Energy Update ~ Solaris Alignment: Restoring the Organic Ascension Energy Update ~ Solaris Alignment: Restoring the Organic Ascension ~ July 24, 2018

By Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

This sequence of events which migrates realities to the higher timelines, the New Earth experience, continues to unfold with increasing intensity. As the Divine forces hit the cosmic accelerator, we release, release, and release all of the disharmony connected to the old Self and lower timelines.

A grand neutralization of distortion is underway. It feels personal because it is; Self-empowerment is key to the individual experience of Oneness with Source. We are preparing the fractals for reunification with the whole as a conscious, palpable experience. Remember the global purification experience depends on the actions and intentions of the awakened.

Ascension is inevitable, we hit that mark years ago, however the unfoldment quickens with our ability to unify in Love, Light and Service. All of this intensity prepares us for embodiment of the New, and collective higher timeline experiences. Emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual distortions cannot co-exist with the higher functions of the Christed/Crystalline heart.

This is a beautiful phase as our collective choices of unity consciousness and higher service are revealed. That pure frequency of Divine Love is dissolving distorted realities. Depending on the goal of your Ascension, this passage can provide the deep clearings necessary for next-level Lightbody expansion, as well as embodiment of pure Source awareness, aka enlightenment.

Restoring Organic Timelines

From the Solar level, a very interesting adjustment is in progress. Over the last few months the realignment of Solaris has presented, and this upcoming lengthy Lunar eclipse on Friday is involved.

When I asked to see how this is created or what the linear effects would be, I received a long line of shining gold light code, like Galactic mathematics. It is very clear in my third eye for the last few weeks, however I was asked to not share an image of that code online. Gatekeepers, I AM beaming this to you telepathically. This is specific to this eclipse passage when the realignment occurs.

Restoring timelines (or an entire Solar system) from so much distortion to organic realities is an ongoing multidimensional operation. Many of you are feeling the cosmic shifts over the past two weeks, and the Source activations which accompany embodiment. Huge fireballs streak across the night sky during Gatework, and our lightship activity has increased again. Many are experiencing the peeling away of the distorted timelines and negative realities. Personally, the deep sensation of unity with Source is beyond any prior experience.

Restoring organic timelines amplifies the experience of the organic Ascension; a deep sense of reunification with Source. This is a very powerful step for embodiment of the Christed Self, as well as Unity Consciousness. There is Unity in the strangeness, intensity and beauty of this passage.

Cosmic rays of positive photonic light become more intense. Hydration and being in natural bodies of water assists, since new starwater/plasma is arriving to deliver Source codes. Water/Plasma is an easy code delivery system, and all of it is connected, including the water in your cells.

This is a turning point for the grids and Gatekeeping. Our focus has been on creating the New Earth grid systems, correcting the effects of axial tilt, opening the cosmic stargates, and building the crystalline bridges to the New Earth. These activities led us to restoration of the Primary, Organic timeline realities, which fully supports embodiment, which in turn flips the paradigm. The realignment of Solaris, already in progress, is a key factor in revealing New Earth. It also supports the new heart harmonics of the Divine HUman, the sound of coherence which affects external realities around the activated individual.

In brief, this is a significant shift to the pure organic Christed timelines for all willing hearts. It is a radically different experience, and we embrace these unknown states of consciousness with trust, faith and unconditional Love of Source.

Purified Levels of Lightbody Attunement

Our integration of the diamond frequencies of pure light activates a high level of the template for the logos. These layers of consciousness above the denser spectrum of 3D take us beyond ultraviolet and into the unseen, or just out-of-phase. We see the magenta, integrating the rose layers. Gold presents as we access our Mastery and Solar realms, then onto the iridescent crystalline or pearlescent white-crystalline. This rainbow light fills our visions, and New Earth presents as a shining realm of purified creation.

Meditations and lucid dream/etheric realm activations are opening these crystalline Gateways of the Heart, and many are migrating their personal timelines to expand into next-level Lightbody. We become the bridge to New Earth, by demonstrating what is possible with Ascension and resurrecting the HUman heart grid.

Lightworkers in Service, Let us Unify

Kindwhile, the grounded task of assisting Gaia, HUmanity kingdoms and elementals presents. Keep it simple, as the energies may make us feel trancelike, spacey, or sleepy. Even in these expanded states of embodiment, we manage to unify in service.

This is a very long Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse, and the energy will be quite strong. Details on visibility and duration can be found HERE.

Our focus – and please command/decree this in your Gridwork and ceremony – is the removal of distorted realities and their cause, record and all effects of them in this Now. We welcome forth this Divine realignment and the revelation of the Christed organic timelines with ease and grace.

Crystals are a huge help; be sure to place them in the ground, on the grass, or in water for the duration of the Gateway. Gatekeepers, we open on Tuesday July 24 with unified intent to deliver the maximum purification and amplification of the Ascension allowed by Cosmic law, in the highest interests of all concerned with the pure, organic Ascension. So it is.

We hold this unified focus on restoration of the organic Ascension timelines for all, supporting the Solar shifts, and stability for the collective during this Gateway. The energies may feel scattered for a while before they balance out. Hold the intention of Peace.

Meditation, hydration, integrate in water (natural ocean, lakes, streams, rivers are best), move the body, breathe, connect with the SUN as the codes are delivered and our prismatic projector changes, and get off-line often for the strongest experience.

Listen and meditate with the Lyran Sound Journey, it has a calming, comforting, activating effect.

Tuesday, July 24 – Monday July 30
:  Lunar Eclipse Gateway Passage, Cosmic Realignment

Friday, July 27
:  Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse at 1:22pm PDT
SUNday July 29:  
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pm PDT.

Blessings upon all of creation for this unique passage. Gratitude, Love and Strength to all in Divine Service. Here we glow!

In Love, Light and Service,


As The Old Matrix Unravels … NEW Earth Replaces the Old… ~ Feb. 1, 2017


By Lisa Brown, 02/01/2017

When we said that the gridwork/framework for the old physical realities had dissolved, this is what we meant. What is occurring right now for each still living beneath/in the unconscious matrix program. This unraveling is necessary to bring all things into light. Out there and inside, for both are the same.

Photonic light amplifies, distorts and brings through “bizarre”. For each dimension it is different though. Bizarre is the appearance as photons distort one’s current reality, leaving the old matrix program and entering into a higher dimensional reality now. Once on the other side, the bizarreness only exists when observing that which is still asleep. This is foreign (alien) to us for it’s not reality here. It’s a program that continues to play itself out in those timelines/dimensions with those who are not fully awake yet. The bizarreness of the unconscious realms shall continue to increase, to awaken each faster to what’s not in-alignment with UNITY and LOVE existence here.

These Galactic Holy frequencies (yes they are both, not just one now) continue to increase substantially to make all visible so that each will CHOOSE TO PULL OUT OF THOSE SYSTEMS while they still have choice. Where one waits until there is no choice, then realities appear to be harsher. They are not harsher, they are what each required to wake up.

The reason all of this is happening, is because all who still hold separation inside, all who are not ready to unite through love and work together for what has already been created and is already stable and in-place, will continue to experience realities to clear all of that separation energy until it is all gone, until the only option is to leave the old unconscious realities behind and come on-board with those who are already doing/holding NEW EARTH REALITIES in place, continually creating, continually uniting, continually SHOWING THE WAY. Until one is ready, they remain in the old matrix realities. Our “job”, if you will is to explain this so each can see that waiting until there is no other choice is what creates suffering ….

Before and since 2012, the Crystalline Matrix Grid activated for NEW Earth and has grown substantially, stronger and stronger by the moment where magical heavenly realities arer more solid, because each who signed on for this huge task  to “lead the way”, stood up and embraced their missions, working on themselves and honoring their own Galactic Soul Embodiment Evolutionary phases. They unraveled and decoded the matrix from inside and went on to CREATE a whole new existence here. They/WE focused on our contribution to Humanity and knew why we were here. For all of us, for this time (vibration) that we are always now in.

This is an unlearning of everything one thought they knew and a surrendering to a higher existence as love, peace, unity and a deep inner profound connection to all as ONE again. This is a REMEMBERING that goes so far beyond human existences and this is an evolutionary process to becoming a Quantum Light BEing here. This unlearning and relearning takes our openess to “go back to school” if you will. An openness and readiness to really want to know. A desire to embrace a higher dimensional existence and to do the work required. There is much to do by each and where there is resistance, this disrupts the flow that must occur…

There is a trust factor involved, one the human aspect does not have. Old unconscious realities destroyed this, because trust is different here. It’s not a trust in anything outside, it’s a trust and honor from within. It’s a feeling, a knowing and our ability to truly listen and see what isn’t visible yet.

Quantum Existence is very different and human’s have a hard time with this, because their human’ness is the issue. It’s a dissolving and resolving process where each must see their own human’ness and transcend this from within. It’s a continual process of listening to your feelings over what your ears/eyes show you. You used your inner guage for what is really true and if something presents in your own reality world that is not totally in alignment with your highest aspect reality/you, then you have to choose. Choosing the highest path always will resolve any barriers for you and open up realities you do desire to experience here. Any struggle inside will show you things are off. Alignment is achived when you are at total peace and one inside (unified). This is a process of learning how all of this goes. The human doesn’t want to know. It will wait until it is forced. The old 3D/4D matrix has no stability because it is not supposed it. It was built on unconsious programs, because each incarnating here chose that experience to transcend, to awaken to the untruths to point each inward to learn to love themselves, to learn to respect themselves, to learn to honor themselves and each cannot do this if they continue to compromise and play in the old realities. Each must choose a higher existence, one of love and unity with/as all from within. Each must embrace a higher existence, by choosing to live this from within. Each must apply the absolute highest consciousness to their own lives if they desire to exit the matrix and move to one of Divinity, Peace and Love, one where unity is the foundation and everything is FOR US ALL.

Here there is no polarity, no duality anymore. Where polarity becomes visible, it is used as a navigational/mastery tool. Human aspects need polarity, as it’s what causes them to go in a different direction. They need that opposing force to make them see what they would not see/listen to before. We use polarity to see and not require it in our world. We do not need a polarized experience. Humans do. Experience is what teaches us. Eventually, each tune-in to the energy of all. When one is fully in-tune, the answers are very clear. Here we tune realities by intentionally changing the vibration of them. We tune all to love and we start from there. This is where each’s power comes from, their own love as a SOUL. NEW Earth is Souls existing in unison. Human’s cannot exist here, because there is still too much separation, resistance and opposition inside of them. They still operate from obsolete programs and beliefs that are no longer true. The ways of the old must be let go for the new to come through.

Relinquish your struggle, fight and need to control, need to scream to hear you, need to resist anything at all. Surrender to the love and magnificence that you already are. Embrace that pure place inside of you to open those portals and walk through them as love. It’s the only way to get to the other side and walk in the higher reams. The lower density programs cannot come with you. You must release them if you desire to walk in the new. The unknown is scary to your human, exciting to your highest aspect you. You must choose which existence you desire … one of unity and love or one of chaos, confusion and loss. Loss is only the old going so you can move on. When your heart is open you do not lose anything at all. You are ready for the next vibrational reality to unfold. You greet it with anticipation of the awesomeness that it brings forth. You let go of the fear, as that was an old matrix illusion program that you held within. It will release from the cells of your body (conflict, chaos and victim mentalities will too). You will realize that all just waits for you to reach up, open up and embrace your highest aspect you and all of the realities that come with this.

See the outside and let it show you what you hold. If it’s distorted, then that’s good, as it shows you whats true and not true for you. Resolve inner conflict, raise your vibration as high as you can. Keep it there, all of the time and observe what happens each time you do. Your physical body vibration will lower each time something is ready to release. Honor this process, for once you’ve released the energy/program/mentality/belief, your body will raise it’s vibration higher, you will be lighter and experience more love and peace. The outside will be re-aligning for you, as you hold your highest realities in place. With your thoughts, with your words, with your actions. You are Love and this is the most powerful force there is. Everything else must align fully with this. ♥

From my soul to yours…. see what’s happening to bring you into your highest consciousness existence here. Becoming Quantum will challenge your human. That’s the point. Leaving an entire existence and embracing and energetic one where you see all energetically/holographically before, intentionally jump timelines and move through portals and StarGates is not “typical” human anything. It’s not supposed to be. You are to go beyond your human existence for one that’s beyond magical, amazing and derived from the foundation of unity first. You/WE are all to come together to hold the HIGHEST VIBRATIONAL REALITIES in place… for us all.

There is an entire network of us who have already done this and continue to do this in every moment of every day. We do not compromise integrity, love, unity, honor, respect or sacred anything for unconscious realities and we uplift, inspire and work with those ready to do this too. If you really want to know, if you are really really truly ready, then you will open up, you will look, you will do the research, you will commit your RESOURCES to support, you will support, become a part our THE NEW EARTH TEAM that already exists, is solid and growing exponentially in every nano-second here. No one is asking you to, because it’s already occurred. Your soul will prompt you, urge you, nudge you from within. You will have to determine which aspect you are being. Your Higher Self You or your human. The one you allow dictates the reality you experience here. ♥ All options are available. You have to see them, desire them and commit to you/your existence from within. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Galactic Guardian of NEW Earth. I speak AS the Galactic High Council and Heavens on High, fully embodied and here to hold the highest realities in place… all of the time. As we all are. ♥


Nature and Impact of Photonic Light, Part 2 ~ Dissolving The Denser Energies ~ Jan. 31, 2017


Posted by Steven Beckow, 01/29/2017

By Sandra Walter

(Continued from Part 1.)

Impact on the Individual

Sandra has told us that photonic light is dissolving the denser energies. She now tells us that, once we’ve assimilated the new energies, the old energies will no longer exert a hold on us.

“When you resonate with timeless presence and surrender your concerns with the old denser, dissolving illusion you will notice a freedom and casualness about what the lower reality is projecting as it breaks apart.

“It is not that the lower reality does not matter [but] it will feel like you are abandoning that realm altogether as your consciousness experiences/reunites with your Higher Selves.” (1)

I experience that more and more these days. I find it harder and harder to keep my attention on the world. It’s almost at times as if I’m forgetting it.

We can expect to be fatigued as we embody the higher frequencies, she tells us.

“Remember you are embodying higher frequencies in order to transform the lower vibrations. It is somewhat exhausting as the body experiences consistent state[s] of tired and wired.

“The dramatically higher photonic light quotient coming on to the planet can be uncomfortable to the physical, while simultaneously expanding the heart and higher consciousness.” (2)

So we’re warned to expect fatigue and discomfort. I’ve experienced increased fatigue lately and the absence of a memory is certainly uncomfortable.

Sandra points out that we need to surrender our stories and the core issues that go along with them if we want to align with and benefit from the photonic energies. Many lightworkers are offering us ways to get underneath our upsets and issues. Sandra offers another:

“Willingness to surrender the old Self, old stories, and all of the past journeys are key to a smooth embodiment.” (3)

The “old Self” is the constructed self. The “old stories” are the self-serving versions of events we arrive at to establish our self-importance. Everything that’s not part of the natural self or vital to its functioning has to go. She counsels:

“Look to your Wayshowers for guidance; there is great wisdom and perspective available from the folks who faced the unknown ahead of the crowd.” (4)

She points out – and I love the way she puts it – that “the Christed state runs on Source auto-pilot.”

“Fortunately the Christed state runs on Source auto-pilot, so your Higher Self will direct as a Presence through the physical. You’ll be directed through the heart to share, prepare, or be in certain places at certain moments in order to assist.” (5)

Again listen to our heart. It’ll say yes or no. Listen to our inner guidance, the voice that whispers in our ear.

She tells us that the photonic light, which comes from Divine Mother, “the Cosmic feminine aspect of Source … opens the gateways of the heart and Ascension column.” (6) Therefore, our love quotient increases.

“In my experience, the overwhelming light intelligence of love overrides all lower-level constructs. No matter what the day brings, no matter what lower self/old self challenges present, there is a consistent love, peace and harmony within. As this light increases, the heart becomes a photonic generator for Solar beingness, the Christed state of crystalline consciousness.” (7)

I believe Sandra has just described gradual ascension.

We’re learning that we are and will be multidimensional. Sandra is pointing at a blended being drawing on many dimensions and having perfected many qualities. I’d be happy to land in that place.

Under the impact of the photonic light, things that were unperceived before now become visible and comprehensible.

“One of the most significant attributes of this state is perception; the Higher Self does not perceive things in the same way as the lower/old self. As the Higher Self takes over, the attachment to lower concerns releases its grip on this reality and allows the higher reality to take over.

“That perception is priceless; it reveals that all is indeed well; all is unfolding in alignment with Divine Will.” (8)

DNA is key to the changes presently occurring, Sandra tells us. Our DNA is being bombarded by photonic light.

“DNA is key to shifting the form to a new experience. Currently our DNA is receiving a much higher level of photonic stimulation, which triggers codes of Ascension and embodiment of pure Source light (Christ/Unity consciousness). This is why so many are experiencing the *phasing out* of this reality, as well as the revelation of new realities.

“As you command your DNA to activate and rebundle, the new physical template begins to resonate with the higher accelerated timelines, and new experiences can be anchored in your consciousness, and makes them available for the collective. (9)

What Archangel Michael calls “interdimensional slippage,” Sandra calls a “blinking out” of new states of consciousness.

“Your DNA is flipping between dimensions, providing a new experience for the body and mind. The blinking in and out of different states of consciousness is a widespread sensation. It can feel disorienting, frightening or fascinating depending on your perspective. …

“Many will be receiving higher levels of the photonic codes, which are already available, as the Galactics and Masters experiment with weaving this light gently, steadily into the collective consciousness via pure conduits. It overrides the programs stepping down the light, so expect it to feel very new, very different (and very brilliant!).

“To you, dear Wayshowers, we send our love and strength as you inhabit new realms of consciousness on behalf of the collective.” (10)

Many openings will occur for us. She invites us to observe and take note of them. And she furnishes us with really sound spiritual advice put in more easily-understandable language than the discussions we may be used to in the old Third.

“It’s a reap-what-you-have-sown passage as the magnetics shift to support the higher reality.

“Take note of the shifts in your consciousness – the expansion, the freedom, the love, the divinity, the purity, the ability to interact with the higher realms, the expansion of your creativity. Rejoice in your Ascension. This will assist the psychological levels. Avoid lower-level choices to be tortured by the energy or play the victim. Evolution is difficult; change can be challenging. It is what it is. Be here, now, with the experience.

“The more that you can resonate with the emerging Solar Light within the planet and HUman heart grid, the faster (and easier) you will be able to embody the higher state of consciousness in a permanent way. It is there to assist you. Choose wisely moment to moment. The tones (the high-pitched frequencies hitting the vagus nerve) and intensity of the light vibrations running through your meridians are accelerating at a very rapid rate.” (11)

We wanted a How to Manual on Ascension and Sandra appears to be writing it. Other planets going through Ascension will surely benefit, as well as us.

Tomorrow we’ll look at the impact of the photonic light on society at large.

(Continued in Part 3, tomorrow.)


(1) Sandra Walter, “Perspective and Guidance for the Now,” May 19, 2016, at

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Sandra Walter, “June Gateway: Owning Your Ascension,” May 28, 2016, at

(4) Loc. cit.

(5)Loc. cit.

(6) “Sandra Walter: Welcoming the NOW Year: Assisting the Global Trajectory,” January 1, 2017, at

(7) Sandra Walter, “June Gateway: Owning Your Ascension,” May 28, 2016, at

(8) “Immaculate Perception: The Lens of the New Self,” by Sandra Walter, July 11, 2016, at

(9) “Cosmic Trigger: Assisting the Acceleration,” by Sandra Walter, December 6, 2016, at

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) Sandra Walter, “Perspective and Guidance ,” ibid.


Energy Update ~ Huge Crystalline Blast!!! & A Bit About Embodiment ~ July 2, 2016

By Lisa Brown, 07/01/2016

We had an itty bitty solar flare frequency that then shifted to full-blow crystalline…. These bring cellular cleansings for those who feel any energy/emotions trying to clear the physical body…. (honor this).

Each must clear all programs from their own physical body gridwork (muscles), structures (bones), systems (organs/fluid/blood)…. It will exist in each’s physical reality until this is completed. Each will still belong to the collective beliefs/mentalities/realities/experiences held within. The ONLY WAY to physically leave a dimension/timeline is to clear it within.

One will not truly understand until they can see inside their own body and connect with all through their own consciousness. As each BECOMES LIGHT, then the knowledge held within this phonotic light running through the body becomes yours. You do not receive it from an outside anything anymore.

Your presence, your being in-tune, your focus, your openness and your ability to HOLD THE HIGHER FREQUENCY inside your body until it is the way you function naturally… this is your own embodiment process. There is an activation that will occur, and then every moment that you do not go back to the old ways firmly embeds it within you as your new physical reality world. This can take years for some, even most of this lifetime… with everything expediting since the 2012 StarGate/Gateway …. It doesn’t matter how long your human “thinks” you’ve been doing this (which is another separation of time/comparison/ego game)… for how long you remain or achieve is dictated by your own separation….. 30 years or 3…. The embodiment of light is accomplished through intentional dedication, focus, commitment, priorities and how much you are truly invested in the entire process of EXISTING AS PURE LIGHT.

You create a new reality from inside of you. You allow your own reality… by that which you believe and do. You convince yourself of all things, you insist, you hold realities firmly in place… and only once you stop trying to control it all and open up to your own inner wisdom & higher consciousness guidance will you intentionally activate your new realities to come forth for you. Your inner connection drive your entire reality here. There is no separation unless you hold it still…..

These cosmic upgrades are FREEING all from the bondage of the old. Yet as long as you still point the finger, you are missing the entire point.

These Diamond Light Code Frequencies, abundance frequencies, rainbow frequencies, Christed Consciousness (Crystalline) frequencies… these purify your entire human existence, your whole physical body…. these RETURN YOU to an existence forgotten …

Very fine & pristinely powerful these frequencies today. Very powerful every day …. for us all….. ♥

We also have a huge WAVE entering into the mix…. ♥ LOVE ♥ Star Particle Activations may bring the itchies for some. ♦ We are also starting to tune, so senses will be enhanced….

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Author, Transformational Speaker, Master of all things Energy ♦


Energy Update ~ Massive HUman Stargate Upgrades, Activations, Solar Plasma Emissions! ~ June 26, 2016

What the heck is going on, my friends? This morning, I woke with sore and tender calf muscles in my legs and on each side of my body. Must have been a great fight (or flight?)…sure glad this happened while I slept! What about you…how are YOU feeling? This article by Lisa Brown is another exercise in serendipity…my body is changing, how about yours?

Please read theis article, go with the flow, and…


By Lisa Brown, 06/26/2016

Massive HUman Stargate Upgrades have been going all day. Huge Star particle activations, SOLar plasma emissions inside our body/brain. Huge magnetosphere tuning and charging, photonic light (drugged affect as DMT, melatonin & more release)…. I went straight to sleep as soon as we finished the live group call today.

No electronics around during this important process, as we emit EMF’S galore and all causes an interference while we up-tune fast and huge.

Photonic Quantum Cells and crystals in our Crystalline Light body all charging huge. Transmitting galactic coordinates and energy signatures, tuning to new frequencies…. whole universe and galaxies inside activating and linking up.

The Earth’s Crystalline Light body and Stargate will also be doing this… Galactic Stargate too… as we all link up further….

Inner Earth is moving and shifting, lots of recalibration going on….vortexes opening everywhere…

Sleep to integrate faster… allow your body whatever it needs… the whole cosmos is alive inside… whole body, yet whole head is prominent this time for me.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz See you tomorrow! GALACTIVATIONS Underway! <3

Lisa Transcendence Brown

P.s. the whole body goes weak while this process occurs. Photonic light will shut us down until the process is complete. Then we are ready to rock and roll. Huge!
