Headlines and Updates for June 10, 2019: Can’t Stuff Any More In a Day [videos] ~ June 10, 2019

Editor’s Note: I cannot get over the picture used by Starship earth on her latest message of hope. Well, yes…lot’s of bad news, but that’s really a very good thing because it shows all the varieties of darkness on our planet that re now being released..

Back to the picture above. Are we on a globe, or…a flat planet. This topic has been under discussion for quite a while. Cobra, once a leader in the spiritual segment, has declared the Earth to be a globe, but there is plenty of evidence to support “flat earthers”.

In the long run for me..it doesn’t really matter, as what I care about the most is promoting the involving love in all aspects of our lives! So…please read the excellent true news report below, know that darkness is being flushed out by the Light bonbarding Earth more than ever and be…



I wanted to title it “Things are getting really good now” but I’ve said that multiple times before. I’m running out of titles. It IS getting really good now—but it’s not all good. It is unavoidable.

The ‘big picture’ unfolding…

I just happened to see this, which happened at 1:43 pm EDT where a privately owned helicopter crashed into the roof of a high rise. One death is presumed to be the pilot at this time. No other casualties, not related to an act of terrorism. The weather is obviously very wet so perhaps that was a factor.

Live Coverage: Helicopter crashes on midtown Manhattan skyrise

Holy cow, all you have to do is take a quick boo at The Watchers home page to see the might of nature unleashed on Humanity globally. The full fury of the cabal is focused in specific areas like the US breadbasket where storms that defy the laws of physics, according to at least one expert, explode week after week and deaths have ensued.

The rain these mutant ninja storms can produce in 24 hours is equivalent to one month’s worth.

The LA Times reports mysterious swarms of small earthquakes in the Los Angeles area. Is that their prognostication for what is planned? More man-made earthquakes?  I’m thinking earthquakes near dams holding back 98 per cent capacity water could have disastrous results.

KTLA picks up the tune.

‘People Ought to Be Concerned’ Over Inland Empire Earthquake Swarm, Caltech Seismologist Says

Trump is calling out the press and with the number of potential witnesses said to have succumbed to Arkancide last week, we know the cabal is on the road to hell.

The New World Order has put the thumbscrews to the Alternative/Truth Media and daily we learn of ‘Tubers who began websites to avoid the censorship and still get their real news out. Kip Simpson is the latest I’ve heard who has seen his video views drop substantially and took that supplemental action. Even QAnon has backed off with another 2 week stint of silence. (at least on 8Chan)

Simpson provides a quick update below on the Canadian political scene which is revving up for the October 2019 election.

Globalist puppet-in-training Turdeau seems to be taking desperate actions to drum up support for himself, including “bribing” the media. The news coming from Simpson and Press for Truth is unreal.

And yes! IT IS ELECTION MEDDLING on behalf of the party in power.

Justin Trudeau & Macron Losing Badly in Polls, Desperately Silence Critics

Trudeau Liberals To Release “SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS” in Lead Up To Federal Election!

Perhaps the People won’t consider voting for one summoned to court for crimes against Humanity and genocide.

Top Government, Corporate and Church leaders in Canada are Indicted and issued Summons to Appear before Genocide Tribunal – Prime Minister Trudeau, Governor General, Papal Nuncio and CEO’s charged with Crimes against Humanity

Unspeakable things have happened all over the world, but how did America get into this mess? This old footage spells it out. The problems were evident, but not addressed so they ballooned into a monster no one could tackle—until Donald Trump, and his brave inner circle and team of Patriots stepped up to do the job.

Josh Bernstein featured that video warning which is very enlightening, to say the least.

How THIS VIDEO from 1958 ACCURATELY PREDICTED everything that is happening today

You no doubt heard the dimms got Watergate John Dean to testify regarding the Mueller Report. Dan Bongino puts the ploy into perspective in 4 minutes and makes it clear why it’s pure theatre. Funny, this video disappeared, too. WTH?

Bongino slams Democrats over planned John Dean hearing

About that “Google/YouTube” outage last week… We heard the White Hats had an op going on, but that’s unconfirmed. This is an update on that story. Take it for what you will.

Google Cloud Outage Knocked Huge Portions of the Internet Offline [VIDEO]

John McAfee has been outspoken for some time about the situation in America. I didn’t realize he spoke out on Twitter/Reddit until the last day or so. It sounds like he’s fed up with these turds.

John seems to have a dead man’s switch—and who could do it better than an IT security guy? See his thinly veiled promise here.

Check out the Tweets below, which I have added three times and they keep disappearing.

I am not implying that our entire Government is corrupt. I am saying that it is corrupt to the point that no-one is untouched by it. pic.twitter.com/q4IGdBKTGz

— John McAfee (@officialmcafee) June 10, 2019

Can’t wait for this. What about Pence? Who gets to out him?

On Friday, I will release the names of 25 Congressmen and 5 Senators, from both Parties, who are coming up for re-election in 2020, and who MUST be recalled, and if that fails, booted out of office on election day. Power corrupts, and corruption is the enemy of Freedom.

— John McAfee (@officialmcafee) June 10, 2019

Kellyanne Conway brings us a real update and we learn that Mexican officials, true to their word, have stopped the Beast Train at their southern border with ca. 250 migrants on board. But Trump was just bluffing about those ol’ tariffs.

Kellyanne Conway says Pelosi has lost control of Democrats

We have an interesting blurb from Fulford/whoever is writing the updates…

Dutch whistleblowers, meanwhile, have been putting out damning information on the Bilderberg founding by the Nazi Dutch royal family and their connection to the fascist American Rockefeller (Clinton), Bush, etc. faction.  Among other things, they report that Boeing manufactured bombers and sent them to Germany to bomb Americans during World War II.

This is important, because we now have a 30-year Boeing veteran, Patrick Shanahan, as “Acting Defense Secretary” in the United States, even as all genuine military veterans left the Trump administration at the beginning of this year.

Pentagon sources are telling us “the domino-like, sudden collapse of 26 telephone poles right along the main thoroughfare servicing Boeing’s many Seattle facilities along East Marginal Way” last week was “no coincidence.”

“This was a white-hat message to Boeing to cease and desist from the use of remote control override technology in its planes used in its ‘airplane accidents,’ as well as its other warmongering/war crimes/war technologies (that may use 5G), both public and secret,” the sources say.

I’m a little skeptical about this claim that White Hats did it, as they usually will not do things that can harm civilians, and there were some very close calls there, sending a couple of people to hospital. I can buy the fire at Notre Dame because no one was inside and no one was hurt.

We haven’t had an update recently on the GTMO military tribunals. The news is colourful from there, as well. C-Vine has this peek behind the scenes for us from May 30. There are transcripts for the proceedings if you follow up on the info below the video. Suggest you read that outline first.

Unfortunately, and as I feared because they didn’t release details at the time, when the plane from GTMO skidded off the runway and landed in the river in Florida, (some) pets in the cargo area in the belly of the plane drowned.

Regardless, this is a fascinating update.

Military Tribunal Drama Behind the Scenes = Angry 9/11 Victims & Families

Published on May 30, 2019
Released on 6/1/2019


The timing and final results coming out, will help to weed through information overload.

Will you be able to discern what this picture is forming? You decide.

Links to Military Tribunal Transcripts, Fact Checking links, plus other important sources provided below “Discussion Points”.

Today’s Discussion Points….

*A certain Commander of GITMO was recently FIRED because of, “Lack of Confidence?” What was it for?

  • Is Judge Parrella going somewhere? (Judge from the KSM et al Tribunals). Could there now be a serious problem?

*Judge Parrella was airlifted Stateside in the middle of the KSM et al proceedings for emergency surgery. Was this convenient timing in January?

*Was there a plane crash flying from Guantanamo Bay right after the last KSM et al proceedings where Judge Parrella made his announcement about leaving? Who was on that plane?
*How many Military Tribunal Judges recently have retired in the middle of proceedings or have been reassigned in the last three months?
*I was invited to to the “Kahn” tribunal on June 5th by Ron Flesvig from the DoD because there was to be final sentencing. Has the Kahn sentencing been delayed until July or later? (U.S. vs. Majid Shoukat Kahn).

*Was there another delay with the al Baluchi proceedings release of taped calls by the FBI and CIA? What were these taped calls about and how many times has the release been postponed? Is the answer critical to the American People?
*Fox reported Breaking News on May 13th that victims and family members of 9/11 are seriously angry because the FBI refuses to release the names and Institution recorded by them (and identified) that was planning the orchestration. A federal judge in New York was MAKING A RULING that very day on the release of these names. What was that important ruling? Can anyone find the answer?

*Did POTUS say this was going to be the best July 4th ever? Did he just order a complete DECLAS? What are the chances the KSM et al tribunal in the end of June may be part of the whole about to be revealed?

Website: https://c-vine.com/