“New Moon in Virgo, August 30th, 2019 ~ Auspicious New Opportunities” ~ August 26, 2019

On August 30th, 2019, we have the Auspicious New Moon in Virgo, 6 Degrees, at 7:37am ADT. New Beginning ~ new powerful PASSIONATE manifesting New Moon.

As Mars joins Virgo, this increases passion, reenergizing anything that you focus on. Work, relationships ~ new or reenergized.

Every New Moon always represent the beginning of a new 28 day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon, invigorates all new beginnings and YOU. This is the most auspicious frequency to start something new, OR reenergize what you have already begun. Like magic, like new, it goes into a brand new phase and frequency.

With The Sun trine Uranus we have exciting, sudden changes and opportunities for newness. With Mars trine Uranus we have increased sudden initiative, opportunities, with increased vitality, sexuality, affection, drive and endurance.

With the New Moon conjunct Mars we have hot fiery energy and passion. When directed and focused may awaken and lead to everything being transformed, into greater passion, love, with the ability physically for great courage, endurance. Personal relationships, work, finances, love, may be impacted.

This impact, opportunity, EXPANSION will be felt till the September 28th, 2019 New Moon.

With The New Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars all trine Uranus, this is a stepping out with COURAGE and manifesting all that is available for you. This includes greater awareness, love, finances, miracles and enlightenment, including SHIFTING timelines, entering a huge new phase of YOUR life PLAN.

As planned before you arrived and incarnated here.

Auspicious, going beyond limitations of the mental body, emotional body and physical body.

Entering THE NEW, that which is your next level of Ascension.

The next new YOU.

Taking on, that which you hesitated out of fear to now BE. Fully all the way.

Opening through your HEART in the present is KEY to this unfolding.

We Hold you in the transformative OPENING of your Higher Heart to ALL that there IS ~ AS YOU ~ for YOU.

All now, In love in the miraculous LIGHT with The Divine Council of Overseers and with all of the miraculous ascended ILLUMINATED Beings, throughout ALL Universes ~ Now.


In love,

L’Aura Pleiadian

Magnetic Poles Reaching Transition Point ~ November 26, 2018

By L’Aura Pleiadian

The next level adjustments to the Earths energy field with the magnetic poles transition point, are well under way.

Your energy bodies are undergoing continued adjustments ~ aligning with these changes.

Nothing may make sense to you. As the concepts you once had, leave your memory and energetic filed of awareness completely.

Your sense of identity is changing completely. What you once held on to, with all of your life, thoughts and emotions, leaves your awareness completely. This makes way, for the new way of being.

You are a new you and you are now in a constant state of death and rebirth. Your sense of identity, goes through a continual state of crisis.

Your sense of identity, wasn’t you.

It was only what you held on to tightly as a way of coping in a world, that wasn’t yet ready, for the Advanced Human Being and its Presence, to become the way.

With nothing to hold on to, you get through, by just being in the state of your Presence. This is the only way through.

The Presence that gets you through ~ becomes your new way of being. With all the old ways, no longer existing.

Your Presence will be a comfort to your mind, that will attempt to seek out those old anchor points of consciousness that will no longer exist.

All the old ways and ideas of why you are here, what you are, what are you to do, vanish through this transformation portal, your Presence, pure state of Being, gets you through.

Although appearing as an inner crisis of identity, this is your death, and the coming fruition, of the birthed, Evolved True ~ YOU. That lives as the one ~ that all experiences flows and passes through.

We are with you always and present through this calibration and transition point, and rebirth.

We Highlight, the consciousness of the transition points as the  momentous shifts in awareness and frequencies, which are your evolution.

This is the return to your true nature, to the YOU as Light, the pure you, that becomes the way.

The Elohim, Blue Avians and we The Divine Council of Overseers, are too, the consciousness that flows through us.

We come to you, in the twilight of this dawning process, as the intensified flow, transition and death and rebirth that makes your Presence known to you ~ As the only way of being you are.

In love and glory, always, as the heralding of the Divine Presence ~ becomes the way



Trying to Adjust With 3D Limitations ~ September 4, 2018

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman 

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel your creative well is dry.

Of course, such is not true for a variety of reasons, most important of which is your need to create anew.

You are not you of yesteryear or even yesterday. So it is you are evolving so rapidly you cannot decide what you need, much less want. Forcing you to ask, “Does it matter what I create because I’ll change my mind tomorrow?” A thought containing more truth than you realize.

Even though some of you have created a sense of stability, that creation is merely your starting point. Perhaps you created a new home or job – the results of which will be far different from what you now realize.

Such a creation might be a step toward the presidency of that company. A new home might be the beginning of your perfect home and community.

You are just beginning your 5D creation activities. So for most, the first step is to create a semblance of 3D comfort and ease.

We informed you a few days ago that you would create a comfort zone – not because you have to, but because such allows you to reduce fears about your future.  For you are starting your new creation life at the same time you are internalizing the energies that have pushed your personal boundaries for some weeks now.

For some, those energy results are exhaustion or irritability because you do not yet understand when or how those internal changes will end. So it is you have a bit of an edge worrying about your future at the same time you lovingly accept that future.

You do not need to be concerned about your future. But because eons of fear and pain were stuffed deep within you, your go-to mode for any change including one of this size and gravity is fear and angst.

Such is why you created your comfort piece that is the beginning of your creations instead of your end goal as would have been true in 3D.

In 3D, you proclaimed your inventiveness with one or maybe two large creations assuming that you had been amply rewarded and that was all there was. That you could not wish for a great deal more and if such happened it was because you were lucky.

What is happening now is that your initial comfort creation is merely an ability test run. It is not an ending nor something you need to marvel at. But instead, a knowing that your creative skills are alive and well and that this is the beginning of something greater than you can now imagine.

For even though your recent or soon-to-be creations are perhaps wondrous, they are merely the first building blocks of your heaven on earth.

In 3D, you accepted what was allowed within your self-made parameters of fitting in and being a good citizen. Those boundaries no longer exist.

Many wonder how valid your creations are given that you are not certain your creations are something you want today for they were yesterday’s wants or needs.

Yesterday’s creation was merely to test your creation powers in a new world with new segments. This or these creations that will not be your end result, but instead a comfort creation with memories of 3D wishes.

Many of you pined for a certain lifestyle while of 3D earth that was never completely formulated for you were more concerned with what fears would likely overtake you than you were with the creation. In truth, at least two-thirds of your creation powers were devoted to maintaining a distance between you and potential fearful outcomes.

Now that you are of 5D, those fears are no longer part of your repertoire even though memories of those fears encouraged you to create your most recent comfort zone.

So it is your creation thoughts are something like, “If this new me is my reality, I would like a new home, but even if it isn’t, I would like a new home that is more comfortable than what I have now.” You could replace the word home with financial freedom, work, children, relationships and thousands of other wants that would make you more comfortable whether you were of 3D or 5D.

You did so because, as is true of the first explorers, you do yet not fully believe you will find new lands (creations) or be able to return to your home (your 3D comfort zone) until you completed that task.

Many of the explorers – as will be true for you – decided they preferred their new discoveries to their past earth lives, but until the new land was discovered all they could envision was their original life.

You are discovering new lands and deciding whether you wish to return home or continue with your discoveries.

But then, your 3D home is no longer a soft or available landing. In truth, you are more like humans who cannot return home because their home has been destroyed by fire, bombing, or some other means.

Your choice is whether you will accept your new world with open arms or continue to miss an old life that no longer exists. That inner discussion, that angst is what you are processing as you create the piece perfect for 3D you but not YET quite right for 5D you.

So it is you will create more and more of your 5D joy needs within the framework of this initial comfort zone once you realize that new you is your new reality and you are not limited to one or two creations.

You have no limits other than those you impose upon yourself. Which you are likely doing now as you adjust to new you without the fears and limitations of 3D. A new you in a new world indeed. So be it. Amen.

LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

As These Energies Come Forth, More Truths About Yourself is to Revealed ~ August 27, 2018

By Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

As the energies you are now absorbing become stronger, more truths about yourself and others will be unveiled. For you are exploring 3D earth truths with 5D senses.

It is a bit like a child playing peek-a-boo. Very young children believe you have left when they cannot see your face. An older child knows you have merely placed an object over your face.

So it is you are sensing and discovering that what was once your reality is no more. Something you might find uncomfortable because, in a sense, you hid the truth from yourself.

Do not to berate yourself for until now you were not ready to discover those truths. And as you are ever evolving the truths you uncover will continue your evolution just as was true as you aged from a 3D infant to an adult.

Because you are evolving more rapidly than you imagine, allow yourself to have different needs and feelings tomorrow than was true yesterday or today.

Many of you want an ending to this evolution, to know that you have arrived.

Such was never true in your 3D life, you just have not acknowledged that such was so. In 3D, there is a great deal of difference between a thirty-year-old adult and someone who is seventy years of age. So it is now. The difference is that in 3D others of different ages informed you or displayed what was likely to happen.

Such is no longer true. Not even we of the ethers have a manual informing us how you are evolving and why. You, the explorers and creators of the Universes, are mavericks of the new.

So it is you will evolve as you need, just more rapidly than was true in 3D.

That last thought frightens some for you fear you will evolve from infant to senior more quickly than you would like – ending your current life rapidly.

Instead, we are referring to a new you that combines past, current, and future segments of your totality allowing you to be more knowledgeable of yourself and your surroundings. In the past, you accepted the thoughts of others that someone or something was good or bad. Much as an infant must accept whatever physical care is offered believing that such is all there is.

Even though you have been an infant of the Universes for eons, you are rapidly evolving far past your Universal infancy. Yet your decisions to pause, stop, or to race ahead are entirely up to you.

So it is some of you are racing to new thoughts, beliefs, and actions. While others are savoring certain parts of their new being. Which is little different from deciding what to do as a young adult. Find a job? More schooling? Get married? Have children? Leave or stay in your home of origin? All choices that seem logical because so many have selected each of those choices throughout eons of earth lives.

You are the new kid on the new block with different thoughts, choices, and beliefs.

Just as you are questioning your direction so is everyone. There is no manual of rightness. There are no shoulds. There are no have tos. Life without those parameters is both frightening and exhilarating.

Who are you now that you have declared yourself free of 3D? This phase is a bit like the first time your parents allowed you to walk through your community without supervision. What do you want to do? A frightening thought for the first few moments of freedom UNTIL you realize you can create your idea of fun without an adult directing you.

Freedom is often frightening until you realize who you are and how you wish to use it.  The difference now is there are no right or wrong answers. So 5D and beyond freedom might seem a bit frightening until you realize there are no wrong answers.

Your feelings of wrongness were most often the dictates of society. Even though you are no longer bound by social dictates, you do not have a manual for moving forward.

You are so free it is a bit frightening. Because of that, many of you will initially place parameters on your actions to feel some sense of comfort. Parameters that will not last long for the call of freedom is much stronger than the past societal calls of rightness.

You are free. And part of that freedom is learning new actions and beliefs in a new world. No one knows or even wants to know you better than you.

It is likely you might take a few missteps in terms of testing yourself, “Do I like this or that?” Which is little different from determining which school subjects are your favorites.

Your decisions are easily shifted. No longer are you held to a standard that has little to do with you.

So it is you are discovering yourself with more freedom than you had while of the 3D earth – and with few consequences other than discovering who new you truly is.

You will not be punished for your decisions. You are creator beings so as you test one path that is not quite right, you will create more appropriate paths until you discover your true comfort zone.

You are exploring you in all your 5D and beyond glory. You will not make mistakes. And you cannot be wrong for you are creator beings supreme. So be it. Amen.

LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.


The Golden Rule Revisited ~ Jan. 2, 2017


Dear Ones,

This is a new year in 3D reckoning and a new birth in 5D knowingness. For indeed, you have accepted new energies, new segments and are now ready to move beyond anything you knew in 3D.

Such does not mean you will zoom between frequencies or dimensions – or it might. It does not matter what the specifics are, for each of you is an individual. You rapidly shifted your being the past few months so you would be ready for your new you life.

Before your shifts, the last few months of what most of you label as 2016, you were clearing 3D pieces no longer appropriate for new you. Then, you added pieces necessary to complete new you.

Not that you have stopped growing in 5D, but that you shifted from 3D clearing to accepting and declaring new you.

Some of you have noted a more strident approach to life within your being. Others difficulties remembering daily activities, and still others dramatic physical symptoms or nothing at all. Again, it does not matter for once you crossed the line from clearing your 3D being to building new you, you created paths that were and are unique to you.

You are now deeply enmeshed in your new you being – processing, adapting and creating that which is most comfortable for new you. Your 3D being is long gone.

The clearing you completed early in 2016 or before, is just beginning for many of earth. Such is the chaos you sometimes fearfully note now. Do not fret or fear for you are on a completely different path and have been since you initiated your new you being months ago.

Perhaps it will help you understand if you think of a horrendous car accident delaying traffic for miles on a road you are NOT on. Even though you can commiserate with those involved, especially those injured, that accident is not part of your life or being.

So it is that road accidents, as it were, are occurring throughout the globe as millions decide without knowing why that they must clear their 3D fears. And so they are in ways you cannot understand for you are far beyond that point.

Perhaps you remember helping your children with their reading skills. You knew they would eventually learn to read by trial and error, even though your children were fearful they would not learn an ability so important in their 3D world.

So it is now for those just beginning their life as new beings. They are fearful that they will never eradicate fears that have been part of their being for eons. Yet, you, the knowing ones in this particular situation, know without a doubt that they will successfully move through all they wish to move through just as was true for you – months or years ago.

That is why you continue to receive so many messages to hold your light high. For you are the messengers and waypoint for all who wish to follow.

Some of you remain frightened that love and compassion will never dominate in this seemingly chaotic world. That you will stand alone in love with little to show for your efforts including personal rewards.

Because you are a unique individual, your personal rewards are unique. Some of you will wish to be in the trenches teaching new beings how to acclimate to the new world, and others will wish to have financial or other rewards to show you that your courage was worth the effort.

You might find the rewards of others inappropriate – either too docile, too showy or too something or other. Individual rewards have nothing to do with you and everything to do with the person selecting the reward.

The rewards each of you selects is the reward required for you to continue your path. Which is little different from a young child preferring a pickle to an ice cream cone. Even though a pickle seems unusual, the parents of that child do not deny that reward, but instead, help their child find that pickle.

You have moved beyond group actions. You are on your unique path. As is everyone now of 5D – and just as those now awakening will soon be. It is not your place to condemn or chide someone who pines for a reward you cannot understand. You are a unique individual, as are they.

And so it is you have returned full force for the first time in eons to what you label the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Even though that loving rule, if you will, was discussed and mentioned thousands of times in each of your lifetimes, your 3D reality was nothing close to it.

In 3D, that rule meant do unto others as is best for society and you. It is time to revive that rule with the new thoughts, concepts, and sensations that are instrumental parts of your new being. Allow yourself to be – and the same for all others. So be it. Amen.

http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel:  Brenda Hoffman & source website link:   http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com