Only Two Months In & Wow! ~ February 6, 2020

Editor’s Note: Now…that’s what I call embodiment! Please read this message, know that holding Higher Light within IS happening, how does your heart feel allowing you to BE…



Yesterday February 5, 2020 I lost half an article while writing it and I’m still having WordPress difficulties today but pushing ahead nonetheless. Because of these glitches this article isn’t looking the way I’d like and I know that bothers me much more than most of you. There’s a point to all this and we’ll get there eventually.

February 4th I had to go to Walmart and while driving there my hair became full of static and was sticking out horizontally and flying around uncontrollably. My shirt became full of static and was clinging to my body and both of these things make me feel really uncomfortable. I’ve never had this happen to that extent while in the car and wasn’t happy that I had to walk through the whole store looking and feeling like I was electrically overloaded, which I was. The strange thing about this was that I did not get repeatedly zapped when I touched anything metal in the store which is what usually happens. Another early 2020 anomaly possibly — time will tell.

Once I got back home and my groceries put away, the energies quickly progressed to the next level. I was grateful they waited for me to get home, go to the bathroom, remove my shoes and put my frozen foods away and so on. It was clear to me at this point on February 4th (today is February 6 and this experience feels like it happened six months ago) that another larger than usual (what does usual even mean anymore anyway?!) energy wave pulsation was in effect and promptly needing to be embodied. They’re a bit different from Phase 1 of the Ascension Process so there’s been another learning curve since the start of Phase 2 on January 1, 2020. There’s many more coming so be wide open to more personal and collective ascension changes.

Typically my body reacts to these larger incoming NEW Light energies by swelling. I can feel the water/fluids in my cells being affected and altered by the higher frequency Light energies, which feels like I’m being electrocuted in every cell of my body, again, but each time this happens it’s at a higher level than the previous time. Stair-steps so we don’t fry or die or explode or go nuts completely. Nonetheless it’s an intense ascension embodiment side effect and so far into 2020 Phase 2, it’s obviously next-level energy-wise.

During these NEW next-level embodiment events my HighHeart starts fluttering, stuttering, thumping and moving around slightly in my chest as it further expands to accommodate the latest incoming higher Light energies. The HighHeart gets higher, larger and more filled with the Divine and every time this process happens it’s profoundly euphoric and uplifting, physically painful and much like what I expect a “near death experience” might feel like. In very real ways when we go through these repeated higher and higher levels of HighHeart expansion and embodiment we are dying. We are dying off the old lower and being energetically reborn instantaneously, simultaneously at higher and higher levels every time we go through these Embodiment Processes.

There were a few times during the last six months of 2019 where I involuntarily, unwillingly leaked physical moans in the midst of these ever intensifying dying off of the old lower and re-birthing the vastly higher frequency totally NEW Embodiment Process. The beautiful, painful, Divine, transcendent process of experiencing this from my physical body is beyond description. It’s horribly, divinely, terrifyingly perfect in its majesty. The ongoing merge process is seriously bad ass in other words! A seeming death to our old lower ego selves, a transcendent rebirth into higher Light and crystalline Diamond states to our Higher Selves. Both glorious and terrifying but such is the business of extracting our physical asses from lowly duality frequency.

There’s also moments, or longer, of vertigo sensations of tipping, dropping or falling as you Embody a little more and energetically transcend (shift) from one state and level to an even higher and larger one. And this happens repeatedly, bit by bit, energetic stair-step by energetic stair-step so do your best to relax, surrender and open completely into these new, different and more intense Phase 2 Embodiment merging periods. Allow yourself to die a little more fellow Volunteers to become more and more of your NEW embodied Higher Self merged in your physical body.

This was what my February 4, 2020 day and night was like once I got myself home from Walmart. I intentionally said that to show how beautifully bizarre our lives are now. I went to Walmart and when I got home I went through another phase of Embodying and it felt like I might die but I knew I wouldn’t — not that I care either way at this point — and all the while this was happening the pathetic USA political insanity of February 4th was unfolding. Aah the profound extremes of the Ascension and Embodiment Processes and the rapid collapse of the old patriarchal political governmental systems. The more you and I Embody, the faster the old lowly patriarchal reality and systems disappear. The Embodiment Process automatically begets the end and removal of the old lower everything. Keep that fact in your HighHeart and Higher Awareness every time you go through another now more amplified phase of Embodiment because it helps improve one’s perspective dramatically. As Volunteers we’re hardwired to do exactly this so don’t forget what all you are actually doing when living another intense Embodiment merging session. You are intentionally UN-creating the old through your divine ability to Embodythe NEW intentionally and manifest it into the physical realm via your personal, individual internal transformational processes. Now that is some impressive stuff there NEW Creators so don’t forget that it’s what you have been doing all along in your own physical body.

In June 2018, I started seeing what looked to me like Solar flickering every time I looked at my ceiling. Strange I know. In Phase 1 of the Ascension Process, every time I looked out a window that had mini-blinds I’d see Photon particles of Light raining down like white Light rain. Hey, whatever works! I saw this Solar flickering on my ceilings constantly from June through December 2018. When the NEW triangular shaped iridescent and pearlescent pastel colored energies and codes arrived and were embedded in the water on Earth and our bodies and cells etc. in December 2018, I stopped seeing the Solar flickering. I started seeing them again in November 2019 and they’ve continued ever since but they’ve changed due to the major January 2020 energy reality override reset codes. (The Saturn Pluto Capricorn conjunction, the Lunar eclipse, entrance into 2020 and Phase 2 and more.)

These Solar flickering images I see when I look at my ceilings now are more than just flickering. They’re now flickering, flashing, bubbling, protruding downward and jumping and shifting constantly.

Last month I said I felt the Sun was getting ready to do something NEW soon. What I’m seeing of the Solar energies flickering in my energy Lightbody field — they’re not on my ceilings, just more easily viewed when I look at my ceilings — is that this too is unfolding in those energetic stair-steps so our physical bodies and Central Nervous Systems etc. doesn’t fry in the great ongoing evolving process. Now that we’re in 2020 Phase 2, so too is the global Ascension Process and our Embodiment Process if one is doing that as well. What makes all this somewhat difficult to verbalize is that it’s not linear really. It is and it isn’t.

What’s really been happening all along is that you — because you are quantum and multidimential — Work the Ascension and Embodiment Process from multiple higher dimensions and often from quantum timelessness. You simultaneously Work the AP and EP from, in and through the physical dimension, Earth and your physical body. From higher perspectives it often seems like you go back in time, like you drop down into more density to physically live and embody and/or Embody these higher energies in the physical dimension and physical body and self. From the physical perspective it’s like we’re slightly behind somewhat, bringing up the physical rear so to speak. We are. Get over it. It’s the most important layer to all this and why we Volunteered in the first place.

Somewhat interesting side note. For nearly five decades I’ve had one of many vivid ancient past-life Egyptian memories that’s connected to our time and lives of compressed ascension now. This one memory from around 12,600 B.C. is of an Egyptian male Starseed walking across the bare ground and my watching brilliant sparks of electricity spark and shoot off from his feet and heels. He walked comfortably, like this amplified electromagnetic energy running through his body and the Earth didn’t cause him any physical pain. My February 4th Walmart trip with my hair and clothing all bunched up and sticking out everywhere from an unusual amount of static reminded me of this old memory. It’s similar but what we’re going through now is light years beyond what he and Earth went through at the start of the Age of Leo back then at a much lower level and frequency. Thought I’d share that tidbit because I sense we’ve entered a much higher level in January 2020, where all sorts of anomalies like this and others will quickly become our NEW normal. Be prepared for anything and no fear.

Another somewhat interesting side note is that it seems with our entrance into 2020 Phase 2, we’ve gone more fully into a galactic level of the, of our Ascension Process. I say this because I’ve been repeatedly clairvoyantly Seeing a variety of different, new to me ET faces in my Higher Awareness. I am not saying ET has or is about to arrive here but that OUR energetic position and vibratory rate has changed recently due to the massive energies that arrived during the first 13 days or so of January 2020. ET hasn’t changed their locations, we have because WE have dramatically shifted. Expect the unexpected with this now too.

Another aspect of our entrance into 2020 Phase 2 is that whatever and whoever was in our lives in Phase 1 does not guarantee the continuance of those relationships and other things in Phase 2. We’ve been through this many times throughout the twenty-some years of Phase 1 and this is the same, but like everything else, it’s happening at even higher levels. Mourn, release, adapt and continue moving higher. It just is what it is and we’ve each got to do what what we can or cannot do now.

To wrap this up, be aware that it’s still the Ascension Process but it’s now a different and much higher level of it which I’m calling Phase 2 for clarity and ease of location within the Process. Since January 2020 I’ve been Seeing increased and very fast Light flashes and streaks of Light and other anomalies inside my house and outside as well. Also more NEW crystalline Diamond energy patters or codes or blueprint templates etc. that are either brilliant white Light or iridescent or pearlescent pastel patterns often in diamond-like geometric shapes and clusters of shapes. They’re more of the NEW Earth and humanity codes and energies etc. that are fully in place since January 1, 2020. More are coming but these NEW higher baseline ascension energies and codes are in place now in the physical which means a whole lot of change is and will continue happening in all ways.


February 6, 2020

Donations can be made hereand thank you for the energy exchange donation support.

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2020. All rights reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

Archangel Michael, Sanat Kumara, Council of Radiant Light: The Spaciousness of a Vaster Identity ~ December 19, 2019

Editor’s Note: Openness, space, freedom = JOY! How are we to find these precious concepts for living? Ah…there is the rub, as these concepts are NOT for living…they are for BEING! Your physical mind recognizing your inner BEING brings this KNOWING into your “physical” you…and the flow of an open, spacious and free earthly life “flows” as this inner relationship is built.

As you listen to your inner self and develop that relationship within, the actions you have been making driven by this world will lesson (and end). Your relationship with YOU will influence the earthly world, not the physical you.

Those who have ears…let him hear! Rejoice in the flow of your life, expand into new form of expression, and truly BE…



Divine Ones,

The light within you grows and grows. Your capacities in embodiment are expanding! This is true for all beings in your world; for you are connected energetically, and as new capacities for humanity come online, all have access.

If one’s way of being is habitual and patterned, if one does not have a relationship with intuition, inner knowing, or their own consciousness, these new opportunities for embodied expression may go undetected. But these changes occur simultaneously within all – for this is how Life Itself is expressing and each of you flows from the vast unified wholeness of All.

So… Life Itself is opening up for you new forms of expression. The momentum of your experience is ripening. You can feel it. What serves you now might surprise you. One of the most powerful things you can bring to your lives right now, is a willingness to allow for more wide open space.

This could be space within you, or space within your sense of self – it could be a softening or loosening of your hold on how you think things will be, or are. It could be space in your physical lives – your home, your work, your relationships. And by space, we also mean spaciousness; a willingness to be softer, to be open to the possibilities that things are not exactly what they seem.

There have been and will continue to be challenges as you reach for new experiences. As you expand, and become more aware of your wholeness, you naturally change. This is the nature of this realm – continual expansion and reclaiming of your true Self and the challenges need not be unpleasant, and in fact they can be great adventures; and provide you with experiential journeys that bring you to new levels of expression, fulfillment and confidence in yourself.

How you cultivate your mindset, create your space and your lives, can help you to continually open more and allow your inner knowing to move you into new expression. With that approach you may discover you very much enjoy the challenges as they arise! Deliberate choosing and creating arrangements, patterns and forms for expression and being that honor you, feel harmonious for you, feel beautiful, nourishing, natural and sweet to you, these intentional choices will serve you in the unfolding of your life here.

Challenges, friends are natural. So many people think if their life is challenging they aren’t doing something right. In truth, your humanity thrives on being in new experiences and discovering and allowing greater capacity for expression, being, doing, and receiving. Challenges orient you to your presence here in ways that allow you, and call you into more whole awareness and presence. Think on that for a moment.

Most of what you want is continuously coming into your awareness as a way of upleveling; going into a more fulfilling experience. This requires you to flow. To let go of what-is. To be willing to expand and (drumroll) to be willing to CHANGE!

One thing we see in you that we would like to highlight is a tendency to over-identify with the personality of your localized humanity.

A great potential for awakening, and aware humans is to realize that your specific identity in this life is a form for expression and presence; temporary and NOT who you truly are.

Who you are is SOUL. You can know this, but even more than knowing it, you can relate to your life as if this were true – for it is. Your life can be changed more easily when you’re less merged with this localized identity and see if as who you are. When you take hold of your Greater Self, recognizing and embracing that expression as your Source and the Real You, then that expanded awareness can move through your embodiment and elevate your life with more grace and ease.

As you embrace and identify with your own Greater Self, you allow your humanity to fill in, and refine. You become, through this way of knowing yourself, less attached to the particulars of this life and in that relationship of softness and greater allowing, life can more easily evolve. You can more easily, be fulfilled!

Conscious evolution of your lives is rooted in an accurate identity. Giving up the need to pretend you do not know yourself as SOUL is an important first step. Being willing to make inner harmony with your own wholeness the priority is another key.

Most people worry a great deal about what others think of them. Some of you, despite your best efforts still want to be seen as “right,” or “smart,” or “beautiful,” or even “a good person.” The problem with these aspirations is that they orient you transactionally to the world around you and to other people. This orientation diminishes your ability to clearly hear and flow with your own Inner Self, the greater you, the soul that is in sync with All Life. Ironically when you allow your Inner Self to guide you and matter most in terms of accord, your life will shine.

The planetary field at this time is expanding enormously. Although this isn’t visually noticeable as there being “more space” on the planet, what is happening is that as human beings awaken, they begin to vibrate faster and in doing so, the space within your presence, increases. Higher vibrating particles spread out. You begin energetically to connect with other high vibrational fields and to influence the world as a whole, simply through presence. Your choices change. Your focus refines. Your sense of purpose becomes, as you evolve in awareness and allow your own wholeness to present, your sense of purpose becomes unconditional. You begin to want to be here as you, fully and clearly and truly know that is your greatest contribution. You begin to live in beyond ideas of right or wrong, and find you are open and curious about what Your Life is meant to be. You learn bit by bit to give up needing to control things and instead open and flow.

Fundamentally, the truth of Life becomes real to you as experience. Life is abundant. You are abundant. Life is eternal, perpetual. You are eternal, perpetual. This form and focus is temporary.

We suggest you love this form and focus, and enjoy it as an expression of you. We also encourage you to contemplate the impermanence of it, deeply, until it is real to you.

Seeing your humanity and this world, your experience in this body and all around you as fluid, changing and impermanent is the path of allowing. This understanding will unleash you from all forms of bondage and bring you into greater harmony with the Greater Self.

Life Itself is here for you. Within you and all around you. You are within Life Itself and this world – even though it seems only conceptual to consider – is actually all within your own wholeness. Everything about your experience is taking place within you and emanating into experiences you can discern perceptually, because form naturally emanates from All Life. It is, how it is.

Let go more. Make more space.

The days and energies right now are moving into an emergent newness. A lot is restructuring and your own Soul knows how to keep you current and open you up to more fulfillment as Life on Earth expands. Open up more to who you feel yourself to be within. Spend more time talking with and communicating with your own soul, your higher Self. Realize this relationship with You & YOU is the key to everything and the way you become who you truly are here.

Doorways and thresholds abound for all of you, always, but especially now. Step into the future you wish to live – there is nothing that need change for you to be the real you, here, now – except, perhaps your willingness to engage in your own inner consciousness and build the relationship with your vaster Self in a very real and connected way.

Walk away from what is old, stale, and no longer fits. Freely give of yourself in whatever ways you wish, and be aware of when fear, doubt or a sense of unworthiness are driving your actions. When you notice this, stop, pause and open within. Invite the Greater Self, the Real You, to help you feel and know your own value.

You are significant. You matter. All of Life knows this about you. You can know this too.

The Solstice energies offer vast potential for coming into greater harmony with your planet and to living life here, in greater harmony with All that is Earth – the timeless, eternalness of this aspirational form.

With feeling, listen within. Tap into your innate knowing. Let what comes to you, come. Allow the ways your Life can express now in your humanity in forms and flows which facilitate the expansion of Life, to be your deepest desire. Listen to your hearts. The answers and all that you need, always, are here for you…in that space you consider to be “within.” Get to know it. Go there often.

Let yourself be held by your own Inner Divine, by Life Itself; let yourself be loved. If you do not feel this immense warmth and caring that is here for you ask your higher Self to make that real to you. To draw close to you and help you to feel and trust your Life and All Life.

When you know this as real, then you’ll find that you can easily and openly step into what calls to you, for your awareness will be more grounded in your eternalness than in the localized life here. This is skillful embodiment – the accurate and clear relating to human experience and with that liberating understanding, comes tremendous openness and great joy.

Knowing this? Life is fun.

We love you very much. We are complete. 
I AM Archangel Michael with Sanat Kumara and the Council of Radiant Light. We bid you, good day.

» Source » Channel: Ailia Mira

Transcending Duality Through Language ~ October 12, 2019

By Leslie Jo Thornton Cheshire, of FractalEnlightenment

The Structure of Learning

I am using information I received years ago as an instructor pilot and adding insights received during these amazing times of growth and awakening. We are becoming more adept every day at reaching and connecting with other levels and realms. We are engaging in telepathy, clearing global karma and seeing our multi-dimensionality.

Our shifts and the integration are demanding more of us both physically and emotionally. We work so hard to reach these vibratory states. How do we bring these energies and insights into this 3D reality? We are raising and connecting.

We are walking our talk. It is time to talk our walk and it is time to bring these 4D and 5D energies into manifestations that can reflect the new vision into this 3D reality. It is time to become fully conscious of our speech and the inherent duality built into language.

There are four basic 3D and 4D levels of learning.


The first level is ROTE, which is 3D. Rote is when we can spout words, numbers or symbols from memory. Most of us can do this with ease and little understanding. We used this level in school.

Garbage in, garbage out, is what I called it. This is a baseline knowing and requires no thought or exploration. The spouting of empty words. We have very little or no understanding of the concepts expressed.


The second level of learning is understanding, which is 3D. Understanding is when we begin to grasp a concept but it doesn’t have any real depth. I know my ABC’s and that they are letters, and may have a clue about how to spell or recognize words but I may not fully grasp their meanings or how to construct sentences with them.


The third level is application. This is also primarily a 3D function. The ability to take something from ‘rote’ to ‘understanding’ is not the ability to ‘apply’ it. It is a deeper knowing of a concept and the ability to apply it in the situation the concept was meant to address. I know my ABC’s and can spell and recognize words. I can string words into a sentence. This is a much better and rounded approach but it is not ‘Mastery.’


The fourth step is correlation. The ability to take knowledge and integrated insight from one’s past experiences and recognize their similarities to a current experience; thus applying the concept in diverse and dynamic ways.

I can now form sentences, recognize and express plurals and tenses in dynamic settings and I can now write prose and poetry. This is an expansion of a higher level of comprehension culminating in productive actions in navigating one’s reality.

This can be both 3D and 4D in function. This can be seen as “mastery” in some 3D realities. For example, having the ability to clone animals, but no moral sense of the implications. This is not mastery!


I have found a fifth level to this process. It is embodiment. This is the ability to take these concepts that work and resonate and internalize them. No longer is it a prepared action to perform. It becomes part of one’s essence in expression in 3D.

When a concept is brought from rote, memorization, to understanding, application, then correlation, with deep process and an abiding internal mechanism, it is no longer an action separate from self. It is an expression of Soul. This is the next step in language and manifesting the higher expressions here. This is “Mastery!” It is time to MASTER our words.

Duality in language

Let’s explore the duality of the English language. I am monolinguistic unfortunately, but I am sure these types of patterns and nuances color all languages. It is the nature of the beast. Most of us are familiar with many syncronicities in the English language.

L-I-V-E spelled backwards is EVIL. LIVED spelled backwards is DEVIL. The word ATONEMENT in its essence is At-One-Ment and an amazing vibration. TOGETHER is To-Get-Her. DISEASE is in essence vibrationally is Dis-Ease.

Words are vibrations. And when spoken consistently and with intention, it has the capacity to shift energy and blocks within the individual’s field of influence and that of the collective as well. What language do you use with yourself and others? What are your “go to” words? And how dualistic is your speech?

Eliminate “SHOULD”

The word SHOULD, by Wikipedia definition, is used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone’s actions: “He should have been careful.” This is no longer a viable word for the evolving vision.

This word is vibrationally riddled with judgement, a baseline 3D expression. Should is a projection of one individual’s reality as a backlash onto oneself or a projection onto another and is purely subjective.

It fosters division and duality. Watch your words. How often do you use “should” when conversing with others or with yourself? This is an excellent exercise in determining the amount of judgement one is still holding in their personal paradigms.

Instead of re-acting in a 3D way and saying, “He/She/I should have done this or that,” or “She/I/He should do this” Explore and observe your actions and your speech about these dynamics.

Eliminate “TRY”

The word TRY, by Wikipedia definition is an effort to accomplish something; an attempt: “Mitterrand was elected president on his third try.” Try feeds the duality of this paradigm. It reflects vibrationally a win/lose or pass/fail mentality.

This is what we are leaving behind, duality and the illusion of ego concepts. We do not try as awakened beings, we are being and doing. We are our highest possible expression in every moment. It is not pass/fail or win/lose.

It is an unfolding to multi-dimensionality. Of course there are corrections and adjustments. But, moving forward the old paradigms are dissolving and the language that supports them must go too. Instead, use affirmations like, “I’ll do my best.” “I will explore this.” Find words that reflect inspiration as opposed to enforcing the old models of dualistic expression.

Eliminate “Want”

THE word WANT, by Wikipedia definition is a lack or deficiency of something: “Victorian houses which are in want of repair.”

This is a low 3D vibration. It permeates the collective consciousness and promotes fear. It is no longer valid in the evolving vision. To send want to Source is a convoluted message. It implies lower, baseline lack and reinforces 3D antiquated paradigms.

It communicates an absence in experience and is a synonym for SHOULD. This 3D term indicates one’s alignment being outside the natural flow and a lack of faith in an amazing process.

To want is to not have. To want is to always strive because wanting often is a closed loop and to state, “I want…”, when requested from Source is not having, but requesting the experience of wanting to have.

Instead state affirmations towards goals which is a high vibratory expression. To replace “I want” with “I am” is being and doing to reach one’s goals; not from a sense of lack or absence, but from a heart-felt sense of growth and expansion.

These are a few examples of the duality in our language. Some words actually promote negativity and fuel the “lack” paradigm. Take a still moment and utter the word “need,” and see how your body responds energetically. You will find many that resonate and many that don’t.

I addressed these words in particular because they are driving energetics in the collective at this time. We have embraced the higher frequencies and are doing the work to integrate and elevate our individual human consciousness in the realms and levels around us.

It is time to align our speech with the 5D vision and bring our 5D awareness to this 3D matrix. It is time to change the duality paradigm and how we communicate on all levels; time to bring this higher wisdom to embodiment and all our expressions here.

Every word and every way it is expressed reflects the evolving reality and impacts our field and the collective. Words help us hold the space in this matrix. Choose them carefully.


Activation/Frequency Alignment With The Cosmos and Your Soul ~ June 13, 2019

When the soul is ignited and one learns to see through its eyes, a vision grows for creating a world born of the intrinsic oneness of the human spirit.
—Maureen Moss

Beloved Masters, Soul Beings, Tribe of One Heart,

Recently I spent almost two weeks at the ocean primarily going off-line with everything external in an attempt to catch up with myself…to bless and honor the parts of my former self now mostly gone, and consciously make space for new Creation codes to enter and honor my Soul Life (true Life,) coming into embodiment.

Amongst the many reasons I looked forward to this journey was to lay heart to heart and harmonize with Gaia’s new heartbeat and the newly arrived Christ Consciousness, where the sands meet the sea, Light rays spin together and dance on the water, Infinity is right before my eyes and magical conversations and multi-dimensional access are abundant.

When the Awakening of the Dove occurred on April 27 humanity was seeded with a new level of Christ Consciousness previously not here on earth. The integration process will continue over the next few months.  

Also, due to the magnitude of Golden Light that came in the magnetic core of our planet shifted as well, accelerating Gaia’s heartbeat/resonance to be at the exact same pulse as our resonant Universe for the first time ever. The basis of our expanding multi-dimensional existence has everything to do with our resonance and vibration to All Consciousness.

When something of this magnitude occurs, it alters the archetypal ‘Earth Soul’ and the souls of individuals born under those configurations due to its now shifting harmonies.

A Spellbinding Existence

A day doesn’t pass wherein there are new alignments to make and new ways to learn how to work seamlessly with the Earth, the Universe, new harmonics and our hearts and souls to activate specific sequences of our unique Creation/God codes for fulfilling our unique destinies.

Also, the spiral of our evolution, our entire existence to this point is about to break through into another level as June, July and August engulf us with one opportunity after another for expansion personified and what the Sirians call ‘switches’ in adopting the perspectives of Galactic and Universal Beings along with a deeper and stronger tendency to operate from within a frequency specific group consciousness as most evolved Star Masters/Systems do.

There is so much F-A-S-T rearrangement of Earth, our lives, our bodies, our Souls and our minds. And, other V-A-S-T arrangements with new meaning coming to the fore beginning on So(u)lstice nonstop and through the powerful Lions Gate on the 8-8, and continuing through the Equinox stargate.

In my journal I wrote, Humanity has far surpassed the Divine Plan that really was a potential.

On the same day I wrote that, Jeshua/Jesus said, that the Divine Plan lies within each One. Your Life is in your hands fully now and your plan in your Soul. With each turn of event you are being able to carry out your Soul plan inextricably linked to the One Will and One Heart of God. Everything in Creation is being used to help you do so.

Joining that conversation Mary Magdalene said, through all the rapid change that lies ahead the Soul plan of each remains in place. Use your inner strength to walk in Power and Love. They are as two wings of a great bird in flight always prepared to soar. Return over and again to the Source of the One Love that you are and remain in harmonic resonance with the Feminine Christ Force.

We begin with Soulstice
June 21, 2019
Replay Available Following Event

So(u)lstice represents a significant turning point and a unifying force for All Life. The Cosmic meaning is not merely worship of the sun and Earth, though a time in which to honor the Spiritual Essence of Life and bring to Life, the best of what lies within you.

The Best of You Lives Within Your Soul.

The ancients understood So(u)lstice to be an illuminated time for an inner spiritual journey that individuals often undertake and connect with the Cosmic journey of their Soul.

On This Day We Shall Ignite & Amplify that Journey.

Now and going thru the Lions Gate on the 8-8-19, the Embodiment Process amplifies.

Each will experience continuous directives from within and without to become frequency specific with their Soul and Hearts Intelligence in order to be allowed to go through each portal, gateway, and doorway as Illumined Creation Makers capable of creating New Realities and aligning with the intrinsic Oneness of the Human/Divine Spirit.

We come together on this day:

To strengthen your consciousness and Soul connection with Cosmic and Earth consciousness and Soul…

To bring you into frequency alignment with this heightened space of opportunity…

To establish the frequential union of the Cosmos, Earth and your Heart and Soul… the primordial gateway to your true inherent Original Nature binding you to your Holy Christed Self, your body of Earth and your Soul of the Stars.


Know you are loved,
One Heart, One Humanity, One Love.

Seeds of Creation…May 17, 2019

Editor’s Note: I Am re-posting this particular large body of spiritual knowledge sent to me by my good friend “H” in an effort to appeal to ALL! Many may ask after reading portions of this material, “Is this true”?

If you are newly awakened, many of these articles may seem so silly, so “fantasy-land”, but my response is to then ask you “Do you really think the world we live in today is real? Who says the only life we know of is not a dream?

Please pick through the varying articles and stick with those that just feel right, or ring a bell inside of you. Explore a bit, learn of other opinions, and be…




The beginning of our story

is about dispersing light & energy or “Dimensional Infusion” and the end is about the organization of the constituent elements of ourselves into a coordinated, harmonious whole, “Integration of Energy.

We are all from Source.

This existence is about our evolution.

Source separated itself into fractals so it could learn how to LOVE itself and bring all of itself back HOME.

“Your divinity lies in that you are indeed the spark of light and that you, the creators, have created from the Father, the sublime Source, through your unique wills all that is – all. God did not create the Universe. He is the Universes. His sons created from their thinking processes by feeling it in their souls. They came forth readily. You created the Embodiment as a vehicle to experience matter. ”

— Ramtha



In passing a beam of light through a PRISM, one gets a spectrum of light…

Fragmented into 7 Visible Color Frequencies.

They are: Point Zero, Infinite Unknown, Gamma Ray, X-Ray, Ultraviolet Blue, Visible Light, Infrared, & Hertzian.

When a portion of the Whole passed through the PRISM OF LYRA,

Consciousness was fragmented into 7 Vibratory Frequencies that represent the mass consciousness of Earth’s galactic family.

“This plane of seven planes was created, which is the lowest facet of thought, mass. Everything is God, but the designer of it, as it were, is exclusively the artisans of artisans, which you be, his beloved son. The Father has given to his sons and always will give unto them whatever they desire. Planes of that which is termed advancement were lowered so that his son could experience from light, into heavy light, into electrical matter, into gross matter, into manifested form all of their creations. ”

— Ramtha



Each fragment became conscious

On all of these different frequencies or densities and manifested as 7 Aware Frequencies.

Consciousness then fragmented and moved away from each other as the illusion thus arose that each fragment was very, very alone.

The Whole understood that the purpose of this experience was to learn to reintegrate from a point of separation.

We do this with energy: unconditional love.


Thousands of years ago,

Higher Dimensional Non-Physical Beings, wanted to create an experience/game in density to forget who they were and then try to get out of it.

They wanted to know, “Who AM I?” But it wouldn’t be easy. 

There would be distractions in all aspects of their experience/life.

“In order for that which is termed Gods of light, great creators, to possess a feeling of mass, they had to have a vehicle of mass of the same vibration. Man was created by the Gods but as a vehicle so that which you are may ride within and experience this kingdom of matter. ”

— Ramtha


There would be a full range of emotions and polarity in every form.

These Higher Dimensional Beings that Created this Grand Experiment are You, Us.

We came up with this idea and decided to play this out.

This “Dimensional Infusion” not only created a consciousness fragmentation, but it also created the stars, planets, gases, and molecules that make up physical reality. Those beings just chose a different experience in matter, Non-Polarity.

As science has discovered, matter is densified energy vibrating at a specific rate.


Every aspect of the universe is made up of energy.


We have all CHOSEN a Life HERE. No one is a victim.

Humans are divine models for integration.

We are Divine and Terrestrial: of Gods and Men/Women/Animal.

We are proof that human life can adapt to seemingly insurmountable circumstances.

This is what allows us such a vast emotional range from which to perceive reality.

The entire spectrum of frequencies/emotion exist in every one of us.


Earth is a grand experiment, complete with genetic material from thousands of worlds. Along with that genetic material comes all the emotional experiences of all of those species.

earth is a school of freedom from control, by connecting to your spirit/double.

eT’s are our children. we have only forgotten our power and like children,

they will manipulate to get what they want.



The Body

Your Auric Field, is called your Spirit, the God of your Being.


It is a direct connector to the flow of that which is termed the river of thought into memory, the soul of your being, which is called the lord of your being.

The soul’s sole purpose is to record thought felt and exchanged through the kingdom, the body of the God that inhabits it. The soul records memory, not in vision but in feelings.

Hence from feelings, a word is formulated to describe it.

Without the soul, you cannot occupy thought, you cannot have memory, you cannot create, for you cannot make a thought stand still to contemplate it.

“Ego is the God totality of your being. The God totality of your being has a will of its own to accept certain thoughts and reject others, to feel certain ways and store feelings. It represents collectively a unique entity different from his brothers and finally, the body in which to express on this the first and lowest of seven planes, mass and matter. You are made up of Spirit, soul, and ego. That is the Lord God of your being, the Lord God of your totality.”

— Ramtha

Earth is the womb of the galaxy, due to its mix of genetic material from thousands and thousands of worlds.

It was our hope that this vast range would allow for new and unique potentials so that we could integrate polarity

where other aspects of ourselves and our galactic siblings had difficulties.

Rainbow vortex above Earth_SML.gif

Earth is a planet of emotion. Earth is also the zero point of the milky way galaxy.

Here on Earth, we created contracts and blueprints that allowed us to replay galactic issues on a somewhat smaller scale with the hope of being able to release judgment.

Humans also hold a full spectrum/range of emotions, from the extreme high and low. Our emotions are also called frequencies. We are teaching the entire galaxy compassion.

but where did these emotions & diversity come from?

In other sectors of the galaxy, the emotional range is not as varied.

This is in part why the two previous experiments did not go so well.

When you lack emotional range, you have a far more focused existence.

Earth itself is a living, ever-growing library complete with records of all the experiences of all consciousness on it.

We have access to this library.

It is actually much, much easier for us to achieve integration on Earth since we have access to such a vast pool of genetic records and experiences.

“What love you of another is the unseen essence that makes the body work, that makes the eyes flicker, the voice melodious, the hair with sheen, the hands with touch. It is the essence of an entity called their personality self that you love, not their embodiment. 
What you are hides behind your eyes, your hair, and your skin deep within your body and is seen by no one. Your body is the illusionary instrument to play the game of illusions of life, a vehicle to ride within to experience this totality of creation that the soul may learn emotion. ”

— Ramtha

There are five seed races who donated their genetic material to create you, the modern human.

Each of the five races has had diverse and extensive histories whose records give you knowledge and wisdom to pull from as you attempt integration.

From their experiences, you can access information to glean insight into what may have helped or hindered the process of integration.

To fully understand the play and the players,

it is therefore also important to realize that Earth’s Galactic History is merely one part, one stage, in the bigger play of Humanoid galactic history.






Seed Races

The Basic Premise of this Reality/Game


The Founders created a simple set of mirrors that shattered into infinite fragments. these fragments are fractals of consciousness.

They had lost direct contact with many of the beings that they created. Long before Homo Sapiens existed, Earth was thus visited by humanoid races from Lyra, Vega, Sirius, Orion and the Pleiades, and all of them established colonies on this planet.

We would say that each of us has at least two systems with which we align to and are pulling in the frequencies of those systems into our game of polarity integration. 


If you identify with an off-planet race,

it is due to what they represent and or you have lived in that system.

Their bodies/prototypes are just like humans,

but each having different programs of ego and higher or lower forms of consciousness.

They all play an important role in this game.


The beginnings of humanoid consciousness began in the area called the Lyra constellation.

Over time the consciousness took bodily form (in terms of humanoid beings), and within the civilizations Lyra system began to explode in all directions.

They began to polarize, as is the natural model of their reality – since having a polarized reality forces it to achieve integration, meaning balance.

Earth was a way for all these races to accelerate their own evolution.  


The 3 main groups that orchestrated the Earth Inception:

The Founders, a Lyran Group and a Sirian Group.

The Lyran group was determined to create a planet founded on integration rather than polarity.

Pleiadians involved themselves for their own benefit and learned about negativity and integration without incarnating.

Terra/Earth was the final ground for healing the Orion drama and had to remain polarized in order to resolve conflict.  


A Sirian group / The Anunnauki

Considered Earth to be within the Sirius trinity star system; and believed they had a right to manipulate Earth genetics.  They wanted to establish slaves while they expanded their colonies on Earth.  

The Lyrans carefully observed the developing race of humans and made slight alterations to the DNA structures.  At critical times they inserted genetic material from the Pleiadians and other groups. 

These are also known as the Nefilim, which means, “those who have come down.”

The Lyran group wanted a species that had no knowledge of polarity.  But they did not acknowledge that they were restricting choice on part of the humans to manifest their own destiny. 

They then created a prototype, Adam and Eve. 

Out of their fear and desire to create a species that had no knowledge of polarity, the Lyrans instructed all who tended the prototypes to forbid them knowledge – to deny them the right of choice which all divine beings are granted.

“From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die.”


The Sirians working with them (The Anunnaki), disagreed but discovered a genuine affection toward the humans.  They decided to intervene and inadvertently give humans the right to choose. 

“And the serpent said to the woman, you surely shall not die!  For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 

This created 3D consciousness. 

When they realized they had been deceived by “God” they opted for knowledge. 


Once they made the decision to receive knowledge of polarity, they were fully anchored in the physical. 

They no longer possessed ego, and had the knowledge of “I AM” and became self-aware.  

In anger, the Lyrans denied humans knowledge from the tree of life (Divine Heritage) and was forced to develop without the knowledge of it’s connection to the galactic family and the Whole. 

They left humanity its heritage – the legacy of Orion (symbolically portrayed as the sword) without leaving any knowledge of it’s resolution. 

Humans became banished from the heavens.  

This Sirian group / Anunnauki – became energetically tied to the development of Earth. 

When working with the Lyran group during the genetic program, they inserted a latent DNA code within the human cells.  This code is triggered by accelerating vibration that occurs when a civilization begins to evolve spiritually. 

This code has been activated as we are in 4D.  This activation unwinds it’s limited vision like a coil until the expanse of ALL THAT IS becomes visible.  It was their way of allowing humanity to eat from the tree of life after all.

This is what we know today as love.


Earth was seeded from a point of inequality and lack of free will.

This explains why humans of many races today still carry an underlying belief in the superiority of the Caucasian/Aryan race – The Lyran Group.  Breaking free of this pattern of our forefathers and this Godspell that has been cast over humanity may be the key to the liberation of the human race on Earth. 

In our history, humans were abandoned and left to die on the planet while the Gods they trusted left in their spaceships. 

During these times, some Gods illegally rescued chosen humans. 

This has created an emotional encoding within the human species during times of crisis.  The encoding remembers both of these patterns and struggle is activated between the fear of abandonment and the joy of salvation.  It is imperative that the human race resolve this dependence on the Gods and become self-sufficient.


Presently there are ET groups whose encodings rooted in the past, promise salvation. 

They come to humans as physical ships or speak telepathically to those who can hear their frequency. 

They often name humans “commanders” or “chosen ones” and continue to tempt the human ego to perpetuate it’s own feelings of superiority.  But this perpetuates the gap between the fear of abandonment and the joy of salvation, thus encouraging separative belief in elitism.  

The Lyran group needed to play out the scenario for their own growth. 

These early ET “Gods” left behind clues on Earth that will eventually assist in awakening the planet to its heritage. 


As we awaken to this knowledge, it will begin to bring into play the tools that are needed to resolve the Orion drama. 

Resolution comes from allowance. 

If the human race can allow diversity within unity from a point of non-judgement,

Heaven on Earth WILL be created.  


In Earth’s reality we have created the Arcturans, Sirians, Lyrans, Orions, Reticuli, Pleiadians, etc to be the selves who tap us on the shoulder. 

They are US. We must be conscious and allow. 

This can take place on the Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical.  


We are all from source

We have all chosen a Life here.

Humans are models for integration.


We are divine and terrestrial: of gods and men. 

We are proof that human life can adapt to seemingly unsurmountable circumstances.  

We have refused to die, our resilience and faith in our abilities has continually proven our worth. 

We refused to be dominated by the Lyran group in the Garden of Eden and the various “plagues” by the Gods have not succeeded in wiping us out. 

Thanks to Noah and Sirian overlord who warned him, we have a flourishing civilization today. 


our awakening

Will lead us home, to ourselves. Below is that story.



The birth of the humanoid race. All humanoid races in our galactic family have genetic roots connected to Lyra. It is the symbolic harp which the song of humanity is played.LEARN MORE



A star within the constellation of Lyra. Descendants of Lyra, Vega birthed a race of beings who manifested Lyra’s opposite polarity both in their beliefs and actions. There were frequent conflicts between the Lyran and Vegan races.LEARN MORE



A trinary star group, it is known in Earth mythology as the Dog Star. Sirius was one of the first areas to be colonized by beings from the Lyran Star Group. Sirius embodied the energy of the triadic template and perpetuated the drive toward integration.LEARN MORE



The Main Battleground for the challenge of polarity integration, seeded from Sirius as well as Lyra and Vega. There is a direct connection with Earth and Orion.LEARN MORE



Colonized by Lyran offshoots, this group is Earth’s main genetic connection from extraterrestrial sources.LEARN MORE



An archetype Future-Self ideal of Earth. It’s vibration, primarily sixth density, has been attributed to the angelic kingdom.LEARN MORE

Screen Shot 2019-05-10 at 11.09.27 AM.png


The Civilization is intimately connected with Earth.LEARN MORE







Earth’s Galactic Family & Prototypes of Physicality

These seed races donated their genetic material to create the human being.

The colors of man/woman.


These races are very diverse and have extensive histories and records that we can access for knowledge and wisdom to integrate.

Though some of these civilizations overlap each other in time and may not appear linear, below is a more linear translation of the progression of various cultures in comparison to each other.

The beings, the Lyrans and theSirianswho were involved in the genetic engineering of the Earth human, were looking to create the perfect vehicle, a body, for themselves to incarnate into eventually.

These bodies/prototypes are just like humans, but each having different programs of ego and higher or lower forms of consciousness.

they all play an important role in this game.

We are playing a Cosmic Game, the destination is not what counts, but the journey along the way.  

This is how the game is played.

Integration means the allowance of all levels of being as valid portions of the whole.

It means letting go of denial. It means embracing ourselves as well as each other. Just as our unified consciousness created this realm of polarity, we can transform it.


The first two earths never made it through an ascension. Many of us here on earth today were on the one or both of the previous earth experiments.

And due to the wisdom we have accumulated from our experiences, we will successfully ascend ourselves, earth’s people and the planet.

What we lacked before was compassion and acceptance of others different from ourselves.

We have learned that polarizing to the light or the dark

does not allow us to feel compassion and maintain peace. 

Only by integrating the Light and Dark within us we will be able

to complete the Third Grand Experiment successfully with the planet and all the races involved.


When integration occurs, this realm will become defined by very different parameters. We will become the archetypes as well as the Founders. We will shift perspective and become conscious of ourselves as the Creator. 

It does not necessarily mean that our identities will be absorbed. It could mean that we will awaken to the point where we will consciously choose our destinies. Perhaps we may choose to enter other realms and be the unseen friends for planetary societies still playing the game of separation.

– We may even be another planet’s extraterrestrials –

pondering the same decisions regarding interference that our forefathers faced.

In stilling ourselves and listening closely, we can hear and feel the undercurrents of this transformation. Existence and change are the only constants.

We can play the game of illusion that we are an accidental creation, but sooner or later we tap ourselves on the shoulder and the game is up.

In Earth’s reality we have created the Arcturans, Sirians, Lyrans, Orions, Reticuli, Pleiadians, etc., to be the selves who tap us on the shoulder.

They are really part of the same one thing – us!

So how on Earth do we encourage integration to take place?

First of all, we must know that it will take place with or without our conscious action.

The difference is only that conscious action will allow the journey to be more enjoyable. We will feel more in control of our destinies.

The conscious action that will accelerate our integration process is very simple – allowance.

If we allow on all levels in which the integration takes place, we will see our paths unfold before us joyously.

Integration will take place on four main levels: Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical.



For us to integrate our mentality means that we allow ourselves to combine not only our cerebral processes, but our intuitive and emotional ones as well. The kind of thought today that is validated most is almost entirely head-centered. Formulas and calculations determine the reality of twentieth century Earth.

If we can allow ourselves to understand that the intuitive and emotional processes are just as valid and can be used in combination with the mental, we will be well on our way toward integrating our mentality.


Integrating emotionally means that we begin learning how to embrace our shadow self. We can start opening inner closets and digging deep into the subconscious for beliefs which hold us back. More often than not, these neglected parts of ourselves only want attention.

As the Pleiadians and the Lyrans before them discovered, denial only prolongs the pain of existence. Let us learn from these other selves on distant worlds. Let us not repeat the same lessons over and over again.


To integrate spiritually is perhaps the easiest of all. Each person possesses an inner spirituality that is not connected to doctrine. If we can release the doctrine and touch the innate spirituality, we begin the integration process. It extends outward onto the planet by the honoring of every person’s truth as a manifestation of the One Truth.

This allows each of us to coexist within our philosophies without needing to change each other’s beliefs. The fact that God/All That Is exists is not changed by our argument over which color robe “He” wears. We are so afraid of being alone and separate that we create even more separation through our desire to have a unified doctrine.

If we have the courage to begin touching this inner spirituality, we will see our transformation blossom.


Integration physically is slightly different. It involves an acknowledgment of our past and our history as being part of a grander scenario on a cosmic scale. From the Source and the Founders we fragmented. We have stretched our individualization to its outer limits. Coming together will require us to once again acknowledge and accept ourselves as part of our galactic family.

As we move through our racial fears and stop allowing skin color and cultural differences to be barriers between us, we also move through our fears.


We can allow integration on all levels into our physical life here on Earth.

Not one of us is “from” another place. We are from the Source, and the Source is vast. To say we are “from” the Pleiades is a denial of all the other ideas that we are. Our terrestrial selves become confused if we continually deny that our existence is part of the planet’s body.

We are of All That Is.

If individuals insist on stating they are “from” somewhere, the suggestion is offered that they proclaim their alliance with Earth.

They have chosen a life here.


The ETs we are talking about now who are fighting amongst themselves are reincarnation-ally you/us.

This is how we are bringing about the transformation and integration on Earth.

You have achieved what you set out to do – the Creation of the Terran race on Earth –

and then the incarnation into that race in order to work out the problems of our forefathers.

The first creation was the indigenous Terran species, the primates. Throughout the primate development there were periods of time when genetics was inserted to speed up the process. But it wasn’t until the Neanderthal, when things evolved rapidly toward a positive way.


 There began an explosion of growth, and it was at that time these ET races guided humankind into Cro-Magnon man.

 The missing link was the time period in which your development was extremely accelerated.

Our anthropologists can’t figure out what happened during that period because it doesn’t fit any of the theories. The most obvious thing is that we had help.

So the vehicle became prepared then.

The vehicle was given an instilment of extraterrestrial genetics. Think of it like this, we hybridize plants on, creating new forms of food. This is a natural process of evolution.

There was an infusion of the extraterrestrial genetics into the developing primate on Earth. Therefore you had Homo sapiens. The whole Garden of Eden story is a symbolic representation of our Terran species’ leap from second to third density, the awareness of the I AM.

That is how the race progressed into the prototype.

This is a natural process of evolution.


terran/Earth people can be seen as models for integration.

We are divine and terrestrial; of gods and men. We are proof positive that human life can adapt to seemingly insurmountable circumstances.

Let us celebrate humanity!

There are no space brothers who are really going to save us – they are too busy saving themselves!

We are not children. Though we are still playing the game of unawareness somewhat, we are looked at by other civilizations as an enigma.

We are the civilization that refused to die!


Our resilience and faith in our abilities has continually proven our worth. We refused to be dominated and used by the Lyran group in the Garden of Eden.

Various “plagues” by the gods have not succeeded in wiping us out. Thanks to Noah and the Sirian overlord who warned him, we have a flourishing civilization today.

Many have wondered why Earth has been observed by so many extraterrestrial groups.

Perhaps we are a predictable demonstration of integration in action.

It may be painful, but in our mass conscious belief, pain can produce miraculous results.

Earth of the present and Earth of the future is indeed that miracle.

Let us celebrate that miracle by integrating ourselves and taking responsibility for our planetary reality.

A number of collectives on Earth are carriers of their own extraterrestrial archetypes, such as:

  • the British (Nibiru), the French (Orion), Balinese (Pleiades), Iraqis (Nibiru), Jews (Nibiru) and Egyptians (Sirius).


Our universe is approximately 27 trillion years old, and the earth about 7.5 billion years.

763,132 BC – colonials from the Orion star system (Rigel and Betelgeuse systems) arrive. Orion established their first biosphere in China

741,237 BC – Capella (Ursa major) established a biosphere in southern Chile

701,655 BC – Vegans (Lyrans – our human ancestors) in Libya-Niger border

604,003 BC – the Cassiopeans (an insect race) settled in Algeria, North Africa

585,133 BC – the Niburu settled in Cairo, Egypt, bringing with them the moon as their satellite base and establishing their primary base on Mars

870,300 BC – the Orions sent another team in Perth, Australia

 83,400 BC – the Lyrans returned to Southern Europe

 73,414 BC – the Orions returned to Brazil

 79,743 BC – the Pleiadians arrived to Earth

 71,933 BC – Lemuria is founded as a collective colony. Many of these races are a pooled resources, located at a continent in the Pacific, composing of the Lyrans, Sirians, Pleiadians, Capellas and Nibirans

 57,600BC – Atlantis is founded and the Pleiadeans, who had left prior to the fall of Lemuria, return. Other colonies include the Andromedans, Nibirans, Aldebarans, Altareans and Sagitarreans. With the exception of Nibiru, these colonists are oxygen breathing humanoids

 31,017 BC – Lemuria is destroyed by war

 27,603 BC – Atlantis is destroyed by war

 27,000 BC – the Sumerian civilization is established by the Anunnaki, establishing rulership of Earth under the dominion of the Ceecar overlords. Recorded history begins.



Root races on Earth 

North America (Indigenous) – Pleiades/Sirius

South America – Pleiades/Procyon/Sirius 

Atlantis – Lyra/Pleiades (later infiltrated by Maldek and Orion)/Aldebaran 

Lemuria – Arcturus/Andromeda/ some Sirius

UK – Pleiades/Lyra/Andromeda/Sirius 

Asia – Draco/Orion/Andromeda/Vega/Zeta 


Africa – Annunaki/Sirius/Orion

Northern Europe/Scandinavia – Aldebaran/Pleiades/Alpha Centauri 

Italy – Northern & Central – Arcturus, Southern – Pleiades/Antares 

Greece – Antares 

Middle Eastern – Sirius/Annunaki/Orion

Russian/Slavic – Tau Ceti/Pleiades/Lyra

India and Indo-Asia – Vega/Orion/Sirius

Australia – Arcturus/Andromeda 

New Zealand- Andromeda 

Hawaii/Polynesia – Arcturus/Andromeda


Earth’s Galactic Family

The following are the main characters displayed in this tapestry from the perspective of Earth:

Though some of these civilizations overlap each other in time and may not appear linear, below is a linear translation of the progression of various cultures in comparison to each other.

The beings, the Lyrans and the Sirians who were involved in the genetic engineering of the Earth human, were looking to create the perfect vehicle, a body, for themselves to incarnate into eventually. It’s kind of like building your own car.

Our awakening will lead us home…to ourselves.

As we are going through this process of ascension and increasing our vibration rate, we are also completing a 26,000-year cycle.

It is no coincidence that the two coincide.

With the completion of this 26,000-year cycle, we are integrating everything that we have learned during this period.

These high vibrational particles of light assist and support us in elevating our frequency.

Rather than remaining on the same track going around and around in circles, we actually spiral up with the completion of each cycle.

As we near the end of a cycle, we are able to access once more everything that you’ve learned and then integrate it before moving on to the next.

Most of humanity simply experiences this as life going faster and getting more hectic as their issues are more intensely reflected so they can clearly see where judgment needs to be released. Not only are we at the end a 26,000-year cycle, but we are also at the end of a universal cycle. The end of this universal cycle has nothing to do with the counting of revolutions, but rather a result of the dissemination of information and skills that humanity gains and shares with the entire Universe. This new knowledge and wisdom will in essence change the universal game so dramatically that the game as it fundamentally exists can no longer be and is deemed complete.


The Founders


Andromedans / NON-Physical


The Lyrans




The Zeta Reticuli / Greys


Arcturians / Non-Physical






The Pleiadians








TO contributions by DEBBIE SOLARIS, & EVA MARQUEZ.



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