Archangel Michael & OWS ~ Many Will Come to The Realization of Ascension ~ July 18, 2018

By James McConnell

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Payson, AZ on July 15, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

Archangel Michael   

I AM Archangel Michael.

And I AM pleased to be with you always to be here to share, to bring news. Bring news of the many changes that are coming before you now. Many that you have heard of and some that you have not yet heard of.

But you must know that all is in readiness, all is in the process now of coming together, for being all that you have been hearing for some time now and that you have all come to witness and to be a part of. And being a part of is what you are here for.

You are here to be more than just an observer, though. You are here to participate, be a participant and go about your missions that you have been readied for, for some time because all is in readiness.

Just as Sunat Kumara said in the last week he is here now at the end. He has fulfilled his promise and is ready to move on. Just as Sananda has been saying for some time you have arrived at the finish line. You only need to believe it.

But I tell you that because of so many things that are about to come forward, so many truths that are about to be revealed, several dominoes that are about to begin to fall is because of all of this. That even those of you that are not prepared for this will begin to see and hear and know the truth because the truth can no longer be held back. Even those that attempt to do so have met their defeat. And yes many of them have surrendered. Not all but many have.

Because of this you are at the finish line. Because of this you are ready to move forward with this transition period. You might say up to this point you have been treading water. Now you are about to swim. Swim for the other shore, the one you have not reached yet. The one that is not familiar to you.

Once you reach that other shore, or the road less traveled, you reach that other shore you will find that all along you have known what was on the other side. You just need to come to understand it and to believe it. And once you fully believe then you fully have arrived.

As Archangel Michael I beseech you now to go out, move on, share the light wherever you can. For those moments have arrived where many across the planet, many who have not yet become awakened, will now do so. And they will be ready for answers just as you were, many of you, several years ago when you asked the question: “Why am I here? What is this all about? What am I here to do? What is my mission? What is my purpose?” You asked those questions. You have received many of the answers. And those too that are now going to begin to ask those questions, you will be there as their mentors. You will be there to answer their questions, to give them the light that they are so longing for.

For so many are still in darkness, darkness within their very selves. Darkness that they do not even know that they are in.

They will come to understand this as the light shines forth and they realize that they have been reaching for the light all along but did not know that they were.

I leave you now as Archangel Michael. And I leave you always with my Sword of Truth and my Shield of Strength. Go forth now and share all that you are within you.

Peace and love be with all of you now.

One Who Serves

Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om. Om. Greetings to you!

You can now un-mute your phones now. We do not have a message to follow this.

Now we would take questions here if there are any.

Q & A

Q:  Is Ishtar and Ashtar the same person?

OWS:  They are not. No.

Q:  Can you tell me who Ishtar is and the difference between Ishtar and Ashtar?

OWS:  What we can tell you is that Ashtar is very ancient; has been around for a very long, long time. Comes from times before you can even begin to imagine here, from your three-dimensional understanding. And the one Ishtar is a Being that is separate, certainly from this, but One and the same as well as all are One and the same. So you all come from the One Source — we all come from the One Source. So in that sense we are all the same, all a part of the One. But the one, Ishtar, is what you would say a different understanding, a different revealing here that comes from ancient times as well, [but] then has had a completely different lineage though than from the one Ashtar. We cannot give you too much more on this at this point. There are various information that you can find on your internet about this. Look up Ashtar; look up Ishtar and you will see what we are speaking of here as the difference but yet the One here. Okay?

Q:  Yesterday early morning, in my head I was hearing something. It’s not a buzzing, it’s not a ringing, or related to the ascension or new codes. It felt to be quantum. Then I go for little snooze and I hear it again in my head and it feels like I was hearing something related to light. Like light vibrations like coming from the Sun. Things that I cannot describe the feeling because it is quantum, it’s not 3-D. So what was that I was hearing in my head?

OWS:  You were feeling exactly what the Archangel Michael was giving in this meditation herein terms of coming to understand that which is completely beyond the physical and hearing the vibration of the colors themselves. Hearing the vibration of the Earth. Hearing so much more of what is beyond the physical sense of hearing. This is what you are doing. You may even begin to call it the music of the spheres. You are correct it is part of what you would call the light language.

Q:  Is it the same thing when I see coming from the Sun drawings, codes, like using transference like translucent ink. I feel like circles, circles in different sizes. And different shapes mainly coming from the Sun but almost everywhere. Are those codes coming from the Sun or what?

OWS:  They are not coming from the Sun here. They are coming from beyond the Sun. This is all we can tell you on this now.

Q:  I had the most vivid dream last night like I actually was experiencing it. I’ve not had this dream before which was The Event. What I experienced was a purple haze. My hands were purple, the sky opened up, there was so much bright light. Nobody knew what was happening except for me. And I ran past this person and I said, “I’m afraid I’m leaving now. I send you unconditional love. I probably won’t see you again but I’m going to a different place. But I do send you love.” And this person was like none the wiser. And then I ran to my house and my oldest son, Valentino, said, “Mum, it’s happening.” And I said I know. I grabbed his hand and my little baby’s hand and we looked out the window at this beautiful purple but massively bright sky. And then I woke up. But I had the eeeee sound in my ear like it was so potent in my ear. That was the minute I woke up out of the dream because I woke up out of this Event. I actually felt I was experiencing it. And then this massive eeeee sound in my left ear came through like frequency sound. My question is why am I dreaming about this? Is there a significance as to why I’m dreaming about this? Who was the person I said I’m going I won’t see you again? And the sound in my ear that then obviously woke me up?

OWS:  It was of course a very much a precognitive dream here. You are seeing ahead in what is the potential here for the very near future. ‘Near’ future in terms of what we would say is near; not so much what you might say is near. But it is coming. And you were getting a precursor of this, of what it would be like. For some it will be as you are describing, for others it will be somewhat different. But all will feel a sense of a massive change that is in the air at the time whether they are seeing light, whether they are seeing colors, whether they are feeling something different, whatever it might be. And as to the one that you said you will not see them again, you were speaking to that lower part of your ego that you would be leaving behind.

Q:  Oh joy! [Laughter] That’s good that I leave that lower part of my ego. Oh it was wonderful it was beautiful. Then straight after that that huge frequency eeeee sound in my ear. Was that a code? Was that some download?

OWS:  That was the vibration of the New Earth.

And we will add here that as the James received earlier, correctly we would say, in the sound of the humming sound, that was the sound of the Earth here, the resonance that it provides here to those that have the ears to hear. But what you heard with the eeee sound is the next octave beyond this. That is all we can say on this now.

Q:  For a while now since James had mentioned about the trip to Mexico, I have been seeing (especially when I’m on Sunday group) the doors to where the Lemurian [Records] have been hidden. I’m seeing like a door entrance to that. What’s the meaning of that? Is it a real door I’m seeing or just some kind of symbol?

OWS:  There is not a door as you are speaking but there is an opening that will present itself when the vibrations are reached. The vibrations being that of the Lemurian vibration that those of you that were there at that time and placed the

Records in that vibration. And it is important for those that find themselves down there at the time to reach that same resonance, that same vibration. And when that is done that is the tumblers that are needed to unlock the entrance to be able to enter.

Q:  So that means I was in Lemuria then because if I’m seeing that opening? Was I part of that group in Lemuria that was putting away the files?

OWS:  You were, otherwise you would not be receiving this information that you are getting here.

Q:  I recently discovered that I’m a double star seed and I have Arcturian and Andromedan aspects in the 9th and 10th dimensions. And the Arcturians have given me the message that I’m being prepared to speak the Light Language. And they’ve made changes in my DNA and the changes should be taking place after about two weeks, (which is a week ago when I got the message). My question is: it’s been coming through my mind and I’m wondering if I am becoming able to speak this language because I am part of the team going to Mexico. Is that true?

OWS:  First of all who is the speaking? [Answers]

Yes. We cannot give you that information directly because that decision has not yet been made as to who will be finding themselves down there. But we can tell you that you are correct in that you are receiving the Light Language and will be working with that directly in the times ahead. But we cannot say that it is in the timeframe that you are directly saying here in terms of one or two weeks. What we can tell you though is that it is coming. You are going to be expected or asked you might say to be an emissary in some ways of providing this language, this Light Language, to those who are ready to receive it. So yes.

Q:  First I just wanted to say that I also dreamed of the solar flash and that was great. I’m just wondering if that was a precursor also — which I think it probably was. And I also got that about the eeee, what she was saying is that the Aah Eee Ummm, you know, the half note up? [Yes.]  Is Aramda going to be joining us or be around in the very near future sharing with us?

OWS:  He is always around you. He is always a part of this expression within this group because he is very much involved in this group just as many of us are as well. And he is very much going to be there with you at the Advance and at other times in the not far off future here.

Q:  I have been having this experience of what feels like an energy download that comes through my head. And it’s been going on for a long time and more recently in the last two or three years it’s become more intense. And I’ve been resisting them but now I’m not resisting them. My question is for myself is this because my body contracts and it’s very intense and so I’m not certain if my ego is attempting to prevent the incoming information or frequency but I’m also accepting it now from my higher self if that’s the case. So I’d like some clarification on that.

OWS:  What you are receiving here is something that is being blocked, as you are saying, by your ego center because of past, because of past understandings from past lives and patterns that you have come from and brought into this lifetime as well. And because of this you are being, as we say here, blocked somewhat. But there’s a part of you that is releasing now, letting this go. And once you are able to fully let this go and let go of the past, let go of the patterns especially from the past, then you will be able to move fully and receive this information that you are getting, these downloads as you are saying. And then you will be able to more freely move beyond whatever it is now that you are feeling held back by. Okay?

Q:  Okay and I’m curious if it might have anything to do with my family lineage because we are all very sensitive and as far as being ostracized and also past life memories of the Burning Times.

OWS:  There is the correct in that sense. You are being blocked from this because it was a very disconcerting lifetime that predominantly the source of this pattern comes from. And it was in dealing with the arts … the black arts as we find it at this time.

Q:  I see. Okay. So we were talking about forgiveness earlier so I guess I’ve got some more work to do.

OWS:  Yes. Forgive and forget. Let it all go.

Q:  I know everything boils down to our own discernment but we had a very lively discussion today about a group that publishes these videos that’s called the A Team, Tom Price and the Mother, and I just wanted to know if there’s any little insights you could share about the integrity of this group or some of their postings. And, if you can share, was there some form of surrender from the Queen to President Trump.

OWS:  We seldom will give information about individuals or groups or whatever it might be because we always say it is not the messenger that counts, it is the message. So if the message resonates within you, within your heart center, then you know it to be true. So beyond whether it is this group or that group or this individual or that individual is accurate or bringing forth important news, or whatever it might be, you need to use your discernment at all times. This is what this is all about at this point: using your discernment. Learning to do that. Learning to go within. That is using your discernment. Learning to go within find the center — or as one said earlier — the zero point at your heart center and able to then continue to find the truth that resonates within you.

As to the one you are speaking of the Donald Trump here and the surrendering of the Queen, we cannot give that directly but we can say that you are on the right track.

Q:  A few nights ago I was sitting outside and doing my spiritual work late at night. All of a sudden I felt and heard — very loud and very strong right next to me — I was standing right outside my apartment building and I could feel the vibration and the sound of a heartbeat. Very distinct. And it kind of threw me back I was like, oh what the heck?! What is this? Where is it coming from? I thought maybe somebody had something going on close by that was just bouncing off my building but it went away for a few seconds and came right back. It did let me know whatever [it was] was happening. Did I feel that? Was that part of the fifth dimension we’re feeling and seeing and, actually, you know, just seeing other things in reference to the fifth and higher dimensions?

OWS:  Exactly as you are saying. Yes. Everyone experiences these things in different ways, in different understandings, and you are experiencing an understanding for yourself in that moment. And those moments will increase for everyone here. All of you will begin more and more to experience that humming sound or that vibrational sound that is there in the winds, you just need to open up to it. You need to reach the frequency to be able to experience it. And those of you, many of you are doing this within your dream state now — in that altered realities state, you might say — in those times. And you are experiencing these changes or these revealings beyond the physical understanding, beyond the 3D illusion area understanding. You are getting into the higher vibrations and experiencing what is there at those vibrations. It will open up a whole new vista world to you at that point.

Q:  Very good thank you. Also I’ve been really paying attention to my body lately, especially with all the downloads that are occurring right now, and I realize that they’re doing work at that time when I’m feeling pain go from right leg to left leg right before my eyes, and also tingling is going on in different areas. And that to me is … gosh, I’m so grateful to be able to be experiencing these and knowing it’s our upgrades coming!

OWS:  Yes very good.

Q:  Sometimes my meditations recently in the last few months I find myself impulsively singing, which is interesting to me because I’ve never trained to be a singer and is something I have an affinity for, but it sounds sort of Native American in essence. I’m wondering if this is Light Language that is coming through and if so how can I go about cultivating it further?

OWS:  What we can tell you is just go with it. Whatever it is, go with it. That one there that is Cynthia here, that has been in those groups that were down there and working with these vibrations, what did we tell you in that time Cynthia? We said go with it. Go within. Feel the energy. Feel the vibration. Let it go. Do not be concerned about what anyone else thinks — although there were only those four of you there at the time — but do not be concerned about that. Just let it go, let it be whatever it is that’s within you. Just allow it to be. Just as the song, Let It Be. Okay? And then once you do this you will find that everything is going according to how you need to continue to respond and move forward here. Okay?

Q:  I understand that Samuel the Prophet is of the Brotherhood, probably specifically the Amethystine Order, so my question is, is he hanging with you guys while you work with us? In other words is he part of the group of One Who Serves who is working through James?

OWS:  He directly is not one of the One Who Serves, one of our collective and working through the James here, but he is certainly a part of the Brotherhood. But you must understand that there are many abrotherhoods. There is not just the one. There are many infinite number of brotherhoods you might say, throughout the galaxy, throughout the universe, throughout the many universes, and the many dimensions and understandings beyond that so there is so much so yet to understand. But do not be concerned with one individual here. And that one individual, of course as you are saying, the Samuel was not just the Samuel. That Samuel has been many different Beings and experiences before it was the Samuel. You see? So do not become concerned or what you call bogged down with one particular name and understanding to go with that name. There is so much more to that. Just as there is so much more to each and every one of you. Each and every one of you are part of these many brotherhoods and sisterhoods as well or you would otherwise not be on this call. You would not be resonating with these calls. You see?

Q:  Yes thank you. Is he directly connected with Metatron then?

OWS:  We cannot give you that at this point. That revealing will come to you when it is necessary.

Q:  I just am reaching out to get confirmation, if I could, if I am working with the crystals properly and tuning to what its’ ultimate use is going to be. Can you give me a vote on that?

OWS:  You are looking for confirmation as to the direction you are going with these various crystals and the confirmation is there. You are on the right track in many ways. There are some understandings that you have not reached yet, understandings that you knew a long time ago that you had not remembered yet. But that remembrance is also coming back to you or will come back to you. Just need to continue to work directly as you are doing. And when you find yourself at the Advance you will then bring this forward and you will find that there will be others there at the time that will add to your understanding and revealings in those moments.

Q:  Oh I know it’s going to be a great exposé. Thank you very much.

OWS:  Now we are ready to release channel.

One Who Serves

We appreciate everyone that is a part of this expression on a continuing basis. And knowing that you are all so much important here to continue to carry this work forward not only through this one James, but through … there are so many sources now that are bringing this information forward. Not so much bringing information, but bringing the remembrances forward here, so that all are coming into more and more of an awakened state.


And as you continue to awaken, then you create an awakening process all around you so that others that come in contact with your Light also begin to awaken. And as they awaken they continue to help others awaken and so on and so on. So you are all so important to this, whether you are directly involved in bringing the direct information to others or you are what you would say, hanging in the … hanging in the winds? (Is that the correct saying here? In the wings? Hanging in the wings? We are not getting this correctly here.) But standing beside, standing back and allowing for these energies to continue to come through you, these downloads continue to come through you and to you.


And as this happens you will continue then to be able to share and spread the light further and further. To keep those flames burning within not only each one of you, but encouraging the fanning of the flames within so many more around you.


Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.

Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

“Believing is seeing!”


Sananda & One Who Serves ~ You Have Arrived But Only If You Trust ~ July 14, 2018

channeled by James McConnell

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Payson, AZ on July 8, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

Lord Sananda   

I AM Sananda.

These times that we continue to come and be with you, to merge our consciousness with yours and yours with ours are becoming more and more frequent not only through this channel source but through many sources across the planet. Because the times are moving toward a new understanding, a further understanding … call it a further revealing of the truths that have been hidden away for so long from many of you.

Those times are coming to an end. Ashtar has spoken of it. Sunat Kumara has spoken of it. Archangel Michael and many, many, more including myself have spoken of these shifts and changes you are right on the cusp of now.

All it takes now is for each one of you to continue to evolve within yourself, continue to allow your consciousness to continue to rise as the vibrations continue to rise all around you and within you. For as the energies continue to come into the planet and move into individuals across the planet — you included — many of you are taking these energies within; finding that they are quite powerful, quite strong, and tend to cause imbalances at times within your bodies, bring about physical alteration, physical changes, pains if you will. Aches and pains. Discomfort of many different kinds. Know that this is still at this point only fleeting for it will pass. These pains, these imbalances will pass because each one of you is coming into balance more and more each day. More and more each day as the frequencies rise, the energies continue to come in. And you take these energies into your body: physical, astral, etheric, mental, even the causal – as you take these energies in feel the changes that are resulting from this as your physical bodies are literally changing from carbon-based to crystalline.

First it is happening at the higher levels within yourself. Eventually it will come to the physical body as well because you are all destined to move through this ascension and move through this transition that you are in right now to move closer and closer to your own personal ascension. It only takes continuing understanding, continuing letting go of the old, the old paradigm, the old programming that keeps you held still at times to this 3-dimensional illusion that has been created here. It was created for a reason. The reason that it was created for are no longer needed. Duality as you have come to know, has been your reality here. It is fast dissipating.

You only know duality at this point as you stay within the three-dimensional illusion. But move beyond it and duality as you have come to know ceases to exist. Including would be all that pains and suffering which you have also come to know will also dissipate. It will be no longer as you move into these higher vibrations.

And I tell you now as Sananda, as Ashtar, as Archangel Michael, as Sanat Kumara, St. Germain, and all the rest of our brothers and sisters, tell you now that you are at that finish line. And it is time for each and every one of you to cross the line to know that as you cross the line you first cross the higher levels within yourself and eventually your physical body, the consciousness within your physical form, will move along with it as well.

You could say that you have arrived. And you have. But only if you believe it! Believe that you have arrived, believe that this is the end and the beginning of the next. Believe it. It will be there.

I AM Sananda. I leave you now in peace and love. Continue to go out and share the light that you all are.

One Who Serves

Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om. Om. Greetings. Greetings to you!

We are here to continue this process, this understanding, this continuing revealing that is going on. And if you are not aware of the many changes that are happening then you are asleep.

So if you are ready to awaken, and fully awaken, then hear these words that are being given to you. Not only by us through this channel Source, but through many of the sources now, including not only those of channeling but also the many Intel sources, the whistleblowers as you call them. The many that are coming forth and bringing these new revealings, these new understandings, bring the truth forward.

And the truth is coming, people. It is coming. It is coming in droves. You are going to notice in the very near future here as you continue to look in your Internet and look at all of those various sites that many of you go to that the information is going to become overwhelming to you. Whereas at times you sit there and wonder, well when is something going to happen, and you are saying that you have run out of something to read or listen to or whatever it might be. And this is going to change drastically because you are going to come to a point where you are not going to be able to keep up with all of the information that is coming forward.

And it is going to come forward in many different ways: in through the various channeling sources, the various Intel and whistleblowing, and it is also going to begin more and more to filter out through your mass media. How is that for something here!? You had probably not thought of that that it was going to come in this way. But it is. It is going to come. Your mass media is going to change. It’s going to turn around. It is going to begin to bring the truth forward because they have realized that the people are turning off to them. They are turning the dials and not even watching those news broadcasts anymore because they know that it is, yes fake news.

But it is going to turn because it must turn. Those that are having their experiences in their jobs and all of this, are going to realize that they are not going to have jobs unless they begin to tell the truth. So this is going to change very much so.

And we spoke, others have spoken here that there are going to be dominoes falling and that one has already fallen. A little one you might say. But a big one is coming. A big domino is about to fall and you are going to find that likely in this month that you are in now. As you are hearing, many of you are hearing that this is the month. And we can say that is going to be an interesting month. We are not going to say that The Event is going to happen, or this or that is going to happen, but it is in process here and so much is about to turn here. Turn for the better.

You have spoken earlier in terms of your chemtrails and this, and this is dissipating across the planet. It is. The programming that has been involved in this is coming to an end and you are going to see this and it is going to coincide with other things that are coming as well. Including that even those of arrests and other things that are going to clear up the darkness that is still out there. It is going to clear it up and is going to bring the light forward shining through as if you can look up at the sky and you can see the light coming through the clouds everywhere.

And this is what it is going to be like. And this is what you are going to notice as the pre Event as this happens. You are going to notice the light being different in the skies. This is a hint for many of you here. You are going to notice this. It is going to be everywhere across the planet. And this will be the precursor of The Event coming at that time.

We are going to open up for questions here now. You can now un-mute your phones here and ask your questions. Anyone out there?

Q & A

Q:  In my job I take visitors to Ireland on tours of the Boyne Valley which has been a very sacred place in ancient Irish history. It’s full of these megalithic structures that are older than the pyramids in Egypt. It’s a mystery what the structures were built for but I’ve done some research and it seems like they were energy machines built on the ley lines/energy lines. They also have running water underneath. They’re really huge stone structures aligned to constellations. (On the winter and summer solstice the sun’s rays penetrate to the back wall of these structures.) So I really want to know what these structures were built for and who the people are that built them and what happened to them?

OWS:  What we are going to tell you now you may or may not already know or surmise here. But this particular area is ancient as you are saying, and it has a frequency that continues to this day in that area because of those that were there long ago here. We speak of those of the Atlanteans. They were very much involved in this area and in some ways it was even connected to the Atlantean Continent here. And from Atlantis, when Atlantis went through its calamities and its destruction, those moved from the Atlantean Continent onto into the Ireland area, specifically, and built those structures as you know it. And they built them because they were continuing on their culture: their culture, their understanding their use of crystals, and use of monolithic devices and structures, and the use of energy.

They were very much aware of energy and how to use it and to create free energy, you might say. And it was a token or an understanding that is coming to the world at this point now. There are those inventions, those technology that is coming forward in this way that is going to remember or begin to use these frequencies, these energy ley lines and such, and be able to use this as free energy coming into the planet and replacing all of that which has held the sway of the people of the planet to continue the monetary gains from the use of energy. It is such a shame as you look around and you see the use of energy and how it has been used for, done for profit where as there is free energy everywhere. And everyone across the planet should have and will have the use of this energy in many different ways. And some of what you are speaking of here in this area is coming back and that technology will be known once again. Okay?

Q:  There are stories in Irish mythology that beings, godlike beings, came to Ireland (it literally says,) “on dark clouds” and they landed on a mountain. So to me it sounds like a ship area. And they also say the area of the Boyne Valley is called the Palace of the Boyne (Brú na Bóinne). And there was all descriptions of areas of inestimable wealth, and there were marble palaces and things like that. But none of those remains are around so I wonder what happened to all of that.

OWS:  Much of this will come as the Atlantis and Lemuria, as you know it, rise again. We are not going to say that the continents themselves are going to rise but the culture, the understanding, the revealings, the knowing’s from those times are going to rise.

Q:  I noticed the crystalline body is emerging[?] from my body and I started to notice sparkles on my skin a couple of months ago. Now those sparkles are getting multicolored. Is it the rainbow light body coming in?

OWS:  This is not quite as you are saying the light body here. This is an indication that your bodies are changing from the carbon structure-base to the crystalline structure-based. Now we must caution you though if you go to your medical doctors and say I am turning into crystal. See all the crystals there. They will not understand this and you will get nowhere with this. This is again for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear. So you are beginning and will more and more begin to see this. Not that your physical body is going to one day be carbon-based and the next day be all crystal. That would be not correct at all. But it is changing over a period of time, over a process. And as we say many times, these changes come at the higher levels first and then filter down to the physical body. So what you are seeing directly is not your physical body changing but your astral and etheric body within that is beginning to create this more crystalline structure change within your physical form.

Q:  [After lengthy background story this questioner states that during a meditation …]

I was told to hold my quartz crystal. Information came regarding that from Doctor [Masaru] Emoto that the quartz crystal is the molecular structure as is [like] that of our bodies which is I think 70% or more water and that we are the same. As Doctor Emoto says water has a consciousness. When you talk to it and you say love and peace and harmony and very positive things, the water turns crystalline with no toxins, has clarity and is very healthy for us. Whereas if you say I hate you and this and that, the water crystalline form changes and it’s very negative and it’s not good for our bodies. Then what came to me was because we are the same structure, as we talk to water the same thing happens as when we talk to ourselves saying non-loving things to our bodies, not loving who we are, that that affects our bodies obviously just like it affects water. So basically saying that we are the same. So I wonder if you have more to share or expand on that.

OWS:  We ask if there is an actual question here though.

Q:  Yeah I think it’s about, you know, that that information, coming to me. Was there more, you know, for people to know about that, or was that confirmed, or is there something more to add to that?

OWS:  We can confirm as you are receiving there, are as you are becoming more and more crystalline and your frequency is becoming more crystalline in this understanding, it is connecting more and more to those quartz crystals and other crystals across the planet. This is how the crystal energy is coming back into the understanding of man here. And it is going, as you come from the Atlantean and Lemurian heritage, this heritage is coming back. This is largely why this group is being encouraged to work toward finding or recovering those ancient records. Because this is all about the same thing. It is all about frequency and vibration and continuing to connect to this frequency and vibration. So as your vibrations increase you are coming more and more to the connection with those crystalline structures just as of old. Just the same as of old. And you are going to find that crystals are going to become very important in your lives much more so than they have been. But if you understand what has occurred over the many millennia of time here, many many thousands of years here, with the control of the cabal and the creating of this three-dimensional illusion here, that you have been held back from this crystalline understanding and kept from these frequencies, these higher frequencies that crystals generate. And as you continue to raise your vibrations and your frequency, you are going to attract those crystals back to you that are going to accentuate those frequencies and vibrations within you as well. This is why that one that is the Marilou is being directed and moved toward the understanding, or the re-understanding of the crystals as well. Okay?

OWS:  Other questions here? We would ask that as you ask a question please make it a little bit briefer question here. More succinct.

Q:  In the past few months I consider to be training in my dreams on how to manifest things. I’ve been learning pretty quick (in my dreams) and every time that I have a dream I always manifest things. Like just thinking about it it happens. So my question would be is there a timeline where all this training in our dreams will be manifesting in the 3-D reality, that we’ll be able to accomplish the same thing in this 3-D.

OWS:  You will not be able to do it in your 3-D reality as you know it but you will be able to do this more and more as we have been saying. As you raise your vibrations and continue to hold those higher vibrations and when you have done so and you have successfully moved from the third dimension into into the fourth and even the fifth dimension and be able to hold it there longer and longer, then your dreams, your visions, your desires will become more manifest quicker because of being in those higher vibrations. You understand this?

Q:  This is not a question but I just want to say that over the last week I’ve had two experiences and you mentioned the change of the colors in the sky. Once I was taken out of the house because the whole sky seemed to have, coming from the West at sunset, to change all to gold and yellow and orange everywhere. Like not just in one cloud but everywhere! I was so surprised I had to bring somebody in to look at this because I’ve never experienced this in life. And then when we went to the eastern side of the house there were two wonderful rainbows going from southeast totally. They were the whole semicircle and in the second instance there were two of those. There’s no question but I would was thinking is that a sign of anything more of what you had said in your opening statements there?

OWS:  What we can say is things are changing. Everything is shifting. The energies are shifting. And you are going to begin to see more and more of these revealings that are coming to you that are going to open up the world to you that you have never seen before. Not in this lifetime anyway. That is all we can say on this now at this point.

Q:  I would like to know is if we are continuing our life from Lemuria at that time it was destroyed, that we didn’t get to complete but we are completing it now? And the reason I ask that is you told me at the Advance that I was in the arts at that time and I’m in the arts now also, in astrology and numerology and that. Is that true?

OWS:  It is not true that you are continuing your Lemurian lifetime but it is true that you are bringing the heritage back here. So that is true, the heritage, the culture, the understanding, the truth that you knew from those times. Because as you move into these higher vibrations and higher dimensional frequencies you are going to reconnect with those times of long past both Atlantean, Lemurian, and others as well. And you will also connect with those understandings of coming from other planets, other systems, and all of this also.

Q:  I am highly interested in and constantly being drawn to the technology that’s available to us now that’s consciousness-expanding. My question is are the tachyon chambers, that I believe emanate from Cobra and I believe he distributes those, is that the highest available healing technology available to us now on the planet?

OWS:  You say available to you now where you could actually go to something, then we would say that is pretty accurate here. But if you were to say that that is the highest available to you in terms of a knowing of what is out there, then no it is not even close yet. There are technology that has been held back from you by those of the dark forces for long time here. And they have held this back from you and what you would call the Alliance, those of the light forces, are in the process of releasing these technologies. And these technologies that will be coming are far beyond what is there in those tachyon chambers. But it is a beginning here.

Q:  Do you foresee those technologies would be released within a shorter period of time … are we talking maybe the next year or two or a longer period of time?

OWS:  There we go! We can only answer this with one word: Soon.

[Technical interruption]

[begin 2nd recording]

OWS:  Hold please. Now you can continue.

Q:  You said the dominoes had already begun to fall. Was that with the Harvey Weinstein/ Hollywood scandal being revealed. Is that the first domino?

OWS:  Not exactly, but it is something that is a part of the entire process yes. There are many more that are coming, many more of these dominoes. Some big, some small, but they are all going to create the effect of all of them falling at some point which will then lead directly to that of The Event.

Q:  When I was training for several years in a class which was about accessing consciousness and the Akashic Record and whatever directly, one of the processes that we were taught to use was something which they called ‘pulling the energy’. I thought of this because someone else asked about sending the Violet Flame to people and was that a good thing or was that a violation of the Prime Directive. But with this pulling the energy, we’re pulling the fun/play/ ease/joy energy from the universe through another being and supposedly that makes that person feel better, or maybe ease a conflict between two people. And it was told to us it was better to pull the energy than to push the energy at somebody. That it was actually a more gentle, loving, thing to do. So can you give me a little more if that’s against the Prime Directive or is that acceptable or what?

OWS:  We can tell you is what you are saying is just a name, or just an understanding that is not quite accurate. Whether you are pulling or pushing or whatever it might be, it is still the same thing. You are sending the energy in one way or another. And as you send the energy, if you are sending the energy with a direct result in mind, then you can at certain points be interfering and be against the Prime Directive. That is that. But if you send the energy however it would be that you do so, but send it with love, send it with the understanding that it is to go wherever it needs to go, and how it is accepted and it is accepted, that is all there is to it. Send it with love. If you leave it at that with no result in mind here then everything is okay. Now, with that understanding, if you send it to another person and that person understands that you are sending it to them then you can have a result in mind. You see? If they know about it and they accept it then certainly there can be a result, there can be a goal in mind here too, whether it is healing or whatever it might be. You see?

Q:  After I’ve done plant medicine, ayahuasca, in the past and it was very helpful for me in my journey. I haven’t felt compelled to do it for about a year and a half and suddenly felt very impulsively compelled to do it. And in doing the ceremony on Friday night and I felt your presence there very strongly. I was guided to receive transmission and you were leading me through this and guiding me through this. I asked at a certain point about ayahuasca itself and you said it wasn’t the only way we could accomplish the specific transmission but it was the most direct and efficient and so hence the ayahuasca ceremony. My question is in going forward for me is this something that I should continue to work with both for my own journey and possibly to facilitate and assist others?

OWS:  First of all as you know there are no ‘shoulds’. So you do whatever you want to do here. And to use these are types of medicinal plants or whatever, you can call them as tools, various tools that you would have to expand your consciousness, to raise your consciousness, even at times to raise vibration. And if you are doing it for this purpose then certainly there is nothing wrong with this. Now, understand though that in order to communicate with you, as you are saying, while you were doing this, it was necessary because you have not had the training yet to open up to have the connection rather to open up to these type of channeling sources here as we are doing through this one, James. This one James has had a great deal of training over the years here in this lifetime and many lifetimes even previous to this in preparation for these times. So for you to have this understanding you would need to accentuate it was something else that, you might say, speeds up the process and is able to bring you out of yourself. That is the important thing. In order to do these types of communications you must be able to let go of yourself, to come outside of yourself you might say. And this is what is needed and these types of medicinal plants and other tools such as this are needed at times to create this understanding in a shorter period of time. You see?

Q:  Yes this make sense. There was also a sense complicit communication that needed this transmission for now in what we were doing needed a certain amount of, for lack of a better word, secrecy. And was that also why I was guided to do it that way and not through perhaps another human healer?

OWS:  We can say that it is important for you to experience the connection yourself rather than through another. This is even saying that these types of channeling experiences that we are doing here is going to come to an end at a certain point here because it will no longer be needed because all of you will have your connection with your higher self, much, much more than you do now. And when that happens there will be no need of something outside of yourself to continue to guide and nudge you along. Okay?

Q:  Being as we are 70 or 80% water and that’s becoming crystalline if it’s not already, and as we envision and feel and emote gratitude, forgiveness, unconditional love, etc., higher vibrational things, and we increase our crystalline structure and as you said, that crystalline structure will communicate with other crystals. And being as the core of the Earth from what I understand is mostly crystals this is my question: As we raise our vibrations and connect to the other crystals including the core of the Earth, will it have a

synergistic effect? In other words, will it be easier for us to live in gratitude and joy and forgiveness and unconditional love etc. because we are living in that and being

ascended synergistically and potentiated by the other crystals all around us?

OWS:  Very much so. As you continue to rise in vibration, raise your frequencies, and become more and more crystalline in a sense here, then you are going to, as you say, connect to those crystals around the planet and even within the planet. And as you do so you will be raising, continuing to raise your vibrations and in so doing you will find that the love frequency will rise along with it. And everything that goes along with the love frequency as well. And those of the fear frequency and all of this will dissipate greatly and eventually be gone entirely.

Q:  I am wondering what it means to be a Keeper of the Flame. If when we are asked in meditation by a higher being to … well maybe not even asked. If one is given the opportunity to be a Keeper of the Flame I am wondering what that means and what that entails. Specifically the Orange Flame.

OWS:  You all have the capability of being the Keeper of the Flame both within yourself and outside of yourself as well. So you can all be considered, in this sense, the Keepers of the Flame or the spreaders of the Flame, the Spreaders of the Light, the Light Bearers, the light sharers, all of this. This is all one and the same. Specifically though there are ones that are designated as these Keepers of the Flame, more of the Guardians you might say, Guardians of the Flame here and they are the ones that are continuing from outside of this realm to continue to influence the various ones here on this planet at this time. They are monitoring, you might say, the Flame across just as the Sananda did this meditation with you where you saw the Flames everywhere. Where the Keepers of the Flame areS the ones that are monitoring all of this. Okay?

We are needing to release channel here now.

And before we do so we are just going to put — what is you’re saying here — a plug out there in terms of your Advance. That it is coming and it is coming very quickly. And we would suggest that all of you that have not yet become a part of this be ready to experience be ready to experience some of those things which you have already been talking about and sharing. And yes as we said earlier expect something unexpected here. Something that has not yet been spoken of. And we cannot give this, of course, because then it would not be unexpected. So just be ready for this and continue to keep your eyes on the sky. Okay? Because lots of things are coming and much will be revealed from looking up at the sky.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.

 Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

“Believing is seeing!”


Ultimate Detox Pack

Ashtar & One Who Serves ~ We Are in The Final Stages Now ~ March 31, 2018

Lord Ashtar and One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Payson, AZ on March 25, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

Commander Ashtar  

I AM Ashtar.

I Am always pleased to be with you in these times, in these moments, always remembering that we are in the now moment. Yes there are many things to look forward to and yes there have been many things that you have gone through in your past. But begin more and more now to let go of the past. Let go of all of the programming of the past and begin more and more to live in this perfect now, knowing that this is the perfect now. That everything is being prepared, orchestrated as you will, to bring in the perfect system for this planet. And realizing that you are this perfect system here in this planet.

Several weeks ago I spoke about preparation that we are in the final stages now. We have been given that signal to be in that final stage of the preparation through this transition process. And I come now to share that with you again so that you know that not only are we prepared to move in a moment’s notice when that signal is given by Prime Creator, but that each one of you are also prepared to be in that moment.

You are hearing, much of you are hearing now about landings, about contact, and yes that is also in preparation. Those that you know of as the Pleiadians are the forerunners of this. They are the ones that you will be primarily making contact with and will be making contact with you. Because this is that moment prior to when these events can begin to happen.

You have heard about the Great Event and we have spoken to you about many mini events that will be leading up to this. This is one of those mini events where you will begin to have more and more sightings of our ships in the skies. Many of you will begin to make contact with those of us in our ships and we with you as you call upon us. For we will never interfere with your direct lives unless you call upon us. But know that even when you do call that it may not yet be quite the right moment for you, individually.

But know that those times are coming. Those moments are ahead. We relish these times where we can be of assistance. But always remember that even though we are here to be assistants to you, you are here to be of assistance to us. For we cannot do it without you and together, all of us working with you, are bringing about this great orchestration here in this transition on the planet.

You are going to be hearing of many revealings that are coming forward. From many different sources they will come. Those moments prior to this, you have been leading up to and everything is about to begin to take its course. Everything is about to begin to shift more and more. But as always it is for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear. Those of you that have been readying for this will be the first ones to make contact with those of us in our ships. You will be the first ones to hear the revealings that are coming forward in many different areas. You will be the ones that will be hearing about the financial changeover that is in the works now.

But as always be patient. Let it come to you. And as the One Who Serves is so fond of saying, go with the flow at all times for this is the way of the future. This is the way of the fifth dimension, the higher frequencies. Learn to go with the flow and learn to be neutral at every moment that you can. Find that neutrality within you just as you find the Source within you which is neutral.

I AM Ashtar. I leave you now with all my peace and love and know that we are standing by to move at a moment’s notice to be there with you when the times call for it and the frequencies have reached their crescendo.

One Who Serves

Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om. Om. Greetings to you!

One Who Serves here with you to continue on to bring you forward in all that is happening here. To bring you to the next level of your being. Because that is what this is all about.

It is all about moving to the next level of your being. It is about moving through this transition process and moving through it freely and easily. And having everything be exactly as it needs to be and then knowing that you are exactly where you need to be in every given moment.

We know this is difficult for some of you because you wonder, ‘well why is it happening to him and her and why is it not happening to me? Why am I not been reached out from above from those of the ships? Why are they not contacting me? I have been yelling to them and asking for them. Please, please, please beam me up but nothing is happening. Nothing is happening.’

But we assure you that everything is happening. Everything is in the moment. It is happening. You just need to sit back, let it be, as the Beatles song goes. Let it be and really seriously let it be. Because it is all in the process all in the moment and you are in that perfect moment at all times.

And as we say many, many times everything is being orchestrated. And if you continue to understand that everything is being orchestrated, then there is no reason to be concerned about what this one is saying or that one is saying or how they are saying it or whether they are coming from their ego or they are not coming from their ego. None of this matters. You see? None of this matters because if it does matter to you then you are not being in a neutral state and you are not allowing the Source to move through you and within you and to be the being that you are. You see?

So let it all go and be in the perfect now because really when it comes down to it that’s all you can do. If you continue to hold onto the past then your past will continue to hold on to you. So go forward my friends, like the people here, ‘go forward and prosper’. Is that the saying here? No that is not what we really mean here. “Live long and prosper”. Yes, the Spock thing, yes, as we are finding it here within the James. Wonderful, wonderful show.

And it was given here by someone if you have not for some time it is time maybe to revisit that show because it is a wonderful show to talk to you about the coming times; what is ahead here. You are moving into a Star Trek generation. Do you realize that? Do you really realize that you are very close to moving into this; to becoming a part of the Galactic Federation? That is also real. To begin to more and more utilize the Prime Directive of non-interference that is also very real. We all follow that. So sit back fasten those seatbelts and enjoy the show because the show is really about to start.

Do you have questions here for One Who Serves?

Q & A

Q:  [emailed question] If we see number patterns does it mean that we are in sync with the universe?

OWS:  Absolutely. If you are seeing very many, as very many are seeing these number patterns, the 555, the 333, the 11:11, 12:12, 10:10, and all of these things are all a part of the

somebody please. You need to mute that device there. Yes very good.

If you are seeing these, experiencing these, again it is for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear. So there are many that will see these sequences but pay no attention to it. It doesn’t mean anything to them. But those of you that see it and pay attention to it then it will increase more and more because it is because all about synchronicity. It is all about taking you to the next level of your being. That is what this entire program is about: taking you to the next level of your being. Okay?

Q:  [emailed question] If we are telepathically inclined will we get more and more experiences and will it be easier to interact with animals and people?

OWS:  Absolutely. Again it is very similar here. If you are aware of these things or if you are aware of being telepathic or being able to commune with animals and nature and all of this, the more that you are aware of it then the more you allow it, the more it will continue. The more you will get those glimpses that we have spoken of many times of seeing through the veil. All of this. It is a part of the transition that you are moving through. As you become more telepathic, as you become able to do many different things what we call the gifts of spirit coming back to you. And we say that in direct terms here: coming back to you because you once had these abilities, the different abilities to move objects with your mind, to be able to telepathically communicate with another, to be able to lift yourself up off of the ground in terms of no gravity. Can you imagine if you could begin to fly like Superman?! What wonderful times ahead people!

Q:  [emailed question] Regarding auras, I’ve been seeing colors around me but of late I have seen that the colors have changed. Instead of bright green, violet, blue, yellow, orange, and red, it has changed into pastels and to lighter colors. The question is, do the colors transmute as you [inaudible] a higher vibration?

OWS:  Absolutely. As you are moving into these higher vibrations you will begin to notice more of these higher frequency colors that are coming in. Some that you are not even aware of yet. Or some of you are beginning to become aware of these in terms of those higher vibration colors. The magenta, the purple colors, the violet colors, and the brilliance within that colors is even more important here. As the frequencies raise then you will begin to notice more of these colors and as you notice more of these colors you will find that you are in the higher vibrations therefore in the higher fourth and fifth dimension, and these colors will become even more important to you as you move up higher and higher in vibration here.

Q:  [emailed question] We know that upcoming energies approaching Earth these days, enter consciousness to enlighten us with love and to wake us up to the truth about ourselves. Are these energies part of the healing to our original [inaudible] or would that be at the Galactic disclosure and all aero ships are decloaked?

OWS:  These energies are increasing greatly rapidly you might say. And as they continue to increase you will begin to notice more and more of these higher level energies. It is all a process of coming together, as one in terms of coming together in past, present and future, are all coming together into one zero point. What is known as the zero point. And you will find that as you move higher in these vibrations everything, you will begin to notice those of what are called the aero ships here, the Galactic ships, you will become more and more aware of them. This is the process that Ashtar was speaking of in terms of showing themselves more and more but only to those that are ready to see them. And in order to be ready to see them you already have to be in the higher vibrations. As someone said earlier in your discussion they will not come to you, you must go to them. So you must raise your vibration in order to make contact with them.

Q:  [emailed question] Sometimes when I lay down to sleep I close my eyes (but not quite asleep) in a relaxed state like meditating I feel flashes of light in front of my eyes. Then I open my eyes thinking that one of my daughters is taking a picture of me but obviously she’s not. What does this mean and can you comment?

OWS:  Yes. This is again, as you are raising in vibration, moving into the higher dimensional frequencies, you will experience more of these types of things. The scientific explanation here but we are not going to go there. We are going to go beyond the scientific explanation of this phenomenon and speak in terms of a spiritual understanding. And this comes at the higher vibration as you are moving into a deeper state of meditation or even more of a sleep state where you will begin to notice these flashes of light. This is also about your kundalini expression moving up your spine and noticing this flash of light and happens. It will seem like it is in your mind’s eye but it is your third eye that is awakening here and creating this phenomenon. Your science will not explain it in this way though they will come up with something entirely different. [Laughter]

Again we need to ask whoever is on your phone please mute your phone. It is very disconcerting here. You know who you are please. There. Much better. Now we can continue. Please keep it that way.

Are there other questions here now?

Q:  As I understand it, at some point we’re going to be taken for some R&R and to learn the ways of the fifth dimension that we can then bring back to the people of the Earth. And I heard here tell too about some forgetting that will happen. Will we forget the important people in our lives? Or will we forget events? Or what exactly are we going to forget if we’re going to forget anything?

OWS:  If they are important people to you, you will not forget them. You will only forget the ones that are not important to you. What we are saying here is as you go through this process, this R&R as you are saying — and yes that is correct. There will be much of that. It will be like a vacation you have always wanted to take and were never able to and then multiply that thousands times over as to what that would be like. Can you imagine? Those of you that have been on your cruise ships and things, and how wonderful that is, imagine being on a cruise spaceship or starship. Can you imagine what that would be like as you soar across the heavens into even other solar systems, if you will, and see other planets and the beauty that is out there. So all of this is coming yes.

And your question though can you repeat that one other part of your question?

Q:  Well I guess what exactly would we forget?


You will forget those things that you do not need to remember anymore. [Laughter] That is a simple answer to this. If you will forget those parts of your past that are no longer important to you. All of that old programming you will forget. It will be in the past. It will not be important anymore. Now that does not mean that you will forget all of your life previous to this. You will not. But it will, as you move into the higher vibrations, it will be like a dream that you woke up from.

Q:  So to clarify. If I had, for instance, someone that I did love but that relationship didn’t go well, would I forget the whole relationship or probably just the parts that didn’t go so well?

OWS:  Mostly just the parts that did not go so well. Again the old programming. The old things that do not work for you anymore as you move in, you see. Now this is not going to be instantaneous. You are not all of a sudden going to forget all of your old friends and your family and all of this. That is not what is going to happen. It will be a gradual process that you will go through. But you will go through this process as you realize you no longer need to have those memories. They are no longer beneficial to you in the moment.

Q:  It was a wonderful meditation that Sananda, I believe it was Sananda…

OWS:  It was Ashtar. Ashtar.

Q:  It was Ashtar?! Oh my gosh. While I was going through the meditation …

OWS:  Are you still time traveling? [Reference to conversation during unrecorded open forum.] [Laughter]

Q:  I probably was because I was almost lifted off of my sofa. And I had a very sharp [screeching, shrill] noise go into my ear. This is when I could see when we were up above Gaia and we were lending our light. And all of a sudden my physical body just like real sharp frequency noise came through my ear and it was very loud and it almost felt like I was floating. So something happened to my physical body while my light body was up there. I just wanted to know was that a message or something for me?

OWS:  Yes. It was an indication that you are having a real experience here. Many of you think when you do these guided meditations here and you are out of your body that you are really not out of your body or that it is something you are making up in your mind. And we often tell you over and over your imagination is key here. Your visualization skills are key here. So go with this. Go with it and know it is real. And this was an indication to you that it was a real experience to feel it back there in your physical form. Okay?

Q:  Referring back to the other caller’s question when we’re on the R&R, how about people in our lives when we are doing the R&R portion and having this experience, would our loved ones know of our absence? How does that work out with them? Does time stop for them? And we’re only gone for a few minutes when we’re really gone for days? I was just wondering about the other end of it.

OWS:  What we are talking about when we talk about this R&R is after the transition, after contact with those from above and so after Disclosure, after NESARA is announced, after all of these things. And after you have gone through your ascension process almost to the point where you are entirely finished with this particular part of the ascension. And you will then find yourself in this point. We are not speaking in terms of this early contact you might say that some of you will have where you are connected connecting with the Pleiadian Fleet as you have been talking about. We are not speaking of that. That is not the R&R part. That is still the working part. That is still the Warrior part within you. This is coming after all of this. This is coming when you have moved into the celebrations that we have been speaking of and even after those celebrations. This is all after this.

Q:  Wonderful. So we will already have transitioned with those relationships. I understand.

Q:  One of our readers from the Internet asks this question. I just joined the group 2 weeks ago. I am not been able to join the live call because I am traveling at the moment. I heard you say Robin Williams is part of our soul group and I am part of the soul group. And if I am what advice would you give me to foster my growth and my greater mission on Earth?

OWS:  When you speak of soul group you must understand that this is a very large group that we are speaking of. When we talked about Robin Williams being part of your soul group, this is a very large group here. So your mission and your purpose and all of this is constantly changing. We spoke/talk first about your purpose. Your purpose is always changing. You did not come here with any one purpose that you are following your entire life. You came here with a blueprint that you are following and within that blueprint come your purposes as you are discovering them, as you are remembering that you had made these contracts and all of this. So you are not, your purpose is constantly changing as you move through. Now your mission that you are in right now and many of you have already discovered this mission. Many of you are going to begin to move into your various missions. We speak in terms when we say mission here, we speak about the 144,000 and your connection with Sananda and Sanat Kumara and all of this. And the idea that you have come here to not only awaken yourself but to help more and more of your brethren awaken as well. This is what your mission is. That necessarily does not change until you have completed that mission and then you may be given a new mission. This depends on how everything goes both individually and collectively as a collective consciousness here. Do you understand this? Is this sufficient?

Q:  This is in regards to the question that you answered last week. I appreciate you taking the time to answer it but it’s not exactly the question I was asking. What I was curious about is if you would define the term Kumara. We know Sanat Kumara and Sananda is a Kumara. And if you search that’s pretty much all you find out is that those two names are Kumara’s but they don’t tell you what the Kumara is. So is it a title of sorts or is it kind of like a family named? Do all Kumara’s only come from Venus?

OWS:  Very good. It is not a last name as you may be thinking here. As Sananda Kumara, that is not his last name. Sanat Kumara: not his last name. You could call it a title if you will. It is a designation that came from the Venus as they are known as the Seven Flame Lords. There are seven Kumaras. The two that you know are the ones that have continued on with this planet to bring the humanity forward here in this particular to this particular transition. They have been with you from the beginning and they are going to be with you right to the end and to the beginning of the next cycle. Okay?

Q:  Okay thank you. And then I read something recently that said the 144,000 were Kumaras. Is that true?

OWS:  They are the ones that led the 144,000 down. Brought them here.

Q:  So as a title then it wouldn’t be applied to the 144,000.

Q:  No. You are not all Kumaras. No.

Joanna/Shoshana:  Kumara is an attainment of consciousness.

Kumara is a designation of attainment of an extremely high level of consciousness.

OWS:  Yes. That is why we say designation. But yes, an attainment. Very good. Similar to the Christ, similar to the Buddha. All of these are attainments or designations.

Q:  We often speak about the Ascended Masters and for example it was brought up today that the true birth[day] of Yeshua was March 31st. What I want to know is why we do not discuss the Magdalene energy and the infusion of the feminine into the planet and the significance of that lineage?

OWS:  First of all when you are saying we, who is the we here?

Q:  This group.

OWS:  Then that is something that you can certainly do. It is just simply that this group has also goes by the programming that it has had. And it is always connected to the Yeshua and the Christ energy in that respect. That is not to say that the Magdalene Energy, the feminine energy, the Divine Goddess energy, is not important because it certainly is. It is all about bringing balance. And balance is coming back. So the feminine, the divine energy, the divine feminine energy is coming back. And it is associated with the Magdalene, with the Lady Nada, with Mother Mary, all of this is all a part of this. And the goddesses that you are not even aware of yet that are bringing this energy back as well.

Q:  My question is the term archea — as in the feminine aspect of the archangels — is that term is used in the higher vibrations?

OWS:  Only to the point that it matters. In terms of if the name matters to you then it is used. If it does not matter it is not used. And for most of the point, when you are in the higher vibrations names are not used in this sense. We are only using names to associate with your level of understanding here and your consciousness level at this point. But when you move up into the higher vibrations the higher dimensions, names are seldom used as you understand it now. It is the vibration that is recognized. You see?

One of the reasons why we as the One Who Serves have never yet given you our associated names here. Why we let go of the name understanding early on and take on the title here of One Who Serves.

Q:  Just to emphasize on the titles. It’s not so much rank but a title or a name that given to like the Ashtar Command. And Ashtar is a title. It’s a form of a consciousness high-attuned attainment as well isn’t it?

OWS:  Yes but not in the sense that you understand in terms of entitlement or in terms of recognition. It is not so that the one that is what you might call under Ashtar would salute him or anything of this nature. It is not a part of that. It is a part of responsibility. And the Ashtar is responsible for the fleet the Ashtar Command. Just as Sananda is responsible for the working with the Christ energy and so one. You see? So it is based on responsibility not attainment as to title. This is not that way it works at that level. But there is respect. And there is respect both ways. So Ashtar respects all of those that work within his command just as those that work within his command respect him. You see? It is all one.

Q:  Yes and he says it’s all by vibration. It’s not the name that is important. You should sense the vibration and frequency and that is how you know us. Now you feel me. He says that all the time. And I get confused with the names and stuff because I don’t feel like the names are important either, these titles and stuff. But deep down I think it’s all it is right, it’s about the vibration and frequency. The name is irrelevant.

OWS:  Yes. That is correct. In earlier times names were not used in this respect. The cabal as you understand the cabal they were the ones that introduce this. Introduced rank and all of this. All a part of the militarization of the planet.

Q:  Everything that you been saying has been leading to this question about… are you familiar with a work called The Revelatorium?

OWS:  Not directly, no. Can you give more information here?

Q:  No actually I can’t other than it’s channeled by Father/Mother God and I haven’t read it yet. But I was going to ask if you were familiar with it, could you tell me if it was predominantly accurate or not? Because a lot of things that are being said right now are things that I have seen so far in this work. But I’ll get back to you on it after I’ve read some more.

OWS:  Very good.

Joanna/Shoshana:  It is accurate to the degree that those that wrote this piece have experienced their lifetimes and their lineage in that way. That is the only way things are accurate for that group. If this resonates with you then it is accurate for you. If it does not it is not.

OWS:  Wonderful. Very well said. Now with that we will release channel.

Before we do though, we wish to welcome all those that are new to this program, to this understanding that we are working with here. But know that even though this may be your first time or second time here, you are not new to this. You have been guided. If it is something that works for you that you resonate to, this particular group as a whole, then you will realize that you have been guided here as old souls coming back together again, reuniting again to bring in this New Age of Gaia. We are going to release channel now.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.

Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

“Believing is seeing!”


Ashtar & OWS ~ We Have Been Working Toward This Moment… This Moment of Freedom ~ Jan. 21, 2018

Ashtar and One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Phoenix, AZ on January 14, 2018


I AM Ashtar.

I come to be with you at this time, in this moment, to bring you certain news. News that is forthcoming across the planet. News that we, those of us in the ships, have been aware of for some time.

We have been expecting, working toward this moment: This moment of freedom. This moment of freedom for the planet, for all of those of you on the planet.

Yes there are those moments where strife still continues, where fear still arises, just as it did recently. But also just as we have been saying for some time now there is no reason to fear for fear is not real. Fear is only a part of this illusionary process. It is only as real as you make it, as real as your programming has made it over the many lifetimes.

But know that everything is in control. Those of us, those of the Pleiadian fleets, we all have control over this situation at this point. Not to the point where we interfere with your free will but to the point where we can intercept anything that comes to the planet from outside or even that is sent from another part of the planet that has fearful ramifications with it. For this will not be allowed just as it is not being allowed at this time.

And those that still attempt to work with these old ways, these old paradigm ways of bringing fear, of bringing catastrophes, of bringing chaos, they now are beginning to realize more and more that their time is over, their days are numbered. Many of them at this point are beginning to turn back toward the Light. Because when faced with the choice of coming back to the light or being consumed by the light you can imagine what they would mostly choose. But there are those, those that are yet stubborn that hold off. That is their choice. That is their free will. And we will not interfere with their free will just as we will not interfere with yours.

But know this, that all is coming together, all is in the process now of completion. You will begin to see more and more evidence of this. Those of you that require proof, those of the planet’s population that require proof will be receiving it more and more now.

Those of you that already believe will now begin to see more and more of all that you have been creating up until this time. For you, each one of you are creating the New Golden Age every moment in front of you. With every single thought that you have you are creating the New Earth; you are creating your new existence here on and in this planet.

Many of you long for those times when you can find yourselves here with us in these ships and will reunite once again with those of your families, of your brothers and sisters. For all is a part of the Oneness and you are all the Oneness.

I AM Ashtar. I leave you now but will be back shortly for there are many things that are about to transpose. All of my peace be with you.


Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om. Om. Greetings to you!

How are you all doing? Feeling good? Feeling wonderful? Yes we heard in the background feeling groovy. That is good! You need to be feeling good. You need to be focusing more and more on feeling good.

There are those moments that you have where you feel what you call down in the dumps and depressed and all of this, but when you look at it from a higher point of view what good does that do? What good does it do to have those down depressed feelings and linger in those feelings? Yes we know you’re going to have them at times. Certainly yes have them. But then have it and be gone with it. Be done with it. Do not wallow in it.

In your past programming you have learned to wallow in your self-pity and all of these kinds of things. But there is no need to do that anymore. Feel it for a moment and then let it go. Move on and find the joy. Just simply turn it around. Turn off the one switch and turn on the other switch. That is all you need to do; it is that simple, if you allow for that process to happen. But so many of you have been programmed for so long to feel the, feel the feelings within you and become awash with them. But really, when you really look at this what good does it do you? Where does it bring you? Yes you hear many times, ‘oh have your feelings. Have them Be in them. Do not squash them’. And that is true; have the feelings. That is what we are saying. Have them … but not for long. Do not hold onto them. We are talking of course about what you might call the more negative feelings that are there within you. The positive ones have them a lot! Enoy! Be in joy.

As we say many times, if you are feeling a little down in the dumps go outside. Feel the sunlight come onto you. Feel the pranic energy entering through your spinal cord. Yes that is something you are going to learn to do.

If you have not already done it and most of you have not, learn to feel the energy come in from the Sun. Feel it come in through the top of your spinal system very near the neck area. And it penetrates. That energy penetrates into you. And it can sustain you. It can sustain you but only if you know about it and believe it.

But that is not something you need to be concerned about now. Just when you have the opportunity be aware of what you are taking into your body, the foods the drinks, all of this, be aware of it but do not become feeling guilty about it. That is where the real rub comes from here where you begin to feel guilty. I had a piece of pie, [Laughter] oh my goodness. Why did I do that? Or a piece of cake or ice cream or whatever it might be. We know this one James loves ice cream. Have it enjoy it. Not to over doing it though. Everything in moderation. This is what we are trying to tell you now everything in moderation. And when you have those bad feelings those negative down feelings move on past them. Let them go, they are not helping you. All they do is bring your vibration down. Why would you want to bring your vibration down when you are working so hard to bring them up? Be in the higher vibration. Be the higher vibrations.

You have questions here for One Who Serves now?

Q & A

Q:  I was just wondering if you could explain the Bible verse, “The first shall be last and the last first for many shall be called and few chosen.”

OWS:  We think you mostly already know what this means in terms of working with those of you the light workers, the light warriors. The first … hold please [Pause] … The first shall be last and the last shall be first. So what has been going for some time here where the first are always attempting to be the first. They are the elite. They are the cabal. They are the ones that have been in control. But what Yeshua was saying in that verse that you are speaking of is that the last, (those of you), the meek shall inherit the earth, those of you who are this meek. Those of you are the last. Those of you will move to the first, to the front. You are the vanguard. You are the ones that are foreshadowing all that is coming ahead here. You are the ones that are leading the charge you might say. That is what that is meant by that.

Q:  Yeah I actually did know that but I guess I wanted to hear you say that.

OWS:  And you are the chosen ones as well. So…

Q:  I guess but we are humble by nature and it’s hard to take it all in.

OWS:  Hold please. Many are called and few are chosen. And “few” in this case, that was certainly speaking of you the chosen ones. You the ones that came that are the 144,000 and all of this. You have heard this before in many different ways, many different times, but you, those of you chose to be here and were chosen to be here out of the many millions and millions that also wanted to be here.

Now please understand there is a shortage of bodies here on this planet. Many want to come here especially at this time to be here and to be awakened in this wonderful amazing time that is ahead here and is even in the now at this point. But so many are not able to at this point so you are the chosen ones. You are the ones that are able to be here now.

But also understand that when you speak of the bodies that are here, the 7-something billion people that are here and what would happen if you would suddenly have regeneration of all of your bodies and no more dying and no more illness and sickness and all of this? And the bodies there would still continue to be many births and there would be no deaths so eventually you could see that there would be what you might call an overpopulation happening here. But that will not happen because those that are not wanting to be here will not need to be here anymore. You can go to other planets, other solar systems, even other galaxies so there will never ever be an overpopulation in this situation here. You see?

We know we go off the tangent here but it was important to say because there are people out there that have been wondering about this — you know who you are — and have not asked this question. But we are answering it anyway here.

Q:  Well thank you because yes I’m one of those who has wondered about that even myself.

Q:  It was wonderful that you talked about the spinal column because it acts as an energetic antenna as well, doesn’t it? And it was interesting because I was thinking about my spinal column and then you brought it up so, power of consciousness.

I was a little bit perplexed about what a channeler was bringing thru from Archangel Michael. She said that Michael is saying that it’s a state of emergency and I’m a little bit perplexed about that because I’m not really feeling that it’s a state of emergency so I’m wondering if you could shed some light on that. She generally does speak to Michael but I’m a little bit perplexed about that because I guess I’m not feeling what she’s feeling or I’m not downloading what she’s downloading and putting out to the collective. If it’s wrong information I want to be really careful so I don’t put out wrong information to the collective. I just want your take on it for the collective.

OWS:  We are a little bit perplexed here in what you mean by state of emergency. What is a state of emergency here?

Q:  Yeah me too that’s the thing here. It’s a channeled message that comes onto you tube that a lot of people listen to and she says that Lord Michael is saying that there’s been a state of emergency on the planet, which we’re very aware of because we’ve been in it for a long time. But what’s perplexing is this whole fear part of the state of emergency. And the thing is, people who are just waking up and hear that there is a little bit of fear mongering and I do worry for the rest of the collective.

OWS:  Now we would ask you a question. In order to answer your question we need to ask you this question. How do you feel when you hear a term there is now a state of emergency?

Q:  I always speak to my higher self…

OWS:  No, that is not what we are asking here. How do you feel when you hear this?

Q:  When I hear that someone says there is a state of emergency I almost think there’s not a state of emergency, it’s not.

OWS:  Yes. But what we are getting to here is when someone hears this, this idea of state of, this is emergency now, a state of emergency, you feel panic, you feel fear. Now how would that be something that would be beneficial to those of you here on the planet to have the fear? You see that is exactly what we are moving away from is this sense of fear. So we would never come and say in terms of this that there is now a state of emergency to the planet because that only brings up fear. You see? And this would never be.

Always whenever you hear any type of channeling or any messages of any kind, feel how it is to you at that point. How does it resonate within you? If it brings up fear then it is not true. Is not something that carries truth in it. There may be some truth to it but not fully here. You see? There is never 100% in any of these messages. Whether, what we are saying now is never a 100% as it comes through a filter that is here on the planet. In this case it is the one James. In the case you spoke of it was another one, and so one and so on and all of the various channeled messages. There is much truth in much of it but not completely. There is much truth in all of the various intelligence that comes forth but not completely. You see? So this is when you need to use discernment.

But we will say to you there is no state of emergency anywhere at this point for the planet here. Maybe for certain areas, yes certainly, just as there was prematurely, you might say, for the area of Hawaii of what occurred there. But that was kept from happening certainly so it was not anything to be concerned about. But there was a message that was sent out and brought fear and this is what the cabal wanted here. They wanted this fear to be brought out. They wanted much more; they wanted to actually create a war situation; be able to blame one area of the planet that they’re responsible so that they could create a war here, but of course that was not ever going to be allowed. Just as it will never be allowed. Just as none of these major types of catastrophes/calamities that could be created by man will not happen. You see?

Q:  I totally get what you’re saying because that’s the thing. If people are just waking up and listening to this channel, they’re going to be slightly fearful and need to use their discernment. So I just get a little bit perplexed of these channelers that are coming on YouTube and putting fear into the new people waking up which is a bit naughty. You’ve put everything into perspective for the collective and I thank you.

OWS:  Very good yes.

Q:  The cabal, and maybe other people from other planets that visit here, all have a thing they call quasi-crystals where they combine two elements and fast freeze them to make crystal. And I was just wondering if you could give us an idea how that works and what it does to the crystal lattice or whatever makes it work?

OWS:  What we can tell you on this is that crystal technology is something that was here within the planet for a very long time. You had it in Atlantis, it is there in the inner Agarthan areas within the planet, in Telos and all of this continue to use this crystalline technology because it is akin to the Earth. It is akin to the planet here. And working with these crystals is working with the planet’s energy. Whenever you work with crystals you are working directly with Gaia’s energy. This is what you may not be aware of. But the energy is multiplied or amplified rather through these crystals. And this crystalline technology is coming back to the planet. You had it here in Atlantis certainly and you are going to have it here again. It is a part of the process here.

Now as to the crystals and all this technology coming from the Galactics, from other civilizations certainly yes, they have all, they all work with these energies. They all know how to work with them and they are continuing to do this and will bring their energy technology as well to the planet. So you not only have the energy or the technology that has been created and held back here on the planet but you will also have all of the technology coming from the Galactic civilizations that will be visiting here as well.

There is a lot to look forward to but there is a lot to be in the now as well. So always we always reiterate this. Don’t only look to the future as your salvation. Look to the now, the moment you are in and live every moment as if it were your last. Okay?

Q:  I’m reading a book at the moment that is saying Sedona is the Crystal City and the city of the star people. Was it part of Lemuria?

OWS:  Very interesting question you ask here. Sedona and that area was what you would call an outpost of that Lemurian and Atlantean as well at that time. And this is a very energetic area and you are correct in that the first city of light will materialize there above Sedona and be a part of that area as well as the times go here. As the frequencies continue to rise more people are going to begin — especially even in this next year here this year you are in — people are going to begin to material… or begin to able to see the City of Light with their physical eyes as these changes continue to develop here. And as more people begin to see through that veil — that they think is still there but as you are beginning to know more and more it is not there anymore, it is only there based on your programming — but you will, those of you if you certainly if you go to the Sedona area you will be able to begin, in the later parts of this year as we find it more so, that you will begin to be able to see that which others are not able to see.

Q:  I have a question about our ascension process.  As we transmute and heal and stay in the training of connecting to our Source our higher self, we’re adding to the ascension process by helping others to awaken and connect to their higher self. This might be linear, but looking ahead to when our mentors get here and we continue with our mission and to help with the planet, I kind of feel since there are 7 billion on the planet with all the light workers working together we are still going to need back up right? You guys are helping us from above but when you come here are you going to be able to help like with what we going to be doing? That’s kind of like my question. What are we going to be doing? More healing work across the planet? I don’t see that vision and I’m curious.

OWS:  Yes we understand your question. And we would say to you that your missions will become more and more clear to you as you continue to move through this transition process. And as your missions become clear to you, you will begin then to move into them and begin to work with them and those things you are wondering now will become crystal clear at that time. And we use that terminology purposefully here. Crystal clear.[Unintended] Unintended, yeah.

Q:  Trust the process.

OWS:  Yes, trust the orchestration process. Everything is being orchestrated here. We say this many different times but just know that this is the case. You are beginning to see the beginnings of this more and more you are seeing what we have been saying for some time now. And the materializations of these things are coming in now: the various arrests, the ending of the chemtrails. That is something that is coming as well. We know that was spoken of here earlier in your discussion and that is something that is coming. It is in the process now you might say. It will be ending. And there are many other things and all of the technology and all of these things are going to be coming forth, first as a trickle and then as a flow begin to come into the planet. Okay?

Q:  I’ve been hearing about crypto currency and some people are saying it’s a strategy from the cabal to prevent the GCR. Other people on talk radio shows are saying that it’s part of the digital money coming to the new banking system. But the process to buy is very strict so that the money does not fall into the black market. Can you tell us what is currently the correct path of crypto currency? Is that part of the GCR for future currency exchanges?

OWS:  As we look at the situation we would say to you that as we have been saying everything is being orchestrated. Now to understand specifically though about this type of technology or this type of financial remuneration you might say that is coming in, it is not a part of the light worker / light warrior community. It is not a part of what the Alliance is bringing in. The Alliance, those that are working for the light, are working toward the eventual movement away from money completely as a need for transfer. But in this transition that you are moving through there is a need for it still currently so it is always about balance here. And the idea where money is backed by that which is precious metals, gold, silver, all of this, is the way that it is going to go. That was the way it was meant to be in the beginning because it is backed by something, it has meaning to it. Your paper money as it is has no meaning whatsoever except what you give it. You see? And what has been given it over the time has created such a, an imbalance in this situation here that it cannot continue. So this use of coming to other types of currency, crypto currency as you are calling it here, is something that is being brought out by the cabal because they want to go to a completely cashless society. They want to still be in control and they can control this type of thing even though what you hear is that they cannot. Even though what you hear is that it is very safe it is not. It is not something that … it is something that can be manipulated here. But it is being told to you that it cannot be. This is the conundrum, you might say, that is being brought out here.

So in answer more fully, directly to your question this crypto currency is more by the cabal than it is by the forces of light. The forces of light are working diligently toward bringing this money situation into being backed by precious metals. And the precious metals, by the way, are in the trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions and gadzillions and whatever you want to call it here. There is so much abundance here on the planet in this gold, and precious metals, and jewels, and all of this, it is beyond your imagination how much there is. There is no … [Shortage] There is no shortage of this, yes. Thank you.

Shoshana:  There’s just one thing that came to mind …


OWS:  That is correct. Where there is greed there is always going to be manipulation. But your New Golden Age will move beyond the idea of greed here. There will be no need for it. Think in, just for a moment imagine every household across the planet has the replicator and you can replicate anything that you want. Not just tea as in Star Trek. Tea, black tea. Earl Grey hot, yes. Not just that but anything. And if you can replicate anything, if you want to replicate a $100 bill or a $1000 bill do it. But what good will it do you? There won’t be any need for it anymore. You want to replicate a block of gold, a pound of gold, what good would that do you? You will not need it anymore you see you can replicate anything that you want. So all of this, all of this talk about crypto currency and gold backed and everything is only part of the transition here now. But you will all move past this transition and as you continue to move through the ascension process, all of this will become moot.

Q:  Some of us in the group live in California and California has been very hard hit recently this year, last year with fires and mudslides and floods and various things. I want to just get a picture of California in the near future. Can we talk about California because we’ve been so hard hit here?

OWS:  Yes. What we can tell you is that California, that area of the country, was part of the Lemurian continent at one point. Was very close to it, they were able to move freely across from one area to the other and the energies there in the California are still the Lemurian energies. You see? Also in the Mount Shasta area certainly as well. And all of this that you are experiencing there now is because of the energies that are still held there, still trapped there you might say from the sinking of Lemuria, the sinking of the continent of Mu at those times. And the fear and all of that that went with it at that point, there is much that is happening because of this, because of the energetic situation that is there. But all of this will be curtailed or will be moved, you will move through this without the without the fear that is accompanying this, if you allow it. If you continue to have the fear, the fear will continue to bring these energies up. And as these energies are brought up it will continue to bring up this various changes there in the area. Now certainly the cabal has known this for a time period here. Long time. And they have been doing their part to work with these energies and create these catastrophes that are happening there. So they are a big part of this.

There is of course the planet herself, Gaia herself, that is also doing some of this because of a cleansing process that is needed here. There is much in the way though of energetic conditions here.

There is something here that has not yet been given here as we find it, in terms of the connection here with the Lemuria.

Q:  That makes total sense. So we might likely have more of a continuation potentially of this?

OWS:  Potentially based on the way things are right now, yes, there may be some more of these types of situations based on the probability that is right now. But that could shift. That can change. Just as you have been be able to work with hurricanes and things of this nature before, you can do this with those things which are happening there in California as well in terms of drought in terms of rain in terms of fires and of all of this. Fire is a little bit more difficult though because much of this was created here.

Q:  I’ve got a question about the fires. We’ve seen lasers and things of this nature. Was that cabal against cabal or Alliance or the Galactics?

OWS:  That is what we are saying here. Yes. It was predetermined you might say by those of the cabal here who create the, create the situations that have been there in the California in terms of the drought area, in terms of holding off the rain, in terms of making it very dry there so that then they could start the fires here. Part of this was to take attention away from much else that was happening. Certainly they want to take attention away from everything that is involved in their coming out of the shadows. But they cannot hold this off any longer and they will be brought out of the shadows completely and will be brought to — not want to say the term trial here — but they will be brought to atone for their for those things which they have done up to this point.

Q:  Thank you. And in adding to that with the replacement of let’s say the Congress that is corrupt and being part of the cabal etc. and they’re being replaced or are being reeducated or transmuted etc. there is an opportunity for new government, new leadership to come into place. Is that something that we’re to look forward to and to expect changes in government basically out with the old and in with the new?

OWS:  Absolutely, yes. You are going to experience this most likely in this early part of this year you are going to begin to more be — rather here more the middle part toward the later part of this year you will experience much of this changeover within your government. Again this is all based on current situation now. Based on possibility and probability here.

Q:  This is about social housing / government housing. A lot of people all around the world are given government housing or social housing, (I’m not sure what the terminology is in America,) [Section 8] where the government will give you a house to live in – you have to pay rent but it’s given to vulnerable people. Are those houses around the world that these governments own, are they going to give that to the people who live in those houses? [Free of charge] Is it going to be paid off by gold or …

OWS:  All this is part of the transition here that you are speaking of where those that are homeless will be given shelter and all of this initially and more in the beginnings part here to bring a balance. It is all again about balance. So those that are homeless those that have no food have no water will be given this. And it will come from not the government necessarily, but from the people. And it will be brought about by the projects that are in the works here. When the money is released in this transition here, when the money is released these projects will begin to take care of all of these types of situations you are speaking of.

And the idea of owning something will become something that you are not concerned about anymore. You will not need to own anything. Because if you own something then someone can take that away from you. And that will not be the case there will not be any need for this. Certainly when you have the replicators you replicate a home you want. And when you go beyond the replicators and you are able to use your own imagination and visualization process to create anything that you want, you can create a home anywhere you want. You can create it here on this planet, you can create it on another planet, you can have it on many different planets if you want. You can do anything you want you see? This is the freedom we are speaking of. This is the freedom that Ashtar spoke of briefly there. The freedom that is coming here. This is what you are looking forward to.

Q:  Absolutely. I’ve seen visions of the replicators replicating houses or buildings for people to live in.

OWS:  It is already happening at another level in terms of your 3-D printers that are beginning here. They are even able to print homes right now in the China area. They are printing entire buildings. Can you imagine? That is just the forerunning of the replicators here. There is so much technology that is coming. You are going to be amazed here of what is going to be happening. [Can’t wait!]

But you can wait. [Caller talking over OWS] This is what we want you to understand here. You can wait and you must wait. But you must not sit back and wait for this and do nothing in the process. Don’t give up your jobs, don’t give up your relationships thinking the ships are coming and you are going to be taken up on the ships and all of this. It might happen but do not expect it at this point. Just be ready for it as these things develop. That is what we need to help you to understand. Everything is being orchestrated and everything is going to develop it as it needs to. So just to be in the right place at the right moment at the right time and everything will take care of itself. Go with the flow is always the way to do this here. Just go with the flow.

We need to move on here. Are there any other questions before we release channel?

Q:  I’ve been working my five rites and I do a lot of spinning and what happens is I start having issues with different parts of my body causing me to pull back on that particular thing I was doing. It occurred to me that maybe I am being targeted. Am I being targeted somehow so that I slow down on something? And I kind of got that experience because everything that was happening was like, this will take me out of the game for this exercise, this will take me out of the game for that exercise, and so I’m wondering, is that possible? Can that be done? As we are ascending would the dark forces actually target us to like try to slow us down in that way? And what’s something that I can say to get that to go away? If there is such a thing?

OWS:  It would only be targeted if you had purpose here or for the cabal to target you. But you are not so you do not need to be concerned about that. As a matter of fact all of you that are here on the phone and here in the room do not need to be concerned about that because you have much protection and you are also not on their radar as a personality. You may be on their radar as a group but not as personality. So no concern there. Now what is happening here…  [Questioner interrupts] Hold please. Let us finish here. 

What is happening here with you, though, with what you are doing in spinning and all of this, this is wonderful but it is exactly what we spoke of here earlier times where we spoke of taking heaven by storm. So when you are doing these things you are speeding up the process here with the kundalini energy. And the kundalini energy is so powerful it can completely overcome your entire central nervous system here. And if it does this it is going to create problems just as it is doing. But they are just minor problems at this point. Aches, pains, different neck aches, things like this, are just a part of the process here as you are going through this. Not something to be concerned about but something to be aware of. And as you are doing, you are dialing it back you might say, and this is what your higher self is having you do here by giving you these various symptoms that you are having. Because it is your higher self is telling you to hold off a little bit, back off a little bit, and then resume. But do not resume too fast too much because you are, you are doing it prematurely in some respects here. If you suddenly begin to do spinning where you have not done it before that can bring about ramifications that you are not ready for. Also you do not have a teacher that is right there working with you in a physical body as of yet — your mentors are coming but they are not there yet in your term here the physical body — to help you through this process. So you have your higher self certainly and that is what you are listening to and being guided by here. So that is what we would suggest to you here. You need to continue to do it in the way you are doing it. Feel the symptoms and back off a little bit and then go back to it and back off again. But you may even want to dial down the spinning a little bit. Maybe too much for you. But that is up to you.

Q:  Okay I appreciate that. But I just wanted to double check too because I thought I got the message that there was some outside intervention because I do have a little bit of a name that I’m accumulating for myself in the world of having people move forward in life and personal growth and development and I wondered if that was starting to show up?

OWS:  Not enough for you to be concerned about. If they haven’t taken out (Names a certain individual that has quite a following with the Light forces) yet I think you do not have anything to be concerned about.

Q:  Yeah and I thought they had some ways to do it sort of inside you that they implanted in us not necessarily that they’re saying let me target so and so but could be some kind of implants that if they saw we were getting to a certain place they would start to throw stuff at us.

OWS:  We have spoken of this before in another time here where we spoke of these implants and they are not something to be concerned about. They have been taken care of. For those of you those of you the light workers the light warriors you have much protection. There are instances where certain ones draw attention to themselves and then they can be targeted in a sense. But it is not something for you, who is asking this question, or for any of you at this point that are here with us that are part of this group have anything to be concerned about. We are very much aware. We, being those of us, the Ascended Masters, the Galactics are very much aware of this group and all that you are doing here as a part of this and all that you are, even more important here, all that you are going to be doing as a part of this.

Q:  The Pleiadian that Barbara Marciniak channels has pointed out that Elon Musk’s first name can be broken down into the words/names El and On which are both names for the Sumerian god Anu. And what I find interesting is Elon Musk says that he doesn’t even believe in God. So my question is, is Elon Musk some sort of a ray or emanation or something from Anu?

OWS:  First of all the El and On you are using is not in the terminology that you are getting here. The On is a universe, another universe. El is the El race that was here on this planet long ago and they had evolved into the fourth and higher dimensions, fifth and higher dimensions. They seemingly were here and then they were not here. And they moved beyond the three-dimensional experience just as you are in the process of doing as well. So the idea of this one taking this name Elon is not something that you need to be concerned about. It is just a part of this process for this particular individual. It is not anything to do with the Annunaki as you are saying but this one can go either way as we are finding it here. But we are not going to go into depths in terms of certain individuals. Certain times will do that but for this particular one not at this point. So this — we do not like to use this terminology — but this needs to remain classified at this time.

 Any other questions here? Then we release channel. Just … [Long pause]  No other message here.

 Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.

Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

“Believing is seeing!”


Archangel Michael & OWS ~ The Barriers Dropping, Merging of the Higher Dimensions ~ Dec. 16, 2017


Archangel Michael & One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Phoenix, AZ on December 10, 2017


I AM Archangel Michael. It is these times that we come together that are both wonderful for us as well as for you for it is a merging of our consciousness with your consciousness. We are all One together.

And those of you that have felt the separation from the Source Energy, from your Creator Being for so long, now many of you are coming to understand this sense of oneness that has eluded so many for so long. The remembrances or the memories are returning to you. Some slower than others some much quicker than others. But it is all a process that is in a continuing union of all of us together bringing consciousness together as One.

You speak of timelines. I have spoken of timelines. I have spoken of the merging of timelines and the splitting of timelines previously. And what is happening now is that there is a program running, you might say, a program that has created a mirrored world here. In other words a level of consciousness that is associated with all of you at one time. It is almost as if there is a new simulation that has been created to hold the place for those of you that are continuing on in this process which is the collective humanity at this time.

Whereas Earth herself, Gaia herself has moved on into the higher vibrations, is operating mostly entirely in the fifth dimension, she has opened a space for all of you that are still here held within this third dimensional illusion, although many of you have moved into the higher fourth dimension and even into the fifth dimension at times. And you are experiencing what is ahead and also what is in the now moment.

All is in a process of evolution and you are all moving through this evolutionary process. Some faster, some not quite so fast but all is in flux now. All is in motion. And that motion that you are feeling leads to continued awareness. And as you continue to increase your awareness your consciousness grows. So too then do the memories start to return to you.

So too does the other worlds, you might say, the other dimensional worlds open up to you so that wherever there is an opening in that dimensional barrier something may slip through. I do not speak here of something negative although that can be. But I speak of the opening of the barrier, of the veil that is really no longer there. And objects can slip through. Objects that are meant for you to bring you along to the next level of your being, to the next level of consciousness.

This is what is occurring now for many of you. And many, many, more to come here will begin to experience these things almost as if the dimensional barriers are not only dropping but are merging together. And you will begin more and more to experience what before had been called glimpses but now will be more than just glimpses. Now you will begin to more and more see into those other dimensionals/ dimensions.

Patience is still required at this point. But knowing that everything is in process, everything is in motion and that motion cannot be stopped at this point. That momentum cannot be stopped. It was given over your Advance that an avalanche cannot be stopped. And this is an avalanche now that is gaining momentum, moving down the mountain taking everything in its’ path, merging with everything in its’ path. And you can no longer stop an avalanche than those who would want to could stop this advancement of the Ascension.

You are all a part of this now and you are all becoming even more a part of this as you allow the process to happen within yourself first. Find that level of surrender within yourself, within your selves, and allow that to continue to move you along into the higher vibrations. It will be as if when you surrender more and more to the Source within you it will open up the higher vibrations readily and easily to you. It will be a seamless transition. That is what we are all working toward for all of you: a seamless transition as much as is possible.

I AM Archangel Michael. I do enjoy these times that I can be with you and look forward to those times yet to come where we will much more be with you in a way that you can appreciate so much more than what it is now.


Om Mani Padme Om. Om Mani Padme Om. Om. Om. Greetings to you!

One Who Serves here with you to continue on with this never-ending programming here that is happening here. And it is going to be never ending. The journey continues on and on and on for forever really, infinite infinity. And you will continue to move along this journey wherever it may take you. But for now the journey that you are on is a journey that is working together with each one of you all of you coming together as a unity, as a unity consciousness. I speak now of the group but we also speak of unity consciousness here on the entire planet. All of humanity coming together.

And what a miraculous and amazing … difficulty in some ways that this is for you. It is something that is, something that is very hard to continue to experience but you are all going through this. You are all moving through this transition and everything is going exactly as it is needed and exactly as it is planned.

Yes, as we have told you many times we have Plan A, B, C, D, E, and so on and we continue to move along through these different parts of the plan. And when one doesn’t work we move to the next and to the next and that is what has been happening with all of the things that are happening outside of yourself.

But always remember that for you to experience those things outside of yourself and those continuing things that you want to improve on you first need to find the improvement within yourself. So it is always So Within and So Without. But the within is always first. No matter what you may hear from others or anything of this nature it is always coming from within.

And this is where you need to continue to focus all of your attention, all that you can, to find that inner resolve within yourself and move through the inner discipline that is necessary for you to experience the changes that you need at this time to go through. Because as you move through these changes, as you move through this transition, you will be ready then to assist all of those others that will be beginning their own transition. You are much through your transition at this point and others have not even begun to even know that there is such a thing as a transition. So you will be there for them when the time comes. Okay?

You have questions here for one who serves?

Q & A

Q:  I’m here with my 11-year-old son Valentino and he wants to ask the question but he is a bit shy. He wants to know if he can ask a question.

OWS:  Either he can ask it or you can ask it for him. Either one.

Q:  He wants to know if his higher self is on a ship at the moment, and if possible, would you tell him his higher self’s name so he can try and telepathically communicate with his higher self. He’s struggling going within yet because he’s quite young so basically if he has a name he can then start to speak to his higher self.

OWS:  Valentino. My goodness. An 11-year-old that is coming into an understanding of such a thing here that there is even such a thing as a higher self is quite monumental here. And it is very … we admire you, the parent, here for bringing this process to this one, this young one, for there is so many times when the ones that are young see things, experience things, know things, but then when they tell their parents of this their parents say no, that is just your imagination. It is not real. But for you, you are making it real for this one. This is wonderful.

This is the, the ones that are coming now into the experience, into this illusion here. But they are the ones that are coming into now continue to break this illusion down. They are the ones that are in many respects the ones that you have all been waiting for are here. And they are going to make major shifts and changes.

But now directly to the question that is being asked about higher self, yes, you can certainly communicate with your higher self — we are speaking to Valentino here — you can communicate. He/she is there for you. We are not going to say whether it is a he or a she at this point. But that one, your higher self is there for you. And you do have a connection with being on a ship, certainly, as many of the light workers, the light warriors all have this connection at various levels. You are not all commanders but you all have some connection to many of those Galactic beings, our brothers and sisters in the skies. So if you can help him understand this, if he does not quite understand this, this would be helpful here.

As to name here, you know what we feel about names so we are not going to give any names here but certainly as this one, Valentino, you communicate with your higher self, a name will come to you. And then it is up to you to allow for this process to be. Allow for this name to come through and then believe that it is real. That is what is important for you will receive a name. Maybe several names and it is important for you to then allow for that process to happen and then believe in it as it does. Okay?

Q:  What is the process that we should go to to truly surrender to source?

OWS:  The process for you to do so has already been given in the idea of the Surrender Protocols that has been brought out by the one, the missionary here in a sense, the Charles. And this has been brought into the group here specifically and purposefully so that you can all begin to work with this process or something similar, if something works more for you, but it is a particular technique. It is one of the tools that has been brought to this group. And as you continue to work with these tools you will more and more find yourself preparing for that which is coming and that is to move, continue to move through this Ascension or rather through this transition through your Ascension process and finally, as many of you heard there at the Advance, the idea of Transfiguration which had not been spoken of before, but it was introduced purposely into this Advance as something that will be there for you. And those of you that are working through this process are the ones that are preparing to be in the first wave of Ascension and then also Transfiguration here.

Q:  In terms of the, how should I say this, the negative things that we have experienced and we are letting go of, and we know that were letting go of them and that’s very clear, and yet at times we need to put a focus on them to heal them. (Not that we want to stare but we do need to put some focus on these things so that we can get them out of our way. Can you say more about that distinction between how much we need to look to just move forward and not give our attention to them, and how much we need to put the focus on to get them out of our way?

OWS:  Yes certainly is a wonderful question and we would answer this by saying that you put all of your focus on positive things happening in your life. Do not focus on anything that is negative. They may come up but turn your focus immediately away from it. As you move into the higher vibrations and continue to find yourself in those higher vibrations therefore closer and closer into the higher dimensional frequencies, then you will not have the experience of any of these negative beings or negative entities or anything negative in nature whatsoever. This goes for all things here, even within your illusion. Those things of chemtrails, those things of interference, different kinds of radio interference, and anything that can harm the body and all of this electro … we are finding … electromagnetic rather, electromagnetic interference, and those things which can harm the body, this is nothing that you have to be concerned about as you continue to move into these higher vibrations. As you continue to find yourself in those higher frequencies then the lower frequencies cannot harm you. Okay?

Q:  I have a Christ Light center here in South Dakota. I’ve lived in Payson for about 10 years up until about 2000 we had 100 light workers that sent the great invocation all over the world. In the meantime I’ve had this 100 pound crystal that was at one time connected to the Earth Keeper Crystal in Hawaii. It’s now with me back in my hometown of Rapid City in the Black Hills. I’m feeling that the Black Hills are very important. Under the hills are all these crystal caves and I’m seeing the Christ Light Center that I have becoming more and more important and the pieces are falling together. But my question is what am I going to be doing here? If the hills are important, is there anything more you can tell me about the Black Hills here?

OWS:  That area is so very much important that you at this point do not yet realize just how much. But because of what is under there in terms of crystals and how you are all moving into more of a crystalline nature it is going to become more and more important that all of these crystals throughout the planet become enlivened once again. They bring their energy to the planet, to those here on the surface. All of this is coming. The return to the crystalline function you might say. Not only within yourselves but the Earth body herself will become much more crystalline. It is already doing so. So those areas where these crystals are located and formed and all of this is going to become more and more important as an energy portal you might say that will open up and make connections across the planet through these various centers here. And the center that you are speaking of can be one of those centers.

[Please mute your phone. We can hear background noise. Please mute your phones.]

OWS:  People do not realize when they are on their phones that you can hear everything that comes in their conversation that they are having in the room there. So that is something that you all need to become conscious of more and more here. It is happening though much more than what it was in the beginning yet. Remember we always used to say these crazy contraptions? We have not had to say that too much anymore for you are becoming more responsible about this.

Other questions here?

Q:  I was just wondering if all or most negative will disappear off of the Earth on December 21st?

OWS:  Now for those of you that have been here regular guests you might say on this program, you would know that when we would attempt to answer a question such as this we cannot. We are not allowed to answer questions about dates anymore with an exception of a hint here or there. But to say what is going to occur on a particular date as your December 21st as you are asking, we cannot give that because that is not yet written here, in terms of there is nothing written in stone. It is all based on probabilities and possibilities and that particular date is a possibility not a definite. So there is a possibility, maybe even a probability, but not a definite. But not to the extent that you are giving here as to what it means. You see?

There are many similar dates, you might say, time frames that are going to come up which are going to create possibilities more and more as you move along. But there will come a time — and we will give this more on the time of the New Year’s Eve here, as you call it — we will speak more on this as to what you can expect here in your 2018. And what kind of a year that is going to be, what it is going to bring and all of this. So it is going to be quite a show, we can say here, that is going to be had for your New Year’s Eve celebration. And yes, the one that you call the comedian one here will be with you very much so, maybe singing, we’ll definitely be celebrating with you and may even bring along another certain someone here. That is just a little hint for you. Does this answer your question at the best we can answer?

Q:  I’m trying to think ahead of what I’ll be doing and what other light workers will be doing when we are working with people to help heal them, heal the Earth, heal all of nature’s kingdom. I’m wondering at what point, because it’s my understanding that physical and mental illnesses as well as addictions will be will cease to exist and people will be freed from them, and I’m just wondering is that something like at the beginning of our journey will happen or will we still need to be looking after people in those respects for a little while?

OWS:  It will be part of the transition as you move through this Ascension process. So you will find in the beginning it will be an immediate turnaround, in many respects, once the Earth is pulsed here from the Source. And once that occurs there will be many immediate changes but it will also be a changes over a time period. So it will not be quite so drastic as what would have occurred on your December 21st, 2012, if that had continued on into completion as it was meant to at that time. But at this point it will be a little bit more gradual but there will be those intense periods that you will find where you are experiencing now a sense of bliss or a sense of wonderment or a sense of some type of change within you that is sudden. It will be sudden as well but even more pronounced at that time when this pulse of energy comes into the planet and consciousness shifts in many respects overnight. But it will also be a gradual shift over a period of time as well for many. For some it will be immediate. For some it will be a gradual shift over time. Okay?

We are going to release channel. Just continue everything that you are working on individually, going within yourself, finding that surrendering within yourself. It is very, very important at this point. And this is why it has been brought to you in various forms here. And it is important that you utilize these services as they are given to you and these techniques and tools that you are being given here.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.

Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

“Believing is seeing!”
