Growing Instability From Greater Higher Light Energies ~ November 2, 2018

I’ve hesitated writing about this latest side effect unpleasantness now while such positive November 2018 triple 11 energies and incoming NEW Angelic level codes are upon us all, and to be Embodied by those able to do so. However, these positive energies will further push other people into greater mental, emotional and physical instability if they’re not prepared to cope with these latest NEW energies. For those who are living the Embodiment Process now, these energies are just another layer and aspect of it all, but as we Embody these November 2018 and beyond NEW codes, that too will further push some people into greater instability.

So, as we continue the Embodiment Process and go through more evolutionary changes in our selves and physical bodies, consciousness and all else, so too will mass humanity be forced to evolve more and quickly as these NEW codes and Light energies arrive in this dimension and ascending Earth worlds. And as if that weren’t enough, November 2018 is the mid-term elections here and that too will add to the upheavals, chaos, hatred, negativity and dying of the old negative patriarchy and global patriarchal consciousness. The Separation of Worlds escalates greatly this month. Hold the higher in yourself and be the higher that you are and continue becoming by Embodying more and more of it each month, each year, each decade.

Over the past six months or so of 2018, I’ve witnessed more and more people around me getting increasingly unstable in different ways. A few times I’ve watched my mailman stop at my mailbox and put up the red flag (informing him that there’s outgoing mail he needs to collect from my mailbox) and quickly drive away. He didn’t even open my mailbox to get my outgoing mail, nor did he deliver any mail, he just put the red flag up and quickly drove away. Different mailmen have delivered the wrong mail to me and other people and other such mess ups this year. Different UPS and Fed-Ex drivers have delivered certain large boxed packages to me, that I’ve paid plenty for in shipping costs, only to have them throw them and/or flip them from edge to edge to edge instead of picking them up and carrying them. I’ve stood there watching these guys abuse my packages, some of which were broken, dented, shattered or scraped when I unpacked them and I had to repack and return them myself. I paid hefty Shipping costs for this?! Typical lower frequency crap and I’m so done with it and that level of consciousness.

The people doing my paychecks have gotten them wrong lately. Some handymen have just messed up jobs like they weren’t paying any attention at all. Some cashiers have made mistakes with money exchanges this year. Some phone refund people have also made mistakes with returns/refunds and removing the charge from my credit card and on and on. Mercury hasn’t been retrograde recently, people are just having a harder time living, working and functioning in these increasingly intense higher frequency Light energies and more Embodiers Embodying them which further accelerates the entire Ascension Process on Earth and beyond. This has been very noticeable this year in more people. Those of us who’ve been through changes like this years and decades before know very well how hard it is to suddenly find your mind not capable of focusing and remaining focused on something, anything, and how difficult physical earthly life can be because of it. We know but they do not, and as November 2018 (11-11-11 energies and Angelic codes) arrive, we’re going to see more of them not coping so well with these latest NEW energies and related changes in this and other countries.

Just do what you’ve done all along which is live the Ascension Process and your personal ongoing Embodiment Process, embody the NEW Light and codes, Consciously Create the NEW Earth, hold these higher frequency energies and continue being changed yourself which automatically further changes the external world(s). Yes the chaos will increase but it’s doing so because you and I have been and continue Embodying and the Separation of Worlds (bifurcation) accelerates greatly. Many believe that LOVE (in caps I mean) is warm and fuzzy when in fact it’s often so intense it seems brutal and heartless to the unaware. LOVE (in caps I mean) is Divine creativity, Divine creation and we’re very much in this now. Walk through the triple 11-11-11 energies of November 2018; Embody the November NEW Angelic codes; let the mid-term elections and post dramas and BS unfold and continue holding higher all along. Be the Light, radiate the Light, Wayshow with your constantly expanding NEW Light and let the rest fall where it may. ❤

November 2, 2018

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