Initiation of the 2020 Gateway: Freedom and the New ~ June 14, 2019

By Sandra Walters

Blessing Beloveds ~

Friday, June 14, initiates the opening of the Solstice- Eclipse Gateways, and more importantly, the 2020 Timeline energies.

In the last few months, we have had major collective shift points. Now we move into the higher collective timelines which have a major impact on our service, lifestreams and Ascension process. The Higher Realms emphasize how strong of a transformation this is; many will not realize what just occurred until later this year.

Embodiment, the ability to merge with the Higher Self through the body and take on the Christed state of consciousness, was activated in the High-Vibe Tribe. That continues to amplify and expand, and is a true blessing to the embodiers as well as the collective. Embodiment changes everything because it holds the Christed vibration within the collective HUMan Heart grid, Gaia and across the dimensions and densities. It is a multidimensional trigger which allows higher states of the Ascension to unfold.

A Major Shift Point: No Going Back

The Embodiment triggered two vital steps in our evolution: a collective timeline shift two weeks ago, and the unification of the crystalline grid systems on June 4. We move forward as a collective into the organic Ascension timelines, which are all about FREEDOM and Unity and Divine Love. True Crystalline consciousness in action.

The Grid system unification is huge for Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers. This was a merging of the Inner Earth/Lemurian Grids and Ley Lines (the past), with the New Earth Grids (the Present) and the Crystalline Grids (the future).

Two important points about this merge: You can see how this affects timelines by merging the past, present and future grids to work in harmony, in zero point. That in itself amplifies a mass awakening effect. However the key for those working with grids is this: No more clearing and repairing old lines, old stories, or memory from the old structures. Such freedom!

Of course we will continue to amplify the photonic light quotient, the beautiful plasma-crystalline light will flow easily, nearly effortlessly across all levels of the grids. The main point here is the complete surrender of old stories and memory which used to be embedded in the old grids or ancient sites. Now the whole works as ONE, which is our total focus: The Now, The amplification and vibrancy of the New.

Celebrate this tremendous accomplishment. Gone are the days of clearing and repairing; the old stories of suppression, victimization and damage is a long-ago memory. And as we know, memory creates the density of time, so this affects the collective experience as we embrace the freedom of our Embodiment in this Now.

Initiation of the 2020 Timelines and Energies

We now move into the 2020 energies. FREEDOM. Higher expression. Higher levels of Service. If you need supporting in choosing the highest path, refreshing your service or getting to know your Higher Self (who may have a completely different agenda with Embodiment), watch the Shifting to Embodiment timelines webinar replay. A complete explanation of how these timelines work, and tools to shift to the highest trajectory are there for you.

As we go into unknown territory with this new level of consciousness overriding our lower self, all can feel surreal. It may be challenging to make decisions, since we need to embrace a brand new way of creating our reality. True Crystalline/Christ/Unity consciousness is a VERY different experience. We must make the conscious choice to fully accept this new level of light intelligence, and learn how to compliment the Higher agenda of Freedom. All flows from the heart, the thrill of the unknown, largest dream.

For most this is still about surrendering the old. Lightworkers, you must make those higher choices in this Now. Especially with services and expressing your True Self in creative ways. Spirituality is becoming mainstream due to the Ascension energies, and we need quality, skilled, wise Wayshowers to step up with their unique expression.

For Embodiers, there is a delicate balance of moving forward with the Divine agenda of the Higher path, while staying balanced in the surrealness of leaving old time dynamics. Multidimensional awareness can handle much more information, creations and ventures into the unknown. Use this phase to align with these higher timelines.

Solstice- Eclipse Gateway: All Hearts on Deck

Preparation for Solstice is well underway. This is a very sacred window for timeline shifting; for a complete re-creation of Self as a purified embodied expression of Source. With a strong full moon, Solstice and Solar eclipse on the way, we cleanse and clear our vessels, spaces, actions, words, thoughts … everything to align with the new timelines. Keep the objective of Freedom in heart, which requires the complete surrender of limitation.

Old feels gone in this state, as if the past stories did not exist. This is the dissolvement of old timeline dynamics – happening quickly – as the density of memory and emotional imprints (which created the denser timelines) fades. You will eventually forget the old Self, paying forward skills and lessons which serve the higher path. Many of us don’t recognize ourselves.

In this phase of migrating realities, the great in-between, we maintain the eye of the stormtechnique. Not swayed by the external projection of chaotic realities as timelines sort themselves out. Not attached to how it unfolds for others, let them have their journey. When awakened ones enter the calm in the middle, welcome them and support them.

This Freedom may not be welcomed by all, there are still old realities running in tandem. Those timelines are splintering off, losing control; pay them no energy, forgive it all. Encourage everyone to be diligent in their choices of what to amplify right now. Gently guide those who are still entangled in old agendas; they have shifted.

Our focus is the New, creating solutions and full support for anyone choosing Love and service to the whole. It is vital that Lightworkers be unified in purpose and resist anything which seeks to divide us. Censorship and attempts to control are short-lived. In our wisdom, we express fully, openly to stay aligned with the higher timeline. No judgment of old tactics or division of worlds; love them up to speed with the New.

Celebrate this transformation, focus on your personal narrative as an expression of Divine Love. We are completely capable of raising the entire collective into peace, harmony and divinity. That is the true power and purpose of Embodiment in this Now. Watch your words and thoughts, you are a stronger Creator than ever. Divine Neutrality paired with movement in the direction of your highest trajectory will serve you well.

Unified Activations: Utilizing the Embodiment and Higher Timelines

As we unify in this new light, the power of our co-creations amplifies. Everything we direct our focus to becomes accelerated, because of the collective acceleration and our higher vibration. Remember the quantum effect of unified DNA: we are truly getting a taste of the new consciousness in action. Drop your fears and doubts and BE in Unity now. High-Vibe Tribe, this is a passage to fully embrace your purpose as a Creator BEing, both personally and collectively.

Opportunities to Unify during the Influx Events:

SUNday June 15: Global Unity Meditations at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PDT. Surging the New Unified grids with the Freedom vibration. Pure Crystalline New Earth Now. Details on connecting at

Monday, June 17 at 1:31am PDT: Full Moon. A perfect moment for overriding old realities, fears and programs of the past. Dissolve it, neutralize it. Amplify the NEW in the grids, your lifestream, everything. We are rewriting realities; surrender your Moon issues with Love.

Friday, June 21 at 8:54am PDT: Solstice. Global celebration of the new timelines, new everything. Focus on freedom. Avoid gatherings focused on regurgitating past dynamics. Refresh your ceremonies, crystals, amplify the new unified crystalline grids. This is Freedom from old trajectories. Create from that perspective.

SUNday June 23: Global Unity Meditations at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PDT. Anchoring the Solstice energies, activating collective DNA to support the Embodiment.

SUNday June 30: Global Unity Meditations at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PDT. Opening for the strong influx of the Eclipse. remote influencing those higher timelines through Unity, Love and Highest Intent.

Tuesday, July 2 at 12:22pm PDT: Full Solar Eclipse and New Moon. Be outside for this one, the influx will be a powerful DNA activation. Link your heart to the SUN, receive the Solar flashing activity (already in progress.)

SUNday July 7 Global Unity Meditations at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PDT. Opening for the strong influx of the Eclipse.

SUNday July 14: Global Unity Meditations at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PDT. Opening for the strong influx of the Eclipse.

Tuesday July 16 at 2:30pm PDT: Partial Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon: Finishing the Solstice-eclipse sandwich. Focus on revelation, as many will have shifted to higher trajectories which provides stability for this to unfold.

We are opening and offering bridges for all souls to cross to the ascended realities. Free will is free will, their choice is their choice. YOU, beloved awakened heart, feel unique in your awakened state in this now. That is changing, the vibrational domino effect of collective DNA activation is ON. We receive what we have worked for all of these lifetimes; the quantum activation of the organic Ascension.

In our Divine Service, our focus is on preparing the most supportive way to teach, clear, raise the newly awakened to align with the higher realities we are already embodying. For some, the embodiment process is overwhelming; all you can do is BE and integrate. Take supreme care of the body since this is a DNA-based operation. It is a completely different state of consciousness.  Let us take whatever leaps, creative actions and changes necessary to support the acceleration.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,


Energy Update ~ Cosmic Trigger Approaching! Multidimensional Embodiment FOR ALL WHO CHOOSE! ~ November 18, 2018


By Sandra Walters

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

The unified collective intent and ceremony of the 11.11 portal brought massive influxes of Crystalline Photonic light codes. Our Gateways are wide open, and adjustments made for the trajectory shift set for November 21-25, with November 22 as our focal point. We are in its pull already, and this month continues to align these interdimensional pathways of Ascension. Our focus is embodiment, which requires an open, purified heart.

Preparing for the Collective Trajectory Shift

Trajectory shifts occurred twice already this year; at the March Equinox and the end of May. Remember how this changed your path – our path – as the clearing, shifting, and higher alignments unfolded over the months which followed.

This is a collective choice, as the trajectory/timeline divisions are in the hands and hearts of the awakened. It is an important passage to own your journey, drop the illusion of separation or judgment, fall in love with unity and demonstrate full support for higher choices and higher timelines. A Divine opportunity as always. Use it well.

Our Cosmic Trigger occurs on November 22 for the next collective shift. Gatekeepers have been preparing both ancient and new pathways for the upcoming influx expected November 21-25. Lightworkers, prepare your hearts and DNA; this is a collective operation and the filters become more refined with each trajectory shift. Galactics have been very present (welcome to life without veils), and this passage has a strong Mastery element to it as we approach the amplified energies of December – January which support embodiment.

This is expected to be a strong collective timeline/trajectory shift. Prior to the 11.11 Gateway last SUNday, I saw rivers of souls flowing out of the lower realms. As with any strong portal opening, souls take advantage and depart while those Gateways are open. I also saw thousands in their rainbow-crystalline lightbodies, on their way to a new experience.

Personally, I AM entering the passage when intel on the year ahead presents. The consistent visions of crystalline light fields and rainbow lightbodies are a side-effect of the DNA activations flowing through the Solar stargates. The flashing activity and colorful displays happening through the SUN (honestly … look at the SUN, not the charts) reflect this amplified alignment and wide-open cosmic stargates.

Every Gate in this powerful year of transformation widens the cosmic flows for more plasma penetration. The High-Vibe Tribe experience is already shifting to accommodate the collective intention of embodiment. This is already changing the collective, DNA activations and Source codes are shared through the HUman heart grid for any willing heart. Remember the intel: Embodiment of the crystalline/Solar Cosmic Christ consciousness first, then it changes everything.

Divine DNA codes bilocate into our fields, allowing our Diamond-Solar toroidal fields to activate, and Gaia’s core and grids shift to accommodate. Embodiment changes the energy fields of Gaia, opening the crystalline bridges to New Earth via our DNA.

You can become that bridge. Support this Light influx in thought, word, action, creation and spirit. It already feels like a very sacred passage, and a welcome experience after a cleansing year. Let us honor our sacred service well.

Join us for the SUNday Global Meditations, when we collectively share crystalline DNA activations and make this Source-as-Self state available for all willing hearts.

The Multidimensional Self is taking over the journey

The only way embodiment becomes a full, present experience is through conscious intent and practice. We must be true to our Diamond-Solar hearts. Our DNA begins to broadcast pure positive photonic light; we become a pure stargate to reveal the New. This is the rising of the SUN metaphor; the resurrection, the new dawn, birth of Horus, the Solar flash, etc. Wisdom has presented in so many ways to point us to the same conclusion: The Creator State of consciousness is returning and simultaneously creating brand new realms through the Solar Cosmic Christed model.

New Earth crystalline bridges are opening in Gaia and HUmans, becoming stargates for cosmic flows and revelation dynamics. This lifts the self-imposed veils to reveal the 5D/7D/9D overlaid realities. Multidimensional consciousness is vastly different from the old reality; it is a lot of information at once. Our brains and nervous systems can be guided to integrate with more ease (it is not easy at first, use your best practices for calm and focus.) Meditate on DNA activation often; these highly charged particle flows must be directed by conscious intent.

The 12D layer is expected to be anchored by end of this year. This is why the focus on embodiment has stepped up, and why the trajectory shift occurs right before we enter that predicted passage. Gatekeepers are on this, and we welcome all Grid and Lightworker support. Anchoring the 12D layer affects global magnetics, however we balance this with the stargates. Obviously we are not Gaia-centric anymore. More on this soon.

Crystals are assisting with this trajectory shift. Remember your higher skills, place/plant them and light them up. As always, connect with the interdimensional crystals and crystalline realms of consciousness; many of the off-planet crystals are activated as stargates of their own. Just like your multidimensional heart center.

We also have a Full Moon on November 22. Remember that the days prior to the Full Moon are best for dismantling old programs and control structures. If that is part of your mission, go for it.

UNITY: Here We Glow

SUNday November 18: Global Unity Meditations and opening for the November influx. Meditations with Divine DNA code amplification at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. Invite everyone, reach out to organizations or groups.

November 21- 25: Gateway, Cosmic Influx and Collective Trajectory/Timeline Shift.

Thursday, November 22: Cosmic Trigger and Full Moon at 9:41pm PT Collective all-day focus on the trajectory shift. Overwrite and override lesser realities, revealing and becoming the Embodiment timelines. Also Thanksgiving Day in the USA; infuse your gatherings with Unconditional Love. Try something new and positive to align with higher timelines; break the looping mechanism of tradition programs.

SUNday, November 25: Global SUNday Unity Meditations with Divine DNA code amplification at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. We will have a lot to integrate and share as the higher trajectory lifts many into the embodiment passage.

November is Not the Usual Influx

This wave is a cosmic launch pad. Visualize and create highest outcomes. Remote influence collective timelines with New Earth Now exercises and DNA activation. Lower timelines and delay tactics (personal or collective) dissolve with embodiment and unified intent. Embrace your Creator State and override procrastination or looping programs. Break your addiction to old self habits or fears; that is not a secure place to dwell.

This year taught us to shed any attachment to old timelines, outdated stories and old versions of Self. As we embrace the New, the unknown, it expands into limitless possibility; Source consciousness. Give yourself and the collective this precious gift, right now.

Blessings to all for highest outcomes during this passage. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,
