Energy Update: Mother Wound ~ September 30, 2020

Hi, StarseedsAs we go deeper into our Ascension journey we are realizing that this journey is packed with life-altering weaving at every corner and it takes immense strength to not want to give in and give up, but there’s no turning back is there? I wanted to touch on some of the new energies I’ve been witnessing these last few months that I never could put into words until now.

Some major themes that I’ve been seeing popping up are the Mother Wound/Womb, The metamorphosis of the Throat Chakra and the Ultrasonic frequencies have begun. A few months ago there was one person speaking on Ultrasonic Frequencies and that was Judy Satori and at the time I felt into her words and knew that although I was not experiencing this as of yet that it was coming. These last few months completely up-levelled the energies streaming in with these very SHARP frequencies that completely alters the chemistry of our body.

When I was tapping into these very new, sharp and INTENSE Ultrasonic frequencies in my body the first word that came to me was “rigor mortis”. Rigor Mortis happens when we physically die, it’s one of the last stages of “death” when the body starts to stiffen up because the necessary chemicals that the body needs start to change. Stay with me for a sec, If you’ve been going through the Ascension journey for a minute you know it is a form of death to the old way of how our body and mind function in a limited (3D) capacity. What is happening is the chemicals, (a stream of consciousnesses) are changing within our bodies and as the chemicals change within our blood but more so with our CELLS and DNA, we are going to feel for the next couple of months like death. I can’t express how HUGE this is.As I went deeper with this new knowledge with my team I realized that I was looking for a “logical” way to explain this but logical left the building the moment we started ascending! To exist in LIGHT and on many different timelines where you are merging and using energy very differently, your body HAS to change but it has to change metaphysically within our major operating systems such as the Nervous System, Adrenals, Immune systems etc. For the past few years, our bodies have been preparing us for this shift/next level we are about to enter. I’ve always said that this recalibration HAS to happen in stages or it would overwhelm our mainframe (Nervous System) and we would get very sick or even die. As this Ultrasonic starts to really hit Earth, I am guided to write; PLEASE DO NOT FEAR.

Some new symptoms:– Stiffness of the joints, “stroke-like symptoms”. I cannot stress this enough if you are unsure or worried please get checked out by a Doctor or Medical Team. This is will feel scary as there will be times where you can’t move your body, limbs, muscles; but you have to trust the process Dear Ones. All energies we are stepping into right now and for the next few years are AMPLIFIED. We have never felt symptoms THIS intense. I will go into the importance of BREATHING from your CELLS in the October Forecast–

Eyes: Your eyes with Ultrasonic frequencies will start to see many realities. For example, there’s been a few times where I swear my dog is beside me, I saw him, was talking to him and he ends up being in a completely different room sleeping. I would see something on my dresser like a perfume bottle and say to myself “Omg when did I get that perfume?”, next day it’s no longer there. This is seeing through the veils and in simultaneous timelines at once. I live amongst a lot of trees and I know the history of where I live. I was walking one day and this little indigenous girl started waving at me through the forest opening; I am watching her on the land with her grandmother who is one of my Ancestral guides and I knew in that instant that I was walking side by side with that timeline of me as that little girl, it was amazing to witness! While walking side by side with this little girl/me she is telling me tips, herbal medicines and things to start to do with the land. I am consciously communicating with her and SEEING it with my physical eyes.

– The power of mind/body communication has shifted. We know that we live in a holographic Universe but this goes a bit deeper. You will find that your body has now become your compass and will communicate with you better than the mind. This is why sensitivity to food, places and things has been heightened. The Chakras are merging and all becoming one. I’ve been seeing with clients and its breathtaking to see the actual metamorphosis taking place that I was told years ago would start to happen. With this comes instant healing capabilities, shapeshifting with ease, and much more that I will get into over the next few months.

We are experiencing rapid and INTENSE shifts and this year truly just started the sequence of what is to come. The energies sweeping Mama Tara are going to take us into the next level of our becoming; the past 2 years really took us into our relationships, our core wounds, and collapsing programmings no longer needed in our realities. In the October Vibrations Forecast, I will be going deeper with the body, the Mother Wound and how it is connected to the Throat Chakra. The Breath of transmutation, Timeline splits and the New Ultrasonic Frequencies coming in. Please check out Judy Satori as she has started to do light language with these new frequencies and they are powerful!

So much Love Divine Starseeds *******

December Vibrations Forecast ~ December 13, 2019

Editor’s Note: Yes…it’s definitely been a year of “tough love” for humanity searching to know itself and waking to the realization of “WHO YOU ARE”. If you have discovered this…great, smoother sailing ahead. If you have not discovered this internal knowledge, life may continue to be a little bumpy!

Please read this forecast below, determine exactly where your heart emotions about yourself truly lie, know WHO YOU ARE, and BE…



By Natoya Hall 

I had to write this final Forecast on this auspicious day! Blessed 12.12. and last Full Moon of the Decade! 

Whether you believe that it ends in 2019 or 2021 it’s all semantics at this point. Fact is, we are at an energetic tipping point and everyone on this planet is feeling it in some way shape or form whether they know it or not. The number sequence of 12 opens up a very important portal that motions you towards Higher Consciousness; 1 being new beginnings and 2 is adaptability and duality. This is a powerful omen to leave the past in the past because you’ve worked so hard to be exactly right where you are. To add gas to the fire it’s on a Full Moon in Gemini; the push to rewire our thoughts and usher in new ways of thinking and moving in this New World/Reality is strong. There’s no going back with this energy.

When I connected to Spirit to write this forecast I received the message of “YOU DID IT”!

2019 was the year of tough love so you could see who you truly were and what you were capable of dreaming into your new realities. Who you wanted to be here on Mama Earth and why you were here in this lifetime was a HUGE theme; the blinders came off. It was about doing the groundwork so you could BUILD in new and profound ways. 2019 came in to rewire your MIND. Activating parts of your brain and emotional body that has been lying dormant until now; you were made aware of how multidimensional you truly were. We collapsed countless timelines this year, hence why at times one month felt like one year! It was fast, rough, and honest. We lost soldiers that were once friends, lovers even family but everyone is playing a pivotal role in the movie of your becoming. Without them leaving you would have been too comfortable to make the necessary changes, to think different and to finally end cycles of oppressed beliefs, trauma, fear and worth issues. If you don’t see your power there will be lower vibrational streams of energies that see your lack of self-awareness and use your fears against you; 2019 was HUGE for this. 

November came and took the blinders off; literally. What you didn’t want to see or couldn’t see was shown to you and you HAD to change what was no longer working. After the collapse of individual and collective timelines, so many Lightworkers had the FLU (Frequency Light Upgrades). The clearing of old cellular consciousness in November was MASSIVE. Our minds and bodies got switched on in such profound ways. Mama Earth has jumped in her consciousness and it is profoundly different the frequencies running through the planet right now. The mind has been switched on to function in higher dimensional frequencies and so too has the body; to live in higher frequencies the body has to drop its density; this is density in thoughts, in behaviours and the clearing of old dense programming. We are no longer “operating” from a 3D system we are “operating” from our Soul’s true essence now. The importance of what we are taking into our vessels is of utmost importance because you cannot put cheap oil in an expensive car; it won’t run properly and in time it will damage the engine (Nervous System). This year prepared us for what is to come and showed us glimpses of how we will be living moving forward.

 We were overcome with emotional and physical burnout last month. We were tired and on energetic overdrive. We have been working our asses off to Ascend and do the work necessary for our metamorphosis  and there was an energetic breaking point last month that took a lot of lightworkers “out” and in need of self-care. We are doing a lot and it’s so important to have clear and strong boundaries with what you are willing to do and not do for your sanity and well being. 

2020 is a year for the “Jumpers”. We are already feeling it, in a day we are jumping timelines MULTIPLE times. If we find ourselves in a reality we do not like or is dense we can change it immediately through aligning our emotional body with the FEELING of what we DO want to achieve. With this upgraded and sensitive emotional body comes the sensitivity to energies like never before. We are sensing energies in MANY different dimensions which is why at times we feel like we are being attacked or bombarded because imagine having access to hundreds and eventually thousands of different frequencies running throughout our central system? We are High functioning Light bodies, Light can morph and take on a myriad of different streams at ANY given time; you’re a high functioning computer system POWERED by Creator. With this ability comes massive responsibilities of governing and being PRESENT in your everyday lives so you can attune your energies in ways that work for you and not against you. You can now sense what energies are around you and work with being deliberate creators of that energy so you can “JUMP” at any given time. This takes practice and in time we will learn to master this new “function”. 

We have jumped paradigms and if you are a way-shower your reality is no longer one of the past; it is almost impossible to live in that old paradigm. Everything has changed and nothing is the same. This can be scary, like moving to a new country where you think you are completely alone until you find community that resonate with who you are. We are witnessing the new wave of those awakening and people will and ARE losing their shit as we once did when we began this journey; have compassion but take no shit. They have to find their steps, we can’t walk for them. We gave birth to the opening of these higher dimensional frequencies now it’s time for them to anchor in the next wave coming at the end of 2020 while we, the wayshowers master jumping and living inter-dimensionally and multidimensionally. We are ALL apart of the one collective grid and we are ALL playing vital roles. I have compassion and empathy because I know how it feels to have your whole reality collapse before your eyes. 

Everything is happening to the HUman body as we jump into realigning with our Cosmic Bodies. Our organs, blood and DNA are all functioning differently and on high resonance. High-frequency music, food, thinking and a PEACEFUL state will assist our bodies with its changeover. I’m seeing people tapping into their powers in remarkable ways! People are tapping into their Ancient Healing powers, telekinesis, morphing and shapeshifting their bodies at will, breathing differently, seeing through space and time, vibrating, all the senses have changed; you name it we are morphing. There will be people infiltrating groups, your personal lives to try to deem you crazy; use discernment with this and know that there are those in position to make sure that the Matrix does not collapse; it’s too late. Nothing is the same and this decade will be one for the history books! 

Stay steadfast as our Planet changes and morphs into her original form; TARA! I salute you for all the hard work you have put into this year and changing who you once were to become who  you have always been in Higher Dimensions of Light. I AM so proud of our commitment to this mission. Yes, we are tired and sometimes barely hanging on but we have done it and will continue to do what is necessary for our Ascension! 

We’ve made it home! 


Energy Update: Intensity is Through the Roof ~ October 10, 2019

By Natoya Hall 

It’s getting deeper and deeper and the intensity is through the ROOF!! October came in strong and deliberate. I go deep within my forecast about the current planetary placements and how they are assisting us to elevate our consciousness; even more.

October, November and December are going to bring in some of the most INTENSE energies we have felt to date.

You may be going through a theme or a thread that has followed you your whole life that stems from your past lives; this is being dismantled to propel you into this next phase of your awakening. We are coming upon the next level of our Ascension and this requires the next level of our power and magic. If feels like we are coming undone in certain areas of our lives because we are. We are currently in a deep acceleration phase and our bodies are coming online like never before, we are walking, living and transcending a myriad of different realities and dimensions based on our given frequencies at any given time. In every moment we are touching and interacting with so many new energies and we’re learning to decipher what is what; these energies are no joke.

Because we are interacting with different timelines our bodies are feeling this shift tremendously. Body pain, organ pain, headaches, dizziness, feeling out of it, feeling like you are living in between worlds, recurring themes and experiences. Diseases and sicknesses that have run especially in the feminine side of your lineage for many lifetimes are coming up to be healed. Remember you are dismantling grids that have run through your Ancestral Lineages for thousands of years and you came to set fire to these grids so the generation after you don’t have to; you are doing work for MANY. You are STRONG. You are ABLE and you were chosen because your mastery and power could do it.

We have moments of feeling great and moments of feeling like we are falling apart. The Earth’s Morphogenetic field has changed and how we see Earth is going to look very different. The colours of our sky have changed, the charge of the Sun is changing, high vibrational colours are coming in, how we eat, process, move, act, use our multidimensional abilities are ALL changing and being activated in profound ways. Be compassionate and gentle with yourselves, this is nothing like we have witnessed and felt in this reality. You are becoming Light that can move through any dimension of time and space. You are able to change our body, your life, your themes at will now by HOLDING the frequency of what you which to have. You may be feeling like your body is charged with energy and it’s because it is; you are holding energies in your body due to the shift in Earth’s Magnetic field; we are not separate. Everything that is coming down/through and shifting Earth is going on within your body and consciousness as well.

“…I always see what is going on within the Collective Consciousness before I know what is going on with the planets. Because there is always a “theme”. Energy is blunt. Just look at yourself and how you react and behave at peak energy spikes. I’ve been noticing over these past few months that authenticity is a theme. We are being called to step into our Authentic Selves and have the courage and faith to be who we came down here to be. Saturn has been assisting us by working with our shadow selves, but not just our shadows in this life, our shadows from our past lives that have followed us into this incarnation, into this dimension of space and time. We play out our deepest psychological patterns, programmings, fears, worries, themes in every life until we have mastered them. We are also dismantling our Ancestral Lineages and the themes that run within our innate Timelines; so you see, you’re not just doing work for yourself, you’re doing work for the dismantling of imprints from your Spiritual Team. Your Mother and Father in YOUR movie are your actors that you have hired to play certain roles so you excelled in your mastery when the time was right. Your lovers are your teachers and their sole job is to make sure you love you more than you love them and to remember your worth is what sets you free. Your children are pieces to a puzzle that propel your courage and faith because you want to be your best for them; stepping up and being brave enough to walk authentically sets EVERYONE in your life FREE. THIS is the lifetimes where those themes are looked at and dismantled; THIS. IS. HUGE…” October Vibrations Forecast

I’m guided to take some time to go inwards and dismantle my own themes as well so I will be on here a bit less. We are ALL being reprogrammed, morphed and made anew for this AMAZING time in Universal herstory. Don’t give up, it’s hard, it’s intense but remember you were CHOSEN because you are the best of the best to do it.

SO much Love and Respect Starseeds


October Vibrations Forecast ~ New Earth Has Arrived ~ October 3, 2019

By: Natoya Hall


As I sit and prepare to write this Forecast I can feel the expansiveness of the dimension I’m currently occupying and it feels like bliss, ease and an all-knowing that at this moment ALL moments exist and I am well. I am attuned. No matter how hard-hitting, deep and brutally honest these energies get and HAVE been; I’ve got it and all is truly well. this is the theme for October. 

We are merging with our Higher Selves and Higher Dimensions every day, every hour; every minute. Dipping our toes in and out of the dimensions that resonate with our frequencies and learning in our own way how to embody our mastery on this planet called Tara. October, November and December go deep within our Quantum Jumping/being and align us with our innate alchemy. Who we have ALWAYS been finally shows up to the party.  

We are in the middle of the unravelling that is expediting our shift in consciousness and October brings in what we have been working our butts off to clear, heal and transmute. Makes sense, since Saturn and Pluto have assisted us with our deep shadow work for the better part of the year. What we could no longer tolerate, ignore and the persistent blocks that showed up in certain parts of our lives got some higher perspective and wisdom. Let’s first go a bit deeper with the planets, our Universe and why Astrology is playing an important and vital role in our awakening. I want to tell you a story about who you are: 

When we decided to descend upon Earth about One Hundred thousand “years” ago we came down with a 3rd-dimensional template because at that time in our evolution Earth could not handle our Higher Frequencies because Earth herself resonated at a 3rd-dimensional resonance.This was “Project Shift Earth into a 5th and Higher Dimension”. We would have to go through cycles of karma, learning, healing and remembering our higher aspects while under an amnesia state or the veil of illusion. As Earth shifted and Ascended within these cycles, so did we; each incarnation played a vital role in the awakening of our Higher Selves. 

Now, before we descended we were created as the “New Humans” which means we would have all our Starseed qualities, gifts, abilities, power and mastery within us. It was agreed upon that these traits would lay dormant this was done due to the high chance of our bodies not handling the shift in energies, Earth was at that time the densest planet and with our magnitude we had to be sure we could handle it. Within each and every Lightworker lays DORMANT cells and when the right cycle approached these cells would be awakened to sustain a higher vibrational resonance. We know this resonance; this higher vibration is not new or foreign to us, we ARE higher frequencies and we come from higher frequency Planets and Star Systems. Let’s just say that we’ve had to play dumb to catch wise through cycles of incarnations. These old cycles are ending and have ended and the call to awaken fully dormant cells and memories have been activated within each of us Lightworker’s; we are now awakening! The sleeping giants (US) have been awakened. 

The Planets, Cosmos are all aligning in a particular way to ACTIVATE our dormant cells, organs, brain, and DNA because NOW Earth and US have evolved past these cycles and upgrades and we can finally be who we have always been; Warriors of Light.

So, I say all that to inflict a remembering within you that Astrology is not new; we CREATED astrology or the planetary systems that will SPECIFICALLY aid us in remembering, rerouting, healing and awakening us when the time was right. The time is right NOW. You can give it names like Saturn is Satan and all that nonsense that takes us away from what we are truly here to do; don’t get caught up in the bullshit. Remember that Mother/Father God is in charge here and we are the breathing cells and embodiment of God and God didn’t create no fools; while some are looking at “out there” for the answers they do not realize that WE have EVERYTHING within us. We ARE the cosmos. We ARE the trees, air, water, wind, the particles that created this Multiverse. Why do you think they have tried to brainwash us to think we have no power? As we are coming out of our amnesia we can finally see past the illusions that they have created while we were “asleep”. The power and magic we have within us can shatter any and all illusions; we ARE the force. 

I always see what is going on within the Collective Consciousness before I know what is going on with the planets. Because there is always a “theme”. Energy is blunt. Just look at yourself and how you react and behave at peak energy spikes. I’ve been noticing over these past few months that authenticity is a theme. We are being called to step into our Authentic Selves and have the courage and faith to be who we came down here to be.  Saturn has been assisting us by working with our shadow selves, but not just our shadows in this life, our shadows from our past lives that have followed us into this incarnation, into this dimension of space and time. We play out our deepest psychological patterns, programmings, fears, worries, themes in every life until we have mastered them. We are also dismantling our Ancestral Lineages and the themes that run within our innate Timelines; so you see, you’re not just doing work for yourself, you’re doing work for the dismantling of imprints from your Spiritual Team. Your Mother and Father in YOUR movie are your actors that you have hired to play certain roles so you excelled in your mastery when the time was right. Your lovers are your teachers and their sole job is to make sure you love you more than you love them and to remember your worth is what sets you free. Your children are pieces to a puzzle that propel your courage and faith because you want to be your best for them; stepping up and being brave enough to walk authentically sets EVERYONE in your life FREE. THIS is the lifetimes where those themes are looked at and dismantled; THIS. IS. HUGE. 

October goes deep with our Higher Dimensional personality selves. Pluto goes direct and is the planet that governs Scorpio. Scorpio is going to put a mirror up to your deepest fears, your deepest secrets, your deepest shadows and say “HERE’S JOHNNY!”. (If you know the movie, you get it lol)! Then On October 13th, Mercury the planet of Communication goes into Scorpio, the sign of death and rebirth. Speak your truth but don’t get caught up in your illusions/paranoia. Speak from that authentic place and not from your trauma, worries or fears. See what you can no longer pretend or show up half-ass with anymore. Either you realize you’ve been your worst enemy or you get rid of what’s been holding you back; pointing fingers is a thing of the past because now you have to take back the power that YOU have given away. 

The rest of the year is INTENSE as we are on the precipice of a new time in Earth’s Evolution. 2020 brings us a new paradigm. If it seems like it is moving fast it’s because it is! We are getting prepared and morphed into beings of light that can transcend realities and dimensions. What we are re-learning is how to USE these energies to ground our wanted realities.

Our Ascension symptoms are on overdrive and everything is happening to the body. Massive pain and discomfort as Father Sun (Solar Flares) awaken our dormant cells/potential. Our Organs have new functions and are being morphed to handle high-intensity Light. One minute you may look completely different and the next like a completely different person. We have begun to age backwards as we collapse time and awaken the cells of youth and health. Our Brain functions have changed and are changing as now we are awakening to new multidimensional information and frequencies. Where we hold pain and fear within the body also stems from lifetimes of you “perfecting” a theme; so your stomach issues show where and how you’ve been giving your power away and not standing in your truth. Your knees, feet, legs and Root shows you your Ancestral Lineage and what has to now be healed; giving you permission to walk the myriad of realities available to you now. You are not your grandmother’s/grandfather’s illness or disease or their pain and trauma and once you realize this and move accordingly with a new mindset you dismantle that timeline and create a new higher one for the generation to come after you. THIS is how we are all working together as ONE. 

October shows you the intensity but also shows you how you can handle it. Returning back to Nature as Mama Gaia guides you to be ROOTED and in a meditative state to sense with your body and higher brain/heart. One last note before I end this Forecast is that we are now open and sensing many, many different energies. As we get stronger and come online more and more there will be tactics to draw us down whether it be the 5G networks, chemtrails, infiltrating our foods/water; you name it. I’m guided to remind you that YOU can transcend this by speaking to your body and transmuting these toxic energies. The power of this Universe is within you and there is NOTHING they can do that you cannot do 10 times better; you ARE that powerful. We were not sent here to fail. You see, we’ve already won! It’s time we see ourselves for who we truly are and THAT is our greatest weapon. 

We’ve Jumped. We are in the eye of the Storm. New Earth has arrived.


Energy Update ~ Transitioning into The Higher Vibrational Frequencies ~ September 11, 2019

Editor’s Note: This is an awesome article telling it like it IS, and WHY it is. All is in current chaos as spiritual changes occur in our lives. My best advice? Don’t fight to keep things “they way they were”.

Instead, let it GO, find serenity and stillness (the “zero-point”), and BE…



By: Natoya Hall


As we move out of the energies of August we stand at the frontier of new High Vibrational Frequencies that are going to propel us DEEPER. I know, how deep can we possibly go, right? We are touching upon a time like no other and the “deepness” of where this shift takes us is only just beginning.

August brought in the “no bullshit”, tell it like it is energies. It was about brutal honesty with EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in our lives that kept us stuck in a perpetual loop of sameness to appease their comfort in a 3D world. Us, Lightworkers cannot work in that reality anymore; if you’re not with me, we need to figure out how our opposing energies are going to work together or separate until we align again. Keep in your heart that if something or someone very close to you has left your life that your Higher Selves put that in play to heal something deep within your subconsciousness that has followed you for lifetimes. EVERYBODY is playing a part in dismantling our “Inner Systems” or programmings; don’t take anything personally. If it’s not aligning, it is being dismantled. This is the way you think, do and act.

We are living completely new realities and existing in many dimensions. This will do many things; we are now aligning with our higher brain, the heart of Mother/Father God, the ALL-knowing consciousness. When we are connected to this ALL-NESS we start to remember who the fuck we are and start ACTING accordingly. You may be remembering your lifetimes as healers, shamans, warriors, working with your totem pets such as the dragons, the Eagle, Lions that assist you in and out of dimensions easily. You are going to see all the myriads of races, cultures, beings who’ve ever been because THOSE aspects are going to start to CLICK back into WHO you are coming online as NOW. You have MANY talents, magic and POWER that you have brought down here but because you couldn’t access those higher ways of being before (It just wasn’t the time or place); you thought you were mere humans. You are kings, Queens, Elementals, Healers, Shapeshifters, Grid Keepers; you name it if you are here on the battlefield of Light Consciousness YOU are the best of the BEST from your Star Race. THAT channel of consciousness is now being RE-OPENED within you. Those dormant codes that our Galactic family have instilled within our DNA for this moment in Earth’s Evolution are now coming online within your body.

The brain is starting to morph. The Andromeda’s are assisting with this while the Acturians are assisting us with our new emotional bodies. Our hearts and brains are accessing higher knowledge and wisdom from our Akashic Records and Earth’s Akashic Records. Don’t despair about the Amazon, our ancient family, the trees aren’t oblivious to what is happening, YOU are the ones that hold the Akashic Record of Mother Tara and she would not just burn our ancients without flaring that wisdom open within you and urging you to heal the trauma and grief that our Incarnations and karmic life have done to us. NOTHING is at is seems. We are currently living in beautiful chaos.

Our 3D body is morphing into light and this will continue intensely for the next few months. Wherever you hold the most pain, trauma, fear, worry from your past and current life is the part of the body that you are healing intensely right now. If you are a Divine Male in this life that could mean you are re-arranging the power dynamics and that deals with the stomach, the organs, adrenals etc. For the Divine Females the Womb, Heart, Brain etc. For those of you that are Gender non-conforming you may bring in the new paradigm of Love, Oneness and Compassion; the Nervous System, Immune System and Heart etc. This is not exclusive to one or the other; we are ALL doing the work.

The body is going through a major purging phase these next few months so assist the body in all ways. If you are a woman you may be peeing a lot, UTI”s, discharge, cycle changes, as you are clearing deep templates and structures within yourself and the Collective. Your role may be changing in your life and you are getting pushed to start that business or that lifestyle to share your mastery with the World. For the males, major ego clearings as you align with the Divine heart, how you act, show up in the world is changing as these old programmings leave your cellular consciousness. (When I speak of Divine Female/Males please know that we ALL embody these aspects within us). Headaches, Immune system may be a bit low as we are purging, Heart Chakra is clearing and the lungs are clearing old grief. The knees and the Root are clearing our Ancestral lineages of pain, sickness, fear, belief systems, The Root Chakra is also aligning with the myriad of realities you are currently walking in. The Sacral is activating Higher Consciousness by working with your past lives and unaware you to those lifetimes. The stomach is connecting to your Higher aspects and clearing old programmings, the Heart is connecting back to Mama Gaia and our Akashic Records. The Throat, Third Eye and Crown are merging with higher wisdom and consciousness and the “God Heart/Consciousness”. We are going through a lot. They are no words in the English language to accurately describe what we are doing right now; EVERYTHING as changed and NOTHING is the same.

Let’s get it done Starseeds!

So much Love and Respect
