience, Creating what you’re creating and getting what you’re creating. If you are creating with great anger, with a lot of hatred, with a lot of fear, with a lot of rage, if these are the sponsors of your creation… then, you might find yourself having the kind of cataclysmic, apocalyptic experience of The Event that some fear it will be. If that is what you are creating, then that is what you might very well get. That is one way of letting the rest of the world go. Great disastrous experiences: World War III and comets crashing to the Earth and disease and mayhem. That’s one way of letting the world go. And, then what happens afterwards? Well, the consequences of that world that’s broken, where you try and pick up the pieces… that’s one possibility. That’s the low frequency possibility.

The high frequency possibility is very different. Those of you who are of unity-consciousness, those of you who can find the light of the Divine within yourselves and then also begin to see the light of the Divine in other human beings. Those of you might also be willing to start to see the light of the Divine in animals, in plants, in the planet. Those of you will be ready, perhaps, for a very joyful experience. Where perhaps the lightships that are currently holding quarantine around your planet can begin to appear in your consciousness, they can re-resonate to your frequency, or you can re-resonate to theirs. And you can see this grid of lightships around the planet. And this grid can, by virtue of its re-resonating to your frequency, will cause your electronic communications and your electrical items to cease functioning, temporarily, for a short while, so that you can really let go of the rest of the world and those ships can begin to drop to the Earth, like stars falling to the ground, they can drop and beings can emerge from those ships: some of them looking quite like you (we Pleadians look somewhat like humans) or they can look very different from you. There are members of other civilisations who are a part of the Galactic Federation who look very different from you. But, because you are of unity-consciousness, you can look with your heart and see the light of the Divine in that which steps forth from the ship. And you can engage, we can connect with you telepathically, you can engage personally and be reassured that all is well, that all is proceeding as it should. And a new world opens to you where your planetary civilisation is now a part of a greater galactic civilisation. That would certainly be quite a joyful future.

There are other possibilities between these two extremes, which you might be creating for yourself. So, what will happen, and what will happen afterwards, is not cast in stone. It is created by you, in concert with what is called the Planetary Council. The Planetary Council is a group of very high frequency beings, those who you might call Arc Angels, are at the core of your Planetary Council and other high frequency beings are there to assist the planet, to guide the planet to make sure that, even if you create from a place of very low frequency, that you are protected. There is a veto right that the Planetary Council has. But you, you are the creators. You will decide what will happen. What The Event will be for you, and what will happen afterwards will flow forth from that.

And that brings me to the final point: what should we be doing to prepare?

Really, the most important thing that you can do to prepare is to raise your frequency. To become conscious of where you are clinging onto victim-consciousness, to become conscious of where you are creating other-responsibly. To look into your own psyche, to look into your journey, to look into your past-lives, to look into the places in your childhood, where hurts happened, where you came to beliefs that you’re clinging onto that don’t serve you. To look at your hurts and to heal those hurts. That’s perhaps the most important thing you can do. Heal yourself. Heal your relationship with the Divine within yourself. Heal the relationship between the Divine being that you truly are and this ego-shell, this personality that you’re pretending to be, that you’re inhabiting for the duration of this lifetime. Heal these. Come to wholeness. Move your frequency of consciousness upwards that you might create more powerfully. That you might create more of what you really want and less of what you don’t want.

And then, in due course too, we will be speaking again of light circles. And since we can now speak candidly and truthfully about light circles, we can now make it clear that light circles really are the seeds that you can plant for the timelines that you wish to really be on. For The Event that you wish to experience and the future timelines that you wish to experience. But there now is no longer such pressing urgency to do so. We now have time because The Event is now delayed and the circumstances that previously caused us to have some urgency around getting those timeline seeds planted when Zingdad visited the USA, those events are now behind us, we can take the time.

So, my takeaway message really is: please don’t be of fear. There is no need to panic. Heal yourself, work on yourself. Raised your consciousness. Live the life you wish to live. There is time. The Event has been delayed. Work towards creating The Event that you wish to create for yourself. Work towards being the being that you wish to be.

And that, really, is what I wish to say today. There will, of course, be more, and I really strongly invite you, please don’t view this video in isolation (or read the transcript, or whatever it is that you’re doing!) Please go and have a look at the rest of the material that I have shared with Zingdad. Please go and have a look at the materials that Zingdad has released with his other friends, his other partners, with his own spirit guide and his Divine self. The Ascension Papers is a marvellous book which you can really use to understand yourself and your circumstances. All of this is available and gifted to you to assist you on your journey. And please do look to healing your own soul. That is the time that is available now for these things.

With that, I wish to say goodbye. I wish to express to you great love, great appreciation, great respect for where you are in your journey. Those of you who are starseeds, who are lightbringers, which is most of our audience. You are doing magnificent work. Continue to work upon yourself.

I love you with the heart of Oneness. I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleaidian civilisation. Until next time, I greet you.

Arcturian Message ~ April 22, 2019

Editor’s Note: Below is another “automatic writing” message from our Galactic cousins and again, came to me as I blogged after work. This is a message from the Arcturians which all should read, digest, keep your eyes to the skies, and be…



Dearest Beloveds,

We are Arcturians coming to you with a message of love. We know and see the increas of violence and turmoil on your world and wish to tell you of the hope, joy , and abundance that is soon to be revealed.

How will this promise come to you? Your yearning for positive change has been accompanied by your strong belief and unwavering positive thoughts which have been strong enough to raise the vibrational rate of the collective human consciousness of humanity. This rise in the overall vibratory rate of BEing are indeed a sign of your ability to BE another way.

This is significant…humans ARE ready to evolve into a higher form of consciousness which is indeed another way of BEing. The explosion of love experienced by Earth and humanity will then ripple throughout to wherever life IS causing all life to evolve further in their own level of consciousness as well. This is why many have gathered ti witness the grand finale of this human experiment which has been a tremendous success! No type of failure can be defined by any help you have received during this experiment as the odds of overcoming tremendous forces of dark are only justly deserved by you.

To reiterate, positive change will be made known to you soon. We suggest keeping sight of activities in your skies which will announce the arrival of positive change. Continue to be of good cheer as the Earth’s and humanity’s battle to spiritually evolve as been won. We will be with you soon as you have earned your evolution, the rise in your vibratory rate you have struggled for.

The Arcturians

Master Djwhal Khul ~ Message for The Super Blood Blue Moon ~ Feb. 1, 2018

Posted by sananda website, 02/01/2018

By Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Master Djwhal Khul ~ Message for The Super Blood Blue Moon

Greetings with Love and Transformation for this moon cycle. I am Master Djwhal Khul ready to express to you the importance of this cycle within the planetary level of existence.

As we have arrived within 2018, it brings with it an increased sense of grand evolution to the planet. The vibratory rate is changing through the hemisphere, and it is important for every soul to step forward into the next stage of their evolution.

What happens with this energetic push is that the electrons coming into Gaia, are pushing every individual to speak up to their Highest Self in order to allow the transformation to occur for them individually, and then collectively within their own world.

Now this is different for every soul because each person is on their own timetable of acceleration. It may seem that many are not on the elevated course of movement, but they truly are doing so even if they are very unaware of it. Elements will arise within each individual soul to help them acknowledge a new and different part of themselves. It is up to their physical self within the four-body system of how they are going to acknowledge it in their own consciousness. Some may not accept the change and others will be resistant while some will be very accepting of what needs to occur for them.

This process usually occurs on the Innerplane levels through the sleep state, but it can happen through being in silence, like sitting in nature and reflecting on the sounds and energies around them. For those that are more aware it will happen in meditations and reflections of what they have been and start to see a change. Unfortunately, there will be many that will not accept these energies so there can be some very cataclysmic events that will occur. Your role is to allow the increase vibrancy of light to come within you and not worry about anyone else through the process.

My role presently is to help each of you that are listening in this moment to the pulses within your Heart Center and to assist you to realize that the change is not detrimental to your bodily influences. It is actually helping to the be aware of the nuances of the increased rate of vibration that is occurring within you.

That is exactly what this cycle of January 31st is doing for every soul upon this planet. It is a moment of increased energy to help an individual to realize within them what needs to be changed. This process can be riddled with great fear as many individuals may think they don’t need to change or they push themselves away from it.

It represents FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN and every Initiate has had this feeling within them. As a specieis, you are programmed to have to know everything that is going to happen to you, analyzing it from your Lower Mind, and then saying, “It’s going to be okay.” But yet, that is the wrong way of accepting your new reality.

My suggestion through this cycle is to allow yourself to flow with the energies. See what is coming up within your meditations, your awakened state after sleep, and the thoughts that you have within yourself. Are they the same as before? Probably, not, and that is a very good thing.

Understand who you were six months ago during the Eclipses of 2017 ~ and what has transpired for you after those cycles. Make a list of how you were reacting and what is happening for you presently. Get to know the difference from the Old Self into the New Self. This is how you are going to understand the transition that you are going through.

Then, utilize the Rays of God as shown above in your meditations; work with the flames to come into your full body system (physical – etheric – emotional – mental). Start to allow them to just become part of your reality. Then, afterwards notice the slight differences that are occurring for you. What is changing and how rapid is it? Is it too fast? Then ask your Higher Self to assist you to slow it down so your body does not become overloaded with the energies. Work with the Ray Chohans of each flame to assist you in meditation and your sleep state.

Utilizing these tools will help you tremendously to accept the new pathway that your Higher Self desires you to step into with Ease and Grace.

Take time to truly feel the energies and the beauty of acceleration that is becoming You.

In the Light of the Christ, I AM Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden


Q Confirmation By SecDef Mattis ~ Dec. 25, 2017

Yippee! Way to go! Bring it on! This quick video from retired Lt. Col. Roy Potter gives us his opinion that that game to bring down the Cabal is “on”. Confirmation has been given by the DoD (Department of Defense) via the tweet of the same picture used by “Q” last night, the picture of Washington crossing the Delaware. (Please see a copy of this picture below)

It is widely felt that the Emergency Executive order made by Trump (Mass Arrest Update — Trump Executive Order To Freeze Financial Accounts of Human Traffickers ~ Dec. 24, 2017 was the first blow against the cabal that will end their tyrannic rule of negativity on our planet and thereby allow humanity to raise our vibratory rate literally lifting us up into the heavens. Just sayin…:)

Evidently, great pressure is being applied to one of the main forces used to propagate both evil and keep negative vibrations at a high on Planet Earth. Why? I think it is clear that negative vibrations (I can’t pay my bills, no one loves me, my life is the pits) is the “breadstuff” fed on by negative spiritual entities…they can’t live without it! Maybe the episode of Star Trek (Day of the Dove) wasn’t too far off after all? Take a look at this episode  on YouTube and decide…

Please join me in celebration of Victory for the Light, but I AM also extremely wary of the “last” battle tactics to be used by this angry, cornered beast…the Cabal/Illuminati. Will we see a false “alien invasion”? If so, I intend to use the best barometer of truth I have…my heart! After the drama of the false “alien show” is over…how does it feel, good or bad?

So, please listen to this message, know Who You Are, intend nothing but the best for yourself, and…
