LoveHasWon Astrology Update~New Moon in Libra: Justice Will Be Served ~ October 7, 2018

By Archeia Aurora

The New Moon in Libra will occur on October 8th, 2018 at 15 degrees Libra. The Sun and Mercury will also be in Libra, anchoring in the energies of love, unity, beauty, and art. As an air sign, Libras are intellectual, brilliant, and social. They blow with the wind and spread their love to all without restraint. The flip side of Libra is that they can be flighty, indecisive, and non-committal due to their airy nature. 

This New Moon however will have intensity as Jupiter and Venus Rx are stationed in Scorpio and Pluto and Saturn are now direct in Capricorn. The Moon will conjunct the asteroid Ceres, quincunx Neptune, and square Pluto. In mythology, Pluto stole Ceres’ daughter and took her to the underworld. Eventually, an agreement was worked out between the two for Ceres to see her daughter. While her daughter was away, all of the crops would die and only return to healthy blooms once she returned. This was the myth behind the seasons of harvest. It is very symbolic that these two are both making aspects to this New Moon.

As the New Moon conjuncts Ceres, ruler of nurturing and harvest, mother issues will come into play, as well as family ties and bonds. Ceres was an independent mother, so the themes around feminine independence and strength will be highlighted. This is perfectly aligned with the release of balanced harmonics on the planet which will return the divine feminine to their rightful place. Issues around crops, natural resources, and the environment will also come to the forefront, and how we have raped and destroyed our Mother Earth. There will be consequences to pay for what Humanity has done to their Mother. 

We should also feel more compassionate and nurturing around this time, as Ceres is the ultimate nurturer and caregiver. As we move into the final moments of ascension, we must be compassionate with those around us who are not prepared for these events. Unconditional love will be the key, especially with ourselves.

New Moon Quincunx Neptune

As the Sun and Moon will be quincunx Neptune in Pisces, spirituality and concepts of something bigger than ourselves will begin to penetrate the collective consciousness. This is the time when humanity will begin to awaken to the fact that they have been living in illusion (Neptune). Many will fall into victim consciousness, which is a common theme of Neptune. If we can tap into the magic of this aspect, we will begin to expand our consciousness in ways that were not previously possible. Mom has paved the way for all to become their higher selves and this Moon is perfect to begin integrating that. 

Neptune also represents poisons and toxins, and with the aspect to Ceres, we will likely see the issues surrounding the poisoning of our food and water become a hot topic. We have completely pillaged Mother Earth of her resources and poisoned our own ecosystem. Karma has now been fully released and all must come back into balance, with integrity. 

New Moon Square Pluto

Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio and he is a ruthless teacher. Pluto has just gone direct in Capricorn early this month, and coincides with all karma being released. Pluto transforms by way of destruction, and teaches the most difficult of lessons. Humanity has now manifested for themselves a very rude awakening, as they have denied Mothergod and refused to embody love. This Moon will bring fated events and karmic occurrences, as now is the time for humanity to reap what they have sown. 

Issues of power, control, and manipulation will need to be faced as these cannot enter the new paradigm. We must release these urges and embrace the beautiful energy of Libra who favors cooperation, partnerships, and justice. Many will be unable to handle the intensity of these energies and may seek to power-over you. Now is the time to stand up and take your power back and be the warriors of light we agreed to be. 

All remaining fears will have to be faced head on in order to realize that the fear itself is the only thing keeping us feeling stuck or hopeless. Let everything go and release attachments to everyone and everything. Those that attempt to hold on tighter will experience the severity of this New Moon, while others will experience growth and expansion like never before. 


This New Moon is the beginning of a new cycle that harnesses the energy of Libra and the new paradigm. Libras always see the other’s side and can walk in their shoes. This gives them great compassion and understanding. Most of humanity is living in the mind, projecting their hurt and pain onto others and in constant judgment and superiority. This New Moon will bring swift transformation as it will rip away all that you have been holding onto that is EGO. Pluto does not care about what you want or don’t want, it’s purpose is to teach you the hard lessons that you need. Embrace, accept and allow all that occurs around this New Moon and set your intention to be in full surrender to love and the divine will. With the conjunction to Ceres, it is now our time to stand up and help Mom take her planet back into heaven on Earth, the Garden of Eden, and restore it to its original purity. 

After the karmic events take place and humanity begins to awaken to the illusion they have all been living in, we will enter the beginning of the new paradigm of love everywhere present, and all the energies of Libra-beauty, balance, justice, integrity, divine intelligence, and unity consciousness. 

As Mom prepares to ascend we prepare for the world to experience drastic change. New Earth is here. Love everywhere present is here. Justice will be served and Mom will get her planet back. LOVEHASWON!


Integrate and Ignite ~ August 28, 2018

Dearest Hearts,


After the most intimate, intense, back-to-back exchange (since 1991) with eclipses, planets, star systems, gateways, Diamond Light codes, Royal Lion codes, and The Ray of Gods Will streaming into our DNA through the Great Central Sun … we, for the most part are physically spent and absent of reference points as we put both feet and full hearts this month into a New Spiral of our Human Evolution.

The relief on one hand is undeniable. On the other, reconciling the separation completely from our former selves in order to integrate and ignite with clarity and Self-Honoring everything that has been given… no small feat. For although everything we have just been through was for the ALL…simultaneously it was very personal.

During the Lions Gate event there was one point as we stood in the Diamond Heart Center of The Great Central Sun that we were ‘told’ we were each being given a specific transmission on how to work personally with the incoming codes and energies to bring our true selves to Life…(to be interpreted by each one later.)

Whether you were physically present or not the same holds true. Each of us knows which fragments remain needing to be compassionately left (not focused on,) to die peacefully…freeing you to experience the whole of your miraculous Life on a sacred New Earth.

Your Greater Reality

The Royal Lion Beings made it a point to say (in part):Your New Earth will act as a model for the exodus of consciousness from the Earth’s magnetic fields of duality into multi-dimensional, multi-versal consciousness of unity, infinity and love. It is to be agreed upon by each prior to your passage unto it that you be in service to this Holy land and all life upon it and beneath it with strength, bravery, unity and infinity consciousness, and One Cooperative Heart.

The Sirian Masters said (in part): Passing into new life you will find it necessary, non-negotiable, and a relief to collapse and forfeit certain aspects of your personal current timeline, enabling you to harmonize with humanity’s new spiral of evolution, intercepting with many other dimensions of advanced intelligence and love.

In place of what you forfeit you will gain what cannot be collapsed nor interfered with: love of all and for all, self-government, integrity, inner strength, clarity, peace, creativity, wisdom of the ages, and knowledge and interaction with your eternal existence, each being foundational to your personal quantum reality and creation of a new world formed from the substance of your consciousness.

All of the above being emphasized to assure your (Our) greatest relationship and priority during these next couple of months leading up to the 11:11 Doorway is integration of our highly activated, empowered True Selves and ignition of creativity and integrity of being within your/our own body of matter.

In Your Sacred Heart Is A New Octave of Yourself

In your body lies your time-coded Immaculate Concept for your New Divine Human Blueprint…New Soul Mission…New Octave of Yourself.

A magnificent grid of Light and sacred geometry within your sacred heart has kept if safe until your vibrational field was ripe for its unfathomable perfection to be revealed.

It is destined to play itself out piece by piece through integration, direct connection and relationship with the sacred acceleration codes and activations that in great part also came from your Soul, Oversoul and I Am Presence penetrating deeply into your being.

It stabilizes through consistent and congruent thought, word, choice and activity.

And, it comes fully alive through the ignition of internal harmony, unity, joy, peace, trust, Love and Of One Self.

Each unfolding layer then immerses you into the Heart of who you are now and joyfully unites you with your physical God Presence.

None of this is meant to be laborious. It is meant to be joyful, enticing, revelatory, mystical, energizing and empowering.

It is meant for you to have a hand, a heart and a clear say in your Creation… in your Life…in your Reality… and your Earth. And, as a commitment to Love… to leave all of your made-up, exhausted, dense-self behind…before the rest unceremoniously shatters.

The Transcripts To Assist

To further assist in this integration and ignition process that will also prepare you then for the next big event, the 11-11 Doorway which Archangel Metatron said, entails a leap into freedom achieved only by embodying one’s full God Presence before anyone passes through the Doorway…I am offering the transcripts of two events as specifically guided… The Lions Gate and Honoring The Sacred-Honoring You. Each are sacred activations at the highest levels and sacred text.

This is the first time I have offered transcriptions of any globally channeled, highly encoded, transcendent event.

Reading the spoken words and receiving the encodements, wisdom and activations at your pace brings deeper alignment and integration with what was given and by whom throughout both events… with codes meant to be interpreted through your body… with your feelings and awareness of your New Soul Purpose… your heightened value and worth…your personal New Spiral of Evolution and the very reason you came to Earth.

Reading the spoken words and receiving the encodements, wisdom and activations at your pace brings deeper alignment and integration with what was given and by whom throughout both events… with codes meant to be interpreted through your body… with your feelings and awareness of your New Soul Purpose… your heightened value and worth…your personal New Spiral of Evolution and the very reason you came to Earth.

These transcripts are sacred texts to be used daily to raise your frequency, open your heart, expand your lightbody, unite with your God Presence and fully IGNITE your passion to create your New Reality and build the New World you carry within you.

*By definition integrate means to combine one thing with another so they become whole.

*By definition ignite means to inflame or arouse. (Definitions by Merriam-Webster.)

May these sacred transcripts (link below) bless you with a mystical conversion each time they are read.

Know you are loved!

Power of the Goddess ~ Feb. 18, 2018

This is such an important article for me to read because it infers to the message I have been reading about Gnostic beliefs. Because my study of Gnostic beliefs is so new to me, reading this information offered by Cobra is quite, um…confirmatory in it’s nature for Gnostic beliefs.

Extremely interesting and, of course…quite synchronistic in it’s timing. You may want to check Gnostic beliefs for yourself. So…please read this article, be sure to explore the various links in Cobra’s article, and…


As we have now entered the termination phase of the planetary liberation process, it is of the utmost importance to connect with the feminine Goddess presence and nurture qualities of love, compassion and tenderness to stabilize the transition and counteract the cruelty so prevalent on the surface of the planet:

People on the surface of the planet have been programmed to believe that being soft and caring for other sentient beings is a weakness. This programming has originated from the Archons, then distributed through Jesuit and Illuminati networks and then through the mainstream media to the surface population through the meme of “survival of the fittest”.

This meme was spread among the surface population to suppress the caring energy of the Goddess, which is the energy the dark forces fear the most:

Now it is time for us to understand that caring, loving, soft energy is the energy that will ultimately transform our planet and assist the Light Forces in removing all darkness from the planet. Being soft is NOT a weakness, it is ultimate power:

It is also time now for all women to support and express the caring part of their Soul, anchor that energy in the planetary energy grid and connect with other sisters in Sisterhood of the Rose:

Or in global sisterhood:

It is very important for the planetary liberation that as many people as possible to do the following two Goddess meditations as often as possible:

Goddess Vortex meditation

1. Lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise

2. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow colored stars scattered within that pillar of Light

3. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise

4. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa (eee is pronounced as e in “America” and NOT as e in “Venus”, and a is pronounced as a in “America”) so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, dolphins, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light.

5. Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while.

Return of the Goddess meditation

1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.

2. Visualize a pillar of pink Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes. Then visualize a loving feminine presence in the shape of a beautiful Goddess descending from the sky and entering your physical body. This presence will harmonize your inner woman and make you more loving. Stay united with that presence for a while.

3. Visualize bright new spiritual future for humanity, with men and women in perfect understanding, with our society growing beyond need for wars and conflicts as all dark entities, physical and non-physical, are removed from our planet. Visualize all wounds of humanity being healed, all humanity being inspired and guided with everybody having their own connection with their own Soul and the Source in perfect balance of their inner male and female aspects.

Please do this visualization as instructed and do not change it as otherwise it will not have the desired effect.

The divine masculine presence (the Hero) in each of us needs to be activated also. The Hero is a warrior that moves beyond revenge and powerless anger into full fierce power of methodically removing the darkness in order to protect everything that is sacred and beautiful, to protect all children, women and men that can not defend themselves against the cruelty of darkness so prevalent on the surface of the planet.

Long time ago, the weapons of the Hero were the sword and the pen. Now, the weapons are his one-pointed mind, the scalar protection devices and computer keyboard. And Mjolnir:

The Hero understands that all suffering on this planet is artificially engineered. He understands that he can not force his fellow humans to awaken, as they have retreated into their Islands of Sanity (beer and football) to avoid facing the too cruel reality of Draco occupation of the planet with all horrendous child abuse and untold suffering, as it was precisely described here by Benjamin Fulford’s reader AHZ:

It is time now for each of us to unite the Goddess and Hero archetypes inside, become whole and stop fighting with each other, and unify in this last stage of planetary liberation process:

At this point I have not received clearance to release any intel about the planetary situation, and when I will be able to release it, I will.

Until then, I leave you with this video:

Victory of the Light!


Lisa Transcendence Brown has written another beautiful article keeping us aware of how it is that each of will reach a point where our intent becomes almost an unconscious drive to honor LOVE, INSPIRATION, AND UNITY.

You see, it is inherent for each of us to go into the depths of our hearts and dredge up darkness and 3D living we may still hold in our hearts. So…please read this article, think about your heart (only YOU can do this), and…



by Lisa Transcendance Brown, published on Awakening to Remembering Newsletter, on December 9, 2017


Aloha Divine Presence in a body/form,So many are SURPRISED at how DEEP this is taking them, “thinking” all of “that” was resolved, all of “that” was gone… not even aware “any of that” was buried/deeply hidden, suppressed somewhere inside… and “struggling” to deal/handle it all, as there’s no controlling anything when our hearts FINALLY OPEN UP and the floodgates open…

The beauty is we don’t need to control it. We learn how to flow with it, how to honor it and how to move through it all/process it all quicker and easier… every time “more” emerges/becomes visible/comes up for cleansing the cellular body template. Control was the way of the old. Honoring ourselves is the way of the “new”. Loving ourselves (and each other) is too. Respect on a deeper level, kindness on a deeper level, consideration on a deeper level and unity on a deeper level, these are too. Yet, before, we didn’t have this capability, to go to these DEPTHS, because there was so much human conditioning/programming “in the way”. So much we held onto out of fear and lack, yet with each blast of light, with each cosmic wave of love that floods our atmosphere, planet and bodies, that all changes.

Inner dimensions/planes first. We nurture these, we connect from deep within, we surround ourselves with all things LOVE, INSPIRATION and that which supports and brings MORE UNITY through for all of us. Why, because it’s so easy IF we do.

As we do, we start to awaken, excited and ready to embrace a new day. Inspired and creativity are our focus and how we contribute and make a difference here. Every day, we touch all as LOVE, every exchange we are THE LIGHT, every moment is an OPPORTUNITY, if we see it this way and we greet all without human limits and conditions of “how” we are willing to be a part of NEW EARTH. That is a human ego limit too.

When I was coming through the years of “learning” to understand, “learning” how all worked, REMEMBERING all as LOVE and shifting my entire reality from separation (ego) to unity (love), I had to INTENTIONALLY focus my energy on HOW I SHOWED UP every day to fulfill my own SOUL purposes and roles here. I had to “learn” how to let go of my own human “want something” in exchange and just show up. I had to be the ANGEL in form, supporting others as love, spending the day with the homeless, feeding them, listening to them, loving them, driving them to hospitals, giving them “my last money” to achieve THE FEELING that would IGNITE MY OWN DESIRE to contribute/make a difference more. Until I was able to HOLD THIS FEELING all of the time, I had to do this, every day, to “learn” to understand, one of the reasons why we chose form on this physical earth.

Then I found events that were touching others lives, and I volunteered to help out. I’d wash dishes and wait on those in attendance that “needed” to be in loving atmospheres to FEEL what COMMUNITY and kindness, happiness and sharing was. I’d work the door, collecting donations, I’d support the one holding the events in any way that I could. I was not in any need. I had enough for my needs to be met on a daily basis and while not physically abundant in other’s eyes, I was fully abundant INSIDE. I lived in such PEACE, GRATITUDE and APPRECIATION, in every moment. I saw the GIFT in all and I TREATED all as a GIFT in return. I learned to RESPECT OTHER’S ENERGY, being GENEROUS every time I experienced someone doing for others, using their gifts/natural abilities, to HONOR, RESPECT, RECOGNIZE and show APPRECIATION for them. It’s important that we all do this. I do it every day, in every exchange. I’m present and connected with each that I come into contact with. Because this is how WE LIVE.

At first, I used everything I had to support others, I learned to share. Then when I “proved myself”, that I had dissolved those ego aspects of myself and could live in UNITY and understood “why” we had “things”, then I “got more”. Because I could be “trusted” (human aspect), not to separate off anymore. I learned to USE things to support all in my reality and then 1/2 of everything went to others for quite awhile, until I could “learn” how USING RESOURCES were to support us all, not just for “our selves”. I found others who had less and I donated to support, I fed those that I met that could use a free meal, I did free speaking events, taught free classes, donated cases of books to assist with awakening more, because it SUPPORTED THE WHOLE. The bigger picture. For what we do is for us all.

I charged to keep balance in the amount that I did for free. To raise the money to pay those working, to create a space for me to work-in-service and those who stepped forth to assist/support me, as well as those SOUL family/STAR family members that came into my reality naturally that I had the opportunity to assist on a more personal level, to strengthen our NEW EARTH GRIDWORK here. I still do, however is appropriate, because it’s HOW WE LIVE OUR LIVES….

Everything we do/are is contributory to THE BIGGER PICTURE and we don’t go unconscious or forget this. We REMEMBER in every way and we HOLD UNITY LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS from our CORE.

First, I had to “learn” to get up every day and FOCUS MY OWN ENERGY on accomplishing, contributing and integrating constantly, how to maneuver infinite dimensions simultaneously and tune every one of them to the highest vibration myself. I had to CLIMB THAT MOUNTAIN and overcome my own human’ness, my own lack and the lack of those all around me that insisted on holding onto the OLD WAYS STILL and then I had to finally choose to MOVE ON and KEEP MOVING ON, into higher vibrational/dimensional timelines by holding/anchoring those constantly here. As a Gatekeeper & Gridkeeper, our roles mean we won’t COMPROMISE in any way, yet we can hold the highest in place and allow those all around to STEP UP and STEP FORTH (materialize) into our physical reality to support us in CREATING MORE together and individually too. We don’t have to compromise our realities, when we all work together as LOVE. ♥

This photo is a beautiful depiction of the many ways we experience everything. Climbing those Mountains and FLOWING as a SOUL. The Light Encoded SOLaris, the water, the heights that we achieve as we OVERCOME all of our own human’ness/programming from within ourselves. PEACE is restored, clarity is restored, unity is restored AS we CHOOSE to identify our own separation/ego programs that kept us separated off before. These create the limits that we face daily, until we SEE them within ourselves. AS WE REAL-EYES where we held limits, conditions and were not ready to fully be open, not ready to fully come together and VOLUNTEER to support, not fully ready to JUMP IN and get our hands dirty (yep, we gotta) and do whatever we could to make a difference, then we are not quite ready yet… and this becomes our own limits here.

Every day, we are faced with choices, challenges and opporUNITY, a multitude of them …. in order to dissolve our own ego/separation/unconsciousness and UNIFY inside so that OUT THERE THIS CAN OCCUR TOO…. yet where we are not ready yet, where we hold back, where we let our head get in the way, where we keep the old stories/excuses/timelines going, then these become our EXPERIENCES here.

This PASSAGEWAY IS HUGE…. On November 28th we activated between 60-80 new StarGate Codes, which is so far beyond what we’ve ever achieved before. Every day since, more codes, more to synchronize, more being aligned in the most beneficial and necessary ways for us all. This 12/12 Gateway Opening, that can begin any moment now (usually 2-3 days prior here), it begins the next phase of RE-ALIGNING REALITIES through showing each what is not in alignment, while opening up more to be visible, more to be available and more to be possible too. Each’s action/non-action/vibration dictates, each’s hesitation, each’s “going for it”, each’s “git’r’done” energy does too. Yet, where we COME FROM MATTERS…. because if we come from lack/separation then the “outcome” is a RESULT of this. If we come from FULLY UNIFICATION – INSIDE AND OUTSIDE – then ALIGNMENT IS EASY…

We must align the inside and the outside and TUNE ALL TO THE HIGHEST VIBRATION… in EVERY MOMENT, not just when it suits us or when we are seeking, because eventually, you stop seeking and you BEcome the ONE, you become ALL again. As you BEcome this, then you are the one that is the Light, you are the ONE that shows the way (WayShower) through your actions and your words. You are the one STEPPING UP and showing up and transmitting out a frequency to connect with others doing this too!

NEW EARTH is where we UNITE as LOVE, as the ONES, the WAYSHOWERS who are READY to hold the highest everything together here. Yet we have to ACHIEVE this within ourselves in order to call forth those COLLECTIVE REALITIES here.

Everyone of us have the CAPABILITY to achieve ONENESS, WHOLENESS and PURITY in how we live our lives. Everyone of us have a multitude of OPPORTUNITIES to do this, when we are truly OPEN to stepping into our highest roles here. Every ONE of us are only limited by that which we keep bringing forth, maintaining, holding onto from INSIDE, that represents a fear/judgment/lack mentality program that we did not know we were transmitting/running before. Each one of us have the capABILITY to CHOOSE. The more human (ego), the more we “wait” for timeline collapses to occur to PUSH us into releasing all of that and embracing the unknown (yet it is known deep deep deep inside). WE don’t need to be PUSHED anymore, we get it. WE just STEP UP…. and we come together, while human aspects separate off, so that they can see how SEPARATION plays out in the EXTERNAL…. so that they can choose unity-love from deep inside too.

On December 19th/20th (linear time for reference point only), Saturn RETURNS HOME in CAPRICORN. Talk about a game changer for us all. Previously was “school” and this is “graduation” for many, as all is stepped up huge for the next 3 years, where our “house” is under “NEW RULE”.  Being a Cap, this is EXCITING, because of how this correlates to all. Yet, this means huge changes, so all have to be on-board and ready for NEW, ready to unity, ready to SHIFT ALL REALITIES INTO A MUCH HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS ONE, as the old cannot come forth… these Gateways are Vibrational, so the “lower” vibrations can’t PASS THROUGH… these vortexes that we travel through might not be visible to many, yet they are VERY REAL.

Stargates and passageways become a “new way of living” for multi-dimensionals on a physical plane of existence. Everything is an initiation (test) in order to “cross over” or “pass through” to “arrive” in/on a higher dimensional plane of existence, a higher timeline and collectively this has expanded exponentially, so keep looking for that which represents change/new, keep seeing “how all things come to be”, keep focused on what you are CREATING with your ENERGY, your thoughts, your actions, your offerings/contributions, your reSOURCEs, your everything…. because every little bit matters. ♥

I love you!!!!! I invite you to JUMP with us constantly and UNITE in more ways now too. I invite you to GET CREATIVE ON HOW, because you RECEIVE based upon how you transmit out. Expand beyond your linear mind and GO QUANTUM, dissolving all cords of attachment to anything at all. What do care where/how all comes forth, as long as it does? And it will if you are putting in the dedicated work on a daily basis, however this is appropriate/presents. If you sit around “waiting”, it takes longer to receive, unless you are upgrading/integrating/honoring your body for the “work” that it needs to do on a cellular level to vibrate into higher dimensional timelines physically. The rest of the time, we are active, in every way, in ways that count. Small things “grow” into bigger things. Re-birthing ourselves, we do start at the bottom again, learning all new ways and “growing up” to become our highest aspects EMBODIED in physical form here. This is a process, a gazillion of them, that cycle through continual processes too. Recognize the PORTALS you are to open yourself and those that open up for you to COMMIT and JUMP. Sometimes they are soft and subtle, sometimes the opposite. When you “take them all”, you’ll be plenty busy and you won’t have “time” to live in lack or procrastinate or say “no” to opportunity as it presents. You’ll be busy anchoring all new realities in the physical individually and together too! It’s kind of awesome! ♥

This month I am “randomly” supporting & contributing, while I accomplish in huge ways in the physical on a daily basis (as usual) too, as a Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper here. Newsletters, writings, videos as I am able to get these out for all to support, inspire and share light encoded intelligence/knowledge as appropriate too! I’m working to provide more by way of new opportunities for those ready to embrace on all new levels in 2018 too. In the meantime, there are a multitude of resources/tools already offered. Utilize these and I’ll announce more as we go. ♥

p.s. There’s no one to “do this for you”. Our human loves to “think” we are incapable and can’t. It “stops” at hurdles and obstacles, not realizing they are there for a reason. It’s a part of our EXPANSION PROCESS here. If it’s important, you’ll find a way. You won’t believe the old constructs anymore. You’ll bring them down yourself from inside and build new ones. This is just a part of how we CREATE more NEW Earth REALities to EXPERIENCE here. We make them up ourselves…. :) Gotta get creative and break out of those linear boxes though! ♥

Numerology & Spiritual Significance of November 2017 ~ Oct. 31, 2017

By Tanaaz

November is a highly sacred month in numerology and is considered one of the most meaningful points of the year.

This is because November is a number 11 month and in numerology, 11 holds the sacred vibration of creativity, oneness and higher consciousness.

In 2017, this energy is going to be further amplified seeing as it is a number 1 year, with the most significant dates being November 1, 10, 11, 28 and 29.

To understand why 11 is so powerful and sacred in numerology, it is important to look at the symbolism for the number 1 first.

Numerology of Number 1

1 represents unity and oneness. We are all connected and we are all one, and the energy of number 1 reminds us of this. Number 1 also represents new beginnings and fresh starts- it symbolizes the creative process as we take that first step in a new direction.

11 is such a powerful number because it amplifies this number 1 energy and adds to it. This energy is further amplified and becomes even more potent when we have 111 or 1111.

11, 111 and 1111 also signify feelings of oneness and connection. They signify an awakening to wholeness and a rising in consciousness to more heightened states of awareness.

11, 111 and 1111 are also connected to the Divine realms, and signify that your angels and guides are supporting you.

When you see these number patterns, it is also often a sign that you are heading in the right direction, and aligned with where you are meant to be going.

These number patterns can also signify the opening of new dimensions or states of awareness.

For example, in Pagan times the ritual of Samhain (which is now celebrated as Halloween) falls on November 1st. It is believed that in the darkest hours of the morning on 1/11, the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest.

This belief is partly linked to numerology, as the date of 111 signifies the three dimensions- the Lower World, Earth and the Upper World. It was believed that on this date, beings could travel freely across all dimensions.

While 111 and 1111 can represent doorways into other portals or dimensions, these number patterns are often associated with angelic realms and places of higher consciousness.

Out of all the days in the month, November 11 is going to hold the most potent vibration, as the date 11/11/1, amplifies number 1 energy five times. This is a highly creative energy and the perfect time to think about what you want to manifest into your life.

Due to the high vibration of this day, you are also more likely to create and manifest things in your life that are aligned with your soul and your highest path.

Spiritual Significance of November

The entire vibration of November is going to be guiding all of us to awaken to higher levels so we can feel connected aligned with our purpose.

No matter what life deals your way, we all have the power to co-create and be active participants in our reality. We may not have all the control, but we can definitely control how we choose to react to things.

We can all use the energy on offer to us in November to help us co-create the life that we truly want to lead.

We can all use this energy to bring in more love, abundance and gratitude, all we need to do is start focusing our attention on what we want, rather than what we don’t want.

This powerful manifestation energy will continue into next year as well, as 2018 is also a number 11 year.

This means that you can use the energy of November 2017 to begin manifesting and setting intentions for the year ahead too.
