11:11 ~ You and Your Light Body ~ November 11, 2019

Editor’s Note: Very, very nice…the 11:11:11 goal of unification of your Light body with YOU in the physical realm. Be quiet and go inward in order to harmonize your internal self with you “eternal” self. Surrender to you ongoing moment of NOW, find you selfless YOU , and BE…



by L’Aura Pleiadian

11:11:11 ~ The 11th month, the 11th day, the 11th hour. It is no coincidence these sacred frequencies belong to the remembrance of what others have gone through. To their selfless acts, to the end of war. To peace and love, all now.

The eternal portal you wish to be activated into, is that of harmonizing with your Light Body.  This requires the internal state of being in harmony for that actualization to take place within you.

To harmonize with your Light Body is to be in ALIGNMENT WITH YOUR eternal consciousness as light. Your Light body is harmony,  is light and exists beyond time and space as you know it.

This eternal GLORY of you as your Light Body exists now. 

It is this alignment and unification with the Human aspect of you in form with your Light Body, that you desire.

11:11 ~ enter sacred space. Enter your heart. Enter the eternal portal of your unification to the New Earth/5th Dimensional Being, you so desire.

How to get from your head to your heart? Create sacred space as the container of you through all of your experiences, through every breath, consciously. 

Even the focus on this and repeatedly bringing yourself back to the awareness of this, is the process of your Ascension and complete unification, through your heart.

Be conscious, be selfless in that, the human you that wants things to be a certain way for you, releases its stronghold and attachments to control and power over the heart.

No matter what one attains materially ~ it does not bring the fulfillment of the heart and life plan/soul/destiny. Which is why you are here. And will continue to be here, till you complete your agreement.

Ultimately this is a surrender. And allowing, your true self, to take over. Your true self is through your heart and eternal. So this 11:11 ~ experience, is of that. For that, is that, eternally.

It is you to you, the human you to the eternal you, the accessing of this, is through your heart. The unification is the sacred marriage, is the sacred space, is the fulfillment and GLORY of your Light Body, your Love, your Divine Ascended Being, all now.

Hold this sacred space as the awareness that unifies you to you. You with your Light body. You with your complete transformation. You with your eternal Light and Divine Presence. Through love. In love, we The Divine Council of Overseers, initiate you now.

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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.

source: https://thenewdivinehumanity.com/2019/11/10/1111-you-and-your-light-body

Preparing The Way for Peaceful Transition ~ October 28, 2016


Posted by newsununity, 10/28/2016

The ego has many voices but not one of them is founded in True Love and Compassion. That is not to say that the ego is out to ‘get you’ or deliberately misguide you. The ego tries its best to keep you safe and protected within the walls of human consciousness and the comfort zones found within the halls of Illusion.

We have always guided you that your truth lies within, but we know it is sometimes difficult to hear this guidance clearly especially if you are facing great challenges in your life that evoke the limiting aspects of the human consciousness.

The Archangels and Ascended Masters are there to guide and support you always, but know that these wise Celestial Light Beings exist within you also.

Beloveds, we remind you that there exists nothing outside of you, therefore let us guide you on the absolute importance of going within and “checking in” with Source on a daily basis in order to prepare the way for a peaceful transition at this ‘time’ in the Great Shift.

Once or twice daily, afford yourself the time and space to sit in peaceful silence and focus your attention within your Body and High Heart center. Focus on the Breath and allow yourself to become centered. Then, when you are ready, call upon the Highest Light within you, to ground Itself IN and THROUGH you deep into the Planetary Core of Gaia, thereby assuring that you are fully connected both above and below (on Heaven and Earth). Whilst within this Sacred Connection and vortex of Creation you are in Presence and being empowered, re-energized, and re-Sourced on ALL levels of being.

It is whilst you are in this Sacred Space that you are Co-creating with the Divine Source of Everything in a profound and significant way!

It is this Sacred Connection that will transform your entire existence!

If you do not avail yourself of this precious connection with your Source energy then you may find that your life experience (reality) can be likened to one of those battery-powered children’s toys that move in slow motion when it is running out of power, going nowhere slowly.

Connecting with your Inner Core power raises your vibration and keeps you in tip-top shape on a physical, mental and emotional, and spiritual level.

This inner connection will bring you a sense of true Peace and instill within you a sense of knowing that all is well, regardless of the chaos unfolding around you. Know that whatever is unfolding is part of The Divine Plan and that everyone is playing their intended role in the Plan in order for the events to occur which need to occur at this particular time. Trust and have Faith!

Know also that ultimately Love prevails, always. The Will of the Creator will prevail and ensure that The Divine Plan plays out as intended for the highest and best good of All.

All is well. All is Love. And so it is.

We leave you our Highest Blessing and the assurance that You ARE Love(d).


» Source


What Happened to Downtime? The Extinction of Deep Thinking & Sacred Space ~ September 26, 2016



We’re addicted to distraction, and it’s holding us back. To find genius in the 21st century, we must build a discipline of unplugging and deep thinking.

Interruption-free space is sacred. Yet, in the digital era we live in, we are losing hold of the few sacred spaces that remain untouched by email, the internet, people, and other forms of distraction. Our cars now have mobile phone integration and a thousand satellite radio stations. When walking from one place to another, we have our devices streaming data from dozens of sources. Even at our bedside, we now have our iPads with heaps of digital apps and the world’s information at our fingertips.

There has been much discussion about the value of the “creative pause” – a state described as “the shift from being fully engaged in a creative activity to being passively engaged, or the shift to being disengaged altogether.” This phenomenon is the seed of the break-through “a-ha!” moments that people so frequently report having in the shower. In these moments, you are completely isolated, and your mind is able to wander and churn big questions without interruption. However, despite the incredible power and potential of sacred spaces, they are quickly becoming extinct. We are depriving ourselves of every opportunity for disconnection. And our imaginations suffer the consequences.

Why do we crave distraction over downtime?

Why do we give up our sacred space so easily? Because space is scary. During these temporary voids of distraction, our minds return to the uncertainty and fears that plague all of us. To escape this chasm of self-doubt and unanswered questions, you tune into all of the activity and data for reassurance. But this desperate need for constant connection and stimulation is not a modern problem. I would argue that we have always sought a state of constant connection from the dawn of time, it’s just never been possible until now.

We are depriving ourselves of every opportunity for disconnection.

The need to be connected is, in fact, very basic in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the psychological theory that explains the largest and most fundamental human desires. Our need for a sense of belonging comes right after physical safety. We thrive on friendship, family, and the constant affirmation of our existence and relevance. Our self-esteem is largely a product of our interactions with others. It is now possible to always feel loved and cared for, thanks to the efficiency of our “comment walls” on Facebook and seamless connection with everyone we’ve ever known. Your confidence and self-esteem can quickly be reassured by checking your number of “followers” on Twitter or the number of “likes” garnered by your photographs and blog posts. The traction you are getting in your projects, or with your business, can now be measured and reported in real time. Our insatiable need to tune into information – at the expense of savoring our downtime – is a form of “work” (something I call “insecurity work”) that we do to reassure ourselves.

So what’s the solution? How do we reclaim our sacred spaces?

Soon enough, planes, trains, subways, and, yes, showers will offer the option of staying connected. Knowing that we cannot rely on spaces that force us to unplug to survive much longer, we must be proactive in creating these spaces for ourselves. And when we have a precious opportunity to NOT be connected, we should develop the capacity to use it and protect it. Here are five potential mindsets and solutions for consideration:

1. Rituals for unplugging.

Perhaps those in biblical times knew what was in store for us when they created the Sabbath? The notion of a day every week reserved for reflection has become more important than ever before. It’s about more than just refraining from work. It’s about unplugging. The recent Sabbath Manifesto movement has received mainstream, secular accolades for the concept of ritualizing the period of disconnection. Perhaps you will reserve one day on the weekend where you force yourself to disconnect? At first, such efforts will feel very uncomfortable. You will deal with a bout of “connection withdrawal,” but stay with it.

2. Daily doses of deep thinking.

Perhaps “sacred space” is a new life tenet that we must adopt in the 21st century? Since we know that unplugging will only become more difficult over time, we will need to develop a discipline for ourselves. Back in the day when the TV became a staple of every American home, parents started mandating time for their children to read. “TV time” became a controlled endeavor because, otherwise, it would consume every waking moment. Now, every waking moment is “connected time,” and we need to start controlling it. We need some rules. When it comes to scheduling, we will need to allocate blocks of time for deep thinking. Maybe you will carve out a 1-2 hour block on your calendar every day for taking a walk or grabbing a cup of coffee and just pondering some of those bigger things. I can even imagine a day when homes and apartments have a special switch that shuts down wi-fi and data access during dinner or at night – just to provide a temporary pause from the constant flow of status updates and other communications.

3. Meditation and naps to clear the mind.

There is no better mental escape from our tech-charged world than the act of meditation. If only for 15 minutes, the ability to steer your mind away from constant stimulation is downright liberating. There are various kinds of meditation. Some forms require you to think about nothing and completely clear your mind. (This is quite hard, at least for me.) Other forms of meditation are about focusing on one specific thing – often your breath, or a mantra that you repeat in your head (or out loud) for 10-15 minutes. At first, any sort of meditation will feel like a chore. But with practice, it will become an energizing exercise. If you can’t adopt meditation, you might also try clearing your mind the old fashioned way – by sleeping. The legendary energy expert and bestselling author Tony Schwartz takes a 20-minute nap every day. Even if it’s a few hours before he presents to a packed audience, he’ll take a short nap. I asked him how he overcomes the midday anxiety enough to nap. His trick? “Practice,” he said. Like all skills that don’t come naturally, practice makes perfect.

4. Self-awareness and psychological investment.

Our most basic fears and desires, both conscious and subconscious, are soothed by connectivity and a constant flow of information. It is supremely important that we recognize the power of our insecurities and, at the very least, acknowledge where our anxiety comes from. Awareness is always the first step in solving any problem. During research for my book, Making Ideas Happen, I was surprised by how many legendary creative leaders credited some form of therapy as a part of their professional success. If you’re willing to invest in it, then take the plunge. Whatever you learn will help you understand your fears and the actions you take as a result.


5. Protect the state of no-intent.

When you’re rushing to a solution, your mind will jump to the easiest and most familiar path. But when you allow yourself to just look out the window for 10 minutes – and ponder – your brain will start working in a more creative way. It will grasp ideas from unexpected places.  It’s this very sort of unconscious creativity that leads to great thinking. When you’re driving or showering, you’re letting your mind wander because you don’t have to focus on anything in particular. If you do carve out some time for unobstructed thinking, be sure to free yourself from any specific intent.


The potential of our own creativity is rapidly being compromised by the era we live in. I believe that genius in the 21st century will be attributed to people who are able to unplug from the constant state of reactionary workflow, reduce their amount of insecurity work, and allow their minds to solve the great challenges of our era. Brilliance is so rare because it is always obstructed, often by the very stuff that keeps us so busy.

The Best Creative Career Insights, Delivered Weekly.

Scott Belsky

Scott Belsky is a general partner for Benchmark Capital. Previously, he was Adobe’s Vice President of Community and Co-Founder & Head of Behance, the leading online platform for creatives to showcase and discover creative work. Scott has been called one of the “100 Most Creative People in Business” by Fast Company, and is the author of the bestselling book, Making Ideas Happen.



winter dessert

In this article, Maria (aka Lightworker 1964) reminds me (us) of a tool that if often forgotten as we cope with living in the 3D world…the power of prayer! And by that, I AM not refering to pleading with some higher power to “do something for me”, or “have it turn out that way”. Rather, I AM referring to our conscious thoughts we place in our minds about our preferences.

Wait! How does this differ from traditional “prayer”? The whole difference is to whom you are aiming your “message” ! Traditional prayer is geared to an entity that is assumed to be more powerful than you…a controller, of sorts. However, in this message, Maria guides us to having that mental contact be with ourselves…our Higher Self!

Do you want to influence on “outcome” in your life? Then, it’s time to communicate that thought..to you! And before that messae is sent, Maria’s advice regarding the best “transmission techniques” is sure to bring you the results you prefer to experience.

So…please read on, use yourself to your bewst advantage, and…




As we begin to come together in our hearts and unite in the physical, often times there is a great deal of “interference” between us, especially electronically.

A great spiritual tool that we had forgotten to assist in CLEARING Space is to DECLARE Sacred Space.

This can be done individually as a type of multidimensional clearing and protection tool, and ALSO when in groups.

When two or more of us come together, this tool is very effective in setting up a Tube of Light between us so that when we connect Heart to Heart, we are in sacred space and NONE may interfere.
We then share information at a higher vibrational frequency, understand and assimilate with ease and grace.

As always, take what resonates, leave the rest, question everything, and find the way that works for you.

To Declare Sacred Space:

Surround Yourself in a Tube of Light from Source.
Cut All energy chords to and from you.
Give thanks and release them.
Heal your energy body by envisioning it as whole and one.
Fill Yourself with Light.
Open UP your Heart and Shine Your Love, surrounding yourself in a Golden Shield of Unconditional Love.
Bring in the Violet Ray to transmute any discordant energy.

State to the Universe:

I am Source.Sovereign.Free.
I NOW declare Sacred Space,(between us),as we connect in our Hearts for the Highest Good of All.
NONE may cross.
And So It Is.

That’s it.

So if you are going to talk to someone and are having trouble connecting clearly, declare Sacred Space and the connection will clear up.
As long as it is for the highest good of all and you are meant to connect of course.
This tool removes all outside interference and can be expanded to cover large areas as needed.

Happy to have remembered THIS one.

I use this ALL the time.
All part of stepping into our Sovereignty.

In Light, Love and Joyful Service
I send my Love to All