Coup Against Trump Fails – Ben Fulford ~ October 25, 2019

Coup Against Trump Fails. By Ben Fulford.

Coup Attempt Against Donald Trump Fails, October Revolution Continues

An attempted coup against U.S. President Donald Trump has failed and several senior U.S. politicians, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, are likely to be arrested or executed as a result, MI6 and Pentagon sources say.

That is why Pelosi, Schiff, plus Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel, Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson, and Rep. Mac Thornberry, the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, and others made a sudden trip to Jordan and then Afghanistan, the sources say.


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Coup Against Trump Fails

The politicians sought protection in Jordan because Antoinette Gardiner, the mother of the current King of Jordan, is from a satanic bloodline who “converted” to Islam and changed her name to Muna, according to Pentagon and other sources.

However, Jordan’s government was unwilling or unable to provide protection, so they flew to Afghanistan in a failed attempt to drum up U.S. military support there for their coup, the sources said.

It is worth noting that last week former Defense Secretary James Mathis and former head of U.S. Special Forces Admiral William McRaven both publicly criticized Trump and were widely quoted as doing so by the corporate propaganda media.

Mathis, after criticizing Trump, warned that “hyper-partisanship” would either lead to “anarchy” or “the rise of an ambitious leader, unfettered by conscience, or precedent or decency, who would make himself supreme.

McRaven, who led the fake raid against Bin Laden in 2011, was quoted as saying, “As I stood on the parade field at Fort Bragg, one retired four-star general grabbed my arm, shook me, and shouted, ‘I don’t like the Democrats, but Trump is destroying the Republic!’ Those words echoed with me throughout the week.

The coup attempt was prompted by “the execution of powerful anti-Trump Congressman Elijah Cummings,” who was “found guilty of enabling child sex trafficking,” Pentagon sources say.

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Pelosi was also prompted to flee the country by the death of her brother, former Baltimore Mayor Thomas D’Alesandro III, the sources say.

The trail of intrigue is now implicating Pope Francis, MI6 sources say. “The Pope’s bodyguard, Vatican Head of Police Domenico Giani, just resigned over the financial corruption scandal and associated leaks,” they say. 

“We will eventually find the financial forensics that led back to him, in connection with assassinations attempts against people involved in the creation of the new financial system,” they added.

The role of the Pope in Argentina’s “dirty war”, in which over 20,000 people were tortured and murdered, is also being investigated, they point out.

The Pope and the P2 Freemasons who brought him to power were responsible for this dirty war, as were September 11, Fukushima, and many other mass murder incidents.

They also brag that the now executed Barack Obama was their man.

Francis will visit Japan (a country where only 0.5% of the population is Catholic) from 23 to 26 November to try to support the slave regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Meanwhile, Francis will seek to continue the cover-up of the fact that his predecessor, Jesuit leader Peter-Hanz Kolvenbach, in a call recorded by the NSA, claimed that he was Satan and head of Fukushima.

Francis was warned that he would be the last pope to cover up these and other monstrous crimes against humanity committed by the Vatican.

Coup Against Trump Fails - Francis


Coup Against Trump Fails

The other thing that Francis will do is to prepare for the announcement of a false Messiah cultivated by the P2 Freemasons. This is a person with stigmata who is trained for this role, say P2 Masonic sources.

The Vatican also sends its top assassin to East Asia around this time to cover up his criminal activities in the region, the sources said.

In this context, it is interesting to note that North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un rode a white horse on the holy Mount Paektu last week.

The North Korean Central News Agency predicted: “There will be a major operation to hit the world again with a marvel and take a step forward in the Korean revolution.

A sudden move (with the approval of the US military) to unify the Korean Peninsula could be exactly what Kim is planning.

It is also noteworthy that Emperor Hirohito was always portrayed as the descendant of the Sun God when he rode a white horse during World War II, so this picture of Kim also seems to indicate that he is posing as the true emperor.

Of course, the Japanese Emperor Naruhito, who receives hundreds of international celebrities on October 22 for his accession to the throne, disagrees.

In any case, apart from the Asian intrigues, the dragnet is approaching the Satanists of the whole world as a “Navy Seals and Marines Pentagon pedo task force freed thousands of children from California underground bases to eradicate the deep state of adrenochrome,” sources in the Pentagon said.

Coup Against Trump Fails - Hiroito


Coup Against Trump Fails

Children are tortured and murdered before their blood and adrenal glands are removed to extract the stimulating adrenochrome, according to several whistleblowers.

Also last week, the US Department of Justice “arrested 337 people in 38 countries, including the UK, France, Italy, the US, Germany and Brazil after closing a dark website with 250,000 video of child porn operated with Bitcoin” the Pentagon sources said say.

Of course, it’s only a matter of time before the arrested pedophiles beat up their Satanic bosses.

After the arrest of Ranbaxy founders Malvinder and Shivinder Singh in India, who have begun to make fun of the Clinton Foundation, the network is also getting closer.

The net is also closing around the Cabal following the arrest in India of the drug maker Ranbaxy founders Malvinder and Shivinder Singh, and have started “spying on the Clinton Foundation“, the sources add.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ongoing negotiations to testify against his satanic bosses in exchange for leniency are another ongoing threat to the Cabal.

The withdrawal of the US from Syria has forced Israeli politicians like him to realize that they must make a deal because Israel no longer has the US military at their disposal.

The reality on the ground is that the messianic Israeli project is coming to an end.

A Persian (Iranian), Arab and Turkish war or intense negotiations will now determine the fate of the Middle East.

The Israelis must agree with one of these factions to ensure the survival of their country.

The most likely candidates are their Semite colleagues – the Arabs.

In fact, Egypt has now acted on behalf of the Arabs against Turkey, which means that this is Israel’s best hope.

In any case, Russian diplomacy, supported by a tacit military alliance between the US and Russia, is likely to make intensive negotiations the most likely outcome in the region.

There are also a lot of intrigues in other parts of the world.

However, as much is reported elsewhere, we will only notice that there are riots and social unrest in France, England, Spain, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Lebanon, Hong Kong etc.

The ultimate background to all these turmoil is uncertainty at the highest level; that is, at the top of the financial system.

A European royal says that this Bloomberg interview with President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, James Bullard, on a regime change at the Fed “is actually a sign that the control of interest rate decisions has shifted from a manual adjustment of rates of a ‘Committee’ reactive to the global economy to the recursive complexity theory using AI.

In other words, AI recognizes repetitive patterns to make decisions, which is essentially what modern weather forecasts do when they do things as hurricanes predict.

However, a Global Currency Reset to stabilize the entire system must wait for the old system to further destabilize, the source said. He predicted that the reset would take place in 2020.


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In the meantime, the uncertainties, measured by the frequency of keywords in the media, are higher than ever, surpassing September 11, the Lehman shock, the fall of the Soviet Union, etc.

In other words, it looks like that old system must collapse before the new one can be heralded.

However, this does not mean that all messages are bad. For example, there are now indisputable signs that the US military has begun the process of Disclosure.

They have issued patents for technologies like Free Energy that are going to revolutionize our lives.

According to a tweet from the US Air Force Academy, a demonstration of this science-fiction-like technology will take place on October 30th.

We also hear that diamond prices are falling globally because the hitherto hidden carbon technology is about to be launched.

Coup Against Trump Fails - Ben Fulford

Editor’s Note: My goodness what a positive report from Benjamin Fulford! In the brief report, Ben brings to us details of a wonderful future that is right around the corner.

While our future is undoubtedly bright (!), Ben makes no mention of exactly how or what is bringing this positive future to light. Nor does he discuss certain caveats, with political, or geo-physical, that must be finished, finalized and rolled out of the way before hue-manity can leap forward.

This article illustrates Ben’s spiritual laxity, as exemplified by his previous reports, which give him a profound sense of loss for the “reasons” of the advancements he speaks of in this report.

Wouldn’t it be nice, if Ben could/would grasp the concept of love, understand this as the basis for all good things on their way to Earth, and simply BE…



Ben Fulford

Coup Against Trump Fails

Remember, diamonds are made of carbon, one of the cheapest and richest materials available.

Carbon scientists tell us that diamond windows, crockery, etc., will soon be made public.

Even more exciting is the medical technology that makes us immortal. For example, a three-drug combination has been announced that can increase the lifespan by 50%.

While the following article says that this works on fruit flies, it affects a fundamental mechanism in our body that is identical to that in fruit flies.

Let it Slump – Free energy, space and immortality technology will be made public.

These are very real signs that a new era has begun.


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