March 2019 Ascension Energies – Creative Flow ~ February 27, 2019

By Jayme Price

The accompanying video to this article can be found here.

February Review

As we’ve been moving through this Year of Freedom, we are intensifying our lightbody upgrade with January’s Patient Potential, which creates an open, relaxed energetic structure. That offers greater flow as the Peace that Passes All Understanding, connects new understanding. February’s energy of Power Vision strengthened the lightbody to create more focus, clarity and determination within. As we move into March, we are energizing our lightbody to amplify our impact into our lives.

February had an interesting flow. In many ways it felt quick and smooth, as details often settled in the unconscious to be accessed at the appropriate time. This resulted in quite a few ah-ha moments interspersed in a quick clearings and readjustments. February’s spiraling of time was offering us the strength of focus within constant movement. The balance of stillness (January) and movement (March).

Creative March

The energy I was shown for March is Creative Flow. I was shown that we are energizing our lightbody to sustain our powerful flow of Love as our spiraling energy amplifies our creative expression within/without/within/without. The breath of life is flowing to you, through you and from you. Breathe life in deeply and exhale your infinite Love into your world.

I was also shown a braid—three strands becoming one pattern of life woven together. If you look at a braid and knew nothing of how to braid, it is not obvious that there are three strands weaving together. As they become one pattern, the origin becomes blended into new form.

This mimics your polarity integration of the duality experience. You are weaving opposites together, the proton and electron of potential form, weaving through you. You are the third strand, connecting two opposites together through your inner choice and your external actions. You are creation, marching forward through linear time.

You are the future, creating in this present moment, the invisible forming within. The future is offered to you now. What will you weave with it?

Freedom March

As you bless this March with your powerful Love, you may not yet see the creation. This is the continuation of the February energy of the power of your vision and envisioning your power—the reflection.

Own your power to create.

Your freedom is an inside job. Your true freedom is within you, where your stillness has the imperceptible movement to touch All. It’s invisible, it flows through your inner vision, February’s preparation. You choose to let it flow – March (is) on. Own your power to create.

You don’t have the power to control unless you can suppress another into compliance. That’s so old paradigm, and unsustainable through the movement of Time. Life will consume that. Or you can transform that. Love’s opportunity is the powerful passive force connecting opposites into new form. That connection, like your Love, begins within you.

In Summary

March will be asking you to create, to connect, to change. What will you have to change in order to hold the space of potential within you? What strand of Love will you connect, to weave into the fabric of your life? What future will you create as the present story unfolds? Hold the power of your vision. Relax into a peaceful stillness. Weave your invisible strand of Love into your life, creating the new. Own your power to create.


“Know thyself…” ~ June 4, 2016

Oh, man, know thyself and thou shall know the Universe and the Gods MEME

Mmm…I say this statement on Stillness of the Storm, which is the blog of Justin. I rather like this quote, and am placing this on yamy blog to encourage all to get in touch with, and follow, your inner wisdom. As  Justin says…Do we create our own reality? As human beings we all co-create the aggregate of our experiences, your outer world is largely a reflection of your inner world. You are the co-creator of your reality. You are not the entirety of your reality, this isn’t solipsism, at the same time you’re not at the mercy of a deterministic world with no free will. You co-create it, which means you have a lot of Power to influence it.

So…please watch this video, think about you, and…




The Planetary New Year starts on July 26th 2015. This is the Galactic cycle of the Moons is a 13 month cycle of 28 days. This is the ancient way of time keeping from the Babylonian, Mayans, Egyptians and Indians & other Advanced Races. Realigning with Galactic time in preparation for the New Cycle of Ascension and Creation.  A portal of energy from 7th Dimension. Time itself flows through our manifestations as Masters Teachers of Time & Energy, BEING the “Continuum of the Flow Force of Creation” ~ 333 ~  By HigherSelf. Creating through  Art, Creativity, including Sacred Sexual Creativity (manifesting form this action of Love, Adventure & Abundance.  Time in the New Earth is a spiral like energy of infinite possibilities unlike the 3D Earth Time as a recycling circle (clock) driven by a fear of lack of money.

3D Earth Linear time is based on the Gregorian/Western Calendar of 12 months 365 days that is not accurate. It is based on the false belief of lack, thus giving up of your time to make money in a manner that is dictated by others in control on 3D Earth. Which is driven by Fear & Lack of Freedom.  Exchanging your energy of time for the energy of money in tasks we don’t find joy or freedom within.

This vortex of energy opens a New July 26th 2015, Climaxes August 8th 2015 ~888 and Closes August 12th 2015. During this portal the realigning of humanity into appreciation of our divinity and connection to nature. Some energetic phenomena is transmitted to Earth on these days leading to the Lion’s Gate 8/8. Light codes are grounded and new creativity can begin. A higher level of consciousness in the natural order of things is renewed. The field of resonance of those making the choice to evolve provides a powerful alignment with the New Earth energies of Divine Light for the Planet and yourself.  Your choices right now are powerful and can assist the Planet on her journey into Higher Consciousness as a Collective. Lion’s Gate on the 8/8, a powerful moment of integration and grounding of the new energies and light codes, The number 8 symbolizes power, “our power to create”, and by 12th August your new direction for the upcoming cycle will be established, both on the personal level and on the Planetary level.

This powerful 888 GateWay is also referred to the Magdalene  Gateway. Sirian Avatars were Yeshua, known as Jesus, and his partner, Mary Magdalene ~ TwinFlames , whom together they embodied the Divine Masculine and Feminine frequencies of the Gold Frequency of the Christ Consciousness to Earth. Mary Magdalene represents the Courage to integrate Soul and Ego into ONE. Using these powers to unite the feminine and masculine energies. Each day momentum is built  by balancing the Yin and Yang. No longer “playing the victim” instead standing with conviction of your authentic self and setting the example for others to follow. NOW is the time to bring forth from within, these sacred Master frequencies to Earth from with in your OWN Divine Heart. Blue flame (Masculine/Father God), Pink flame (Feminine Mother God) uniting the Heart space making up the Violet Flame (ONE) expanding out thought the crown into your Golden I AM presence of Golden Light. Simply visualize this daily during a meditation to activate your Divinity and God Consciousness to this Earth for Co-Creation.

I AM working with 80 other people in this group form locations around the Globe along with other people who are connected to  (us) these 80 people and Higher Realms (Cosmic and Beings)  to anchor these Diamond Energy Frequencies in to Earth over the next 4 weeks, which btw have not ever been anchored on Earth and can now BE, thankfully to the Galactic Convergence as of May 28th 2015. This convergence was successful with the work of the Light Bearers on Earth being able to hold the higher frequencies of this the Galactic energy so the convergence could take place, similar to the Harmonic Convergence (which sustained the light to usher in creation of New Earth Energies)  but on a much more grand scale.  This is the work of the Ascended Masters of time on the New Earth.  In order to assist with the Ascension/Raising Consciousness of Earth and Humanity = Creating Heaven on The New Earth.

The message I want to send, is that a powerful energy is available to all who are open to it. This Lions Gate 888 Portal of Energy. Expand your reality by stepping into a NEW dimension of TIME. To receive the energy of Galactic Time as “Creating in order to Live”. Sustaining a flow of Love, Joy, Creativity and Abundance.  Transform your life by transforming your relationship with time. To think out of the cubicle even if you are situated in one.  For this cycle of time, choose to think and feel with all that your are doing as creations rather than “tasks”,  “just fake it til you make it” the feeling of creation. For your time on Earth is precious. This will lead you closer to your freedom to choose to do what you enjoy doing with your time.

And For GODSelf sake if you have manifested a life with financial freedom go within and find what is brings Joy, what makes your Heart sing and begin to create what you can offer as a spiritual service to mankind. Your ahead of the game, the “lack” & fear driven lower vibration is not part of this equation. Do not succumb to the 3D lower vibrations of Fear, shame, guilt or worthiness by therefore wasting your time partaking in  reckless behavior/activities or punching someone else’s clock.  Expand your awareness and follow the signs, symbols and numbers showing you a path to your Soul’s purpose. 11:11, 222, 333. These signs are in everything, Plants, Animals will show you, nature, books, signs, license plates, songs, clouds, everywhere!

“You can fail at what you don’t want, So you might as well take a chance on doing what you Love” ~ Jim Carrey   

This Energy coming forth will bring change to our electromagnetic fields of Earth thus our DNA will feel the momentum of vibration of heightened frequency. Its a win, win situation whether you feel it or not the Light Codes are flooding IN from this Vortex.  Releasing that which is unable to sustain this light  “Out with the Old & in with the New” ~ 555 beginnings.

I AM also very excited for this Lions Gate Way 888, as it culminates on the same day of my Birth Date and I feel exquisite connection of this time <3.

9:35 PM: Just received a message by the Angelicss as I finalized this blog. The Angels & HigherSelf send me Spirals of light on my black computer screen along with enlarged bold numbers of the time of day in the corner beside the orchestration of lights, at certain times of the day  that hold a message in direct synchronicity of what I am doing or working with at that time (my screen fades into black at the message time:), Sooooo magical every time this transpires. Just like the 11:11 However a WAY HEIGHTNED VIBRATION. The lights are diamond rainbow colors, so vibrant, of various colors that spiral and dance on my screen.,tonight they are pinks, purples, yellows and greens.  The Message is:    “The Angels/Masters are guiding you to make healthful and positive changes in your career so that your are completely focused on serving a creative ~ spiritual purpose through your work” ~ The Angels

I had to share that message story,  as it is one of the ways my HigherSelf/ sends me messages via technology, truly magical !!!

Feeling Blessed & Grateful.

Love & Light

Shelly Sullivan

Spiritual Teacher/Healer/Manifestation Mastery

Diamond Frequency Sun of lightSun Diamond Light Frequency ~ Image captured by ME.