Sophia – A “later” dimension re: The Shift ~ Feb. 15, 2016

stairway to heavenThis is another wonderful message from Sophia Love. Because she is a telepathic empath, she communicates regularly with “off-world” BEings who have displayed a wide range of information for us to consider as we make our…”shift” to another state of consciousness.

As for me, I AM feeling way positive and happy…regardless of circumstances and urge you to feel the same way inside as much as you can. Great things are in store for pretty darn soon. See all thoze chemtrails in the skies today? The Illuminati are getting ready for some kind of “big deal”, so guard your heart, stay calm and take a deep breath. Love is winning…and about to win BIGTIME. Stay tuned…

In the meantime, please read this article from Sophia Love, pay attention to a phrase used in this article, “…enjoy your current expression” and…


This is verbatim. Before conversing, the following declarations were made: “Highest and best for all concerned. No ego. Complete and absolute truth only. For assistance only. 
Just love. Pure love.” 

This conversation took place Dec. 15th, 2015
“Can I speak to the one who woke me up 2 nights ago?”
You can.

Great.  Who is this and what is the reason for waking me up?
The reason is to alert you.
Alert me to what?
Alert you to the fact of my, of our many, existence.  We want to engage with you and you are not regularly available.
It is not just myself, but a contingent.  The only “time” you are receptive to being disturbed is while you sleep.  Your awake time is filled with others and activities and there is no disruption while that is going on.
So you woke me to talk?
Yes.  We feel we are running out of opportunities to reach you and because of that, we alerted you to our presence.  We desire discussion.
What is it you want to discuss?
The coming shift in frequency and its resulting effect on life forms – of which you currently embody.
Who are you?
I specifically am one who comes now from another time/space/reality.
The realm I currently inhabit is not even imagined by those in your current realm.  Yet it is from here that many of you came.
You understand, or better said, are aware of this internally and because this is so, are receptive to the information.
What I came to remind you of is what you signed up for in the current transformation.  It has been for the rest of us a gradual frequency shift and vibratory increase.
There have been none before now, before you, before the human – who’ve stepped from complete polarity/slavery density into an ascended state of awareness.
You know that the term ascended has nothing to do with going up.  It is therefore a confusing term.  Ascended (in this context) means a moving forward, a speeding up, a letting go – of form.
This does not mean that I have no form, nor that you won’t .  Yet there is a reason your kind has come to expect formlessness.  This is due to the fact that you cannot see with your physical sight the form that I am or the place that I inhabit.
Dreaming is the time for sight.  In dreaming, and by this I refer to sleep dreaming, your physicality is not considered.  You are free.
In truth all is dreaming.  Yet for the sake of this transmission we will stick to the physical sleep dream only.
It is then that sight is enabled.

I have to go. (I was at a coffee 

shop and needed to leave for work)
Yes.  We will continue?
Yes, in a bit.
(A bit later that same day)
I am able to continue now.
Yes. We will then.
The body of the human will participate in the current and upcoming expansion.  Actually, the life forms of all kinds which surround you now will participate if they choose to do so.
Will some choose not to?
Yes, this is what we expect. The expansion and experience of each life is self-chosen.  There are more than a few on your place of resonance whom are there to observe, not participate.  Although they will be affected, they will not be “going” anywhere.  This may not be the majority, and again, everything is undetermined until the now moment of the shift, yet it appears to be a significant number.
For those who participate, this change will distribute its effect down to every particle of their being.  It is a monumental alteration of the operating physical.  Nothing will be the same.
You all wonder about current maladies and diseases and their condition after the shift.  Let us tell it this way – all of you exists in each vibratory expression – yet, and this is an important point – the current “you” expresses health and disease according to and in concert with current expectations for a life form of this density.
Once you change, all bets are off and this new form that is still you will not express exactly the same.
We would suggest you enjoy your current expression to whatever extreme you are capable of believing.  Do not hold back.
All the while, imagine health and vitality.  For this imagination, THAT IS SO MUCH A VITAL PART OF WHAT YOU ARE NOW, IS THE ONLY THING WE ARE SURE WILL ACCOMPANY YOU.
We are finished.  That is all for now.
Thank you.
The conversation ended.

These questions were answered on February 9, 2016.
“I am back with questions.  They are for several different beings.  I will read them and then wait for an answer.  Will this suffice?”
We are willing, yes.
Okay.  Question #1: One whistleblower, who reports he was an early Secret Space Program ‘naut in the early ’60s, states that the Dracos and Reptoids are not the root of Earth surface conflict.  It all starts with the three-gender saucer beings (one ant-like, one snake-like, and a third). There were only 30 saucers and 90 total of the beings, but they made us fight and die for their amusement, for thousands of years.
What about this? Is this accurate and exactly which star system are they from?

The answer comes to you in more than one form.  First – look to the insider and whatever bias he or she discovers within will color the report as it is made.  No doubt information was dispensed to this ‘naut and what is stated in the question is an interpretation of it.
This conduit knows (nor has been given) nothing regarding these thousand years of wars and has no bias.  There are factions within factions – some of them reptoid, some insect-like, certainly DRACO are there as well.  The specifics are not pertinent to your current evolution.  Yet the question is now raised.
I will say this.  The “prison planet” is aptly named.  Violence was a pre-disposition amongst all of Earth’s inhabitants and was and is used as a form of entertainment, slavery and punishment.
Which beings orchestrated it are more what you would call bug like than human like in appearance. The separation of beings by appearance is favored on earth yet it is not truth – in other words, you cannot label a species by its appearance.  What humanity doesn’t know is the vast number of slightly different types of insect-like, reptoid-like and mantid-like beings and that’s just a start.  This polarity thinking will undoubtedly enter into the interpretation of events by this ‘naut mentioned.
Certainly humanity has been manipulated and criminally so.  To focus on the past is not supportive of the declared intent of this one doing the transcribing and so we refrain from it here.
Question #2: In a series of discussions with “Hidden Hand”, a couple of years ago, it was described that polar negativity on Earth was to create opposites that would speed up spiritual growth.  Was this actual disclosure or fanciful storytelling?  Was the “metasoul” represented by HH from Venus?
The Experiment on Earth was to see how far humans would go to reach for the light – how much would they put up with – would they give up?
It was indeed for spiritual evolution.  All participating parties understand/comprehend that at a core level.
This second question means nothing to Sophia and cannot be answered. The notion of naming – whether beings or parts of the whole that is one – is specifically human and always suspect.
Question #3: (For Inner Earth Being)
Is the Earth hollow or is the crust more like a swiss cheese?

Hello.  I see the image of lightly colored “cheese” with openings. It is not lightly colored.  It is lit by a technology.  It appears to be lit.  There are holes yes, tunnels and caverns far beneath the layer of Earth on which mankind rests.  I assume this answers your question.
Thank you.
Question #4: (For the Sirians, or any other)
Regarding water and air pollution and landfill accumulation, any new ideas?
It is a Sirian.  Hello.
These questions demonstrate man’s criminal controllers.  The tech for all of these course corrections exists now and is held, if not by Earth beings in the Secret Space Programs then by others in an Alliance.  The reports and videos showing a craft “sucking up” chem-trails are only one demonstration of this – there are others.  There are ways to initiate activity with no fingerprint on the land, water or air.
A society that devotes so little of its time to restoration as compared to propulsion, pollution and control is indeed misinformed.  This cannot sustain itself.  Because of the questioner, it is seen that this is already known.
An insistence on funds directed towards clean-up is a start.   At this point, individual efforts to use less products are nice, yet barely effective.
What is needed is a massive shift in production methods, energy usage and priorities.  This  is seen as being accomplished with disclosure and support for alternative free energy.
It is in the sustenance of the oil based economy that pollution regenerates.  Pull out support for that economy and a new form of manufacture and locomotion will emerge.  All this exists, just not for the humans on the surface of this planet.
That will help.  Awareness will create demand and expectation and thus – creation.  Start where you can with awareness.
This is seen as growing all the time.  It needs to be a focus.
Is that it then?
That is all.
Thank you.

That’s all the questions for this month!
It is through mutual support that we’ll grow a sustain-ably conscious world.  
No one can do this but us.
We are the gods we’ve been waiting for.
With absolute love,
  Sophia Love