To Have OR Not To Have….. ~ Nov. 17, 2016


This is too good to pass up! More words of wisdom for us on our spiritual journey. So…please pay attention (including ME), apply this to your BEing process and…


What you focus on grows.  This is a law of the universe.  This is meant to
teach us to use our focus (thought) wisely.  I believe that we will have many
learning experiences to come – we are just “cosmic infants” in the big

One critical distinction we are meant to learn in this “reality” is between an
essence (light, heat, good, abundance) and an absence (darkness, cold,
bad, poverty). 

Essences have a positive reality and a vibrational level.  Absences don’t
exist as “things”, they are only a lack of the essence.

If you focus on an essence, it will grow.  If you focus on an absence (a lack of
something), that lack or absence will also grow in your life.

Desire the essence,